Geologic Map of the Mount Hood Wilderness, Clackamas and Hood River Counties, Oregon
MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MAP MF-1379-A UNITED STATES GEOLOOICAL SURVEY / '-• ' ,,_ '\ ! - --';--, 11);- I ·' -t· ,,' ' ' 'y'·- ,~- ' :}_\ y' '' ''· ';- ---------4- ''=-, lee-- ' ." --'1:_,1:~.: ', ''.' "'·' ." : _/ ' ' ' ./ I 45° 22'30" / ' '~ ,, cf , '-": f • T 1()-~S:A -- \_ /c,, /' 1' - --- ' / ', \ ,. - \' ' \ .,. ' ' - _,, ,1 :~ \- " ' \ ,·,, - _1...: ~-- ';~"",-_{;,,. '. "-c-" ~ ' ':,\'\.'..' ' \ ) ---- '1 '\ ·\\ :-:c:~_,..:_:::_;,~--:-:J.'.~-:;:+-a::_:;'_"__'_2__.:':_::___':+'z.::_~2-_c';'-2!._:__ _ _.:.,.::;~c;;_2:..'.._.;_._:.__:_.::£'.'....,:;,-..:__:/'..__:'.; __:;;:'.C.~-;;---'----.,...j.'.-,---- -":::-:-::--'---'--__::_:_-':_''_-_'__ _ ~'-.------,,::_.L.:--'-'"-~~~w:---c-""--','---'4-4c--\--------""~---~-~~,-,---~-----c ,; 45" 15' 45° 15' L---~'"'-~~.:_,.,__ _:_~:.c..~ - c__---"'-"''-'--"---__;__,--~-""¥, f' -· , 121" 37'30" ' 1212 t O JO' 122"00' 121°12'30" 121°45 Geo l ogy mapped bJ W.S . Wise, 1%8, 1969: Base from U.S . Geological Survey 1 :24,000 ) '-- ---~-, T.E.C. Kei t h', M.H Beeson, K. E. Bargor, Badger Lake, !lull Run Lake, Cathedral Ridge, SCA LE J 62 500 , • I 1979 , 1930; H.J. Meye r , J. Hook, M.W. Dog River, Government Cam p, Hickman Butte, Ganrl€t, 1980 Mount Hood Sou th, Rhododendron, 1962 2 5 M ILE$ ' ' ) OREGON \ e=occi'c"a~,,BUO~===='======~'====='c====~''====='5 Kl _u I' El E~s \.~---~ CONfOUR INTERVAL 40 FE ET AREA OF MAP NATIONAL GEODE r1c VERTICAL DATUM OF 1Y29 APPROX IMATE MEAN DECLINATION, 1982 CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS SEDIMENT ARY DEPOSITS VOLCANIC ROCKS Holocene 121" 45' 121°30' a, ,wrlh. The lower andesite flows southeast and east of Mount llood Studic!s Related to Wilderness 122° 15 122" 00' QUATERNARY --1•-------~- -----~--~ are chemicall y different from those on the 1<eat side and hal'e a The Wilforness Act (Public Law 88-577, September 3, 1964) and related Pleislocene a~c I Oap I Oba~ I a, vent area just southeast o f the map area at Gunsight Butte (Wlste, acts r equtre the L s.
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