0 Community After the floods: FORUM sports digest Watch for mold Readers discuss floods .............Page 6 ..............Page 3 ............................Page 4 58551 69301 7 INSIDE Mendocino County’s local newspaper World briefly The Ukiah ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Early showers then sun 7 58551 69301 0 TUESDAY Jan. 3, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 14 pages, Volume 147 Number 269 email:
[email protected] THE AFTERMATH OF THE FLOODS A huge mess at Hopland School Students will have to attend Ukiah schools for now By BEN BROWN waters that reached depths of The Daily Journal three feet in places. As the floodwaters reced- “We have no fifth grade ed, cleanup operations began books left, we have no sixth at Hopland Elementary grade books left,” said Jeanne School Monday. School main- Yttreness, Hopland tenance crews worked with Elementary Principal. shovels, hoses and a tractor to Yttreness said the books clean up mud left by the represent thousands and thou- receding flood waters. sands of dollars lost. “It’s amazing how much “You couldn’t have a worse progress they’ve made in just thing than a flood in a four hours,” said Ray school,” said Naomi Chadwick, Ukiah Unified Engstrom, school board mem- School District superintendent ber. as he toured the site. Teachers had already been In classrooms, books and called in to the school to look papers were strewn across the over their classrooms, take floor and covered in mud. In inventory, assess damages, the book room, textbooks on and catalog and dispose of the low shelves were soaked through, ruined by the flood- See SCHOOL, Page 14 Amy Wellnitz/The Daily Journal Monday morning, Hopland School Principal Jeanne Yttreness uses a red wagon to collect library books destroyed by the flood.