Flutist and Composer
College Music Symposium Vol. 30, No. 2 (Fall, 1990), pp. 117-125 People, Music, and Performance History Frederick the Great: Flutist and Composer Andrea Kapell Loewy II, KNOWN AS FREDERICK THE GREAT, WAS THE ELDEST SURVIVING son of Frederick William I and Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, sister of George II of England. Born in Berlin in 1712, Frederick demonstrated an early interest and talent in music and French literature that created strife with his stern father. The "barracks King" did not appreciate the artistic leanings of his son. His instructions to Frederick's tutors were that the Crown Prince should be trained for a hard life with its requisite distaste for laziness, "one of the greatest of all vices."1 In addition, the Crown Prince must deny himself "operas, comedies, and other follies of the laity."2 Therefore Frederick's musical pur- suits were accomplished with the aid of his mother and against the wishes of his father, who disapprovingly called his son "a flutist and a poet."3 Throughout the period before his accession, Frederick developed his mu- sical abilities. In 1728 he began studying flute with Johann Joachim Quantz and thus started a musical association that was to continue until Quantz 's death in 1773. At his residences in Ruppin and Rheinsberg he employed a group of musicians that was to form the nucleus of his musical establishment when he ascended the throne. When Frederick became King in 1740, he expanded the group of musi- cians to fifty. They included C. P. E. Bach as first cembalist, Karl Heinrich Graun as Kapellmeister, Johann Fredrich Agricola as court composer, Franz and Joseph Benda as violinists, Johann Gottlieb Graun as concertmaster, and Johann Joachim Quantz as chamber musician and flutist.
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