The K -TownKid The Coromandel feature artist A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists’ House Whenuakite The Seagull January 2021 - number 6 - Out the first Monday of every month editorial appy New Year and thank goodness the debacle design and advertising Hthat was 2020 is over! The Seagull magazine apreciates the support of all Well, maybe not for our frontline health professionals and it’sadvertisers. border staff, not to mention the epidemiologists and the If you would like to advertise with us please have your like who are working to keep us safe. artwork or ad through to us by the A huge thank you to everyone on the Coromandel who has a played a part in the Covid response, including all our 10th of the month. 2021: The Future email
[email protected] doctors, nurses, supermarket staff, pharmacists and rubbish We are simply privileged to have not faced that collectors and the like, who have had to keep going as We made it to the New Year! particular problem in our life. It does not mean you are essential services. If you need an advertising designed for you 2021 baby! The future! “problem free” or your life is “easy”. Whether it’s able, We can’t drop our guard but here’s hoping there are some please call 027 506 3110 Electric bikes are everywhere, spatulas still work very straight, white, cis, male, wealth, education, or passing good news stories coming our way really soon. or well, and hash browns never tasted so good! There privilege, 2021 is time to learn a bit more about it.