
Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1) 2018, 87–96 ISSN 1644-0692 DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

ORIGINAL PAPER Accepted: 1.10.2017


Katarzyna Sułkowska-Ziaja , Bożena Muszyńska, Alicja Gawalska, Kinga Sałaciak

Chair of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland

ABSTRACT The higher fungi are a rich source of chemical compounds with multi-directional therapeutic and pro-health effects. This review summarizes the results of the most important chemical and biological studies of the fruiting bodies and the mycelial cultures of sulphureus . Numerous studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial, anticancer, cytotoxic, hypoglycemic anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of the ex- tracts. Currently, only a few -decay fungi have practical use in medicine. Therefore it seems important to continue research on the effectiveness and safety of extracts and compounds of natural origin, including fungi, whose potential is not still used.

Key words : Laetiporus sulphureus , medicinal mushrooms, biological activity


Laetiporus name is a combination of two words of severe poisoning with fruiting bodies in a 6-year “laeti ” (Lat.) and “ por ” (Lat.) − and refers to a hyme- old girl, which resulted in symptoms of ataxia and nial layer and the size of the specifically shaped fruit- hallucinations, was described in 1988 [Appleton et al. ing bodies [Plezia 2007]. The adjective “ sulphureus ” 1988]. The English names “chicken mushroom”, (Lat.) originates from the characteristic color of fruit- “chicken of the ” or “chicken ” suggest ing bodies. L. sulphureus is a cosmopolitan , it that properly prepared fruiting bodies may resemble is present on all continents, except Antarctica. It is the taste of chicken meat. widely distributed in Europe and North America. This paper presents mycochemical and biological It attacks and colonizes both living tree trunks and characteristics of the individual, isolated compounds, dead wood of deciduous species, such as Aesculus and extracts from fruiting bodies and mycelial cul- sp., sp., Quercus sp., sp., and more tures of L. sulphureus. rarely coniferous species, for example, Larix sp., Taxus sp. Fruiting bodies consist of fleshy, semi- CHEMICAL COMPOSITION circular hats with a characteristic sulfuric-yellow color, intensively grow in May, but may be produced Due to the fact that the young fruiting bodies of until the autumn. L. sulphureus belongs to condition- L. sulphureus are edible, they were examined in ally edible mushrooms because only young fruiting terms of basic nutrients content. Total carbohydrates bodies may be eaten while raw fruiting bodies may content was − 64.90; fats − 5.85, and proteins − − be toxic [Gumi ńska and Wojewoda 1985]. The case 11.90 g 100 g 1 DM (dry mass) of the fruiting body.

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Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

In addition, the content of organic acids such as malic sequent studies proved that lectin molecule has two − − (3.68 g kg 1 DM), citric (3.13 g kg 1 DM) and ascor- modules i.e. N-terminal module, responsible for he- − bic acid (0.06 g kg 1 DM) was analyzed. The energy magglutination induction, and C-terminal module, content of 100 g of fresh fruiting bodies determined structurally similar to blowing bacterial toxins exhib- according to Ayaz [2011] is 360 kcal. iting hemolytic activity [Tateno and Goldstein 2003]. One of the best-recognized group of metabo- A number of volatile compounds such as (Z)-3-me- lites in fruiting bodies are polysaccharides. The fol- thylcinnamic aldehyde (27.5%) and 2-phenylethanol lowing exopolysaccharides as linear water-insoluble (6.4%) were identified in the fruiting bodies, and they β-1,3-glucan − laminaran, and fuco-galactomannan, are responsible i.a. for characteristic odor. Also, heteropolysaccharide consisting of the main chain methyl orselinate, the compound which was de- and α-D-galactopyranosyl residues attached to it with scribed so far only in lichens and mosses, was identi- 1→6 bonds, were identified in the fruiting bodies fied. The studies on volatile fraction confirmed that of that species. These residues are substituted with its composition varies depending on the age of the 3-O-D-L-mannopyranosyl-L-fucopyranosyl, α-D-man- fruiting body, tree species colonized by the fungus, nopyranosyl and α-L-fucopyranosyl moieties at posi- and the place of collection. The young fruiting bodies tions 2 and 3 [Alquini et al. 2004]. contained oct-1-en-3-one, oct-1-en-3-ol, methylbu- Water-soluble endopolysaccharides were isolated tanoic acid, phenylethanol and phenylacetic acid. in subsequent studies. They constituted 3.67% of the In turn, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 3-me- fruiting body, a dominant structure was laetiporan – thylbutanoic acid and phenylacetic acid were pre- β-1,3-glucan, with a mass of 56 kDa, where sugar dominant in older specimens [Rapior et al. 2000, molecule (mannose, galactose, fucose, xylose or Wu et al. 2005]. rhamnose) can be attached at position C6 [Olennikov L. sulphureus contains mainly long chain fatty ac- et al. 2009a]. Another fraction isolated from fruiting ids (C16-C20), and ethyl esters of fatty acids with 16 bodies were polysaccharides soluble in the alkaline to 24 carbons, as well as 28-, 29-, 30-carbon sterols. solution. The main component of this fraction was Fatty acids and their esters isolated from fruiting latiglucan I, a linear β-1,3-glucan with a mass of bodies, except margaric acid and arachidonic acid, 180 kDa, moreover, the structure latiglucan II and are characteristic of Fungi kingdom . Also sterols, latiglucan III were determined [Olennikov et al. derivatives of ergostane (ergosta-7,22-dien-3β-ol, 2009b]. Linear polysaccharides with the structure ergosterol, ergosta-7-en-3β-ol and 24 ethylcholestan- similar to latiglucan I are not typical for Basidiomy- -3β-ol), are commonly found in fungi. In turn, sterols cota , but they are more common in bacteria and al- being the derivatives of lanostane, 24- and 25-me- gae. According to Olennikov, latiglucan I is a valu- thylene-lanostane, are characteristic for the fungi of able source of substrates for potential anticancer family [Ericsson and Ivonne 2009]. agents production [Olennikov et al. 2009b]. Analysis of lipid fraction allowed to define the The fraction of polysaccharides insoluble in water structure of cyclodepsypeptide referred to as beau- and soluble in an alkaline environment was also ex- vericin − mycotoxin produced by certain species of amined at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Ascomycota division (fig. 1). Acidic hydrolysis of Lublin and the result of this study was the isolation of that compound allowed obtaining N-methyl-phenyla- α-(1 →3)-D-glucans from that fraction [Wiater et lanine and α-hydroxyisovaleric acid [Deol et al. 1978]. al. 2011]. The structure of masutakeside I (fig. 2) and masu- The study carried out in the 90s of the twentieth takic acid (fig. 3) were isolated and determined in the century allowed to obtain Laetiporus sulphureus fruiting bodies of L. sulphureus var. miniatus . Already Lectin (LSL-) specific to N-acetyllactosamine from known compounds: egonol (fig. 4), demethoxyegonol, the fruiting bodies. LSL is a heterotetrameric protein egonol glucoside and egonol gentiobioside as well as with a mass of 190 kDa, composed of subunits with 2-(3,4-dihy-droxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-7-hydroxy-3- masses of 36 and 60 kDa [Ko ńska et al. 1994]. Sub- -hydroxymethyl-5-benzofuranpropanol were concur-

88 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

rently observed in the same experiment [Yoshikawa (fig. 10), a polyene compound built from non- et al. 2001]. isoprenoid structures. This dye appeared to be very The compound named (±)-laetirobin of the durable and can be used as a natural food dye [Davoli chemical formula C 44 H32 O12 (fig. 5) was obtained et al. 2005]. This is a new structure, not described yet from the fruiting bodies parasitic on Robinia pseu- in fungi. Moreover, several other dyes were detected doacacia species. Its structure differs from the previ- in the extract of L. sulphureus fruiting bodies, includ- ously known benzofuran derivatives present in ing 2-dehydro-3-deoxylaetiporic acid [Weber et al. L. sulphureus , and also in other species of fungi or 2004]. Two other polyene dyes, laetiporic acid B and plants [Lear et al. 2009]. laetiporic acid C, were also identified in mycelial Triterpene compounds present in fruiting bodies cultures [Davoli et al. 2005]. of L. sulphureus are lanostane derivatives: 3-oxo- The dyes present in the fruiting bodies include sulfurenic acid (fig. 6) and eburicoic acid (fig. 7), as also melanins, high molecular heterogeneous com- well as 15 α-hydroxy-trametenolic acid (fig. 8) and plexes, dihydronaphthalene derivatives, which were sulfurenic acid (fig. 9) were determined among the isolated with a performance of 2.5% DM of the fruit- triterpene acids [Léon et al. 2004]. Another triterpene ing body. Elemental analysis demonstrated that they derivative noted in fruiting bodies was dehydrotram- contain 49.0% of carbon, 6.3% of hydrogen, 2.3% of etenolic acid, commonly found in the wood-decay nitrogen and 42.4% of oxygen [Olennikov et al. fungi, including Fomitopsis officinalis . 2011b]. Phenolic compounds which total content The content of macro- and microelements was ex- amounted to about 7.25 and 0.33 mg × g − 1 DM, amined in the fruiting bodies of L. sulphureus col- respectively, were determined in methanolic and lected in Turkey. The estimated macroelements in- − chloromethane extracts. Gallic acid in an amount of cluded potassium (18 500 mg kg 1 DM), calcium − − − 2.06 mg g 1 and protocatechuic acid in an amount of (4 200 mg kg 1 DM), magnesium (2 100 mg kg 1 DM) − − 1.21 mg g 1 were quantitatively dominant among the and sodium (285.0 mg kg 1 DM) [Ayaz et al. 2011]. determined phenolic acids [Karaman et al. 2010]. In turn, the contents of microelements were as fol- − The total content of flavonoids and phenolic com- lows: chromium (58.3 mg kg 1 DM), manganese − − − pounds, which amounted to 14.20 ±0.12 µg mg 1 (as (30.7 mg kg 1 DM), lead (24.5 mg kg 1 DM), copper − − − quercetin concentration), and 63.80 ±0.25 µg mg 1 (22.7 mg kg 1 DM), nickel (22.7 mg kg 1 DM), cad- − − (as pyrocatechol concentration), respectively, was mium (0.68 mg kg 1 DM) and silver (0.26 mg kg 1 determined in the fruiting bodies in a further experi- DM) [Do ğan et al. 2006]. Other studies confirmed the − ment with ethanol extract [Turkoglu et al. 2006]. Quan- presence of aluminum (53.9 mg kg 1 DM), boron − − titative content of phenolic compounds: quercetin (16.4 mg kg 1 DM), cobalt (1.2 mg kg 1 DM) and tin − − − 11.37 mg g 1, kaempferol 5.01 mg g 1, (+)-catechin (4.5 mg kg 1 DM) [Durkan et al. 2011]. − − 14.04 mg g 1, gallic acid 28.57 mg g 1, chlorogenic It was proved already in the 60s of the last century − − acid 22.61 mg g 1, caffeic acid 20.07 mg g 1, and that submerged and superficial cultures of L. sul- − p-coumaric 18.84 mg g 1, was determined in the phureus constitute a valuable source of compounds extract obtained using ethyl acetate [Olennikov et al. with therapeutic properties. Special attention should 2011a]. Analysis of selected wood-decaying fungi be paid to the presence of compounds of triterpene from Poland confirmed the presence of protocate- structure, which content reaches up to 30% of the dry chuic acid in the fruiting bodies [Sułkowska-Ziaja et biomass, including up to 75% of eburic acid. In 2015, al. 2012]. He et al. isolated seven new sesquiterpenoids of dri- Analysis of sulfuric-yellow dye structure of the mane type, called sulphureuines B-H, from mycelial fruiting bodies showed that this is laetiporic acid A cultures. 89 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

Fig.1. Beauvericin Fig. 2. Masutakeside I

Fig. 3. Masutakic acid Fig. 4. Egonol

Fig. 5. (±)-Laetirobin Fig. 6. 3-oxosulphurenic acid

90 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

Fig. 7. Eburicoic acid Fig. 8. 15 α-hydroxytrametenolic acid

Fig. 9. Sulphurenic acid (15 α-hydroxyeburicoic acid) Fig. 10. Laetiporic acid A

PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES cillus subtilis , Micrococcus luteus , Micrococcus fla- vus [Turkoglu et al. 2006], Enterococcus faecium , L. sulphureus has been used for centuries in tradi- Proteus vulgaris [Demir et al. 2008]. tional medicine in many European countries, where it Ethanol extracts from fruiting bodies, as a few of was valued for its antipyretic, antitussive and antir- fungi species already examined in this direction, heumatic activity. exhibit strong antifungal activity against Candida Extensive examinations of both extracts and indi- albicans [Turkoglu et al. 2006]. vidual compounds confirm the known, traditional In turn, water-ethanol extract showed an antifun- uses, and also demonstrate the new profiles of bio- gal activity against the following strains: Aspergil- logical activity. lus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tulipae , Penicillium gladioli and Sclerotinia Antimicrobial activity sclerotiorum. The minimum concentration inhibit- Cultured strains of L. sulphureus exhibit antim- ing the growth of these microorganisms was compa- icrobial activity against gram-negative and gram- rable to that of the known antifungal fluconazole positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant [Pârvu et al. 2010]. S. aureus strains, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides It was proved that the extracts from mycelium of strains resistant to glycopeptides [Ershova et al. 2003]. L. sulphureus affect an inhibition of the growth of Fruiting bodies extracts demonstrated an action strains pathogenic to humans and animals as Alter- against the following strains: Bacillus cereus , En- naria alternata , Aspergillus wentii , Fusarium tricinc- terobacter cloacae , Escherichia coli , Listeria mono- tum , Penicillium griseofulvum and Microsporum cytogenes , Micrococcus flavus , Pseudomonas gypseum [Sakeyan 2006] . aeruginosa , Salmonella typhimurium , Staphylococcus Mlinari ć et al. [2005] also investigated an antivi- aureus [Šiljegovi ć et al. 2011], Bacillus cereus , Ba- ral activity of 63 species of fungi from Basidiomy- 91 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

cota division. The strongest inhibiting activity of the Hypoglycemic effect reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 virus (90.1%), was EPS also demonstrated the hypoglycemic effect in demonstrated for methanol-water extracts of L. sul- vivo . Administered orally to rats 48 h after strepto- phureus . The presence of acidic compounds with zotocin injection, it decreased mean plasma glucose amino groups was noted in the most active fraction. concentration to 43.5% compared to the control group, decreased cholesterol and triglyceride levels to Antioxidant activity near normal. EPS caused an increased proliferation Ethanolic extracts of fruiting bodies demonstrate and regeneration of pancreatic islet β cells and also antioxidant activity confirmed by several studies, increased an activity of antioxidant enzymes, such as including DPPH radical scavenging assay, linolenic superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione per- acid emulsion stability test, and also based on the oxidase [Hwang et al. 2008]. measurement of the total content of flavonoids and Dehydrotrametenolic acid isolated from fruiting phenolic compounds. 320 µg of the fungus fruiting bodies exhibits potential anti-diabetic properties. This bodies ethanol extract showed an antioxidant effect in triterpene compound demonstrates biological activity DPPH test corresponding to 40 µg of α-tocopherol. similar to the effects induced by PPAR-γ receptor Antioxidant activity is proportional to the applied agonists – thiazolidinediones. It induces the differen- concentration of the extract and phenolic compounds tiation of adipocytes in vitro, and reduces hypergly- content. cemia in mice with induced non-insulin-dependent Laetiporan A, isolated from fruiting bodies dem- diabetes mellitus. Dehydrotrametenolic acid is there- onstrated strong antioxidant activity in vitro , prevent- fore, the compound of potential hypoglycemic prop- ing an occurrence of hepatitis in test animals treated erties, which mechanism involves tissues sensitizing with carbon tetrachloride [Olennikov et al. 2011a]. to insulin [Sato et al. 2002]. This high antioxidant potential of extracts from fruit- ing bodies of L. sulphureus is probably caused by Cytotoxic activity oxalic acid. Among 7 species of polyporoid fungi, Triterpenes, derivatives of lanostan isolated from L. sulphureus showed the highest ability to scavenge the fruiting bodies, as well as their semi-synthetic hydroxyl radicals, while only G. lucidum demon- derivatives, demonstrate cytotoxic activity. The strated stronger antioxidant potential in the DPPH strongest activity was noted for acetyl derivative of test. Methanol extracts of L. sulphureus demonstrated the eburic acid, which has apoptosis inducing proper- about 40% inhibition of lipid peroxidation process in ties by an activation of caspase-3 and degradation of vitro [Karaman et al. 2010]. poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), one of the enzymes repairing DNA damages. Acetyl-eburic acid Anti-inflammatory activity is a valuable source of structures that may lead to the Exopolysaccharide (EPS) isolated from this spe- discovery of new anticancer drugs [Léon et al. 2004]. cies demonstrated an anti-inflammatory activity. In Furthermore, egonol, demethoxyegonol and BV2 microglial cells, it significantly inhibited the egonol glucoside isolated from L. sulphureus var. production of inflammatory mediators induced by miniatur showed cytotoxic activity in vitro against LPS, such as NO, prostaglandin E2 and TNF-α, human gastric cancer cell line KATO III [Yoshikawa without significant cytotoxicity. This is a very impor- et al. 2001]. tant discovery, since uncontrolled or abnormal activa- Also cytotoxic activity of (±)-laetirobin was re- tion of microglial cells in the brain can cause serious vealed, which mechanism of action differs from the damage to neurons, and may consequently lead to previously known mechanism of anti-mitotic drugs. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, septic shock, In in vitro tests, it quickly penetrated to cancer cells, atherosclerosis or multiple sclerosis [Jayasooriya et inhibited their proliferation in late mitosis and in- al. 2011]. duced apoptosis [Lear et al. 2009]. Likewise, poly-

92 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

saccharides of L. sulphureus have potential antican- Other pharmacological effects cer activity. Carboxymethyl derivatives of α-(13)- Water extracts of fruiting bodies display lipid- -D-glucans isolated from fruiting bodies of L. sul- lowering effect, which was confirmed in animal stud- phureus have a significant activity to inhibit tumor ies and in clinical trials. The hypolipemic effect in cell lines metabolism, and they do not inhibit signifi- rats after 4 weeks of treatment with L. sulphureus cantly normal cells metabolism [Wiater et al. 2011]. extract was similar to the effect induced by lovastatin administration at a dose of 1.8 mg. and showed no Anticancer diagnostics toxic effects. A statistically significant decrease in Laetiporus sulphureus Lectin (LSL) can be used cholesterol level was observed in clinical studies. The to detect cancer antigens belonging to TACA group, mechanism of L. sulphureus extracts activity is asso- which includes, i.a. free N-acetyllactosamine chains ciated with an inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, (antigen Ii (Gal β 1-4 GlcNAc)n) specific to thyroid, antilipemic activity of the extract is probably caused lung and breast cancer cells. L. sulphureus lectins by lovastatin − a compound lowering lipids concen- may also be used for therapeutic purposes because tration, and demonstrating pleiotropic effect on car- they exhibit hemolytic and hemagglutination fea- diovascular system affecting endothelial function, tures, and an activity close to the toxic lectins belong- stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques, inhibition of ing to the group of RIP proteins, i.e. ricin, abrin, coagulation system, stimulation of fibrinolytic sys- modeccin, having enzymatic properties (RNA- tem, inhibition of inflammatory and immunomodula- -glycosidase) and causing an inhibition of protein tory effect. The study conducted by [Aryantha et al. synthesis by ribosomes inactivation [Ko ńska et al. 2010] points to the possibility of water extracts appli- 2008a, 2008b]. cation as the hypolipidemic agent.

Table 1. Biological activity of selected compounds isolated from Laetiporus sulphureus

Biological activity Active compounds References

Anticoagulant Extracts from fruiting bodies Okamura et al. 2000 Dehydrotrametenolic acid Sato et al. 2002 Hypoglycemic EPS – exopolysaccharides Hwang et al. 2008 Hipolipemic Water extracts from fruiting bodies Aryantha et al. 2010 Ko ńska et al. 2008a Anticancer diagnosis Lectins Ko ńska et al. 2008b (±)-Laetirobin Lear et al. 2009 CM-α-(1 3)-D-glucans Wiater et al. 2010 Egonol Yoshikawa et al. 2001 Cytotoxic Demethoxyegonol and egonol glycoside Lanostane triterpenoids derivatives Léon et al. 2004 Sesquiterpene drimane type He et. al. 2015 Anti-inflammatory EPS–egzopolysaccharides Jayasooriya et al. 2011 Acetylcholinesterase inhibiting Ethanol extract Orhan et al. 2011 Laetiporan A Olennikov et al. 2009a Antioxidants Phenolic compounds Turkoglu et al. 2007 Oxalic acid Karaman et al. 2010

Reverse transcriptase Methanol-water extracts from fruiting bodies Mlinaric et al. 2005 of HIV-virus inhibitors Antifungal Candida albicans Ethanol extract Turkoglu et al. 2007 Aspergillus, Penicilium, Fusarium Water extract Parvu et al. 2010 93 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

It was demonstrated that the extracts of L. sul- conditions. The fruiting bodies obtained in these phureus fruiting bodies acted in vitro as a potent ways in most cases did not reach the appropriate size, inhibitor of pancreatic lipase, a key enzyme involved satisfying for the industry. The manner of breeding in consumed fat metabolism. Dichloromethane ex- fruiting bodies according to this invention was char- tract inhibited the enzyme at a level of 83%, while acterized by the fact that the substrate is placed in methanol one at 41% [Slanc et al. 2004]. a special, hermetically sealed container. Such culti- Extracts from the fruiting bodies exhibit antico- vated fruiting bodies gaining weight from 250 to agulant activity, which was determined based on an 300 g within 6–12 days, which is an excellent mass to extension of some parameters connected with pa- obtain a lot of valuable metabolites. rameters of blood coagulation (thrombin time, prothrombin time, and kaolin-kefalin time). Throm- REFERENCES bin time (TT) was more over 44-fold longer than in the control group (TT exceeded 600 seconds). They Alquini, G., Carbonero, E.R., Rosado, F.R., Cosentino, C., may be a component of the diet in heart disease pre- Iacomini, M. (2004). Polysaccharides from the fruit vention [Okamura et al. 2000]. bodies of the basidiomycete Laetiporus sulphureus Ethanol extract of fruiting bodies showed high (Bull.: Fr.) Murr. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 230(1), 47–52. acetylcholinesterase inhibiting activity in vitro and it Appleton, R.E., Jan, J.E., Kroeger, P.D. (1988). Laetiporus raises the possibility to use the fruiting bodies of in sulphureus causing visual hallucinations and ataxia in Alzheimer’s disease treatment [Orhan et al. 2011]. a child. CMAJ, 139(1), 48–49. Table 1 shows biological activity of extracts and Aryantha, I.N.P., Kusmaningati, S., Sutjiatmo, A.B., isolated compounds from L. sulphureus. Sumartini, Y., Nursidah, A., Narvikasari, S. (2010). The Effect of Laetiporus sp. (Bull, ex fr.) bond, et sing. CULTIVATION OF Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporaceae) extract on total blood cholesterol level. FRUITING BODIES Biotechnology, 9(3), 312–318. Ayaz, F.A., Torun, H., Ozel, A., Col, M., Duran, C., Sesli, E., Colak, A. (2011). Nutritional value of some wild In 2013, Polish research team under the leadership edible mushrooms from Black Sea Region (Turkey). of Pleszczy ńska described the results of the experi- Turk. J. Biochem., 36(4), 385–393. ment involving the production on the large-scale of Davoli, P., Mucci, A., Schenetti, L., Weber, R.W.S. L. sulphureus fruiting bodies on an artificial medium. (2005). Laetiporic acids, a family of non-carotenoid A few strains of L. sulphureus isolated from the natu- polyene pigments from fruit-bodies and liquid cultures ral state were cultured on the various variants of me- of Laetiporus sulphureus (, Fungi). dia enriched with organic and inorganic components. Phytochemistry, 66(7), 817–823. In the case of two strains, the primordia were ob- Demir, M.S., Yamaç, M, (2008). Antimicrobial activities tained after 5-6 days after initiation, and after further of Basidiocarp, submerged mycelium and 2 days the fruiting bodies started to develop. The exopolysaccharide of some native Basidiomycetes results of this experiment open the way for the com- strains. JABS, 2(3), 89–93. mercial preparation of these valuable fruiting bodies Deol, B.S., Ridley, D.D., Singh, P. (1978). Isolation of [Pleszczy ńska et al. 2013]. A great success of the cyclodepsipeptides from plant pathogenic fungi. Aust. team Szczodrak J., Siwulski M., Biernacki J. K., J. Chem., 31, 1397–1399. Wiater A., Pleszczy ńska M. was the Patent No. Do ğan, H.H., Sanda, M.A., Uyanöz, R., Oztürk, C., Cetin, P.397668, 15.01.2015 aimed at developing a simple U. (2006). Contents of metals in some wild and high-yielding method of growing the fruiting mushrooms: its impact in human health. Biol. Trace bodies of Laetiporus sulphureus for use on an indus- Elem. Res., 110(1), 79–94. trial scale. In the past, numerous attempts were made Durkan, N., Ugulu, I., Unver, M.C., Dogan, Y., Baslar, S. to cultivate Laetiporus sulphureus under different (2011). Concentrations of trace elements aluminum,

94 Sułkowska-Ziaja, K., Muszyńska, B., Gawalska, A., Sałaciak, K. (2018). Laetiporus sulphureus – chemical composition and medici- nal value. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(1), 87–96. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.1.8

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