Parish Journal

Serving , Camerton & Ryehill Issue No 37, June 2018


The Parish Council Office Thorngumbald Village Hall Main Road, Camerton, HU12 9NG Tel: 01964 601111 Email: [email protected]



Wednesday 20th June Wednesday 18th July NO AUGUST MEETING Wednesday 19th September Wednesday 24th October Wednesday 21st November NO DECEMBER MEETING

Parish Council Office opening times

Tuesday 9.30am – 12 noon Wednesday 9.30am – 12 noon

01964 601111

Find out about community events going on in the area at HU12 Online:

Allotment vacancies available in Thorngumbald, if anyone is interested please contact The Parish Clerk on 01964 601111

Welcome to the summer edition of our Parish Journal. Its also the time of year when the council hold their AGM and I, as Chair of Thorngumbald, Camerton and Ryehill Parish Council, write a report of what has been discussed at council meetings and decisions we have taken throughout our year of office. The report will be available on the council website for anyone to read, certain items crop up time after time, but we also have long standing items still waiting to be resolved. One long-standing item is the footpath on Hooks Lane. The council had thought that at last this would be resolved in the ERYC maintenance programme for 2018, but at a recent council meeting we were informed by our Ward Councillor, Cllr. John Dennis, that the company who had been awarded the contract had unfortunately gone into Administration, therefore the process for tenders had to be restarted, meaning that the Hooks Lane footpath was unlikely to be done before March 2019. An ever-present item of complaint to our council is the usual problem of dog fouling, although its not the dogs that are the problem, but the irresponsible dog owners who fail to pick up after their dogs. I would urge anyone who witnesses this to ring the Dog Warden Service on 01482 396301. It is a criminal offence and subject to an on-the-spot-fine. We also have a problem developing in the layby outside the Co-op, which is also the bus stop timing point. The council has been notified that lorries and vans are parking in the layby. ERYC and EYMS are monitoring this, as it was especially bad during the bad weather, when buses had to stop on the main road. We all love summer, and now that winter is behind us we can look forward to all the events that good weather brings. Lots of Craft Fairs and Charity fundraising events which take a lot of organising before the actual event takes place. As I mention this I have in mind our annual Scarecrow Trail and Village Show on 7th and 8th July, when Thorngumbald seems to come alive with people of all ages meandering round in groups looking for the scarecrows, with the aid of the scarecrow maps. In this edition of the Parish Journal you will find all you need to know to enter a scarecrow or anything in the Village Show, which takes place in the village hall. The only other thing you need is imagination to design your scarecrow as, don’t forget, it is the public choice that wins. It is also good to see the stalls from some of the smaller charities able to raise much needed funds for their different causes, so please support them whilst searching for the scarecrows. All we need is the sun to put in an appearance on the two days. All that’s left for me to say is I hope we have a wonderful summer so that we can get out and enjoy it.

Your Parish Councillors Margaret Wilson - Chairperson

Denise Hardy Max Cook Trevor Doyle Malcolm Forbes

Vice Chairperson

Rob Hardy Ian Bottomley Mike Adamson Sheila Robinson

Shirley Steel Jean West Ken Wilson

Parish Councillor Vacancy


Present: Cllrs Adamson, Bottomley, Campbell, Cook, Doyle, Forbes, Hardy, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson Guest: ERYC Jodie Nightingale, ERYC John Dennis

288. Declaration of Interest: Cllrs West, K Wilson – Planning Item 6

289. Apologies for absence: Cllr Robinson

290. Cllr M Wilson welcomed Mike Adamson as a new Member of the Parish Council.

291. Confirmation of Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 24 January 2018 were RESOLVED as a correct record of the proceedings thereat.

292. Cllr M Wilson asked that Jodie Nightingale, ERYC Trading Standards Officer, to speak to the meeting – He was attending following last month’s visit from EYRC NHW Maureen Yates. Jodie asked members if the Parish would be interested in becoming a ‘No Cold Calling’ village. This was discussed at length, ERYC would provide all relevant information, but volunteers would be needed to gather the information from residents. It was suggested that this be put in the next Journal asking for volunteers to cover small areas to gather information and send to Jodie to be collated. Cllr M Wilson thanked Jodie for his time, he left the meeting.

293. Clerk’s Report:  CCH Engineering have now erected the steel compound posts – maintenance to complete.  Cllr M Wilson has set up a link page to Neighbourhood Watch and is receiving information from Michael Ferrier. Michael also met with the PCSO’s on Thursday 15th February.  I have today had contact with KCOM regarding broadband on Ferry View – they are happy to attend the PC meeting on 21 March – however I suggested that in the first instance a leaflet drop be done to gauge public need as agreed at meeting on 24 January – this needs to be done ASAP. Cllr Adamson told members that as a resident of Ferry View he was happy to contact other residents and feedback any relevant information. Members wanted it to be made clear that they are happy to facilitate the meeting but could not be seen to favour any provider and that Cllr Adamson would be gather information as a resident. Clerk to forward contact details she has to Cllr Adamson.  I have e-mailed Paul Clubley regarding the Former Junior School Playing Field and am awaiting his reply.  I have ordered lamp post bins as discussed via e-mail – the cost of 3 is less than 1 standalone – these will be installed once they arrive.  The new litter bin on the playing Field has now been installed.  I have spoken with Smiths Nurseries to get a price for erecting deer fence at the cemetery and am waiting for their quote. Clerk asked to obtain 2 further quotes.  An outside tap has been installed under the canopy at the rear of the hall.

1 294. Receive Information:  Members received Police Parish news.  Email from resident regarding parking on bus stop in lay-by outside Co-Op. This is becoming a problem and has been reported to both ERYC and EYMS. ERYC have said they will monitor the situation. This is one problem that was raised during the planning process. Although not the Co-Op’s problem, Clerk would speak to the store manager to see if any signage could be erected asking customers NOT to park on the bus stop.

295. To Resolve:  Nothing to Report.

 Planning Applications:  18/00228/PLF – 16 Bridge Bungalows, Main Road, Ryehill – Erection of extension to rear and external alterations - RESOLVED  18/00329/PLF – 25 Bridge Bungalows, Main Road, Ryehill - Erection of single storey extension to rear - RESOLVED ERYC Planning Decisions:  Nothing to Report

296. Accounts: HMRC 112.85 Supplies 74.53 Water – village hall 111.82 CCH Engineering Solutions 1524.00 Tower Computers 315.00 Ryehill Building Supplies 71.59 A V Russell – Eurocell 51.71 Ryehill Village Institute - monthly 100.00 Maintenance expenses 45.00 Eon – electricity 93.00 Eon – gas 69.00 NEST 54.83 John Deere 237.01 KCOM

HMRC 628.88 Wages Clerk ) Village Hall Secretary ) 3629.92 Maintenance ) Income Village Hall 328.00

Account Balance – as at 21 February 2018 Current account 31735.28 High Interest account 38443.39

Accounts for February were laid on the table - RESOLVED

2 297. Any other Questions:  ERYC Cllr John Dennis told members that Hooks Lane footpath is now unlikely to be done before March 2019 – the contract was awarded to Halls Construction who, unfortunately, have gone into Administration. The process for tenders therefore has to be restarted.  Cllr M Wilson asked when the phone box at Ryehill will be replaced as we were originally told end of February – Clerk to chase up.  Cllr M Wilson told members that this year is the Centenary year for WW1 and asked members to give this consideration – Cllr K Wilson told members that St Mary’s and Parish Council could organise something together – members agreed this would be a good idea.  Cllr Adamson expressed concerns over cars parking on grass verges – one in particular on Main Road. He also told members of traffic problems on Ferry View – this has been raised before and it was pointed out that it is a residential housing estate and residents should be aware and reduce speed accordingly. This will be included in the next Parish Journal.  Cllr Hardy told members of an article in the Gazette that was promoting village halls and suggested asking them to do an article on Thorngumbald and Ryehill. Clerk to contact Gazette.

Chairman …………………………………….

Dated: ………………………………………..


1. PRESENT: Adamson, Bottomley, Campbell, Cook, Doyle, Forbes, Hardy, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson 2. APOLOGIES: Robinson 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST: West, K Wilson

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the meetings held on 24 January 2018 were approved.

5. MATERS ARISING:  To Discuss without Press or Public Present – M Wilson asked all Trustees to read the proposal and asked for their individual views – This was discussed at length and all Trustees agreed, in principal, to the proposal.  A Campbell expressed concerns over dogs loose on the playing field and owners not picking up after their dogs. ‘No Dogs Allowed’ signs to be erected on the playing field and Allotments.


Paragon Space 60.00 Yorkshire Water 20.51 British Gas 155.42

INCOME Village Hall 85.80 Trustees 100.00 Transferred to Trustees Account 10772.94

Account Balance as at 21 February 2018 18516.86

7. AOQ:  Nothing to report


Present: Cllrs Adamson, Bottomley, Campbell, Doyle, Forbes, Robinson, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson Guest: ERYC John Dennis, Sue Steel, 1 member of public

298. Declaration of Interest: M Adamson told meeting he would have to leave at 8.30pm

299. Apologies for absence: Cllr Cook, Hardy

300. Confirmation of Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 February 2018 were RESOLVED as a correct record of the proceedings thereat. Cllr Robinson abstained due to not been at the meeting.

301. Clerk’s Report:  Contact details were forwarded to Cllr Adamson regarding broadband on Ferry View – Clerk told meeting that KCOM were happy to attend a public meeting. Cllr Adamson told the meeting that he had spoken to one of the contacts on Ferry View and other neighbouring properties regarding a public meeting but had received little interest and told members that a line should be drawn under this. He also told members that both he and Mr Bentley would draft a letter to Graham Stuart stating the in balance in the Parish.  Need to chase up Paul Clubley regarding the Former Junior School Playing Field.  Spoke to Laura – Manager at Co-op and she will speak to head office to see if it’s possible to erect signs – Do not Park on Bus Stop.  Helen Wright – ERYC Rural Partnership to chase up installation date for replacement phone box.  Met with Gina Hobbs – Holderness Gazette – article to promote Village Halls

302. Receive Information:  Clerk told members of the change to NHS Services and e-mailed details to them. This will be included in the next parish Journal and details put in notice board.  An update on PX group acquiring the chemicals group from BP was e-mailed to members.  Cllr Forbes agreed to continue on the Parish Transport Champions committee but was unable to attend the April meeting. 303. To Resolve:  Following confirmation from ERYC to co-opt councillor vacancies, it was RESOLVED to Co-Opt Rob Hardy. Clerk to write to confirm.

 Planning Applications:  18/00525/PLF – Fir Tree House, Main Road, Thorngumbald – Erection of a detached garage following demolition of existing building and alterations from flat roof to pitched roof on existing garden building. – RESOLVED ERYC Planning Decisions:  17/03167/REG3 – Thorngumbald Primary School, Plumtree Road, Thorngumbald – Erection of timber lean-to pergola with polycarbonate roof RESOLVED

1 304. Accounts: Domizar 121.61 Johnsons of 13.56 Yorkshire water – playing Fields 7.21 Yorkshire water – cemetery 24.82 Yorkshire water – allotments 54.06 Well Medical 200.88 ERYC – cemetery 107.90 Ryehill Village Institute - monthly 100.00 Maintenance expenses 17.50 Village Hall expenses 10.00 John Moore Security 399.58 Eon – electricity 93.00 Eon – gas 69.00 NEST – Pension 54.83 John Deere - Tractor 237.01 KCOM 90.40 PEAC – Photocopier lease 1276.04

HMRC 629.08 Wages Clerk ) Village Hall Secretary ) 3629.92 Maintenance ) Income Playing Fields Allotments Village Hall 1000.00 Cemetery Precept VAT

Account Balance – as at 21 March 2018 Current account 26740.56 High Interest account 38443.39

Accounts for March were laid on the table - RESOLVED

305. Any other Questions:  Cllr M Wilson asked members to give some thought to this year’s WW1 100 Year Anniversary – Cllr K Wilson asked if St Mary’s and Parish Council did a joint memorial would Chairperson be able to use her allowance to supply the food. It was also suggested that local businesses be asked if they would donate food etc for the day. This is to be discussed in more detail.  Cllr Forbes asked if property on Summergangs Drive was been renovated as the garden is very messy. It is thought this to be case.  Cllr Adamson told clerk that he had details of a car that was parking on the pavement and would e-mail them to her.  Cllr Adamson left the meeting.

2  Clerk had been asked by a resident about the footpath from to Roundabout – why are the footpaths in our Parish not been repaired and yet those that appear to have little use are? – Clerk to seek advice from ERYC.

Chairman …………………………………….

Dated: ………………………………………..


The Silver Salver is presented annually by Thorngumbald Parish Council to a person or group of people who go that extra mile in the community.

The Parish Council received more than 20 nominations for this year’s winner, Denise Hardy, she was nominated for her tireless work as Manager of Thorngumbald Pre-School but also for her role in organising the Annual Scarecrow trail and other community events. She was presented with the Silver Salver by Cllr Margaret Wilson at a recent Parish Council meeting.


1. PRESENT: Adamson, Bottomley, Campbell, Doyle, Forbes, Robinson, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson 2. APOLOGIES: Cook, Hardy 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST: Robinson, West, K Wilson 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 February 2018 were approved – Robinson abstained due to not been at meeting. West and K Wilson abstained due to not agreeing with the wording of the minutes been discussed without Press and Public present but had been at the February meeting and agreed in principal to the proposal.

5. MATERS ARISING:  M Adamson raised concerns over the documents already in place and told the meeting that in his opinion things were not correct. Following a heated discussion Avril left the meeting. A Campbell and T Doyle also left the meeting. Avril was asked to return to the meeting, I Bottomley gave her a vote of confidence and this was agreed by all trustees. The meeting was closed at 7.30pm to commence Parish Council Meeting.  Meeting re-commenced at 8.15pm - Trustees agreed to the hall been used on a daily basis – term time only - for the purpose of a SEN school providing all the necessary certificates needed to do this are in place. These are the full responsibility of the hirer and copies will be given to the trustees once approved. In simple terms ‘No Ofsted – No school’ – the certificates in place now are more than adequate for the hall as it stands and is fit for purpose to continue to hire out. Should these need to be changed as and when the SEN School is up and running then this will be done.  The hall will need to be upgraded to accommodate the school, this will be done at no cost to the trustees but will be overseen by them.  The trustees agreed to the plans put forward to add a further portable building for additional classrooms (planning permission to be applied for by the school), front of the building to be cladded, school signage to be erected, perimeter fence to be erected with security gate, gravelled parking area.  M Adamson left the meeting.  It was agreed that a sub-committee be set up of 5 members – a minimum of 3 will be needed to make a decision. Any major changes must be taken back to Trustees. Committee: M Forbes, I Bottomley, J West, S Robinson, M Wilson, Avril. 6. ACCOUNTS: EXPENDITURE Ryehill Building Supplies Ltd 67.11 Npower 283.47

INCOME Transfer from fund raising account 10772.94 Village Hall 130.80 Trustees 100.00

Account Balance – as at 21 March 2018 14634.73

7. AOQ:  Nothing to report


Present: Cllrs Bottomley, Cook, Doyle, Forbes, D Hardy, R Hardy, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson Guest: ERYC Sue Steel

306. Declaration of Interest: None

307. Apologies for absence: Cllr Robinson, Adamson

Cllr M Wilson welcomed Rob Hardy as a new member of the Parish Council

308. Confirmation of Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 March 2018 were RESOLVED as a correct record of the proceedings thereat. Cllrs Cook and D Hardy abstained due to not been at the meeting.

309. Clerk’s Report:  Clerk emailed the residents of Ferry View stating that at meeting held on 20 March, Cllr Adamson told members that the response from residents to hold a public meeting wasn't supported and that only a small number would be interested. Clerk to inform KCOM that it hasn't been possible to get the support needed but if anything changes in the future then I am sure they will be happy to meet. The residents concerned e-mailed saying that they were confused regarding this as far as he was aware residents of Ferry View had not been contacted. Cllr Adamson said there was some misunderstanding – update from Cllr Adamson - In the meantime he is hoping to begin an initial draft letter to go to Graham Stuart our constituency MP to raise the issue with him. It was RESOLVED that any further contact with KCOM will be by residents of Ferry View.  There was a Nice Article on Thorngumbald Village Hall and Ryehill was featured in the Holderness Gazette – unfortunately some of the information was incorrect but it was excellent advertising for both village halls.  The telephone box at Ryehill – this (along with others) has now been ordered approx. 2 weeks ago from 2xConnect – had to go through procurement process which is why it has taken longer than expected – these are in the process of been restored and expected delivery was 6 weeks from order date – watch this space!!  Clerk as contacted Paul Clubley regarding the former Junior School Playing Field to ask on what terms the PC would be expected to agree to should they decided to take on the maintenance of the field – awaiting his response.

310. Receive Information:  Clerk told members she had received an e-mail asking members to consider a request to increase the speed limit on A1033 (Ryehill – Bridge Bungalows) to 40pmh. This request had been sent to ERYC who had replied: A review was undertaken in 2006 following the circulation by the Department for Transport of the new guidance on setting local speed limits. Both Camerton and Bridge Bungalows fit the criteria for a 30mph speed limit as they have more than 20 houses and have a minimum length of 600 metres. The stretch of road between is short and there is a significant history of collisions involving injuries especially at Bridge 1 Bungalows. In view of this the decision was taken to make the full length 30mph. Increasing the speed could lead to a greater severity of collision. ERYC said this was their final decision, members agreed with their decision.  A letter from Anna Campbell resigning from the Parish Council was received, Anna said she had enjoyed her time as a Councillor and being involved in the Parish Community. Clerk to send thank you letter to Anna.

311. To Resolve:  It was RESOLVED that the Annual Allotment Competition will be held on Saturday 23 June 2018 and will be judged by Cllrs K Wilson and J West.

 Planning Applications: None ERYC Planning Decisions:  18/00228/PLF – 16 Bridge Bungalows, main Road, Ryehill - Erection of extension to rear and external alterations - RESOLVE

312. Accounts: NFU 650.87 Petty Cash Account 92.08 Supplies 163.09 it@spectrum 39.60 Ryehill Building Supplies 32.86 ERYC – waste collection 512.72 T Cook – Hedge Cutting 252.00 Ryehill Village Institute - monthly 100.00 Maintenance expenses 52.99 Yorkshire Water 40.10 Eon – electricity 93.00 Eon – gas 69.00 NEST - Pension 54.83 John Deere - Tractor 237.01 KCOM 94.16 HMRC 598.62 Wages Clerk ) Village Hall Secretary ) 3648.04 Maintenance )

Income Village Hall 103.00 Cemetery 275.00

Account Balance – as at 18 April 2018 Current account 19486.73 High Interest account 38450.03

Accounts for April were laid on the table – RESOLVED


313. Any other Questions:  Cllr D hardy told meeting that an App ‘Save a Life’ for Defibrillators and those in Thorngumbald are not included – Clerk to get details.  Cllr D Hardy told the meeting that following recent bomb threats in schools, the Pre- School are updating their evacuation procedure and are asking ‘The Camerton’ if they can use their premises if needed. This will also be added into the Parish Emergency Plan once agreed.  Cllr D hardy passed on thanks to the maintenance team for the new tap in the Cemetery.  A personnel committee meeting to be held at 6.45pm prior to the AGM on 23 May – Cllrs D Hardy, I Bottomley and S Robinson.  Cllr Forbes asked if ERYC could look at repairing the footpath from the cemetery to the new footpath leading to Hedon.  Cllrs K Wilson and M Wilson to discuss the WW1 Memorial Service.  Clerk has received 2 quotes for deer fencing around the cemetery and is seeking a 3rd.  Clerk told members that a new light had been installed on the snicket between Willingham Garth and Sanctuary housing.  Email from Cllr John Dennis inviting councillors to a Town and Parish Council meeting at Hedon Town Council on 9th May.  Email from EYMS regarding parking on bus stop outside the Co-Op. EYMS provided photos of cars/lorries parking near the bus stop. Clerk to speak to ERYC to see what can be done.

Chairman …………………………………….

Dated: ………………………………………..


1. PRESENT: Bottomley, Cook, Doyle, Forbes, D Hardy, R Hardy, Steel, West, K Wilson, M Wilson 2. APOLOGIES: Robinson, Adamson 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST: D Hardy, J West, K Wilson 4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 March 2018 were approved – Hardy and Cook abstained due to not been at meeting. The following statements were read: D Hardy read: As Trustees and Parish Councillors we all give our time freely to represent the parishioners of Thorngumbald, Camerton and Ryehill. We all have a wealth of experience and qualifications, and I am sure we all have a degree from the University of Life. Having read from afar the emails sent between councillors and having seen that Anna Campbell felt she had to resign has saddened me greatly. We all deserve to be treated with respect and have the right to speak freely, without intimidation. We should strive to uphold the ethos of this council and adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times. Anyone who feels unable to follow these ideals should not be part of this group of people, who I consider not only fellow councillors, but friends. The same conduct must also apply to the people we employ.

M Wilson read: I have received confirmation from the Fire Service that the building as it stands has adequate documentation and all relevant certificates in place and is fit for purpose to continue to hire out. The behaviour of the last two meetings was very close to breaching the Code of Conduct, if this continues I will have no choice but to ask the person to be removed or stop the meeting.

5. MATERS ARISING:  I Bottomley told the trustees that the sub-committee had met with representatives of Hope Bridge School to discuss their needs. He told trustees they are sincere and committed people and the SEN school will benefit not only the children but the whole community. They are looking forward to working with the trustees and will keep them updated of progress. I Bottomley also told trustees that as and when any upgrade to the certificates in place are needed we will continue to use independent inspectors – RESOLVED.

6. ALLOTMENTS: The annual allotment competition will take place on Saturday 23 June 2018 and will be judged by J West and K Wilson.

7. ACCOUNTS: EXPENDITURE ERYC – waste collection 119.34 INCOME Village Hall 187.80 Trustees 100.00 Account Balance – as at 18 April 2018 Current account 14384.15

AOQ: Nothing to report

3rd Thorngumbald

We had great fun completing our toy maker badge in January. Brownies made puppets, a home for a small toy and board games.

The Brownies made some lovely Mums were treated to hand handmade pots for Mother’s massages, nail painting, Day and gave them to their manicures, decorated biscuits, mums when they came in for a an Easter themed craft and pamper evening. refreshments.

Rob came from All Stars to give the Brownies a cricket taster session. He had some fun ways to get the girls moving and practicing ball and bat skills. We really enjoyed the games he taught us.

At Easter we took part in the #wemadethis craft project and helped decorate a tree in Hedon with our decorated eggs.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Afternoon Tea in April. We raised £50 for Sutton Village Gymnastics who are sending 13 gymnasts to the IAIGC World Gymnastics Championships in Florida this summer and we raised £115 for Brownies. This will go towards our pirate sleepover and day trip to Snozone

We joined the latest craze and made our own colourful Another week we made playdoh. Each Brownie slime. The Brownies worked in teams to make it then made her own and then had fun making some each took a pot full home. interesting creations before taking it home in a bag.

3rd Thorngumbald Brownies meet To register your interest simply visit at Thorngumbald Community Institute or get in touch every Monday during term time from 6pm until 7.30pm. Fluffy Owl (AKA Karen Worsnop) Each meeting costs £2 (which includes annual insurance) 07753183542 [email protected]


Thorngumbald, Camerton and Ryehill Scarecrow Trail need a King and a Queen to give a royal flourish to our day!

If you are Primary School aged and would like to be considered, simply complete the entry form below

No entry fee is required

Winners will be drawn out of a hat after the closing date and winners will be notified by telephone.

Child’s Name

Age on 07.07.2018 Address

Telephone Number

I hereby consent to my son/daughter applying for the role of Gala King or Gala Queen (delete as appropriate)

I confirm he/she will be available for the following:-

 To be crowned on Saturday 7th of July 2018 at 1pm at Thorngumbald Village Hall and to cut the ribbon to open the village show  To attend as guest of honour at the Scarecrow Service at 10am on Sunday 8th July 2018  To assist in the handing out of trophies at 6.30pm prior to the Parish Council meeting on 18th July 2018

Parent/Carer’s Name Parent/Carer’s Signature

Please return to Thorngumbald Pre-School, Thorngumbald Primary School or 28 Damson Road by Friday 15th June 2018

Any queries please call Denise on 07745081096 or Karen on 07753183542



Hopefully by the time you read this, the weather will be starting to improve and the sun will be practising for its big appearance over the scarecrow weekend (fingers crossed).

Scarecrow Team …….. have included their entry form in this edition of the Journal and hope you all have your thinking caps on. They are looking forward to the entries rolling in and hope for a brilliant display, just like previous years.

Village Show Team …… hope you are planning your entries – the entry form can be found in this edition of the journal. They can’t wait to see the abundance of produce, baking and handicraft on display this year. At the Village Hall you will also find refreshments, tombolas and side show games for children and adults.

Community Institute Team …… will be opening their doors again this year, offering superb refreshments to keep you going as you wander around the village taking in the sights and enjoying the community spirit. Stop by for a sandwich, a cake and a well earned cuppa, not forgetting some raffle tickets too.

King and Queen …….. will be crowned by a mystery guest on the Saturday at 1pm at the Village Hall. They will also cut the ribbon to open the village show to the public. If you are primary school age and fancy being entered into the draw to be King or Queen please see the entry form elsewhere in this edition of the Journal.

Calling all charities and voluntary organisations…… Do you want to put in a stall or activity somewhere around the village and raise money for your group? If the last few years are anything to go by, then you are guaranteed a captive audience keen to take part in games and looking for treats as they wander around spotting scarecrows. No need to register with us, simply get your thinking caps on and join in the fun.

Any queries, questions or offers of help please contact Denise on 07745081096 or Karen on 07753183542 Or e-mail [email protected] 7th Annual Thorngumbald Scarecrow Trail In aid of Thorngumbald Preschool ENTRY FORM 2018 - Fee £1 per Scarecrow

Enter a scarecrow in our Scarecrow Trail Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th July 2018

To enter a scarecrow please fill in this form and return it in an envelope (with the £1 fee) to Bridgeman News, Thorngumbald Preschool, the Primary School, The Camerton , Church Farm (next to church), 20 Damson Road or a church member by Wednesday, 20th June.


Your name:...... Name of Scarecrow:...... Address:......

Telephone:……………………………………………….. Location to be displayed:…......

Please note the area covered by the trail extends from the “Thorngumbald” sign coming from Hull, to the eastern end of Bridge Bungalows and all roads in between, including Ryehill. Entries from outside this area or from ”remote areas” may be displayed at the Village Hall, or in the Church grounds.


Voting slips will be attached to TRAIL MAPS (£1) Voting boxes around the village on Sat/Sun, Bridgeman News/SPAR/School/The Camerton (closing 5pm Monday 9th). Winner will be notified later in the week and the result will be published in the Village Journal, and on the Parish Council, Preschool and Primary School websites.


RULES OF ENTRY Children’s Classes = 25p per entry Open Age Classes = 50p per entry MAX 2 ENTRIES PER PERSON PER CLASS


YOU MAY ENTER THE CLASS APPROPRIATE TO Trophies for Best Overall Entry YOUR AGE AND ANY CLASS ABOVE BUT YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER A CLASS FOR Dave Brown Trophy for AGES LOWER THAN YOUR OWN Best Overall Adult Entry (e.g., if you are aged 10 you can enter Primary or Open classes BUT NOT Pre-School) Lily Pickersgill Trophy for Best Overall Children Entry (Children entering Open classes will be judged alongside adult entries)

Information for Exhibitors  All items of cookery to be covered with clingfilm or similar.  All flowers must be grown by the exhibitor  Photographs should be taken by the exhibitor therefore the exhibitor should not appear in the photograph!  Exhibitors must supply their own display materials (plates, etc)  Please ensure that your name is not on the actual entry.  The Judges' decisions are final  Presentation of trophies will take place at a presentation evening to be held prior to the Parish Council (date tbc)  A list of winners will be included in the September edition of the Journal and will be available via the Parish Council website  All exhibits, along with completed entry form and entry fees should be brought to Thorngumbald Village Hall between 9am and 10.30am on Saturday 7th July.  Judging will take place between 11am and 1pm  Thorngumbald Village Hall will then be open from 1pm until 4pm for public viewing of all entries  Entries and winning rosettes may then be collected from Thorngumbald Village Hall between 4pm and 4.30pm.  Entries are not to be removed from the show until 4pm  Any entries not collected by 4.30pm on the day of the show will be disposed of by the show coordinator.  Uncollected produce will be donated to Thorn Hall.  If there are any specific questions you would like answering please get in touch and we will contact the relevant judge to provide an answer.

Any queries please telephone Karen on 07753183542 or e-mail [email protected]


Name Exhibitor Number (to be completed Address on registration by the show team)



Please Circle Number of Entries Drawing or Painting (A4 max) 1 2 Play-Doh Model 1 2


Please Circle Number of Entries Four Decorated Buns – space 1 2 themed Vegetable/Fruit Creature 1 2 Decorated Hard Boiled Egg 1 2 Mask on a Paper Plate 1 2 Lego or Meccano Model 1 2 A4 Computer Generated Picture 1 2 A4 Piece of Art of your choosing 1 2 Piece of Handwriting 1 2

Handwriting is judged in school year groups. Jack and Jill went up the hill Thorngumbald Primary School will be entering all children through school but children are also free To fetch a pail of water to enter independently. Jack fell down and broke his crown Please use A5 unlined paper, portrait, black ink or pencil with no illustrations. And Jill came tumbling after

Please write name and school year on the REVERSE


Name Exhibitor Number (to be completed

Address on registration by the show team)

Photograph (6” x 4”) Unframed Please Circle Number of Entries

Black & White 1 2 Theme : Coast Colour 1 2 Theme : Animals/Wildlife

Flowers Please Circle Number of Entries

A Single Stem (any flower) 1 2 Seven Sweet Peas (mixed) 1 2 Seven Pansies (mixed) 1 2 One vase mixed annuals 1 2 One vase mixed perennials 1 2 One Flowering Pot Plant (in 1 2 Flower) One Pot Plant (non-flowering) 1 2 One Cactus or Succulent 1 2

Handicraft Please Circle Number of Entries

Premature Baby Set 1 2  To be donated to the baby unit at Hull Womens & Childrens Hospital - if you are not wishing to donate your entry please tick here Any Hand Knitted Item in blue 1 2 Any Article of Crochet 1 2 Any Article of Embroidery 1 2 (not cross-stitch) Greetings Card 1 2 Theme : Wedding Open Handicraft (anything not 1 2 mentioned above) Theme : Countryside

Jam, Preserves & Chutney Please Circle Number of Entries

TIPS  Ensure the jar is fully filled  Remember to ‘polish & clean’ the outside of your jar  Full date of making should be on the label  Use a wax disc (cut to fit) & cellophane or a new twist top A Jar of Strawberry Jam 1 2 A Jar of Jam (any other fruit) 1 2 Jar of Fruit Curd 1 2 Jar of Marmalade 1 2 Jar of Chutney / Pickle 1 2 A Jar of Mustard Preserve 1 2

Hen’s Egg Please Circle Number of Entries An Egg (unbroken in a saucer) 1 2 Heaviest Egg 1 2

Produce Please Circle Number of Entries TIPS  Potatoes & Shallots should be dug up but then left for an hour or so to settle before washing, this avoids the skins being rubbed off during washing  A white potato with even the slightest bit of colour on is considered coloured and will be judged as such  Carrots should be washed carefully – use a sponge & rub around the carrot, not up and down as this will take off some of the skin. The necks should also carefully be washed  Onions should be displayed as grown. The roots can be washed but they should not be trimmed and the onion itself should not be cleaned or any layers stripped off  If radish are allowed to grow too big they can become woody  If possible courgette should have a flower on the end & should be no bigger than 6 inches  To display shallots they should be stood in a saucer of sand. The roots & tops should be removed – try to make them as ‘pretty’ as possible. It is also considered attractive to tie them with raffia or string  To clarify what is meant by ‘a gooseberry on the stalk’ - this means you leave the little stalk on that you would nip off before eating but do not leave them on a branch. Three White Potatoes 1 2 Three Coloured Potatoes 1 2 Three Carrots (tops trimmed to 3”) 1 2 Three Beetroot (tops trimmed to 3”) 1 2 Three Onions (as grown) 1 2 Four Tomatoes 1 2 One Cauliflower (with 2” stalks) 1 2 One Cabbage (with 2” stalks) 1 2 One Cucumber 1 2 Six Pea Pods 1 2 Six Radish 1 2 One Leek 1 2 One Courgette 1 2 One Broccoli 1 2 Six Shallots (dressed) 1 2 One Lettuce 1 2 5 different Vegetables on a plate 1 2 Twelve Gooseberries (on stalks) 1 2 Six Strawberries 1 2 Any other berry – twelve (on stalks) 1 2 Bunch of 3 different Herbs (in water) 1 2

Cookery Please Circle Number of Entries Loaf of Bread – any type 1 2 Quiche (maximum 9”) 1 2 Four Sausage Rolls 1 2 Victoria Sandwich Cake 1 2 (jam filled but un-decorated) Chocolate Cake 1 2 (buttercream filled un-decorated) Four Biscuits 1 2 Four Cookies 1 2 Four Scones 1 2 Mixed Fruit Loaf 1 2 Four Jam or Lemon Tarts 1 2 My Favourite Tray Bake (4 pieces) 1 2 My Favourite Cake 1 2

100 Years On

This year on 11 November it will be100 years since the guns fell silent, marking the end of World War One. The cost in human life was horrendous. Commemorations to mark this important anniversary have already begun, and many of you will have seen newspaper reports of community installations of the silhouettes of 6ft high WWI soldiers or ‘Tommies’ to honour the 888,246 British and Commonwealth soldiers who died. These have been named ‘There, But Not There.’

Many town and parish councils will also be holding their own events to commemorate this important centenary, as well as the national ones being led by the British Legion. The Parish Council feel that we, also, should mark the occasion, but would like to know what our residents think.

Our Roll of Honour contains names of all the men in our parish who served their country in the Great War, and nine of those men never returned.

So, what do you think? How do you think we can commemorate these brave people? We need your ideas and would like to involve as many as want to be involved. If you have any suggestions, please let us know by contacting the Parish Council office on 01964 601111 or email [email protected]

News from St Mary’s

Vicar: The Reverend Susan Walker (Tel. 601381) Churchwardens: Ken and Muriel Wilson (Tel. 622352)

It is always great to welcome people into St Mary’s church. We usually see a lot of people over Christmas and at the Scarecrow festival. But we would love to see them at other times as well. When people step inside St Mary’s Church they are impressed by how nicely it is kept and how warm and welcoming it feels. Indeed in the winter it is one of the few churches locally that is warm. If you have not yet visited the church it will be open during the Scarecrow Festival Weekend, when there will be a display of Scarecrow Bible stories made by the Brownies and members of the congregation. St Mary’s Church, although quite small, is a lovely venue for Baptisms and Weddings. We are of course available for sad events like Funerals as well. The congregation is always pleased to welcome visitors and new members. The Family Services are very family friendly and take place on the first Sunday of the month at 10am. However, the annual Scarecrow Service will take place on the 8th July at 10am. Not only will the church be open during the Scarecrow weekend, but the congregation will be serving refreshments, including sandwiches and cakes in the Community Institute on both the Saturday and the Sunday. .

Other events All the fun of the fair at the St Mary’s Garden party which will take place on Saturday 4th August at the Vicarage from 2pm. Cake stalls, plants stalls, tombolas and games as well as a cream tea.

Messy Church. We now do Messy church for families on the Tuesday of each half term week and the Tuesday of the August Bank holiday weekend. It is a great opportunity for children and their parents (or grandparents) to learn a little more about the Christian faith through craft activities, games and of course over lunch. Put 28th of August in you diary for our next Messy Church. This will take place in the Village Institute between 10am and 12noon. . Contact Ken Wilson (Tel 6223520) or Susan Walker the Vicar (601381) for more details and to book a place on Tel. 622352

Services for June, July and August 3rd June 10.00 a.m. Family Service 10th June 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion 17th June 10.30 a.m. United Service at Chapel 24th June 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion 1st July 10.00 a.m. Family Service 8th July 10.00 a.m. Family Scarecrow Service 15th July 10.00 a.m. United Service at St Mary’s 22nd July 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion 29th July 12 noon Jamboree at Village hall and Field (With free food, live music and 3 puppet shows!) 5th August 10.00 a.m. Family Service 12th August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion 19th August 10.00 a.m. United Service at Methodist Church 26th August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion 2nd September 10.00 a.m. Family Service 9th September 10.00 Holy Communion

(All services in St Mary’s Church unless otherwise stated)

Parish/Town News


South West Holderness Ward Update May 2018

Written 4th May 2018 by PC 1370 Stephenson

1. Crime and ASB

Latest available Crime and ASB statistics

Last 12 months East Yorkshire-South West This year compared to last year 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 Holderness Ward Apr 16 to Mar Apr 17 to % Change 17 Mar 18 year on year Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr All offences 724 647 -10.6% 53 39 66 55 61 39 48 53 80 47 44 62 Burglary 146 77 -47.3% 7 2 6 5 4 12 5 8 11 2 7 8 Criminal damage 100 87 -13.0% 6 3 10 5 13 3 9 9 6 8 11 4 Drug offences 2 8 +300.0% 102010002101 Shop theft 84 97 +15.5% 3 4 15 8 7 0 7 10 20 6 7 10 Sexual offences 18 27 +50.0% 712312023132 TFMV 28 24 -14.3% 112261105005 TOMV 21 15 -28.6% 100312501011 Thefts excluding vehicle and shop the 128 90 -29.7% 8 8 10 10 11 6 7 5 11 5 2 7 Violence against the person 170 137 -19.4% 13 12 13 12 10 9 8 12 9 15 9 15 ASB 182 99 -45.6% 5 6 5 5 9 6 10 10 10 12 6 15

Detailed crime and ASB data for your area can be obtained by visiting and following the ‘Find your Neighbourhood’ link.

2. Community Priorities for May

Shop Thefts

Throughout May 2018 staff from the Holderness Community Police Team will continue with high visibility Patrol’s to deter shop theft offences across the ward area. Whilst offences have reduced since they peaked at 15 offences in January with Hedon shops being the main target with 9 reported offences. Offences in February had reduced significantly to 4 and then to 3 in March however this will remain a priority for a further month as there have been 4 offences in April. Any intelligence re this issue can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 or Humberside Police 101.

Criminal Damage

Throughout May 2018 staff from the Holderness Community Police Team will continue with high visibility Patrol’s to deter Criminal Damage offences across the ward area. Hedon had 6 offences in March and has had a further offences in April. Any intelligence re this issue can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 or Humberside Police 101.


Parish/Town News


3. Crime Reduction Advice

The South West Holderness Community Police Team want to keep you safe. Please find below some practical advice on how to keep yourself and your property safe.

USE A CYCLE D LOCK & A SECURE ANCHOR POINT – When storing your cycle or other valuable items in an outbuilding, always use a good quality CYCLE D-LOCK and secure anchor point within the shed/outbuilding. Consider security lighting, a CCTV system and a shed alarm.

Register your valuable items at this is a free website service that you can use to register your valuables. Should you be subject to a theft you can then update this. The Police can then access it to trace the owners of found and recovered property.

Although we live in a very safe and low crime area, we are subject to offences such as burglaries or theft from vehicles. Please note that 50% of all burglaries reported in the East Riding are through insecure doors or windows, likewise over 50 % of cars broken into are insecure or have items of value on show. The crime prevention message is clear - lock it or lose it! Sometimes we get complacent about security, but thieves are opportunists, and will travel into the East Riding, often from Hull looking for easy pickings.

Spring is finally here, time to get into the garden or a visit to the allotment. Here is some practical, simple advice to beat the Garden Thief/Shed Burglar:


Secure the access to your shed or garage by locking gates and using thorny bushes next to walls and fences.

Have you visibly marked the contents of your shed? Make a note of serial numbers and photograph valuable plants and ornaments.

External security lights which are activated by movement are a useful deterrent.

Doors of sheds require attention. Use strong hasp/staples and close shackled padlocks. Up and over garage doors supplied with standard lock fittings should also be fitted with a padlock or lockable bolt. Windows should be secured with locks or grilles.

Use coach bolts or non-return screws to secure door hinges.

Chain cycles, mowers, ladders and tools to a strong anchorage point.

Alarms for sheds and garages are available for under £20 at most DIY stores, catalogue shops and builders merchants.

Together we’ll crack crime. Join a home watch scheme.

Exactly what insurance cover do you have? Check that your household policy covers you for theft from your garden and outbuildings.


Parish/Town News


Burglaries of sheds and garages are growing! The police together with Neighbourhood Watch Groups are asking for your help. The value of property in sheds and garages is more than people think. Thieves are targeting them for power tools, cycle and sports equipment. Hand tools are stolen and used to break into homes. So let’s weed out these thieves by getting some sheducation!

LATEST SCAM!! - Don’t be caught out!

A fraudster rings you at home claiming to be from your bank or even that they are the police which seems to be the latest ploy, telling you that they think your bank card has been used fraudulently. They suggest you ring your bank to ensure the call is genuine, they manage to stay on the line, so when you use your phone, they answer. They ask you for your account details and you’re PIN. They then confirm your card has been used and ask you to package it up and they send a courier to collect it. The courier is often innocent and is just picking up an item and delivering it elsewhere. They then have your card and you’re PIN!!

Remember, your bank and the police will NEVER ask for your PIN number or ask for your card.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Please don’t suffer in silence. If it is affecting your quality of life then report it on our Non-Emergency number 101 or if you would like to speak to one of our team feel free to attend one of our Police Surgeries.

4. Meet your officers

Neighbourhood Officers will be at the following locations in Hedon, Preston, Thorngumbald and to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice:

 29th May 2018 0930hrs Sainsbury’s Store, Hedon

 29th MayMarch 2018 1030hrs Village Hall, Preston

 31st May 2018 1000hrs Parish Council Offices, Thorngumbald

 31st May 2018 1100hrs Outside Community Hall, Paull

5. News and Appeals

Please visit our website for the latest news & appeals

Twitter users can keep up to date with events, alerts and traffic news within Holderness by following the community team @HPMidHolderness @SthHolderness Facebook Holderness Community Policing Team


New paintings of the East Yorkshire coast by Christopher Heald at Waterside Farm shop and cafe.

These paintings are from a couple of trips I did to and Filey early this year.

I was interested in seeing Bempton especially in a Winter light, where the sun would be bright, but not strong yet. Also, I had seen a picture of an arch at Bempton called, ‘Scale Nab’, that I thought would be great to see, and could be interesting in shape for a few pictures.

Bempton is one of those places which is why I’m a painter, it’s so beautiful. It has the challenge of three elements, the sky, the sea and the cliffs, and for a painter of nature, there are ever changing harmonies of colour, depending on the light and weather, I love it there. The main challenge is giving the pictures a sense of space, as that is a factor in its beauty I feel. I always try and paint not just the subject, but the air and atmosphere which bring that subject to life.

This was my first visit to Filey, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard about Filey Brigg, but had no idea of how I would approach it. I walked all over trying to get an idea of what I could do, but it wasn’t until the next morning that I found what I wanted. I was up before sunrise, it was so cold but worth the wait as when the sun rose over the horizon it lit up Filey Brigg in a burnt Venetian red/ orange, it was beautiful. I added in the two figures onto the beach below, as I felt it helped give it a true sense of scale.

It’s wonderful to be showing some work again at Halsham. For a painter, having the opportunity for people to hopefully enjoy your pictures is everything.

Halsham is a real gem for the local area, and certainly worth a visit even if it’s just for the tasty teas and homemade treats.

Taking a leap of faith.

Do you ever have a thought or idea that keeps popping into your head? Perhaps you wake up in the morning and have a flash of inspiration to then write it down and think later – 'nah, silly idea'. Or perhaps your friends and family keep saying '”you are so good at that” or “you would be good at that” and, although deep, deep down you know it to be true perhaps you hold back and think not me or maybe later, perhaps another day.

I've been that person for a little while now – for about two years I have had the thought of alongside being a yoga teacher creating a side of my business that coaches and mentors new yoga teachers plus life coaching (and a million other ideas). When I moved to Hull from I wrote many of these ideas down and during the past year danced around them – coming up with reasons why now 'isn't the best time' and perhaps I don't have enough time/money/knowledge to do them alongside teaching and working in another job within retail.

I have been coaching a couple of new teachers based in London yet not quite had the space to truly expand the idea into greatness. That is until this week when I took a leap of faith. The leap of faith was handing in my notice on my 'regular' job and, in a couple of weeks, moving into being fully self employed.

The thing is that when an idea or goal is shared with perhaps a loved one, a best friend, a business partner – the universe, it expands and in the words written by Paulo Coehlo in the Alchemist “the whole world conspires to make it happen”. Since giving in my notice I have discovered a new studio is set to open later this year in Hull therefore creating the possibility of more teaching opportunities and met a new yoga teacher who is excited to take up coaching and mentoring – my creativity is literally expanding every day as if it has been held back and now there is now stopping it!

With stepping into our power, our greatness, our dreams then there can be an element of uncertainty and of course the potential for failure and this is often why, as human beings, we stay where we are (job, relationship, town). If we stay there too long the ideas fade, people will stop championing them and the universe will stop its encouraging. Our minds and heart are powerful, both create good arguments for staying put or taking a leap and with practices such as yoga, being surrounded by people who love us and believe in us we can dig deep, close our eyes and jump!

And if your next question is, great but when? I say pick a date, write it down and DO IT. Should you wish to chat about it then give me a call – together we can follow our dreams!

Emma is a yoga teacher, coach and yoga teacher mentor based in Hull. Yoga classes at Thorngumbald Village Hall Saturdays 9am – 10.15 am and the surrounding area. [email protected] & 07834 161350

What’s on at Thorngumbald Village Hall


Pre school 9.00am – 12 noon 07745 081096 Photography 7.00pm – 9.00pm 07742 748053


Pre school (2 sessions) 9.00am – 12 noon & 1pm – 3pm 07745 081096 Yoga For Fitness 5.30pm – 6.15pm 07815 036397 Yoga 6.30pm – 8pm 07815 036397


Pre school (2 sessions) 9.00am – 12 noon & 1pm – 3pm 07745 081096 Weight Watchers 6pm – 7.30pm 07944 244340


Pre school 9.00am – 3pm 07745 081096


Pre school 9.00am – 12 noon 07745 081096


Yoga 9am – 10.30 am

All bookings for the Hall, Meeting Room, IT Suite and Private Functions contact us on: Tel: 01964 601111 e-mail: [email protected]

What’s on at Ryehill Village Hall

Wednesday Table Tennis 7pm – 9pm

Thursday Indoor Bowling 1pm – 2.30pm Table Tennis 7pm – 8pm

Friday Yoga 10.30am – 11.30am Farmyard Bingo 7pm – 9pm (2nd Friday of the month)

All bookings for the Hall contact us on: Tel: 01964 601111 e-mail: [email protected]

St Marys Church – 100 Club

The March winners of the ‘100 Club’ are :- The April winners of the ‘100 Club’ are:-

1st Prize No 12 Mrs Margaret Wilson 1st Prize No 38 Mr & Mrs Atkin (£25) (£25) 2nd Prize No Kerry & Graham Smith 2nd Prize No 79 Mrs L Johnson (£10) 103 (£10) 3rd Prize No 99 Mrs Cape-Melbourne (£5) 3rd Prize No 45 Mr Barry Wilson (£5) 4th Prize No 75 Mrs F Kirke (£5) 4th Prize No 12 Mrs Margaret Wilson (£5)

The May winners of the ‘100 Club’ are:- 1st Prize No 71 Mrs M Wallis (£25) 2nd Prize No 66 Mr J West (£10) 3rd Prize No 47 Mrs D Richmond (£5) 4th Prize No 79 Mrs L Johnson (£5)

If you would like to become a member of the ‘100 club’ (Subscription £1 per month) Please contact the co-ordinator:- Mrs Janet Fee – Tel no 01964 601235 Your support will be very much appreciated

FRIENDS OF RYEHILL VILLAGE HALL 100 Club – 2018 January – May


Drawn in the CROOKED BILLET on the 12th of each month

£3.00 per month


To join contact Sylvia Dawson 01964 622859 - Jean West 01964 622053

Journal april-may 2018 + Dec 2017 100 club RYEHILL VILLAGE HALL


Eyes down 7.30 pm 10 games of Single Line +Full House + Full House Flyer cash Rollover all for £6 REFRESHMENTS + RAFFLE




The Crafty Ewes Cabin

Come and Join our Crochet & Knitting Group Commencing Tuesday 5th June 1pm - 3pm Why belong to a group? Whether you are an experienced knitter or crocheter or someone taking up knitting for the first time, a knitting group has something for you: They provide an opportunity to make new friends who already share an interest. They can get you out of the house and give you some ‘me time’. Knitting group members are always willing to help each other with advice when someone runs into difficulties with a project. Places are Limited - Please call in and speak to Sue


The Thorngumbald Choir was formed almost 40 years ago and draws singers from East Hull, Hedon and surrounding villages in Holderness. Although several members belong to various churches, it is not a church choir, and its repertoire covers a wide range of music from Abba and the Beatles to Bach and Vivaldi, folk songs, sacred and secular works, songs from the musicals – indeed something for everyone.

We meet to rehearse in Thorngumbald on Monday evenings 7.30pm – 9.00pm and perform wherever invited. We welcome newcomers’ to our ranks at any time, but currently we are particularly seeking singers of bass and soprano notes. If you are interested, please ring Jean or David Gray on 01964 622500 for more details.



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