Bivalve Mollusc Culture, Research in Thail"And
T ~ SH ~ ~ 207 ICLARM Technical Reports'19 - TR4 #19 c.1 I ,Bivalve Mollusc Culture, ,-I.. I . Research in Thail"and i} I Edited by " ~, E.W. McCoy . ~. Tanittha Chongpeepien , /I I l- \ .6' r\.~/ .' "" " ,' " - r, " . ",," t ~ , ~ "'! r---1 e.~!'-"~ f - .. ~ " - ~~~, ~k~!!. ~~~~'~f~~t\ ~, Department of International Center for Living ~che Gesellschaft fOrTechnische Fisheries, Thailand Aquatic Resources Management Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Bivalve Mollusc Culture Research in Thailand Edited by E.W. McCoy '5 and An account of research conducted under the project: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR APPLIED RESEARCH ON COASTAL AQUACULTURE A cooperative Project of the Department of Fisheries, Royal Kingdom of Thailand; the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM); and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES BANGKOK, THAILAND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MANILA, PHILIPPINES DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR TECHNISCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT (GTZ) GmbH ESCHBORN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Bivalve mollusc culture research in Thailand Edited by E.W. McCoy TANITTHACHONGPEEPIEN Published jointly by the Department of Fisheries, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900, Thailand; International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, MC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines; and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), GmbH, Postfach 5180, D-6236 Eschborn 1 be; FrankfurVMain, Federal Republic of Germany. Printed in Manila, Philippines McCoy, E.W. and T. Chongpeepien, Editors. 1988. Bivalve mollusc culture research in Thailand. ICLARM Technical Reports 19, 170 p. Department of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand; International Center for Livirig Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines; and Deutsche Gesellschaft filr Technische Zusarnmenarbeit (GTZ), GmbH, Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany. ISSN 01 15-5547 ISBN 971 -1022-43-5 Cover: Steaming green mussels, Petchaburi, Thailand Photo by Ronald Ventilla.
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