The 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 21-23 September 2017, Bucharest, Romania On Applicability of Wireless Routers to Deployment of Smart Spaces in Internet of Things Environments Sergey A. Marchenkov, Dmitry G. Korzun Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) Petrozavodsk, Russia fmarchenk,
[email protected] Abstract – The use of wireless technologies is now in- to extend the platform architecture with other protocols evitable in smart spaces development for Internet of Things. by adding new modules. Consequently, the use of wired A smart space is created by deploying a Semantic Informa- and wireless TCP/IP networks is inevitable in Smart-M3- tion Broker (SIB) on a host device. This paper examines the applicability of a wireless router for being a SIB host based development of smart spaces. device to deployment of smart spaces in Internet of Things Wi-Fi is the most common wireless technology to environments. CuteSIB is one of SIB implementations of interconnect different IoT-enabled devices. Almost every the Smart-M3 platform and focus is on Qt-based devices. smart space environment is equipped with a wireless We provide a technique for creating an OpenWrt-based embedded system composed of CuteSIB software compo- access point (a wireless router) to ensure interaction nents for a smart spaces deployment using a cross-compiling between SIB and agents that operate on mobile devices method. The resulting embedded system is used to deploy (e.g. smartphones, tablets). In this configuration, SIB is the SmartRoom system—a Smart-M3-based application that deployed on a dedicated host device (e.g.