University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, January 5, 1967. Vol. LIIII
Movlinj~,,BiKk' 1.0 'The' :"Wiriter ,~~W,on;derla'nd,! Jtr ). -. , 'MISS ANN GLASS, a sophomore in the College watching the puddles freeze over -a,nd the bask, 45 class days. ' . llBRABr - ..J , ,,' University' of' Cinc~nnati NEW\ >' S·.·,"R'·,E.CO- - ,~ R D~ No. 11 Vol. 54. Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, Jan~ary 5, 1967 I ~ . -, Heck Become$New Heed Bookstore, Prices" Too 'High?? Of ',UC,'Public Inform.a,t~iori Discussion':, '. -, .- ;.. , " • 'FOr' ," NR·' , '. ,0,. -, Int~rviewx'" ., ~'.,~',.,,~~~~'~-"''''~", !:r,apk_,,<,~: ,~~~k,:, ,CiD;cinn~ti_,,: In hi~ n~w campus post, Mr. newspaper- rhah .an~former cok,,' Heck will be' associated - with their, non-required paperbacks·'if"':·sl:tpplies--4heY're,'so;;:exl>.inSive!" lege, public r~iations '&ffic~r~~h~~':'Richard B.' Baker, pC dir!Ctor of 'the p:ric~s were lower:" , '-:.'.' ~"'rd "like,to see,.tii~book$tore?s been appointed public inf~rma- community relations. ' " Do' you patronize the DC book- "The bookstore shouldn't be 'a , 'money reallocated so:that';::'~books tion officer' at UC. Mr. Heck DeCam'p Joined UC In '25 store for books which are not re- profit-making organization. Why' .would be-cheaper," says' Howard succeeds John P. DeCamp, .who ' ¥r. De?amp, who. joine.d. the quired reading? Only one.;Joutof can't they lower their prices and Fuller, Bus. Ad., '69. "Health has held the title of director of UC staff 10 1925, WIll offlclailly 15 interviewed students replied their profit?" items, which are necessary, are Public Relation1l for 42 years. r~tire Sept. V At. that time he "yes." Bookstore As Service also too 'expensive:' ,- A.'native of Bartlesville, Okla., WIll ~e given the'.title o~ director, ,The NR interview pointed- out Boniface Meredith 'Connell, A&S, ~More used books, and higher Mr.
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