Behavioral Ecology Behav Ecol Sociobiol (1988) 22:175-183 and Sociobiology Spfinger-Verlag 1988

Ontogeny of nestmate recognition cues in the red carpenter (Camponotus floridanus) Behavioral and chemical evidence for the role of age and social experience

Laurence Morel 1,, Robert K. Vander Meer 2, and Barry K. Lavine 3 1 CNRS, Equipe Ethologie, Marseille, 2 USDA-ARS, Affecting Man and Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida, USA a Department of Chemistry, Clarkson University, Postdam, New York, USA

Received May 16, 1987 / Accepted September 25, 1987

Summary. A combination of behavioral and chem- quently the recognition response displayed to their ical analyses was used to investigate the nature bearer, change with age. 3) Social experience is of nestmate recognition cues and the effects of necessary to develop or acquire a colony-specific worker age and social experience on these cues in label. The role of age and social experience on nest- the ant Camponotus floridanus. Five categories of mate recognition in social is dis- workers were tested: foragers, 5-day old and 0-day cussed. old callows, 5-day old and 0-day old naive callows. Bioassays consisted of introductions of dead workers from these categories into their own colo- nies or into an alien colony after the following Introduction treatments: 1) killed by freezing, 2) solvent- An increasing number of papers have been pub- washed, 3) solvent-washed and coated with a nest- lished in the past few years about kin and nestmate mate soak, 4) solvent-washed and coated with a recognition in social Hymenoptera (see review in non-nestmate soak. Soaks were obtained from in- Breed and Bennett 1988). In the special situation dividual immersed in hexane and were applied where a haplodiploid is monogynous and individually to washed workers from the same cat- monoandrous, the relatedness between workers egory. Soaks were analyzed by gas chromatogra- within a colony is predicted to be 0.75. In this phy (GC) and compared by multivariate analyses. case nestmate and kin recognition are indistin- Freeze-killed workers from each category elicited guishable. In situations of polygyny and/or po- more aggressive behavior in the alien colony than lyandry, kin and nestmate recognition can be dis- in its own. By comparing GC profiles, a worker tinguished, since kin recognition would occur with- from any category can be assigned to its colony in the colony between matrilines and/or patrilines, of origin. Thus all studied worker categories are and nestmate recognition would occur between colony-specific. Solvent-washed ants did not in- colonies. If the intra-colonial relatedness between duce more aggressive behaviors in the alien colony workers is not known, as in Camponotusfloridanus, than in their own, but they induced significantly and if discrimination is measured between colo- less aggressivity in an alien colony than non- nies, then the term nestmate recognition must be treated dead ants from the same category. Washed used and no extrapolation to kin recognition is ants induced more aggressive behaviors when possible. coated with a soak from a different colony as op- The recognition mechanism is composed of two posed to a soak from the colony in which they distinct components (Beecher 1982): 1) the cues were introduced. The combination of behavioral provided by a donor to be recognized, re- and chemical results lead to the following conclu- ferred to as "labels" and 2) the process of the sions: 1) Information contained in soak derived recipient animal decoding these cues to recognize, from workers was sufficient to allow nestmate rec- often referred as "using a template". The onto- ognition. 2) Nestmate recognition cues, and conse- geny of nestmate recognition, with special atten- * Present address: USDA-Agricultural Research Service, P.O. tion to the template component, has been studied Box 14565, Gainesville, FL 32604, USA in several social wasp species (see review in Gam- 176 boa et al. 1986b). In ants the ontogenetical studies played by workers toward conspecific alien in- have not distinguished between the two recognition truders. The role of chemicals was tested using sol- components. In (Morel 1983) vent-washed ant dummies coated with soaks from and C.floridanus (Morel 1988), interactions with either nestmates or non-nestmates. The role of age older nestmates during the first hours of adult life was investigated by comparing the chemistry and are necessary to be completely recognized as a nest- aggressive responses displayed to three age groups: mate and to have the ability to recognize nest- newborn, 5-day old callow workers, and foragers. mates. In Camponotus again, Carlin and H611- Naive callow workers were compared to normal dobler (1986) showed that colony-specific recogni- ones of the same age to investigate the role of social tion labels are learned by workers after their eclo- experience. sion. As is known in many ant species, callow workers of C. floridanus can be successfully cross- fostered between colonies. The resulting young Methods workers are recognized as nestmates by the sisters of their foster nurses. This suggests that colony- Study animals specific recognition cues were transmitted from the Colonies of Camponotusfloridanuswere collected in the Appa- nurses to the adopted callows (Morel and Blum lachicola National Forest and in Gainesville, Florida. In the 1988). laboratory, ants were housed in Petri dish cells (135 mm diame- ter) that had a layer of moistened dental plaster (Castone| Chemical signals are the only nestmate (or kin) For each colony or group of workers, the cells were contained recognition cues known in ants and (H611- in a plastic arena (55 x40 x 18 cm), the sides of which were dobler and Michener 1980) and certainly play a coated with Fluon| to prevent escapes. Ants were fed regularly major role in social wasp recognition (Oamboa with honey and immature insects. Water was supplied in test et al. 1986b). These chemical signals are present tubes closed with cotton wool. The following worker categories were tested: on the 's cUticle as the result of genetically 1) Foraging workers (F) collected at the honey source in controlled production (e.g. in the ant Pseudomyr- the foraging area. mex ferruginea, Mintzer 1982) and/or adsorption 2) Normal callow workers less than 12-h old (referred to from the environment (e.g. in the ant Solenopsis as 0-day old, CO). They were defined by their pigmentation, mobility, and presence of some pupal skin, and were taken invicta, Obin 1986). In small colonies of Campono- directly from the source colony cells. tus, queen derived labels are dominant, but worker 3) Normal 5 day-old callow workers (C5) were initially col- derived labels are clearly noticeable when the lected as described for CO then maintained separately in Petri queen is removed or has a reduced fertility (Carlin dish cells (50 mm diameter) with other C5 callows and always with an equal number of nurses (1 : 1). and H611dobler 1986, 1987a, b). Both environmen- 4) Naive callow workers were artificially removed from tally derived and individually produced (by queens their cocoon with fine forceps and tested between 3 and 12 h and/or workers) chemical cues may be exchanged old (NO). among other colony members through social inter- 5) Naive callow workers artificially emerged from their co- actions. Chemical analyses of artificial groups of coon were maintained separately with other naive eallows of the same age, without nurses, in small Petri dish cells. They Manica rubida and Formica selysi (Errard and Jal- were tested at 5-days old (N5). lon 1987) or of several North American Campono- tus species (Vander Meer and Carlin unpublished) indicated that members of these groups had mixed Behavioral assays chemical profiles characteristic of the species pres- Dead workers from each of these five categories were tested ent. Therefore chemicals are shared and acquired after one of the following treatments: anaong the members of these artificial groups. A 1) Freeze-killed ants: workers were frozen until dead (ca. 3 tl) then warmed to room temperature. study of the integration mechanism of a myrmeco- 2) Washed ants: Each live individual was soaked in 150 gl philous beetle into fire ant (Solenopsis spp.) colo- of hexane for 3 h then rinsed with additional hexane and al- nies also demonstrated a transfer of cuticular com- lowed to air dry for 15 min. The ants were dead after this ponents from host to myrmecophile. This transfer procedure. The soak was transferred to a clean vial, concen- was correlated with the beetle's acceptance into trated under nitrogen to about 20 Id, and used in the two fol- lowing treatments. the ant colony (Vander Meer and Wojcik 1982). 3) Washed ants coated with a nestanate soak: A total nest- We report the results of a behavioral and chem- mate soak was applied with a capillary pipet in three equal ical analysis of the ontogeny of nestmate recogni- aliquots to the head, thorax and abdomen of a washed worker tion cues in the ant Camponotus floridanus. Such of the same category. Treated ants were allowed to air dry for 15 lrfin before testing. a combined ontogenetical study has not been re- 4) Washed ants coated with an alien soak: The above proce- ported in social insects. The criterion used for nest- dure was used to apply a soak from a non-nestmate to a washed mate recognition was the aggressive behavior dis- worker. 177

9 Two queenless groups of ca. 600 workers, each coming from 5 a different colony, were tested between the second and fourth week after they were collected from the field. Just after treat- ment (one of the four described above), individual ants were introduced into the foraging area of their own colony or into the foraging area of the alien colony. Active foraging and pa- trolling allowed the discovery of the introduced ant within the S first minute, as well as a large number of potential encounters between the introduced and resident ants. For each of the five categories of worker, for each treatment, and for each kind ~on-" of introduction (nestmate or alien), 10 replicates were per- formed (total of 800 introductions). The aggressive behavior displayed by resident workers in Camponotus spp. has already 15 been described (Morel 1983; Carlin and H611dobler 1986). The aggressive acts used in this study were opening of the mandibles, grasping, and flexing ~)f the gaster to spray formic acid. Nib- bling and light, short-duration seizing were not included in the analysis when freeze-killed ants were tested, since these behav- iors were often associated with transportation rather than ag- gression. However, in~bioassays with live ants (see below for TIME (MINUTES) chemical analysis), these behaviors could be unambiguously Fig. 1. A representative GC trace of a forager from colony used. A showing the 15 peaks on which multivariate analyses were For each assay, the number of residents performing aggres- based sive acts to the introduced ant was recorded at the end of every minute for a total of 10 min. The score of each assay was the total number of ants performing the three aggressive temperature was programmed from 50~ (1 min hold) to acts mentioned above during these 10 recordings. The distribu- 285 ~ C at 5 ~ C/min, then held at 285 ~ C for 12 rain. Chromato- tions of these scores were very variable, so their medians rather grams were analyzed with a Varian Vista 401 data processor. than means, were selected for graphic representation (Fig. 2). Pattern recognition methods were used to analyze the GC Comparisons between the scores corresponding to different data. In this study we used principal component analysis (Jol- treatments and worker categories were performed with Mann- liffe 1986) and the K-nearest neighbor classification method Whitney U tests. The !type of aggressive act was also recorded (Ton and Gonzalez 1974) to seek relationships between the for each observation, in some cases, as mentioned in the results GC profiles of the ants and the biological variables, i.e. age, section, the total number of ants performing the most aggressive social experience and colony of origin. Each chromatogram acts (i.e. grasping and gaster flexion), instead of all aggressive was represented by a data vector X= (xl, x2, x3, ... xj .... x,) acts pooled together, was used. where component xj is the area of the Jth peak. In our study each GC peak was normalized and expressed as percent of total area to indicate relative concentrations. Of the more than Chemical analysis 40 peaks present in each chromatogram, only 15 were consid- ered for pattern recognition analysis (Fig. 1). Each of these Chemical analyses were performed on four queen-right colonies peaks has an area representing more than 1% of the total. A, B, C, and D. Colonies A and B were raised from foundress Computer peak integration always yielded unambiguous re- queens in the USDA-ARS Fire Ant Project Laboratory, Gaines- sults. The normalized chromatographic data were also auto- ville, Florida. Colony C and D were collected from the field. scaled so that each variable (peak) had a mean of zero and Foragers were analyzed from these four colonies (15 from A, standard deviation of one. 10 from B, and 5 each from C and D). The four categories of callow workers (CO, C5, NO, and N5) were analyzed in colo- nies A and B (10 replicates for each category and for each Results colony). In addition, 16 samples (10 from colony A, 6 from colony B, 7 being foragers, 3 C5, 2 CO, 3 N5, and 1 NO) were analyzed blind. Behavioral assays A series of bioassays were performed on colony A and Freeze-killed ants from all test categories induced B with live callows according to the same procedure described for dead ants, except the introduction procedure which was significantly more aggressive acts in the alien col- specific for live ants : Each ant was introduced into the foraging ony than in their own (Fig. 2A). In addition, there area under a glass tube and maintained like this for 10 min were significant differences in the behavior induced to allow the alarm behavior induced by manipulation to dissi- by the five worker categories, whether they were pate. At the end of the assay, the ant was removed and used for chemical analysis. introduced into their own colony or into the alien Individual ants were soaked in 150 gl of hexane. After three colony. hours, the ant was removed and the solution was transferred When introduced into their own colony, freeze- via a Pasteur pipet to a clean vial. Prior to analysis, soaks killed foragers did not induce aggressive behavior. were concentrated to about 20 gl under a stream of nitrogen. All four categories of callow workers elicited some Gas chromatography (GC) was performed on a Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector aggressive acts, but naive callow workers caused and a 30 meter DB-1 fused silica capillary column (J & W significantly more aggressive acts than normal cal- Scientific Inc. ; 0.322 mm ID, 0.25 gm film thickness). The oven lows of the same age. The most intense aggressive 178

A B 4r~t

* /k./r





Fig. 2A-E. Median number of resident ants performing aggressive acts toward introduced dead ants from the five studied categories (F, C5, CO, N5, and NO) after the following treatment: A freeze-killed; B solvent- washed; C solvent-washed workers coated with a nestmate soak; D solvent- washed workers coated with an alien soak; E live workers (foragers not tested). For each worker category and each treatment, I0 introductions were made into their own colony (white bars) and 10 introductions into the alien colony (stripped bars). Mann-Whitney U test significance: *** P< 0.00t ; ** P<0.01 ; * P<0.05 C,5 CO N5 NO act, gaster flexion with formic acid spray, was significantly larger than the number induced by never displayed toward normal callows: however, N5, NO and CO callows (P<0.01). There was no it occurred in 2 of the 20 introductions of NO cal- significant difference in response to N5 and C5 lows and in 8 of the 20 introductions of N5 callows. callows; neither was there a difference in response No significant difference was observed between CO to NO and N5 callows. However, normal callows and C5 callow introductions. NO and N5 callow (CO and C5) induced significantly more aggressive introductions differed only on the number of gaster acts at 5-days old than at 0-day old (P<0.001). flexions given above (X2=4.08, P<0.05). Thus The number of the most aggressive acts (grasping only foragers were recognized immediately by their and gaster flexion) was significantly larger toward nestmates; however, the small number of aggres- CO than toward NO (P<0.01). sive acts displayed by nestmates toward CO callows There was no significant difference between in- was not significantly different from zero. troductions of washed ants into the source colony When introduced into the alien colony, freeze- and into the alien colony for N5, NO, and CO cal- killed foragers induced the largest number of ag- lows (Fig. 2B). Washed foragers and washed C5 gressive acts, which was not significantly different callows still induced more aggressive acts in the from the results obtained with C5 callows. But the alien colony than in their own, but significantly number of aggressive acts induced by foragers was less than freeze-killed ants from the same categor- 179


:'/ Oo o l,j %"-**- , ~4"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o , ; ~@ ~ oo~ o , A ACA AAA A A / %~ A i ~ i i i PC-I PC-1 PC-I Fig. 3A-C. Plot of the two first principal components of the 15 GC peaks obtained from individual workers. The lines between groups or the envelope of each group were drawn arbitrarily for clarity. A Foragers from colony A (N= 15), colony B (N= 10), colony C (N= 5), and colony D (N= 5). B Pooled workers from all studied categories (F, C5, CO, N5, and NO) from colony A (black circles) and colony B (open circles). C Foragers (1), C5 callows (2), CO callows (3), N5 callows (4), and NO callows (5) from colony A

ies (P<0.001 for F; P<0.01 for C5). In addition, when only grasping and gaster flexion were consid- more aggressive acts were displayed toward ered (P<0.05). N5 callows tended to elicit more washed nestmate foragers than toward freeze- aggressive behavior when introduced into their killed nestmate foragers (P < 0.05). This difference own colony, although the difference was not signif- was not significant for C5 callows. The wash treat- icant. When only grasping and gaster flexion were ment also eliminated the differences between test considered, normal callows were significantly less categories obtained with freeze-killed ants de- attacked in their colony than naive callows of the scribed above. same age (P < 0.05). Within naive workers, N5 cal- The number of aggressive acts was significantly lows induced more aggressive acts than NO callows larger toward ants coated with a soak than for (P<0.05). In the alien colony, CO callows were washed ants of the same categories in the following more attacked than NO callows (P < 0.05). The dif- cases: 1) Foragers :coated with a nestmate soak ference was not significant between N5 and C5 introduced into the alien colony and 2) foragers callows, even with a large difference in the medians and NO callows coated with a soak from the alien (Fig. 2E), due to an asymmetrical distribution of colony, and introduced into their own colony. Sim- the scores for the N5 category. ilarly, a greater number of differences between test categories were observed for introduced ants coated with either a nestmate or an alien soak Chemical analysis when compared to washed ants. However, some differences obtained between categories of freeze- Using principal component mapping techniques killed ants were not observed in ants coated with developed from the 15 GC peaks (Fig. 1), the a soak. chemical profiles of the foragers obtained from When coated with a soak from a nestmate, four different colonies A, B, C, and D were com- washed ants induced more aggressive acts in the pared. This same technique was used to compare alien colony than in their own. The difference was the GC profiles of ants from colony A to those significant for the categories F, C5, and CO from colony B. For each colony, principal compo- (Fig. 2C). When washed ants were coated with nent mapping experiments of this nature were also soaks from the alien colony, they induced more performed for the purpose of determining whether aggressive acts in their own colony than in the or not a relationship exists between the chemical alien colony (Fig. 2 D). The difference was signifi- profile of a worker ant and its category (F, C5, cant for F, CO and NO workers. However, the re- CO, N5, or NO). verse occurred for N5 callows, although the differ- The chemical profiles were found to be charac- ence was not significant. teristic of the colonies. In Fig. 3 A the results of The four categories of callow workers were a principal component mapping experiment are tested alive in colonies A and B (Fig. 2E), after shown for the foragers from the four different col- which the same workers were analyzed chemically. onies. Each ant is represented as a point in the The total number of resident ants displaying ag- principal component map. It is evident that the gressive acts toward CO and C5 callows was signifi- four colonies are well separated in the two-dimen- cantly larger in the alien colony than in their own. sional principal component space. It is also impor- For NO callows, the difference was significant tant to note that this projection is made without 180 the use of information about the class assignment Discussion of the samples. The resulting separation is, there- fore, a strong indication of real differences in the Nestmate recognition has been reported in a large hydrocarbon profiles of the ants. The first two number of eusocial Hymenoptera (see reviews in principal components account for 68.8% of the Gadagkar 1985; Breed and Bennett 1988). In ants, total cumulative variance. recognition cues produced by workers, the queen, In Fig. 3 B the results of a principal component and/or acquired from the environment have been mapping experiment are shown for ants from all reported in several different species (see review in five categories in colonies A and B. Again, the Breed and Bennett 1988). The importance of the colonies are well separated in the two-dimensional queen in Camponotus recognition systems has been map. The first two principal components account stressed by Carlin and HSlldobler (1983, 1986, for 60.8% of the total cumulative variance. The 1987a). Our behavioral results were obtained with first nearest neighbor classification procedure was queenless colonies. If queen labels last more than also used to analyze the data. In this phase of the 4 weeks (maximum duration of the absence of the study the data set was divided into four categories queen) it is possible that a queen effect was still according to the colony of origin of the ant sam- present when the ants were tested in our assays. ples. A 98% correct classification success rate was In any event, our results showed that the presence achieved with the training set members. Sixteen of the queen is not necessary for young callows ant samples comprising a prediction set were then to acquire the colony label. added to the training set, and the colony of origin The role of chemical cues in nestmate recogni- was determined for the unknowns, again using the tion in social Hymenoptera has been suggested for first nearest neighbor classification rule. All of the a long time by many behavioral studies (see HSll- members of the prediction set were correctly classi- dobler and Michener 1980). From another direc- fied. tion, cuticular chemicals (hydrocarbons in particu- The chemical profiles were also found to be lar) have been associated, but not directly corre- characteristic of the worker's category. In Fig. 3 C lated, with nestmate recognition (Vander Meer and the results of a principal component mapping ex- Wojcik 1982). Recently, a direct correlation be- periment are shown for colony A. Pattern group- tween worker chemical rinse and nestmate recogni- ings according to worker category can be seen in tion has been demonstrated in the ant Camponotus the figure. The first two principal components ac- vagus (Bonvavita-.Cougourdan et al. 1987). Our re- count for 75.1% of the total cumulative variance. sults with C.floridanus show that chemicals de- A mapping experiment of this nature was also car- rived from worker soaks are involved in nestmate ried out for colony B, and again pattern groupings recognition. However, ant rinses or soaks contain with respect to worker type were observed. Princi- exocrine products, regurgatory products, and/or pal compohent maps were also used to predict the excretory products in addition to the expected cuti- worker category of the sixteen blind samples. To cular chemicals (Vander Meer 1988). Also, accomplish this task, the data set was again divided although hydrocarbons are the major class of GC into two groups according to the colony of origin: detectable compounds in C.floridanus soaks A or B (none of the blind specimens were identified (Morel and Vander Meer unpublished), we cannot as colony C or colony D members). Blind samples say at this time that they are responsible for nest- identified as being members of colony A were add- mate recognition. A three hour hexane soak was ed to the group that included the known colony sufficient to suppress or to significantly diminish A samples. A principal component analysis was a worker's ability to be recognized as a nestmate then performed on the enlarged colony A training or a non-nestmate. It also suppressed or lowered set, and the worker type of each unknown sample the differences induced by age and social experi- was determined on the basis of its position in the ence. Solutions obtained from individual worker principal component space relative to the other soaks applied to solvent-washed ant dummies known workers. This same experimental sequence clearly demonstrated that chemicals from the was repeated for the blind samples that were identi- worker soak carried information about its colony fied as being members of colony B. Using this ap- of origin. Soaks applied to washed ants gave vari- proach, 14 of the 16 (85.5%) blind specimens were able results for callow workers. This may be due correctly assigned to their respective worker cate- to the small amount of material obtained from cal- gory. The two samples that were misidentified with low soaks as compared to forager soaks (Morel this technique were a forager and a C5 callow and Vander Meer unpublished). However, some worker. behavioral cues normally associated with callows 181

may be missing in dead test callows. In addition ony label may not be complete. Five-day old nor- to these results, all of the worker categories tested mal C. fioridanus workers induced as much aggres- (0- and 5-day old normal or naive callow workers, sive behavior as foragers when they were intro- and foragers) could be assigned to their colony duced into an alien colony. But when this category based on their GC profiles. was introduced into their own colony, more ag- Even if the ontogeny of labels and templates gressive behavior was directed to them than to for- occurred simultaneously, it is essential for an un- agers. The 5-day old callow label may be signifi- derstanding of the recognition process to study cantly different from that of nestmate foragers, yet these components independently (Gadagkar 1985; they could both be sufficiently different from any Gamboa et al. 1986b). Our results concerned only alien colony label such that the sensitivity of the the ontogeny of the colony label. This label can bioassay can not distinguish between the responses be carried by an animal without changes during induced by the two worker categories in an alien its life-time or alternatively, it can be modified dur- colony. However, when introduced back into their ing development. Honeybees (Breed 1983) and colony, the difference between zero aggression (for gynes of Polistes fuscatus wasps (Gamboa et al. foragers) and some aggression (for callows) can 1986a) possess the colony label just after emer- be detected. The nestmate acceptance mechanism gence due to pre-imaginal acquisition or to endoge- appears to requir~ more information than the re- nous production. In both cases, no social experi- jection mechanism. These results favor a recogni- ence, at least at the adult stage, was shown to be tion mechanism similar to the "' genotype match- necessary for label production and/or acquisition. ing" model proposed by Getz (1982) in which ac- Quantitative and qualitative changes in cuticular ceptance requires complete label matching between hydrocarbon patterns have been shown in Dro- intruders and residents. Our results argue in favor sophila virilis (Jackson and Barter 1986). In C. va- of diminished aggressive behavior as the recogni- gus, variations in the relative proportions of some tion label of the introduced ant becomes closer hydrocarbons were correlated with the different to that of encountered residents, and therefore aggressive responses induced by nurses and for- against a strictly defined genotype matching mech- agers (Bonavita-Cougourdan and Clement 1987). anism. Five-day old workers induced more aggres- The behavioral variations we obtained between sive acts in their own colony than foragers, al- 0-, 5-day old callows and foragers in C. floridanus though 0-day old workers did not. This can be are reflected by different relative proportions of explained by at least two factors. 1) Five-day old the GC peaks: Therefore, C.floridanus colony la- workers were isolated in sub-colonies; therefore bels are modified with age, at least through the their environment and social interactions were dif- early adult stage. Newborn C.floridanus workers ferent from that of foragers. 2) Newborn callows have a very different profile compared to older may have special pheromones (see Jaisson 1972a, workers of the same colony. Normal newborn b; H611dobler and Michener 1980) which do not workers were significantly less attacked in an alien exist after five days. In fact, the duration of the colony than older callows or foragers. This well "callow" stage is not well-defined in social insects. known phenomenon (see Jaisson 1971) allows the It could be an accelerated phase of a continuously adoption of newborn workers into alien colonies, changing process, as appears to be the case for or even colonies from closely related species. How- trophallactic behavior in C. vagus (Morel 1986) or ever, the small amount of aggressive behavior that even for chemical profiles in Solenopsis invicta was induced by newborn callows in alien colonies (Vander Meer et al. submitted). implies that these workers do carry a colony-specif- In ants, most of the previous studies did not ic label. These cues could be individually produced demonstrate whether or not social experience is as an expression of their genotype or acquired ear- necessary for label acquisition. However, results lier, at larval, pupal or early adult stage. In Cata- on Camponotus (Morel 1983, 1988; Morel and glyphis cursor, although newborn workers are Blum 1988), and in heterospecific colonies (Errard readily adopted into alien colonies, they share fewer 1984, 1986; Le Moli and Mori 1984, 1985) strongly social interactions with other colony members than suggest that social experience plays a role in resident workers of the same age (Lenoir et al. this phenomenon. Our results on C.floridanus 1982). Our chemical analyses showed that profiles demonstrate clearly that social experience with old- from all test categories, including newborn ants, er nestmates is necessary for callow workers to de- were colony-specific. However, the small amount velop the colony label needed for complete integra- of aggressive behavior directed at some newborn tion into the colony. Naive and normal callows callows by their nestmates indicates that their cop of the same age showed different chemical profiles 182 and their introduction induced different behavioral Bonavita-Cougourdan A, Clement JL (1987) Sub-caste discrim- responses, either in their own colony or an alien ination in the ant Camponotus vagus Scop. In: Eder J, Rem- colony. In their own colony, both 0- and 5-day bold H (eds) Chemistry and biology of social insects. Proc 10th int Cong IUSSI, Peperny, Mfinchen, p 475 old naive callows were more attacked than normal Breed MD (1983) Nestmate recognition in honeybees. Anim callows. In the alien colony, 0-day naive callows Behav 31 : 86-91 were less attacked than 0-day normal callows. Breed MD, Bennett B (1988) Kin recognition in highly social Thus the different label carried by naive newborn insects. In: Fletcher DJC, Michener CD (eds) Kin recogni- tion in animals. Wiley, New York (in press) workers allows them to be accepted into their own Carlin NF, H611dobler B (1983) Nestmate and kin recognition colony and to induce less aggressive behavior in in interspecific mixed colonies of ants. Science an alien colony than normal workers of the same 222:1027-1029 age. No difference in aggression was noted in 5-day Carlin NF, H611dobler B (1986) The kin recognition system of carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.). I. Hierarchical cues old naive and normal callows when introduced into in small colonies. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 19:123-134 alien colonies, probably because of the develop- Carlin NF, H611dobler B (1987a) The kin recognition system ment of a more complete colony label, which of carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.). II. Larger colonies. may combine food and nestmate odors. More Behav Ecol Sociobiol 20:209-217 aggressive acts were displayed toward 0-day naive Carlin NF, H611dobler B (1987b) The kin recognition system of carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.). III: Within-colonydis- workers by alien workers than by nestmates in all efimination. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 20: 219-227 treatments (washed ants not included). However, Errard C (1984) Evolution en fonction de l'age des relations 5-day old naive workers were more attacked by sociales dans les colonies mixtes plurispecifiques chez les alien workers only for the freeze-killed worker fourmis des genres Camponotus et Pseudomyrmex. Insectes Soc 31 : 185-194 treatment. In addition to the comparison of the Errard C (1986) Role of early experience in mixed-colony odor chemical profiles, these results indicate that a naive recognition in the ants Manica rubida and Formica selysi. newborn worker individually produces a part of Ethology 72: 243-249 the colony label, or acquired it at the larval or Errard C, Jallon JM (1987) An investigation of the development pupal stage (it is not possible at this time to choose of chemical factors in ants intrasociety recognition. 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Jaisson P (1971) Experiences sur l'agressivite chez les fourmis. Blum's laboratory, Department of Entomology, University of CR Acad Sci Paris ser D 273 : 2320-2323 Georgia and partly supported by the Formation des Francais Jaisson P (1972a) Nouvelles experiences sur l'agressivite chez a l'Etranger, Ministere des Relations Exterieures, France. We les fourmis; existence probable d'une substance active inhi- thank D.F. Williams for the colonies of C.floridanus raised bitrice de l'agressivite et secretee par la jeune formicine. in the laboratory, and C.S. Lofgren and M.S. Obin for review- CR Acad Sci Paris ser D 274: 302-305 ing the manuscript. Jaisson P (1972 b) Mise en evidence d'une pheromone d'attracti- rite produite par la jeune ouvriere de Formica (Hymenop- tera: Formicidae). CR Acad Sci Paris ser D 274:429-432 References Jolliffe IT (1986) Principal Component Analysis, Springer, Ber- Beecher MD (1982) Signature systems and kin recognition. 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