Predator 2 Script
IIPREDATOR 2II The Hunt Continues... Written by Jim Thomas & John Thomas SECOND DRAFT Decernber 15, 1989 'IPREDATOR 2:II The Hunt Continues... SLOW FADE-IN FROM BI,ACK: OPENING TTTLE SEQUENCE RUSHING FORWARD at ground Ievel, mottled shapes racing past camera, slowly resolving into trees whipping past, CAMERA RISING through the trees into an AERfAL VfEW, speeding on, looking down on a jungle canopy. We slow and CRANE UP, cresting the treeline, the startling sight of the LOS ANGELES BASIN, appearing before us. SUBTITLES: LOS ANGELES, ]-995 Title artwork crashes into center screen: PREDATOR 2. On thi-s the TITT,E BLEEDS INTO: PREDATOR VTSTON OF LOS ANGELES Scanning the skyline. Attracted by a strange, distant SOUND, his vision STEPS fN, downward, through the canyons of steel, the distorted WHINE of a SIREN, growing louder as the Predator's vision ZOOMS IN to the streets below, coming to rest on a bizarre scene: a loping YELLOW wave of FLAME, accompanied by distorted SOUNDS of CRACKLING and POPPfNG, blood-red STREAKS of LIGHT darting across the street, holding and fading for a second. EXT. OB.]ECTIVE CAIVIERA . HIGH ANGLE - MIDSTREET DAY The keening WAIL growing louder as we DESCEND through the thick smog and shirnmering ai-r of a blistering heat-wave; i.nto the rnidst of a raging BATTLEFIELD: At the mouth of a blind aIIey, a BOB-TAIL TRUCK Iies BURNING on its side, a late-mode1 CADfLLAC positioned before it, nose-first onto the sidewalk. Behind the truck, TEN MEN, heavily armed with AUTOMATIC RIFLES and SHOTGUNS, lay down a barrage of GUNFIRE, aimed at EIGHT POLICEMEN across the street, pinned down in doorways, stairwell-s and behind cars.
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