Number 7 • 1999
Journalof the American Scouting Historical Society Number 7 • 1999 PickPick AA Card!Card! plus:plus: byby JeffJeff FeldmanFeldman && TomTom GouldGouldAlanAlan O’ConnorO’Connor HalHal YocumYocum JohnJohn SneadSnead ToddTodd HatfieldHatfield FredFred DuerschDuersch KenKen KittlebergerKittleberger 2 Number 7 – 1999 Journalof the American Scouting Historical Society Number 7 • 1999 Journal of The American Scouting Historical Society 3 Members of the American Letters to the Editor Scouting Historical Society Have just received the “Journal of Nice job on the ASHS issue! Very Thomas Ashton, Burnsville, MN the American Scouting Historical Soci- useful and informative. I especially Conrad Auel, Monessen, PA ety”, and as always, very much appreci- apreciated Bob Wagner’s article on how Ed Basar, Livonia, MI ate it. Both Son and I have looked at it, to download the Blue Book, which I Mike Bega, York, PA with myself reading it just about from followed to the letter and with outstand- Dr. Gene Berman, Jackson Heights, NY cover to cover. Thank you ever so much. ing results. I also thought Bruce Dwight Bischel, IL Shelley’s article on lodge names was Dana Bonstrom, Kettle Falls, WA Also will be looking forward to the great. Hopefully that article will stimu- Gary Burdorf, Santa Monica, CA new edition of the “Blue Book”. late more interest in this area of OA Bob Connor* Take care and all the very best. Chris Deering, DeKalb, IL research! I enjoyed the article on the Frederick J. Oppliger Fred Deurch, Logan, UT Lodge 15 neckerchiefs and was in- Kirk Doan, Kansas City, MO St. Petersburg, FL trigued by all the ones you’ve found that Duane Fowlks, San Antonio, TX had not been reported to me when we Jeff Feldman, Woodland Hills, CA were working on the Blue Book.
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