When the ANC and the SACP Created Umkhonto We Sizwe In
When the ANC and the SACP created Umkhonto we SIzwe in 1961 to take up arms against the State for the attainment of basic political rights, few people could have imagIned that the predictions made by the British Priae Minister, Harold Macmillan, in Cape Town on 3 February 1960, would become a reality in less than thIrty years. What he told Parliament and the world at large on that day was that "the wind of change" was blowing throughout the African continent and "whether we like it or not this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. We must all accept it as a fact and our national policies must take account of It."(1) To the leaders of the South African government and to most White South Africans at the time Macmillan was not seen as a visionary but rather as a British politician interfering in South Africa's internal affairs. lor the government of Dr H.l. Verwoerd, with its strong belief in racial segregation and White domination, to accept the possibility of White Afrikaner nationalism capitulating to African nationalism was inconceivable. To Verwoerd, Black, but particularly African, political aspirations had no future in a South Africa under White rule. lor anyone to suggest otherwise or.to promote Black political rights, in a multi-racial democracy, particularly through extra-Parliamentary means, was to attack government policy and the right of Whites to rUle. Thus any demand by Blacks for equal political rights, with Whites, in a unItary state, whether peaceful or not, was outrightly re1ectd by the South African government, who banned both the PAC and the ANC in 1960 when, it thought, these organIzatIons had become too radical In their demands.
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