Deep Structure of the Northern Kerguelen Plateau and Hotspot
Philippe Charvis,l Maurice Recq,2 Stéphane Operto3 and Daniel Brefort4 'ORSTOM (UR 14), Obsematoire Ocinnologiq~~ede Ville~rnnche-srir.mer, BP 4S, 06230 Villefmnche-sitr-mer, Fronce 'Doniaines océoniqiies (LIRA 1278 dir CNRS & GDR 'CEDO'), UFR des Sciences et Techniqites, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, BP S09, 6 Aveme Le Gorgeit, 29285 Brest Cedex, France 3Laboratoire de Céodyrrnniiqire soils-marine, GEMCO, (URA 718 dir CNRS), Observatoire Océanologiqite de Villefranche-snr-mer, BP 45, 062320 Villefranclie-sur-nier, France 41nsfitici de Physique dii Globe de Paris, Laboratoire de Sismologie (LA195 du CNRS), Boîte 89, 4 place Jiissieit, 15252 Paris Cedex 05, France Accepted 1995 ?larch 10. Received 1995 March 10; in original form 1993 June 16 SUMMARY Seismic refraction profiles were carried out in 1983 and 1987 throughout the Kerguelen Isles (southern Indian Ocean, Terres Australes & Antarctiques Françaises, TAAF) and thereafter at sea on the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau during the MD66/KeOBS cruise in 1991. These profiles substantiate the existence of oceanic-type crust beneath the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau stretching from 46"s to SOS, including the archipelago. Seismic velocities within both structures are in the range of those encountered in 'standard' oceanic crust. However, the Kerguelen Isles and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau differ strikingly in their velocity-depth structure. Unlike the Kerguelen Isles, the .thickening of the crust below the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is caused by a 17km thick layer 3. Velocities of 7.4 km s-I or so Lvithin the transition to mantle zone below the Kerguelen Isles are ascribed to the lower crust intruded and/or underplated by upper mantle material.
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