Sir Knight Oscar Winning Actor and Advocate for Freemasonry By Sir Knight Ivan M. Tribe

etween in 1929 School of Dramatic Art in Hartford for six and in 1970, a to- months. Borgnine opted not to go to Yale Btal of five Masons have won since they had so many degree require- the Academy Award for best actor in a ments far removed from theater. Instead motion picture. By far the most active he sought practical experience and went Brother in this hallowed group is the to Abingdon, Virginia, and its somewhat 1955 winner, Ernest Borgnine. While renowned Barter Theater where for the not holding lodge office per se, he has next five years he did everything from served in a variety of roles as a spokes- driving a truck and painting scenery to person for Masonic charities and also walk-on parts and eventually lead roles. been a tireless advocate for the frater- Certainly his best experience for Barter nity. In his screen career, Brother Ernie was as a cast member of Shakespeare’s is neither the legendary figure nor the Hamlet touring Denmark and Germany, matinee idol such as Brother Clark Ga- mostly on military bases. He also had ble, but he has established a solid cellu- parts in such productions as State of the loid persona for some six decades, a rare Union and the play feat in his own unique manner. . Born in Hamden, Connecticut on During his years in Virginia, Ernest January 24, 1917 to Italian immigrant Borgnine also became a Mason. Ini- parents, Ermes Effron Borgnino (later tial interest came from his father who Anglicized to Ernest Borgnine) had a had been a Scottish Rite member. Next fairly normal childhood with one ex- came his affection for Abingdon and its ception. At the age of two, his mother friendly people and atmosphere, recall- took him and returned to , coming ing that “I grew to love the town and back to the in 1924. In all it offered.” One day he went to the his boyhood, the youth joined the Boy print shop to pick up some show post- Scouts and had a part in a high school ers where the owner, Elmo Vaughn, was play. Not long after completing high a Mason. Ernest told him that his father school in New Haven, Ernest enlisted in was a Mason and asked him about join- the . Discharged in ing. Vaughn smiled but said nothing. Lat- mid-1941, he returned to the navy af- er, after asking a third time he received a ter Pearl Harbor and ultimately spent a petition. He says “I didn’t learn ‘til later total of ten years in military service as that in those days you had to ask three a gunner’s mate and chief petty officer. times.” Borgnine took his Entered Ap- Out of the navy, Borgnine’s mother prentice degree on July 7, 1948. Several suggested that he take up acting on the months later on April 25, 1949, he was basis of his “strong personality.” Under passed to the degree of Fellowcraft and the G. I. Bill, he enrolled at the Randall after another week raised a Master Ma- knight templar 9 son on May 2, 1949. Even after moving on to Broadway and Hollywood, Brother Borgnine kept his membership in Abing- don Lodge No. 48. Before permanently set- tling in California, Ernest Borg- nine made a few appearances in Broadway theater produc- tions. His first role came as a male nurse in . Other stage roles followed in Born Yesterday and Mrs. McThing, playing a gangster in the lat- ter. This led the actor to fre- quently being typecast as a villain when he moved to Cali- fornia in 1951. After a couple of small bit parts, he landed a larger job in as the brutal army sergeant “Fatso” Judson who administers a fatal beating to . While landing him high marks for his acting, Borgnine also received death threats from those who took Photo courtesy of Sir Knight Ken Jones. his film treatment of a legend- ary screen favorite seriously. Although Brother Borgnine’s stature much of the credit for the film’s success as an actor was increasing, the film that to writer Paddy Chayefsky whom he de- really elevated him to star status came scribed as a master of “kitchen sink real- in 1955 with his Oscar winning title role ism.” In the year following his Oscar win- in , a tender love story in which ning film, Borgnine continued to handle lonely, but plain, people meet and fall such varying roles as an Amish farmer in in love. Marty also won the best picture , a rancher in Jubal with award. Marty Pilletti, a rather portly and Brother Glenn Ford, a fight promoter in homely but good-hearted Bronx butcher, The Square Jungle, and a harried hus- was portrayed to perfection by Brother band in with Bette Ernie who demonstrated tremendous Davis and who played versatility. Film critic Bosley Crowther his wife and daughter respectively. wrote in the New York Times calling his In the 1958 , , work “a performance that burns into the Borgnine and portrayed two mind.” A more modest Borgnine gave ex-convicts who got revenge by robbing 10 may 2012 a crooked mine owner who had wrong- locales in foreign lands—Brother Er- fully gotten them sent to Yuma Prison. nest Borgnine became more active in One of the film’s female stars, Hispanic Masonic work. He completed his Scot- actress , subsequently be- tish Rite degrees in the Valley of Los came Ernest’s second wife (he had an Angeles on March 14, 1964. On June earlier marriage to a Navy nurse). Key 6 of the same year he became a Noble parts in military and action dramas be- at Al Malaikah Shrine Temple. The next came his forte as roles like that of Marty year on February 4, 1965, Borgnine Pilletti did not often come along in Holly- became a dual member of Hollywood wood. As a result he continued in a wide Lodge No. 355. However, his Masonic variety of character parts in television work was not yet finished. as well as motion pictures. For instance, More Scottish Rite honors came in he guested on the initial episode of the later years. In 1979, Ernie received the long-running adult western Wagon Train K.C.C.H., the 33rd Degree in 1983, and in September 1957 as “Willy Moran,” a the Grand Cross in 1991. He took his former Union soldier struggling to recov- York Rite Degrees in July 1985 in Long er from a battle with alcoholism. Beach Chapter No. 84 Royal Arch Ma- Although widely known as an ac- sons, Long Beach Council No. 26 Royal tor, Brother Borgnine probably gained and Select Masters, and ultimately was his greatest fame as star of the TV hit knighted in Long Beach Commandery comedy McHale’s Navy from 1962 until No. 40, Knights Templar on July 28, 1985. 1966. As the “gruff but lovable” Lieuten- He is a life member of all of these bodies. ant Commander Quinton McHale, Borg- Not merely content with just being a nine became a familiar figure in millions “celebrity Mason,” Brother Borgnine has of American living rooms. Like most become a public advocate for Masonic military sit-coms, McHale’s Navy bore bodies. Typical of his comments is found little resemblance to reality. As one in a 2007 article titled “Mouth to Ear” in critic argued, the United States would Masons of Texas: not have won World War II if McHale and his inept crew had been typical. “As I’ve advanced in Masonry, Still audiences loved him, servicemen I have found we are an elite also took him to heart, and he became group of people who believe in one of their favorites, no doubt wishing God, country, family, and neigh- that his character had been their own bours [sic]. We work hard to help commanding officer. Injured veterans our fellowman, and through our fondly recall his many visits to military charitable work such as support hospitals. For example, my predecessor for the Childhood Language Dis- as Commander of Athens Commandery orders Centers, we have made No. 15, Ken Jones, treasures his mem- it possible to help many chil- ory of Borgnine’s visit when he was in dren grow into good American Bethesda Naval Hospital recovering citizens. We should always be from injuries sustained in Viet Nam. proud of the order which we During his McHale’s Navy days—no belong to [sic]. Where in all the longer traveling as much to exotic film world do you find so many great knight templar 11 men and Brothers who have Adams and Sammy Davis, Jr.; Legend in helped the whole wide world? Granite (1973) in which he portrayed But—we are hiding our light un- football legend ; and der a bushel basket.” more recently the lead role in a holi- day season family effort, A Grandpa In practicing what he preaches, for Christmas (2007). Guest spots in Brother Ernie served as honorary chair major dramas included one of the most of the Scottish Ritecare program. Be- memorable episodes of Little House on tween 1972 and 2002 he marched sev- the Prairie (1974) and the final two epi- eral times in a Shrine unit as the “Grand sodes of ER in 2009 which netted him Clown” in the Great Circus Parade in an Emmy nomination. He did a voice . He was also honorary chair- part in the cartoon series All Dogs Go man of a program to support the Scot- to Heaven and another in Sponge Bob tish Rite Childhood Language Center Square-Pants. From 1984 to 1986, he in Richmond, Virginia. In non-Masonic had a second prime-time adventure se- charity work on behalf of veterans he ries (55 episodes) with Jan Mi- served in 1996 as chairman of the Na- chael Vincent and a lesser but regular tional Salute to Hospitalized Veterans role as “Manny the Doorman” in The and traveled throughout the country Single Guy (23 episodes) from 1995 to making numerous visits. 1997. Although seventy-eight when this Although McHale’s Navy lasted series started it was reported that Sir through four seasons (138 episodes) Knight Ernie was the first to arrive on plus re-runs, Borgnine was hardly ready the set, the last to leave, and generally for retirement. He continued appearing had the most fun. with regularity in both lead and support On his ninetieth birthday in January roles in major films and prime-time tele- 2007, Brother Borgnine was honored vision. Listing all of this activity would be with a dinner in West Hollywood. At- exhausting and time consuming, so only tendees included his wife, the former a few of the highlights will be mentioned Tova Traesnaes; other family mem- here. Motion pictures include Pay or bers; his buddy from the “McHale” era, Die (1960) in which he played the mar- ; Bo Hopkins; Burt Young; tyred New York Police Detective Joseph two notable leading ladies from ear- Petrosino who was among the first to lier days, Debbie Reynolds and Con- investigate the Mafia; Go Naked in the nie Stevens; and a number of others. World (1961) with ; The Miss Stevens, fondly remembered as Dirty Dozen (1967) with and the star of the Hawaiian Eye TV series Charles Bronson; and three made for TV and such youth films as Parish and Su- sequels — The Legend of Lylah Claire san Slade, recently interviewed at the (1968) with , 2011 film fair in Winston-Salem, North (1969) with , and Hannie Carolina, had only positive comments Caulder (1971) with Raquel Welch. about Borgnine whom she described In made for television movies, the as a “wonderful person.” more memorable titles included a Still active at ninety-four and count- western The Trackers (1971) with Julie ing, Brother Ernie reminisced to a Lon- 12 may 2012 Photo courtesy of Sir Knight Ivan Tribe collection. don reporter in May 2009 for The Scots- through barroom doors . . . man with a touch of humor concerning pushed in front of moving sub- his long film career: way trains, devoured by rats and a giant mutated fish, blown up “I’ve died on screen al- in spaceships, melted down into most thirty times, I’ve been a Technicolor puddle, jumped shot, stabbed, kicked, punched into a snake pit, and I perished knight templar 13 from thirst in the Sahara Desert. I bounced around [in a] capsized ocean liner, beat Frank Sinatra to death, impaled Lee Marvin with a pitchfork, and had my way with Raquel Welch.”

Honors have also continued to be accumulated by the senior actor. In January 2011, the presented him with their Life Achieve- ment Award. Some opposition arose from younger generation members who have found fault with his occasion- al politically incorrect comments, but it mattered not to Brother Borgnine who The Scottish Rite Journal pointed out was the only Mason besides the late Illustrious Brother to re- ceive this recognition. On May 7, 2011, the Valley of Long Beach held a dinner in which they named their theater in the Scottish Rite Temple after theac- claimed actor with Illustrious Brother Norm Crosby presiding. In reviewing and concluding this survey of the career of this noted Mason, it seems relevant to close with one of his Note own quotes: “I speak out loud about Material for this article comes from the 1956 article on Ernest Borgnine inCurrent Masonry to everyone! I’m proud of the Biography, a variety of motion picture and fact that I belong to an organization that Masonic websites including articles by made me a better American, Christian, Blake Bowden in Masons of Texas and in husband, and neighbour [sic]; and all it February 2011 The Pennsylvania Freema- took was a little self-determination by son. His book Ernie: The Autobiography going foot-to-foot . . . and mouth to ear.” (Citadel Press, 2008) is an honest survey of Borgnine’s life and thoughts about his films, directors, and associates, but has Sir Knight Tribe, Ph.D. is a professor only one passing reference to Masonry. emeritus of history at the university I especially appreciate the assistance of of Rio Grand in Ohio, and a holder of the staffs at the Grand Lodges of Virginia the KCT, KYCH, and 33o. He has been and California, the Grand York Rite bod- a regular contributor to the Knight ies of California, the Valley of , Templar magazine for many years and and Al Malaikah Shrine. resides at 111 E. High Street, McAr- thur, OH 45651. 14 may 2012