uKf i ?,? 4&L' JV" it, - IAJWWWW t. n mAirm7f fR? p3,' 51 HIA, DECEMBER 21, 1022 rt PUBLIC LEDOEK-PHILADELP- THURSDAY, EVENING v J jffieeiTPremment Football Men Seek Position as Coach of Red and Blue 1923 Varsity Eleven L ' I : --...... ,,. to Quit niTnmiin MflTOC nARAT Ufll IJLMMI'UIN M III1 II V Refused TRICK Hew I Made, My Start UL UrUTIL HILL SIX COLORED CLUBS IN 9 in the Game PLAY TIGER ELEVEN NEWBASEBALL LEAGUE TO MEET JAN. 3i HAS BECON E PASSE Lew Tendler Wanted to Be Suzanne and Mella lo Represent Beth Pitt and W. Virginia mmk flilldale te Renew Net Feud Westerners Appear at Prince- Calling Meeting of ' Few Baseball 'Lawyers' Trying a Boxer, Se Phil Glassman and Camden te See State Play Plan Special Will Op- piWW Il- 7V Anectntrd ton en October 20 I te Beat Rules About TVii.s Pfs l'twadciui, Calif., Dec. 21. Four Athletic Council te Decide JjOfe- Became a Manager Irfinilen, Dec Ul. A renewal of in Circuit, Including Bal- pose Army in tellese fcnltmlt teams will we the Coach and Schedule I " legal Delivery Was the tennis feud between Mile. 04&$lhi:L. in 1913 lljur-Mul- timore, Brooklyn, iVete t'nlver.slty of Southern California l.englen nnd Mrs. Mella t mill lVnn eemed n Htnte football teams elfish ' Mallery next summer GEORGIA TECH ON SLATE Yerk and Atlantic City here New Year's Day In the teurnn- - COURT QUINTET VICTORS HUGH McQUILUErTS INJURY p'ubnbillfy today. A cablegram from ment of roses nnnual East vs. AVcst B0W WERE NEirsiES America staling thnt Mrs. Mallery clash. MMmm plnnncl te te Wimbledon In tome Nntic Dame. Ind., Dec. Ul. Tlie i T,"lABRUM , advantage about the abolition Invltntten.s have been accepted by I,vw .108EPH quest of th" women's brought SIGNS LLDYP mSMMM&M'tt t,M s .' x. x "i .i: . v . J i i ONK My PHIL GLASSMAN title University of Notre Damp football foam, BOLDMS .1- I - ' Inek of guff' i foetbnll teams of West Virginia, football Bltuatien at the Lni- " lji'i-i'"rr- " trick pitching is the the announcement from A. II, Mtihr, rpiIE r compelled TENDLEK wnnted te be n will piny the Princeton University 'ittsbtirrh, t.ew.aga Ag- - tv w up i. nnd gurgle thnt we've been XiiMinrii. h mnnnger, and Utah a vers ill be cleared ueierc inc LEW se I became rt manager. He Ibut the French f'cveri nt Princeton en October 20. jy niLIi DALLAS leultural College. witek of the new year has passed, le listen te new forms of twirl- flrt about I star would also participate In the e made geed, nnd ns n result. mv Ifti'.'I. Knnte K. Rnckne. director TNI)i:rnNDEXT, fnul-pr- pint little according te a prominent official at the ing, flvery youngster came up rucfy. of. Hutchinson, that sueceas In the game Winiblideti tournament. n teams nre already Unlvcrsltv. Sydney J?. every thirties at Notre Dame, today ricnstlP baseball ehalrman'ef the Athletic Council and one would bent of a new delivery: l ntlribilted te the M2.'l basetnll season. t,mt f"(', his football schedule for natl rcpnrinp for of the two Rrnduntes nn the Rridlren 'ailing veteran would declntc that he had FntM- - Wnllnee Battling Association BOOM leave for a trip Wsnn. season. Philadelphia lJnsebnll ON committee. Is due te hop. ygPV Ten yearn nae I ; Murray, Harry The coach- dlscevere a mystifying new Jee Tiplltr. Kid Urewn. games; evening nnd dlfciiHsed MIS Seuth en January 0. nnd if the never of Wll-ev- er The schedule provides for fen met en Tuesday nil right. dreamed Danny Kramer, Johnny Oill, Kid campaign, and munv ing and schedule problems are net It wns "hop," In- - i the next becoming Hums nnd Kid Wolf. and Include! contests with West Point,' dan for up by time It will drag for identical in de- radical chances will be made before the cleared that Unless two men nre terc'ted in boxing.) Several years age, when I thought Oeergln ceh.. Nebraska nnd Cnrnnfle way next aprim;. another six weeJ.s, or until Mr. Hutch- throwing n Maren geta under AT NORMAL SCHOO L velopment nnd method of At that time I vas I had one of the best atablcn of boxers Tech. The Army game, set for October the meantime .there, linn been inson returns. Fame rr n unfiling newsie in inc t.usi nnu was nnra te Keep 13. will b played New City In no doubt been planned le held n ball no two will hnve the it at Yerk ...... t,.i in dm i:eht what is It has - away" et Fifteenth and them busy, I decided te give them work Instead of nt West Point as heretofore.. of reiniciT meeting during the holiday", but Mnthcwsnn's "fade r btrengeit organization . mytclf. Me I beenme a uiaii-uiuiinr- esp-- the - of the by I be- Market nirci'in. ;etrc Dnrae'fl season will open en r handed together, net except Tex Hamer, cnptnln football was jusf a slew ball, dropping and promoter. out- - flubs ever - his home in Because some of I have held severnl tember 20 nnd end en November 28. J Western Aisecia team, left en Tuculay for of gravity: McOInnlty's "Old - itnbe restcr'H Embryo Teachers Struggling for re- fore tn v customers wen- nnu uiuuur nihihi, inu n i t;eacu JlOCKne s fieneclUle t Jinn included in the Tex., whcie he will came In low. inn uiu nie ei fellows l Hubs lire Snn Antonie. Sal" was a fast, one th'at men connected In promoter Is mero worrisome thun that September 20, teams are widely known It! main until the first of the year, when rising There was n Kalamazoo nt Netrejf r reuit.'nml the Prestige Athletic World. Clas-e- s and took a slant. fistinnn. I naturally of n raoneger and I hnve net cared much ? he will return te the University. nbillty with nearly Dame 3 TVei nesdey, NELL DENNE1IEV deal of "natural" beard lets of box- about promoting nmbltlens. October 0. Iimbnrd nt Netre DnmsA piayed for earx. Student Spirit Good open for the new year 'en ball was developed, ex- . crpry trick thnt ing gossip, und 18, bre Is known as lie January 3, nnd It Is planned tn held the Center of Daughtcra of Columbus, emery October Wist Point at New Yerk' The new nrpani'ntleii following cept ones like Russcl Ferd's ball. gevlped mvself In In i nutshell. Lew Tendler 3 ole.e.l meeting day or the who Insisted en playing for team . City. Association of KnMcm en thnt m 1 - although bndly crippled. , wtieFe. snoots were iiue in.' iIMJI.AS.H.MAV viewing pesslbill- mad me n manager and I tnade October 20, Princoten at Princeton. " niball Clubs and was QUINTET of atmosphere en n fceufled section him a boxer. l (?AifTuviui- SHOWS PROMISE nin up the the leather pushers October 27, Georgia Tech. ...:,.. imiii fir rmtl. nim i ii i Vm.' order te entirely clear tics of various nt Notre Yerk. Council of the sphere. nmbltiOUS I Dnme. V Inclu.lcH New the Athletic gillie street another nnnny itorenn, tl Pr The rireuit situation nearly Acress the Kw Yerk ,1. :. .. ti..n: A limit it' t it.V. called for a special meeting en ! Hi ay. Pitching, ns n fine art, is at newsboy dlitributed papers lnll- y- November Purdue nt Notre Dnme. E.rK,.kJ?,1.V,..'.. Hill- - llyPAUL . We haven t & 15fe S55 10, The .. PREP Jnnunrv n, when it win ne cxihiku GIRL BASKETEER its low ebb In these dn.vs. or n businc-- rlvnl although, nt 0 November Nebraska nt Lincoln, , sort TtlI, public the new coach ns thronged i i.ttDaxR. Ms r tvrlei.'. ll reni.;--..t T. Till: year of 1017 the Philadelphia ratlfv the schedule and the nnv flood of wonders such .the same time, n geed friend of mine, Neb. mlpV n meets yearn W" .V..... MS have X Tn,l council a or mere nnd November IT. nt i. !e ' nme Schoel nf for 1023. Usually the the two leagues dozen We nuil" .hang" for each ether, Butler etrs Dame. tWO 111!" '. 'V."": il. ..1 1,a h""J ' tint, get I I jniiepcii..--- '. en the second Friday of the month, age. If the present lneunilsmen leaned smnll sums at tq jnnpT UlllrUnlVI November 24, Cernegle Tech. nt (or years in tne ueniuse its studentH had'""heard""the con- even botiewed or Pittsburgh. according te our informant, will GRIT bv. thev must de It with the brains different times. Men Present , ''all te nrnm and prominent were enlisted in the vene a week earlier. SHOIOEAL wdtli which Nnture endowed them, n skinny, RULES FOR TENNIS November 20, St. Leuis at. St. Leuis. men in , Lew tall, gawky and of the mom prominent senlce t,r T'nde Snm. Seven men, ,,11 names Imve been suggested te nnd n lleutcr. Tendler. Seme Fifteen fast ball, n curve was mv newsboy rival in these dnyw. ,n'l',r,e,U11!'"t '. ' "f v,,0,n the diffeient mention of the committee con- the0 no" e- wre nb', e enter the army legislation been enacted interested In ,ul'-lia- CROOK BEST ATHLETE i.Uttt e fei the coaching pest. Including a num- Had ret batting I.nter I became Net Selens te Consider England's ,m,,B tfe ": in. mlwl! '" te physical disabilities, were tren.. men. Several cerning the trick deliveries parlor at Fifteenth anil filbert - who nre net Pcnn Perpetual AT CHESTER HIGH j ber Nell Dennehey Carries Her n lest art and the celling papers, I took Right te Championship "It Strenc f P.roeMjn Tlewil te the (jrts- yerma Schoel, said le be coaches who lmve made would have become streets, and, lifter f aie have would have waned with of mv cue btislncin. Tendler wns D'j Ataecinttd Vcji Olatits; Alexander Pmnpex. the and since then the fchoels have been reputations in tlie West. Seme Despite public Interest care tin- - Team te Victory n rather a visitor, Foetbnll Captain Qets William H. Star-- : .Tames Keeniin. n combined. applied tev the position, while ethers the passing of It. nightly customer Ixinden, Dec. 21. Unification of Cubnii grnd-..- .. be nlayed. have been suggested bv nremment Wrenched Ankle There, nra few bas'bnll "lawyers as we talked mero than tennis rules nnd equipment In nil part" Tayler Cup i c.nilinll niavers. rlieir .... :., v.en, dm cnine in these times. j Christopher H.iflinnirl, thirtj me:,. f... names of they of the world nnd establishment of n Creek, captain nnd i.f the original wn8 ,10 flrst one te Iiavp reason for bringing, in the Thev nre probably convinced that Lew gave me n en ci - .i.igKi"". ..p .1 -- i. . . .. be due te One evening srstem for determining n Klnirlr. .tcr. . tne t.nestcr High Schoel feet- .nv.,i. " ' .i neii-ren- n men is said te powers that be, nnd that rhnmn. and l.dwnm nemm. In it te feel the laugh. "Say. Phil." he tennls-jdnyln- fimnts. ""k" enter a change in "ncp TO WITHDRAW can't de Ik hearty h.n whom every g nation '?,"" "' Hie see what .UtuLIN only thing they can ""-"wn- lllllihle Club, of I)nby. S'fhoel League ntlileties censid- - t'ciire te te the best and Mild. "IM like In be a boxer, and ,,,n,ml T,nyler ?Mdhi.s, m 1 b and Hliie football. will recegnbe. nre expected J1, a siv-Llu- league 'will de for lied and stuff se geed that te result Vir?. Theie teams feim make their nnturnl us my manager.' It I nB - ' en"B lU" nx:t tll!,t I want j en from n meeting - nn ftthlete te h1' (until inru Thp or- the material was , today of the Interna ' I Epcctei1 won't need triekerj. and I told school. mu nr '"""!... "" :, : - '"". utuiered anil subject te nranv Kn Outsider the advent of girls into all they sounded like a Jeke, (lenni itijics JJearJ win oil This was nnnounexl following fwiwtieti "I '"""" imitnliens the teams, or mere p.eperly It i unlikelv. according an lcinl, WITH him se. Although America is net a member the a lowing a . ! 1 of sport the question has been nn by "'m' tr tM (elm f. fsi,iPP be scler ed. Peun The injury of Hugh McQuillan in of the International I'edcrntlen, she decision reached Oeergs W. Pedlew, and oilier mei " ' .1 courage displnyed by te principal - tnllUht ,UI, hasl.cthall I ml i ..;m me inised us te the may de n let even though iriii.-erjiiLn- i of the schoel: Lar- mhw. and inn track, came has nhwi " fcum hi automobile accident I'.ut Tendler was seneu". uv ' "Pard" time will e -- iienrv oiecuni. r ml at the same thnnigh with filing rolers. Inver n its coach and will net swen the fair athletes in comparison te their hurt "the Giants' nennnnt winning he weighed n littl. mere than a hundred former nntlennl champion k,n' conch' nnd F ' J00"8 miiew ""."''" a geed ofthe I'nlted fans a chance te ' p',r. ,1'"n' "l' --' n,, Sonic ere of the epin ion next Hugh is looked if he could be j States. i '"''r. ,"'i" . - . "' "", hnt sturdier brothers. chances jenr peu nils .inn ns Mr. Slocum is expected tn t,lnerq. staililinES of t lie iiuu if, 00 fi. , r , ..,..''" slmnlit itnllhsll n VSt em one than." he showed "' him- - nn pitcher a better ,lIf)Wn evnr bv a puff of wind. "Ne. Tin lead in a movement seeklnir te have confer - i t illness lenauc canuw and thing leal in ntl ii ell mI nnm.i, ,.ie T.t ti...... i .Mnl.- tn it no matter who th "Will girls show the Bame amount most of his games last cien Mfi'-- j.(j(jll(. or vhewlng n geed England relinquish , 111 Jl VS- - I .. " . in Ret jeu the right grnnted ... l.nitintn..u1ti-- - limlll MiKiinn .ilcrj... .. i .. .t .l. ltnrtil -- l.nlll d ' tirs mi i iim.i..u...""i- " " K'""1 reason, west n.. Tiinr iiti mil :..iniri i ikiiiiii ttuin of grit under difficulties ns is often tr of the tlme he was submerge.! m the j tilI1P.. i0ll(r(i Teu.Jler: 'get me n by the federation in 1013, of holding way during lb" season of i.i.i I hiladclphln High..." !.. thnt end. with the timntic and Upper Darby work In harmony te played by men and boys in similar lines losing ntmespuen ei un; v'"'-- jeu.' world championship matches perpctu- - i bent colored Hub in High - "eu-- j -' .bout, went BUICK ROADSTER 'Which in the were held te draws. man selected te nave uic nut- i lie COUlQIlt quite su.-ik- it "" allv in Britein. a wnyn u m'"'-'"- " of sports?" The answer is yes. rarl-fie- d Him Licked hne ,.,,, Illgl, coach. when he had ascended te the mere Wanted The Htiglish aje eager te bring ' 'prenneft of the fans rr,i will have popu- - anemic-lookin- g 98Tc In the minds of the l'lK team Ilasketball has become jiiBt as liie pennant win- T liked Lew ' 1922; brand new. ''"skcibnll The tutor aomesphere of the America into tlie federation nnd ,1lin'' n, ,""l,,,l tR,tl','r ','", team in its tirst game r..ii wi De aiven I'Mric e knew I couldn't cenx The '"', n"' lie among the girls an among tlie mas.-culin- always have, and the ether nntlens i i lar tire also desirous of $950; run 1500 inhiv tnnrtv I nn tiiimern s ice imjip . . . " iiiKii selection of his assistants give up idea of going Inte mi!e. jilt til lilUl.t w.f "' """ihtii ncnneit llnnche in the by any chance MtQi'lllen's Injury him te the n new system of awarding chnmp-lonship- e, tn- - - .... ,.n u fel-n- players, and this game requires If the inl claims the title nrter "ea- ltnmeeiatcly n und will no ninwi in does liim nny harm. It will add one the ring. I thought the only way te but It is i.ilere 1 l.nll PnmmitlriO mill tllC Athletic courage grit. of unlikelv thnt th concluded, nrciiniw.1 '''"B 1tIl.?m,C0"tt Sench Sm,tI!' a and of who have been knock the boxing bug out his head ' i. ' ' " ' ' , f win- - mere to tin.' li't th'ise question will get beyond infermnl dis- - GIRARD AUTO CO. hits n bic feature in the man and an Council in his efforts te iireduee u Co- run- wa get him a match get him a hatebail b.en n ul At center en the Daughters of inlpnired for the game by reckless te cussien nt the jirescnt i capable tutor seslun. ' Wem. it thai.iHwliil.en launched he.c entirely " lumbus team is Nell Dennethey, who ning of their meters. Hughey. of geed licking as n cure for his fistic In English officials, ."""?p'1. ",. the of the former tennis ns well ns 2314 Chestnut St. n ...rnnu ..ffnir. '"' !?n wilh result that Matter of fuct. tse is one of the best cage players in femi- course, claims that the fault lay with clinatiens nnu ,i I leilinie llici Schoel trnm nnnrt 1,. t .. nintlnnnrlf ITIPtltlOneil for jir. Slocum tlie French. Belulan '"'""' s l.'-l.- ranks. person driving the ether car. He fce I went down tn the old Broadway and ether delegates, foinmlssleiici-- the next fray, ". jt known they nine the are confident thnt Oflktrs Are tm t hnve jPt be thnt acquiiwl considerable learning, se the reports ssv. asked Bailey te put the whole ! CCi(S BCO 1)11 Mlts Dennehey wns just Huh and Lew matter will be smoothed out Tl il,..u f tin. tennw ivill be tie Mount Alrr Semi. ....!.! nMU tlie net one condition Iiiif ..,., narv wiim un- - fame last jcar as n track stir, com- I.efiv Knrl Hamilton, who been invnriw in ulrh come one who would before the summer tournaments. t. tl, iw diilu held until the Inst fire min. .i.. i, ulienlutelv free and Pittsburgh ' ' et the game i,. peting in several events open te femi- n mnliistav of the Pirates lrneck hU block off. Lew was nut en .in. point wiMi a liaii man "tcs when a Held goal gave in they de. And I i.humi uuiusaies out that final icinenfntlen. trnmmeled' whatever , full- - i u" nppenpiits two points n nine clnder-pnt- h stars. for ninny year'-- came vvithin nn ace of the caul, se that he became n before they can rcllnenlnli tlm r...!,. u be clcfte, iinii'.all.v. te score nlbetli want contracts for lenRer than f.T-- nl-- T flectar I being out of t cempniiv I fledgisl and a manager. ( te held mi... I, ..11 fr.i. Hi.. Wis. Victors. . Her chance te display her grit came shunted boxer championship matches in this On December ' in the cage, only last' week this together, brennse the nenrly f.ital ef- - Tendler met Mickey Brown that country the federation must I the executive and judicial bi.ineh of JJ. the schoelshlp An- - With the closing of the University and obtain the PEERLESS s n '!' .Tnn-uar- ezhibl-- . ii niesi! iiiiys wns uui ceimeiir OI l,e -- make '."I a team te the .Id of fair basketeer gave a splendid lecis ei joy ruic. in in line unn'eu ui si'i"" et uei'iers inc securities by n .Hint ie.i and skill the Nermal yebterdny afternoon until was living high Mepplng trimming, much my surprise and of Touring; f., ,st i pl.iyei-- . own- - . hdioei with the express purpose' will be a stale- tieu of gamenrss. Playing with the Hamilton and te sale which funds for the tight Mined tu ce.-U'- the of uthletic activities . erection I wide. everybody else's thete that night, of the stadium (, and official. the Nermal beva. but the mate. Frtnn the time school opens until Columbus team in Trenten against the nt Wimbledon were nil ever; fine conditien: bchnelship -- while en n party, Tendler made geed. II? wen thnt bout, I'.ehleii, of tlie Mill- - "'""? wn sunk, f,l IT. In June eleven teams will Manhattan Uloetner Girls, Miss Den- But. Ler! drove his raised. inanacer It closes into n wreck t lint broke n nf I and been winning ever since. excellent tirea; divided cmIc ii.ini of this citv. wns liiineud by. school spirit is beiim enceuraRcd at in action, including wrestling, swim- nehey wns unfortunate enough te fnll bus let. has be boxing, benis and caused him te be waived out days of front bimi! elm ted the tir'-- t huirm.iu et .em ui ncneni, ami it the student ming, gymnasium, fencing, nnd twist her ankle. Hut in these early Tender's Van Hart Lest te Lafayette aeat, $350. the;""' League. ' Inme.s Keeniin. of the I,in- - wis that an interest is bem baselmll, track, lacrosse, crew, golf .mil of the American Since then boxing career nreund 1014 nnd 1015 it En.ten, pn. Dec "j v ,. imvM', Refused e Quit !m tins been n nirulel clretiTiin(.ctlnn hn,.l mntr1i.a tnr him Wnrt e v , Mrf. ftn GIRARD AUTO CO. ..iiti Diiints and one of the taken in the school by the sporting tennis. The most nmbitietm schedules nf iratiim Is public He pitched steady, I ,,R"eh'i'tainia iprine? Mm In suiii-p- baseball in New Vel enthusiasm will be aroused te the In history of the University were This injury came just nine minutes reliable ball, and Most of the promoters seemed te think 2314 Chestnut St. - ulglnsl the have had com- - hUn'ui" accarr tn ci00 rrinds i nv. wns i .lined for the pest of score- pitch. recently ratified by the Athletic Coun- after the rtnrt of the game, and her the Plrnte never any "it would be murder" te book Tendler. one point of New-Yer- plaint about giving Inm clinnce. I think it was Lew's nagging tinv tri'lis'liep. Tlie cil. team but ahead its inether Sometimes '1'ic il.ic ln: be' n failure of the West Philadelphia rivals. Did Miss Dennehey ictire n'lnunl nueiiiij High Nclioel Soen iU5uCthcd 1m Phil.idelphi.i. At te obtain a swimming Rowing Starts te the sidelines nnd allow a nub te take The flrpl of the big leaguers te go te feMlWtf&lLoek for the M. & II. Sign bicn decided nn .is tlllm v lii.1i I 'nnnti A ...I.-....- .... iJSWftrbSue?? at in. Hie megiiN the ",B Rowing en the indoor machines will her place In the line-up- ? She did net. the miners via the automobile route te him te nu.t the game. 5123MAA gnilieni.g il.scussed "','.' "'"""' .K"v. " 1 N of the All these in tlie ::,;'",,,; ...'.,. "V.-- '" '""nucter nas gene get way the second week in Janu- Instead, she hobbled around the fleer wns f'v Morgan, the ptthall king of the tr. Kiiinc. e racr,nc- under V le.i.e i,e men of who hnv" - ary Josephus Wright, the I'enn coach. for the lemnlning eleven minutes of champion Athletics of n decade age. Ic.l.K leen l.lelitllied with lallenal "t"'" ',"', "0"lCe!fnt ('ea,:n expected te arrive here from his the half, and during" thnt time scored a Cv silent bi World Series coin nn .. .eiiid,,, have u sulcus Is ''DO;lai '1'nai ',1.1,1, TssrsR any- - tfvS ii January He uuis i lhw".. in Terento, Canada, en field goal thnt ennbled her team te leave big car, and forget t lint there vnm that wouldn't listen te i.istin... 'IWi.iiiMiliiii.mnml ", , .Premier home nnv wi. - and ndeptnl i, '''1 "Per . n title which they T his new assistant. F.ddle the lloer at half time with n five-poi- wicti troumesemo a thing about retiring, and In the mean- SZ i,en,v ).,. drafted ;"'' '. n With tnliu' baseball. He Mean i,d the next atitli g. vvhuli will' ll'V,'11n11 f,er '"m',' .vcars. Marsh, former West Philadelphia Hargn lead. didn't last veij long after thai n nei Health and it I - ti- - I 'T Pleasured I h.d. afternoon the Speedbeys coach, he will call out candidates tenms V ilually every ball 1II1T ni- hfntuvhn.l Inly, n ll1tt Jfl m firifm PVOrt OTmmi-.- .,...! ii, Ne W in lime wcks. net Club When the came en the fleer at plaver In the big f up - he.:..!, for the,1. whi.h is (.iriirdielleg;. in n dual meet. The immediately. The lowing conches have the second half no one expected te see leagues owns an vV;ighti:xpe;t; began retiring te him chopper.' vv.tha ' j nutomeile in these tllf&' new l.e ."' .:;"1 tutoring was much their hands this year Miss Dennehey line-u- p, piping as the greater setitbrmw In boxing aU fc,ve II ..ring .Inilicl. ...II adopted. ;',f I a big task en in the but the times, nnd net one in a couple P prompt service M" celleciati swimmers were ull niimbir of varsity and plucky girl wns jffl ,P? rticu'nrlyif We te enre fur the needs ' with the laree nt her regular berth at of hundred has anv tieuble, hcnrisc Mains. of the Ate0L'Tm pri'imred Ln In iiiieinue I'I.i.v'Tn anil with the pelih of who hove been . f. S three junior varsity oarsmen center. With her ankle bandaged lv thev careful and With the sue, eM 0f Lev. I began M r Reed! UI,d ,nakc a .1 - nie cautious drivers. J of tins giiihering Hie p.TMiunel of ''nI niects' e.peiience humbled .ind reasons. - catei' ntcf f the lest by graduation ether the girl played the entire sec- It i only when lecklcssness u- w'lld leek ether boxers, and nt . sjggcsting g 'M-'l- after different "f"? b. a 'i fa tin learns will pi.iluliU I... made known, j e;.terners sieie. will be en Ihe football I I.nfnyeltc ond half, and her dash und courage se paitie enter Inte the reckoning times have handled Willie Herman, if? Ti,'n,,- r 1 (.ermiihtewii High has that ! Olirn Kvepv U'lmi nsKeil if ,e intended making any 'a swimming nest year according le an inspired , ,M111 schedule her teammates that a vkterj these accidents crop tip. .Tehnnv Mave Tntsv rirederlck A rvin'vi Anuts ftrf Inngis in his i;.l Hidden wa . ,"' '" ,,,II,.V "'is as though he knows dub. prom '"'' jeur and informant who talks was turned In against the New Yerk Ises chain-I'd- litirem nl tnsl. hul liii.'illv ilicide.l tn le take held e' (he k temething about the subject. Nego- girls. m I'lenship honors $8.slX 5ryB .if ililhlalf't) cliames in the new The Clivedens had tiations nre going en between Pcnn nnd Thus wns en Friday. All of Saturday f5 tlVfr Imk i... little trouble in defeating (iiranl In their I.nfayette, and may be consummated and Sunday Miss Dennehey - fet-t- e en last .Saturday, remained at Sweaters , "I ii.tdid in give the finis of T'hila- winning bv n next ten dajs. The adop- home, plnce - r S score. within the unable te her feet- upon iMnlu., a u. the felli.weis of Ililldale net tion of the ene-- j ear rule in football the lloer se painful wn her Injury. nnU the lust (i am iluit they have ever, In addilieii te this victeiv, (ieminn-niiite- d bv the Knsten authorities left the way Monday evening she Highland town lias also wen two journeyed. te K. of SKATES for. but lb" best in the United ether meets, one open for negotiations. C. Hall te watch her teaminaten play Mil.- -, I knew that is Miyiug n whole vlth eiitesvillc High mid the ether is also moil likely te appear 5 wflffi 5 Centre Rookwood. ulte tn Sit? ,,f tn i but I Alungteii High .vesterday after-dul- l. Knit Sweaters , J. made being s ''t. have vu seldom pit-- i'" en Franklin Field. Its status the At hnlf time Roek.wood wns leading Shaker or niTT rtf-n-t "hffr hihii us li'ivc net pieved lerrcct. noun. s thnt of Lafayette. Columbia, sum.' the city champions by a mnrgin of two Fer outdoor sports, of nil kinds n Highland r (I ri Pip ".liisi us :i htHiter I will imneiilice . nnd net Rrewn. will be en the schedule, points. Ave When the came out en the Pull-eve- All-We- tint alieidv I have secured as captain according the informant mentioned r worsted Sweater el $5 Boxing JI Tinnte te fleer for the second half, Mlsa Dennehey Kuarantecd puie 5S12 Hne Seslnl .leiin iienrv, of the p.ncimi.'ieii aia eaaalc above. The remainder of tlie schedule, was at center. will supply both warmth and comfort a, tiiimts the L'leatct lolered fihortstep " as published in these columns .veatcrduy. Jel ew 2 Despite her injured ankle, the ulncky . Gloves, Sweaters ' iT tint ever diine, u glove. He will get The slew track at Xew Orleans is lm- - is te be light. Pell-Ov- V lender of the Columbus team wni lu er "V" Neck, Heavy-Weig- bt $9.00 lleiit) of ns there ethei" pmvliig rapldlv. Horses which spciii Thtv basketball team made it four f2 New 3 roil 1IOYH nie ' there tn help her team win. And win 7-j0- lb'1 r will he ed tmlaj ( j Pull-Ove- r, Heavy-Weigh- K iniu.iiiin In due tunc bcl are: stiaig it in eik lading the atnietic lt ,,, ,,v n mnTgln ,) , peinUli"In Shawl Cellar, t, $10.50 p !jft n I tf $6 Men's, Miruigei P.uMeii mlniiltcd that be Tlist race Cappy Kicks. 0; Yorick, ;&,S?Jarivf '"' l,,v,,'MV' ntl 0? of the hnrdect games X7TLr- $3g ever put C pure nn r .i f.n In .M. " .'15 , en Shawl Cellar, Ceat Style, Heavy-Weigh- t, Aara ft . tiem Hiinstud with veai's leie Second Mnv Hedim-- I c.sleynn victim. LJrl8. " $12.00 TflTflr New . A teams ,hI, rltv. '.ib Illllil.ilc cklein le.e, but it inneceiine. .Inc Siel Third War te 17. If th" present varsity com- - jfrA man hef r c tiJ ''ei3i3r-- I fr .. r,.in be r. cillnl thai the Hiirh.wt.H Peniinut, Michiavclli. I'eoder. T'eurdi oiuatieu ciiiiiiMuc.s ui en client guard- - prnMAMTnillM ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFTS BUY EARLY rr..k..i.. ci..,. '.'.lr:' "'". . I OUIIlliirnn " i" 0 in. i t. games tlie - Hidden .levvel. Avispa. Ablaze. Fifth inc itH nbice. in the btiindinc 0rt iuninii i otvinimcne m. li.ilil. n i ... lensideinblv nut (iieiler, Cameuflacc. M.vii, tlw intercollegiate league will " Siinnlieltv be higher' OVERWHELMui ABINGTON L"' 'triWn? RaR and Sr lien his i i Ii illi d te iiiall lliitMi l.iner, Attorney Muir'. An'nl- - man pxpeeteii. ii,V."" c ' r . A. R. limlerdewn's Sens 202201 Market Baj? lh. ihampiiiiiHhlp of the I'liilndel-- vrsarv. l.iat night i he visitors scereil but s?. Platform I'.ii'-ela- Association. ' two field goals, both by Itobinbeu. one Green and White Rejjlitera Second ft Shoes JL& Havana: First rn UNDERDOWN FOR VH-- i Brushwood, I coming lu each half of the contest. UNDERWEARZi Hitting vci.ikcs i eiiiiuurum, Second Victory Within Week S10"Shee"&'Sknte , teurlier Kittv Monre, the pivot man or Wesleynn, In (Ittu lliU-gs- g Clcrmaiitewn IUgh $8 the iieninam, .vinry iieigel, Awning. Third cnged out of twentv-on- e of The swimming Out (its thirteen hia W M IIiih. tenm Its . "Hi"! nl the Ililldale Club of ihe Aledlln. Ilohekus. Fourth 'I'l.n tries from the flftcrn-foe- f mark. annexed third victory of the RKIV ''is' rfiMui gees ihe Ihhiei et leading IJv . TUdle if I'lir.abethtewn. t'hlef (loldblett was n trifle off en the foul season and lt second straight win 75 l.i ,ii num. it.. s us .1... i..,, i.... ii. r. tnut Spensor. Fifth I)uke of Wellington, mark, gettin.g but nine of his fourteen within n week yesterday afternoon when I ii -- liertn In tl ii;,.ii ,ii op s iiercii. vv no i an Tell. Hixth Htenc- - tries, hia worn! average of the seosen. they overwhelmed the Ablngtnn High XHAS TREEl " I'lli.l bv ( M liniinl, mIi the will, Handel. Orris. Label however en inn tliinugh from tin Schoel tank men, 48 te 10. 37 ii Glrnrd College and field with a itinrtet of iTeubledeckern. Ceateuvlll nigh j iis rfa Electric Light I '''ln i'nie-rSl- were i.ln. i. if..' plived In nil the '. . ,,,w"a!1 ,rir Iiliil,:,r. Hill who sienia te have clncheil the previous victims of the Green mi r Leoield. fe?fl fw cT'T'1'. i.ii q Hpednl Combi- " - p.iiii.ium.1 in i.v th.. ... ;,":":;, ,(1M" v en- d- the center berth, duplicated linldblntt's and White team, who premise, te top ,4tr Outfits for S'niBh erafl ia Ut Irfrr -- schoolboy nation Offer B Ihe hi.l lllll till,.', .111,1 HliiiiimiiiK Vl'l'V l'Vil f0'"'1'-".- performance. Vecgelm shot three from the mermen this year ia n a m I,.....- - .... . Innfc Jtn'l ...7 11....I All , . . XJUiicrifti tr tnl rn knt.v tn -- l'lf' ,htan,'Y Hill !!.... mm prevea ..e.inr aDr "''! Ills ,,i,l luuliie l.'IK iiiiis ever 'l,inl,r: ." Lhjllls the field with Kneass and .Jimmy v.iru.i iiuuHcn te no the Ssffi. .!- - uW i 21 nueti ntine'a M 2Hfc, Current -- Ihe nl, i - leiuiiic. I'leKie ynwv i one apiece. eesi ueiH reiiterr!nv t.2ri ". ..nn A i.n...... - uiliini'h gelling ti, Itirt .le t iiuiie- I tint uri niiiii. he r,. i. u,,,- rim. . ,1...... a.I.. 1. 1.. ,1 ...... (mm ni nrti i.,n.l l 1. a . m u $ . 11 k "- - h,1, ,!i... nm mI mZb3bf' ri..r.e, fzfc r.... Untli.r ;::; -. llum- r1,,,"' rui .tuner iiimie him iiiiiianinee ..i uuuurs niter ai ia "e uif fcCy. Ssfc seeing thrilling"". battle in 40-ya- '" r.tjr tlaj. j",; Mi.ii.ks i Ins wns ., of the seiiBeii. action for Revernl the free i a iu cera ana " ''' ,,c,t Acr,.s. .rin.i.e. .Seventh-Yer- nak a? end gnme. fttjle dnsh. He also whltitinat and grncn im ' O Ii.ishiiig - minutes near the of tlie competed en the ?."..:. en ""Nll-- Ihe .in- ,.,M1. HegiesM). i ftl MaiJa limp. IIOCKCy SKlltt". ,' viiii Hunk i,r ,:isi . - . . winning relay team. Blilm Li "'Mill,. li,i,.. legullliN slns.'eil II. II. Ilrvvllt. Buffalo - inn.ife Among the lamrt t JCl ffl - Amateurs 'u- wiiv mi. tin- .::mi , .mil turfman, owner et SHEARN IS WINNER "fJ ar.Unl el Air fu ,.v, ,.i, .Stnrtle and W tm. 1..- - . Iii-- i - geed j, ,hh. " '' 10 "rlhe iitttr m.irks nheve oilier tlioieughhreds, died vester-.- P'J irmt ..h.,. iiiiiK . , Triainrle .Simris Cliie. a fail n. ..,., . Christmas BL-U- Ball-Hearin- g sileiuI. .. liil,. A 1 nt his home. As n '". 'I. Alln, lni tl. min uuls,u Q micKey - $ I Slnffle - ?.I7,I)70. cless team, would like te book games rvtartel In Thrill- .?t Hhet, 1.25 ith n mini. Ilt ;.ml Stmt wm He alie w"ne,i ) :;il, s.mien Eight-Round- lw ;... .:tp,l,mm with all teams nf this caliber home ne ing Reller Bkatcs .'MO I 11 Ski pii.'. of the at no Willi .. . HIi Coe 1. winner Canadian Derbv , iS' Shet, $1.75 "" game-- ! I Mr away. Fer address Miehni. A. Hall-Hcarin- si I... uui v 11I1 i. Hewitt iiinipnlgned fourteen .Inhnnv Shearn. of the Fkatr "17 - henies 8hnnnhaii In Radie as in ."00 Shet, v vein- lannnrella, Mf. Snutli Seventh itreet ( S2.00 V y it I. ! ( this athelie tub. wen 11 thrilling eight-1- . ' M 4 Sporting Goed; J, 1000 t ('lull mild bout I'liim Mlckev -- Shet, $2.50 At the .inference in New t'ellliuhin l!.l '.."'t would like tn Martel the A gift for health j. x "'- 1.. i,.ii L' Orleans siNleen-te-elght-ec- Fighting Winter, & 111 III nn he. arrange garner with all u nt the Chestnut Street U II. Sell lt Pump Rifles, .0 ..1 Mm 1 v - night $4 Wh .nil r ""iiuin oei d Arena last Trie inns slucgeil T'lbrc Hellers 1."i e t I Hi.' 0 waul and I,. It. Carey, representing year-ol- trams in and around thu and pleasure c3 for Lcsh II t .j.'O :.7 s th city having tlneis. Ter guiiieH, iiddrrsN each ether till around the ring, nnd back c Mechanical Train Ul If IJ j anil .leiin Uyniend. of the .'In(! again, each tceriug r ; ,'i I'.iiHinesi a Walter .Neith Marshiill with beiiiu t$ Submarine ii SI s Met. Itnclng Kuler. hem in '.' r'l tr.m 17 Association. It wallops. double ll.d if -.I $Q.50 I.'7 L'l .,'1 '. , wnrt decided le nn, .cu .lAlly street. measure 75c$3 .in .1 -- races jw iJUUiO JwsA1V7T 'JIVJU It .1 , ;; ..I tlie grounds Johnny Deniielh, who wa t. KO. tf III.' Ui 71 1J7 fair meeting. .,, bcheduled ffvj i . J Head 1'ies.. a uuule te go In in lcr i IVI"1'.1"" ngla II II 1.1 J I :iy Hud iinnlci up the witidup with Hay mii itj, "'"' tn. '1, '"" -- offerinRs Mitchell et. lemtdttw nrU en. hlCCl $1 ,,, i 1:11 IU' '.'im"e,iiv .w.vilir ' of stms of , 11 tjr neClS, H.lj n1 ii ;u 1.' former sihela.tii this eltj showed up vviih wrenched a1'"n'r .11 I.I IS "v7 races of shoulder Antonie Reig r i be? vvlbhes te book games with any teams of and 11 bad right & Langsdorf .'. II a mid "e of xiaiJO. There vv'IU feu? hand, and when no I 111 and ' I '.Ml jj ..1 J v. of Sr.000 ...1.1...1 this caliber iweund thu eltj. Fer suitable substitute wns l'hiladclphii. Our.l I feature rices eni, procurable the1 Gstnblhhcd 51 i,r 4 .' a guineH, Jehn M. Whehin, ' enr .Vjus I meeting. Kent '.'T nddiess lSC'l match was culled --- .'- I II the nf .1... off. g inc Uutht, ' -. 'rain New v run 0 II III.- a Btall Is he Xerth JuiImiii street. fc ' ' , .,1 jMleaeli te charged lu ether lieuts, Andy un III IIS 11 .M horsemen Muriel wen Vl.11 ,h conference vvim fiein Willi., Mayex SlU l'Jlcc- - '., 11N ,ISri 7 Yin-cent- Lionel .75 J Ml ? harmonious Un ScehJh, V and Oarv ?5;MW.: nileiniH' Troop 207, of SI. Wn kc Sf ;,m; :?W.iT"'"Kilt i.V 'it .III a j lh.. ,Nevv gieatest race meeting ia Hnll, would like tnniiaiige games knocked ...11 1I..P llum, in tlie JZ r IT 111 tL'ii lii nresneel. I Ms Hi., hint Hhew trie Tram Sets . . .We". W,;ir III t t I III, . ni''" 'in ii"i in with ravelins; ennui for Tiuwlnj night. tebehehi,, jfij Vnt- m n ill of hl triiMii I,.. 'n, I t V 11 tlf the m pfr 'Jr.lq 31 I," i Ii k d 11 Chestnut Street Arena. " i Hw Vl ljr All teams wishing te hook tills atti.ic-lie- n .1 .iiih u Piirft-n- ..I ut . nt --. t nir, il humt mt "Prn" HnrUy HnmU in. ii riiKlu STK. yen ham no . - , " wWwn rwr 10 h itul nu.l 5S.(w) est carrtnl. tarn - .; can de lemmunleatitig with -- It - " wiuiams pq "'-- " t rjA hact st , .".''IS Injured I. jmrc IkcmI erart Batter!; i wuwu xmas m v ilexnn 1w..,iI.riaryi t1'"? Ii. J. t'euwiij. .Morien street. Grid Star Improves e f i" ii'.ktiii.. II": w iwi.,ttt c . Th te vmM venis .2ele.g if tonally fuilre troiire l( nrtlat Rre '.', heiUfy ijueti thlK JIuVmIi Hc IM WIWlJCiHHI in .ou, p winter. 1? -- 11.....1 GIRARD tpi . H"'11'" Ih'lr tTertn tn crpal" llll mer nt Superlnr. 11 i Itamhler A. A a second cIhjh team, Jlli Lilian foetttnl IV'1, VVI.. prafeM en. InJureil In i,r niiJ tut tin. iMirhli.101. helMa. Yeu would like, te .iTnns games with nil fn.l. n ri7.i Vrlit-l- e SVKifl'I'MH 5llil.He vet. nan tfn encacrd tn ii.r herc. wnp repene.1 hv Never pets il Loek I or teams "ish book ' enyour '"fCMSf feirln ..otlen t,f'.tl; ".11".. "? nnu pliiye.t nt IfTerenth.n.ilmVi nwn.v tlini te this ut le linprevlnr. Ker a tlme laii.'' .?''"t nerves Sent by ,, .,.,,,, j Mnlie It u IlKbU. ' traction, Ter rnme eiMv,.H Jnrne "I " wa Mm M. Si II. tl,'..!.";.v.,i,ni,.,;vVlu, ....i'1i1ltlei.iP.!,TWinnp?M.?'S?rv- - bui Pnrcel 3ttiaaf Keniieilv, 'J!!l, Cms. trect ,,hll I03t Sign p rtTTTOtTOyr 'xfMuitSA iek at 312 l a m j iuwM ) i CNS t" r