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PHYSICAL REVIEW E EDITORIAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES ͑Revised January 2002͒ Physical Review E is published by the American Physical Part 2: Chaos, Hydrodynamics, Plasmas, and Related Topics Society ͑APS͒, the Council of which has the ®nal responsi- ͑10͒ General methods of statistical physics bility for the Journal. The Publications Oversight Committee ͑11͒ Chaos and pattern formation of the APS and the Editor-in-Chief possess delegated respon- ͑12͒ Nonlinear hydrodynamics and turbulence sibility for overall policy matters concerning all APS jour- ͑13͒ Plasma physics nals. The Editor of Physical Review E is responsible for the ͑14͒ Physics of beams scienti®c content and editorial matters relating to the journal. ͑15͒ Classical physics, including nonlinear media and In this the Editor is assisted by the Journal's associate and photonic materials assistant editors. ͑16͒ Computational physics If a manuscript submitted to Physical Review E is on a topic Editorial policy is guided by the following statement adopted not within its purview, but may be suitable for another in April, 1995 by the Council of the APS: Physical Review journal, the Editors will transfer the paper to the appropriate journal and inform the author͑s͒ of that transfer. It is the policy of the American Physical Society that the Physical Review accept for publication those manu- scripts that signi®cantly advance physics and have CONTENT OF ARTICLES been found to be scienti®cally sound, important to the ®eld, and in satisfactory form. The Society will imple- Papers must contain new results in physics. Con®rmation of ment this policy as fairly and ef®ciently as possible previously published results of unusual importance can be and without regard to national boundaries. considered as new, as can signi®cant null results. Papers ad- vancing new theoretical views on fundamental principles or Physical Review E has an Editorial Board whose members theories must contain convincing arguments that the new are appointed for three-year terms by the Editor-in-Chief predictions and interpretations are distinguishable from ex- upon recommendation of the Editor, after consultation with isting knowledge, at least in principle, and do not contradict APS divisions where appropriate. Board members play an established experimental results. Mathematical and computa- important role in the editorial management of the Journal. tional papers that do not have application to physics are gen- They lend advice on editorial policy and on speci®c papers erally not suitable for Physical Review E. In general, authors for which special assistance is needed, participate in the for- should keep review material to a minimum. Even so, some mal appeals process ͑see section on Author Appeals͒, and review and reprise of past work is appropriate if the paper give input on the selection of referees and the identi®cation can be made more understandable and self-contained of new referees. thereby. Papers should be clearly written in good scienti®c English, SUBJECT AREAS in a style consistent with that of the Journal. Special attention should be paid to readability, so as to render papers under- The subtitle of Physical Review E is Statistical, Nonlinear, standable to readers outside a narrow specialty. ͑See Infor- and Soft Matter Physics. PRE has two parts and sixteen sub- mation for Contributors, following.͒ sections: New terminology should be introduced only when clearly Part 1: Soft Matter and Biological Physics needed. It should be appropriate and, if possible, convey to ͑1͒ Statistical physics of soft matter the reader an accurate impression of its meaning. New ter- ͑2͒ Equilibrium and linear transport properties of minology should not be frivolous, nor should it be intro- ¯uids duced in titles. Excessive use of acronyms is discouraged. ͑3͒ Granular materials ͑4͒ Colloidal dispersions, suspensions, and aggregates Publication of ongoing work in a series of papers should be ͑5͒ Structured and complex ¯uids avoided. Instead, a single comprehensive article ͑perhaps ͑6͒ Films, interfaces, and crystal growth preceded by a Letter or Rapid Communication͒ should be ͑7͒ Liquid crystals published. This policy against serial publication applies to ͑8͒ Polymers Rapid Communications and Brief Reports as well as to regu- ͑9͒ Biological Physics lar articles. ix Although there is no limit to the length of regular articles, four printed pages; exceptions will be considered for Com- the appropriate length depends on the information pre- ments. sented in the paper. Authors may refer in their paper to their own internal reports or theses that contain more detail than Rapid Communications in Physical Review are intended for the published article or they may deposit some of the mate- the accelerated publication of important new results, as are rial, especially long tables, in the Electronic Physics Auxil- Physical Review Letters. Authors may follow a Rapid Com- iary Publication Service „EPAPS… of the American Insti- munication ͑or a Letter͒ with a more complete account as a tute of Physics. Files deposited in EPAPS are made freely regular article in Physical Review. The principal difference available via ftp and the World Wide Web. As an electronic between Physical Review Letters and Rapid Communica- service, EPAPS can accommodate color-®gure, multimedia, tions is that Letters are aimed at a general audience of physi- and program ®les. Information about EPAPS is cists and allied scientists, while Rapid Communications are available via the Authors subpage of, in the primarily for a more specialized audience, i.e., the usual Manuscript Preparation section. readers of a particular Physical Review journal ͑A, B, C, D, or E͒. Rapid Communications are given priority in editorial Authors should place their work in context with the current processing and production to minimize the time between re- state of research, but they are not held responsible for ref- erences to publications that had not yet appeared when their ceipt and publication. Therefore, authors should justify the paper was submitted. Authors are not held responsible for need for priority handling in their letter of submittal. A series references to preprints, internal reports, results that have of Rapid Communications by one group on a particular sub- been reported only orally at meetings ͑even though an ab- ject is discouraged. stract may have been printed͒, or for papers that have ap- peared in publications not abstracted in standard abstracting A Brief Report is an account of completed research that journals. If such work is called to the attention of the authors meets the usual Physical Review standards of scienti®c qual- by a referee, however, they are encouraged ͑but not required͒ ity but is not appropriate for a regular article ͑or for the to refer to it. If revision of a manuscript takes a substantial priority handling given to Rapid Communications͒. An- time ͑several months͒, the references should be updated to nouncements of planned research, progress reports, and pre- include recently published relevant work. Authors are ex- liminary results are generally not suitable for publication as pected to include references to relevant books and to pub- Brief Reports. The normal publication schedule is followed. lished conference proceedings that contain more than ab- Addenda are included in the Brief Reports section. stracts. Comments are publications that criticize or correct papers of Papers that describe proposed experiments fall into a spe- other authors previously published in Physical Review E. cial category. For such papers to be acceptable, the experi- Each Comment should contain an abstract and should state ments must be demonstrated to be novel and feasible. It is clearly the paper to which it refers. To be considered for the author's responsibility to show that their proposal is publication, a Comment must be written in a collegial tone likely to stimulate research that might not otherwise be un- ͑free from polemics͒ and must be pertinent and without egre- dertaken. gious errors. A Reply to a Comment must also conform to these requirements. Editorial procedures for processing Material previously published in a Letters journal, as a Comments are described in the following section. Rapid Communication, or in conference proceedings can be the basis of an article in Physical Review E, provided the Errata are notices of errors or omissions in papers previ- submitted manuscript presents considerably more informa- ously published in Physical Review E. Errata should be as tion, enabling the reader to obtain a substantially improved brief as possible. An Erratum should contain a short state- understanding of the subject. Figures, tables, and text mate- ment of the correction͑s͒ and, where appropriate, a descrip- rial that have been published previously should be refer- tion of any effects on the conclusions of the paper. enced, not repeated. Exceptions can be warranted by unusual circumstances. EDITORIAL PROCEDURES SHORT PAPERS Usually, one referee is selected by the Editor for each manu- Physical Review E publishes Articles, Rapid Communica- script; there are exceptions, as with almost all procedural tions, Brief Reports, and Comments. The scienti®c content matters discussed below. Referee reports are advisory to the of all sections of the Journal is judged by the same crite- Editor͑s͒, but are generally transmitted by the Editor͑s͒ to the ria. The sections are distinguished by the different purposes authors, and so should be written in a collegial manner. The for which the papers are intended. Editor͑s͒ may withhold or edit these reports for cause. If in the judgment of the Editor͑s͒ a paper is clearly unsuitable for Each paper must have an abstract. Short papers are limited to Physical Review E, it will be rejected without review; au- x thors of such papers have the same right to appeal as do other should be clearly indicated as such and the original source authors. should be properly cited. Papers that have been found to be in violation of this rule will be rejected.