1942: Churchill's Summary Of, 1379–96 1943: British Strategy For, 1526–7, 1557–8; and '[T]He Dawn of . . . Will Soon L
Index 1942: Churchill’s summary of, 1379–96 895, 898, 920, 930, 949, 1004 n.3, 1080, 1943: British strategy for, 1526–7, 1557–8; 1103, 1104 n.2, 1115, 1129, 1157, 1170, and ‘[t]he dawn of...will soon loom 1171, 1328, 1346, 1391, 1399, 1400 n.2, red before us ...’, 1458; directive for, 1412, 1493, 1530, 1548 1310–13 ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service): 651, 813 AVG: see index entry for American Volunteer A22 (‘Winston’ tank; ‘Churchill’ tank): Group (Flying Tigers) 480–1, 728, 900–-1, 912, 1274, 1547 A Daughter’s Tale (Lady Soames): 100 n.2 AA (anti-aircraft): 229 n.1, 338, 346, 350, ‘A’ Force: 1279 n.4 366, 391; Command, 651–2; produc- A Letter from Grosvenor Square ( John Gilbert tion of guns, 462 Winant): 133 n.1 ABDA Command (American, British, A Parson’s Defence (Spencer Carpenter): Dutch, and Australian): 10, 42, 63 n.1, 650 n.3 64, 70, 72–3, 98–9, 104, 106 n.1, 112, A Sailor’s Odyssey (Viscount Cunningham): 136–8, 170–1, 181, 207, 212–13, 216, 41 n.3 224 n.2, 226, 236 n.2, 238, 286, 294, A Thread in the Tapestry (Sarah Spencer- 308, 349, 364, 519, 565, 567, 748, 1044; Churchill): 620–1 n.3 areas included in, 10; see also index entry abolition of death penalty (1965 bill): for Wavell, General Archibald 268–9 n.4 ADGB (Air Defence of Great Britain): 511 Abyssinia: 653; Italian attack on, 216–17, n.3, 1346 217 n.1, 223, 252, 253 AFV (armoured fighting vehicles): 149, Achates, HMS (destroyer): 712 n.1 1309 ‘ack-ack’: defined, 143 ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Ack-Ack: Britain’s Defence Against Air Attack Corps): 70, 98, 171,
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