tmux Cheat Sheet Download via

tmux Scroll Alta3 Cheat Sheet Terminology tmux Sessions HOK Hands Off Keyboard up arrow scroll through command or start a tmux session tmux output tmux Help down arrow pkill –f tmux set tmux pane scroll Ctrl+b HOF [ Method Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 end a tmux session or Ctrl + d tmux pane scroll Esc command Ctrl+a HOK ? list detach from session Ctrl+b HOK d tmux Command tmux Panes list tmux sessions tmux command mode : quit tmux q Method Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 attach to session tmux attach-session –t 0 move up,down,left,right k, j, h, l side by side Ctrl+b HOK % tmux Windows scroll up or down J or K over-under Ctrl+b HOK “ go to end of line $ create a tmux window Ctrl+b HOF pane-right Ctrl+b HOK arrow right go to beginning of line O search next n pane-left Ctrl+b HOK arrow left rename current window Ctrl+b HOF , copy y pane-up Ctrl+b HOK arrow up previous window Ctrl+b HOF p p pane-down Ctrl+b HOK arrow down next window Ctrl+b HOF n tmux tutorial pane-zoom out Ctrl+b HOK z

close current window Ctrl+b HOF & pane-zoom out Ctrl+b HOK z videos : arrange panes Ctrl+b HOK space bar switch window by number Ctrl+b 0(window number)

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