Kim Gordon | 288 pages | 07 Jan 2016 | FABER & FABER | 9780571309351 | English | London, United Kingdom Girl in a Band PDF Book

Sun 1 Nov Godfathers of , they reinvented music in the post-punk era, creating a new sound - dark, hypnotic, and intense - that would influence U2, Morrissey, R. I knew where their music fit in, but didn't care too much about where they fit in. If you don't get stuck on that, you will enjoy her way with words. May 06, Leah rated it liked it. A lot of reviews are citing her incessant name dropping, and there is definitely that, too. I want a huge fan, but recognize that she played an important if unwitting part in the feminist movement External Reviews. Maybe this is a possibility for more people out there than I realize; it's certainly befuddling to decidedly non-musical me. The band helped build a vocabulary of music - paving the way for Nirvana, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins, and many other acts. Biography Memoir. Edit Did You Know? Aug 16, Lea rated it really liked it. Craft and control, and polish, is for women. Specifically, an influential countercultural musician who claims at the outset to: --Have had no actual musical training. Feb 04, Sabs rated it did not like it Shelves: due-before-done-won-t-ever-finish , , memoir. Her commentary on the Sonic Youth years are just not that interesting compared to her life before the band. I thought just like you that Kim was the coolest ever in the hippest band ever. Runtime: 59 min. I loved learning about her friendship with the L. Edit Storyline Kate Mossman looks beyond the cliches of babes and rock chicks as she goes behind rock's untold stories to discover if it has always been different for the girl in a band. Self - Guitarist Mary McGlory You know how Gordon is famous for being icy, opaque, inscrutable? Switch payment method. Mar 24, Anhelo rated it it was ok. Her prose reaches moments of beauty and poignance that are both delicate and strong. Kim eventually going back to her art roots and going on to finding other musical collaborations. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Another criticism that I think should be debunked outright is that KG calls herself a feminist and yet picks on other women in the book. Music Played. This is really engaging stuff, I just wish there was more of it. The marriage part is too i know I'm in the minority of most readers of 's "Girl in a Band," but I think the book would be a lot more interesting if she focused on her childhood and then the New York years. Call me sensitive. At the end of the day, women are expected to hold up the world, not annihilate it. Girl in a Band describes Gordon's life from her childhood—first in Rochester, New York , then —through the founding and trajectory of Sonic Youth, her marriage of nearly three decades to bandmate , and the ultimate dissolution of both their marriage and the band. Another way of saying that is: the art is what's interesting about the person, everything Sonic Youth is great and Kim Gordon was an indispensable part of the band; it wouldn't have been successful without her, and that's something you'd rarely say about a bass player. Different kick ass singer, different kick ass period. And yes, this results in pages that are peppered with largely unfamiliar names and thus read like an Academy Award Speech, or worse, an index. Girl in a Band A Memoir. Just not something I have done much. Recently, however, I picked up 's Just Kids and loved it, so I thought I should read another rock memoir written by a woman I loved growing up. That said, despite being a longtime fan of Sonic Youth, I don't think this memoir will particularly appeal to non-fans of the group. Using you tube, I would look up events she mentioned and this enriched my listening experience greatly, making it almost interactive. Don't even get me started on how she talks about the other woman i'm sure just one of many she knows of that Thurston left her for. For example, when she mentions that were "too pretentious, too image-conscious", I couldn't help but to think of how much effort she put into being different, and how self conscious she was with her own image, but somehow that doesn't make her image-conscious herself. The memoir starts with a particularly emotional recounting of Sonic Youth's last ever gig, whilst Gordon and Moore were in the throes of their separation, and you can genuinely hear the hurt in Gordon's words. Girl in a Band by Kim Gordon. Shelves: musica. Evocative and edgy, filled with the sights and sounds of a changing world and a transformative life, Girl in a Band is the fascinating chronicle of a remarkable journey and an extraordinary artist. Fri 2 Sep Girl in a Band Writer

Well, I suppose such a hyperbolic transformation is possible -- that's exactly what Being authentically , capital P capital R, means, right? In that case, we can't There are brilliant passages throughout this book, passages where I wrote down quotes or re-read and re-read just to ruminate on her often brilliant theories. Kim Gordon certainly does. Oh, I don't even know where to start. Musician, actor, activist, and the iconic face of cool, Debbie Harry is the front woman of Blondie, a band that forged a new sound that brought together the worlds of rock, punk, disco, reggae, and hip-hop to create some of the most beloved pop songs of all time. I'm not going to be all Team Kim or Team Thurston because that's ridiculous - they created music together and it's pretty awesome to listen to still, but she was more than just a "girl in a band", duh, which is what this memoir is really about. Retrieved July 27, Views Read Edit View history. Boring these women were not. While I appreciate Gordon as a musician and an artist, I have to admit that her writing itself leaves a bit to be desired. Just not something I have done much. The book shares chapter-length tales from the authors along with personal essays from famous and infamous players in the scene. If you didn't know anything about KG before you read the book, don't worry - you'll know almost less after you read it. Girl in a Band by Kim Gordon. I agree with my friend Christopher's review where he said he felt the whole Thurston Moore divorce thing read as being a bit forced, like it was something maybe Gordon herself didn't want to talk about it but either felt pressure from her publisher, editor, or the public. With immersive vivid detail, Frantz describes life on tour, down to the meals eaten and the clothes worn - and reveals the mechanics of a long and complicated working relationship with a mercurial frontman. Listeners also enjoyed Conventional Break-Up The memoir is book-ended by intimate painful details of the break-up of Gordon's marriage to Thurston Moore, although it has to be said that this is the least interesting and most conventional aspect of the book love gone wrong. If you don't already love Kim Gordon's deadpan voice from her music projects the performance of this text might surprise you. On reflection I enjoyed this book for its perspective on a time I have come to realise I miss, was saddened more than excited by the bleak gossip of a woman losing her partner and expected future, and also pleased and relieved to remember that the coolness Kim and Sonic Youth represent is not my cool. Retrieved July 26, Whether or not she had a right to be or not, I still felt a little uncomfortable reading certain sections of the memoir - her words at times seemed a little bitchy and unnecessary. When the book ended I felt a void, a sadness. And yes, this results in pages that are peppered with largely unfamiliar names and thus read like an Academy Award Speech, or worse, an index. Themselves archive footage Lita Ford True to her stage persona Kim Gordon has the effortless cool detached rock thing happening, what you see is what you get. Then stop. So much more than a rock biog, Girl In A Band is a unique record of the past 50 years of alternative culture. This is the never-before- told story of the musical revolution that happened right under the nose of the Reagan '80s - when a small but sprawling network of bands, labels, fanzines, radio stations, and other subversives reenergized American rock with punk rock's do-it-yourself credo and created music that was deeply personal, often brilliant, always challenging, and immensely influential. Switch payment method. It feels like she had a kind of tunnel vision in writing this, giving us enough detail to lead us to this con I can't believe I'm about to use this as the definitive word for a book by Kim Gordon, but, more than anything, Girl in a Band is Even if a few times her reading stutters, in my opinion this makes the experience all the more intimate. Picking up where Under the Sun left off, More Fun in the New World explores the years to , covering the dizzying pinnacle of LA's punk rock movement as its stars took to the national - and often international - stage. And yes too, the Ugly : The divorce of course. Women also have middle age crises and this book looks like one to me. If you're already set on reading it anyway or got it as a gift or pre-ordered it just like me, at least let me help you a bit. This book fits this profile to some degree; thus, I generally enjoyed it, read it quickly, and recommend it to those who enjoy stories in this vein. That's why I just didn't drop this book, some of her integrity does come through in what she's writing. Last night I came across a journal I kept in late and early , a journal I completely had forgotten about, but it seemed fitting to come across it now since reading this book has taken me back to around that period when I was listening to a lot of Sonic Youth. Main content. Girl in a Band Reviews

Kate Mossman aims to look beyond the cliches of fallen angels, grunge babes and rock chicks as she gets the untold stories from rock's frontline to discover if it has always been different for the girl in a band. It's full of a lot of pain, as Kim clearly and heartily states her case and shows her wounds over her split with Thurston Moore. By: Kathy Valentine. By her account, the band took it all Very Seriously, and the whole endeavor is characterized as an intensely intellectual project, e. Her musings on music and art are nice, I enjoyed them, wish there had been more of those, chapter 51 was great. It's great to read about successful 'n roll! Other editions. Return to Book Page. The point is no one knows all of what happened between them - this is merely her own story, and if she is hurt and it comes across as bitter, so be it. Dec 06, Carol rated it really liked it. Godfathers of alternative rock, they reinvented music in the post-punk era, creating a new sound - dark, hypnotic, and intense - that would influence U2, Morrissey, R. And the writing is quite good, although the sectioning style makes following the linearity of the bio a bit difficult at times. Fri 1 Apr This book gave me a different view not just on Kim Gordon herself, but also on women's rights and the role of visual arts posts. By: Jeff Tweedy. That makes me feel sorry for her. I was put off by the opening being about Thurston Moore at first, though she has every reason to be angry, because I knew enough about Kim Gordon to want to hear about her multifaceted career from the top, I realized others might feel as if they were waiting to hear what happened to that iconic relationship and not fully experience her remarkable story as an artist had she chosen not to put it out there right off. By: Patti Smith. Certainly interesting enough to keep one's attention but not master storytelling at work. External Sites. Now, for the first time, he shares the most outrageous escapades. Her voice is almost broken by sadness as she remembers the year he died. I find it incredibly inspiring the way she -- as a musician, performer, and now author -- finds a balance in the spectator-performer relationship and can write about both sides so eloquently. The oddest part to me was how much she dissed . I find that hard to agree with. Forever the cool girl I loved everything about this autobiography. What listeners say about Girl in a Band. October Streaming Picks. Out of the pages in this book, around are about how growing up was for her, how her brother emotionally abused and traumatised he I finally understand why they say you should never meet your heroes. The story is now legendary: In , on the heels of their groundbreaking debut, Unknown Pleasures, and on the eve of their first U. The descriptions of pre-gentrified s Manhattan are just as fascinating as everyone says, as are the descriptions of KG's nostalgic LA including its darker side. However, by the end I just thought it was a way to help get past the middle hump. I like for the art to do all the necessary speaking for its creator. Musician, actor, activist, and the iconic face of New York City cool, Debbie Harry is the front woman of Blondie, a band that forged a new sound that brought together the worlds of rock, punk, disco, reggae, and hip-hop to create some of the most beloved pop songs of all time. Kate Mossman looks beyond the cliches of grunge babes and rock chicks as she goes behind rock's untold stories to discover if it has always been different for the girl in a band. I suspect Mike had just as a big influence or presence for Kim as the husband - and also she was and still is surrounded by fascinating people.

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Feb 04, Sabs rated it did not like it Shelves: due-before-done-won-t-ever-finish , , memoir. Gordon takes us back to the lost New York of the s and '90s that gave rise to Sonic Youth, and the Alternative revolution in popular music. I can imagine Gordon's editors prodding her, hissing "but what about Thurston? I was pretty dismayed at how Kim's elitism and namedropping goes hand in hand with her playing punk rock contests and speaking really harshly about other women. Sadly you can still feel the raw pain when she is describing the crumbling of a 27 year marriage due to her husbands infidelity also coinciding with the eventual demise of the band. After all, I'm sure Thurston Moore's memoir would probably focus on celebrating himself and omit any excessive focus on romantic drama that might overshadow his personal and artistic achievements. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Fri 10 Feb Show More. Home Clips. This article is about female bands which play musical instruments. I knew each of these musicians and their music, but didn't know how they all intersected with Kim and Thurston. Apr 10, Minty McBunny rated it it was amazing Shelves: , best-of , april To ask other readers questions about Girl in a Band , please sign up. In this book Kim explains the difficulties of combining motherhood and touring, the hardship of moving away from the city she no longer recognises and the unglamorous side of the rock business. Remove from wishlist failed. Deadpan but fascinating If you don't already love Kim Gordon's deadpan voice from her music projects the performance of this text might surprise you. You can hear the hurt in her voice talking about the dissolution of her marriage. Craft and control, and polish, is for women. Maybe this is a possibility for more people out there than I realize; it's certainly befuddling to decidedly non-musical me. A very fast read and quite illuminating though not for the reasons one might expect. It made me reconsider some old assumptions. View all 3 comments. Metacritic Reviews. Maybe you wrote this book following your therapist's suggestions, I don't know, maybe you were looking for closure. She hardly says anything about Courtney Love, and what she does say is A probably way more sympathetic than what most of us might say, and B probably not even news to you, because pretty much the entirety of her Love-related comments have appeared in the excerpts published in advance of the book's release. Kim opens up about all these things as well as her personal relationships, Kim Gordon's life has certainly taken her to fascinating places. Hidden categories: Books with missing cover. Read it if you love Sonic Youth or love Kim Gordon or even if you loved Patti Smith's Just Kids , but it might be harder to digest if you aren't catching all the references, i. By: Michael Diamond , and others. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sonic youth is my all time favorite band and Kim has been a female inspiration to me to be rebellious of gender stereotypes I have faced. Thank for Edelweiss for this review copy. By: Michael Azerrad. External Reviews. Not so much. I got to see a different perspective on based on Gordon's friendship to him, for example. The marriage part is too i know I'm in the minority of most readers of Kim Gordon's "Girl in a Band," but I think the book would be a lot more interesting if she focused on her childhood and then the New York years. She arrived just as the avant garde art scene was corporatising and starting to be dictated by financial concerns, i. Kim talks about coolness, and being punk rock throughout. Download as PDF Printable version. Now, KG is not bandying these names about in an effort to show off or be pretentious; that much seems clear. View all 4 comments. This book really reminds you to . Feb 23, Michelle rated it liked it. This is a book that made me take notes on things to read and art to look at. This is something I can relate to quite a bit, actually. And finally, of course, there is the criticism that KG whines about her marriage breakup and plays the victim. https://files8.webydo.com/9582707/UploadedFiles/DE993BD5-554B-0994-2709-E50046702FB2.pdf https://cdn.starwebserver.se/shops/razmusblomqvistao/files/sula-448.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583592/UploadedFiles/9363AAAA-9508-A37A-18CF-31340D1C9A86.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583575/UploadedFiles/4E982D53-067D-4136-C9B1-7CC047DC44D3.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583495/UploadedFiles/98D04E1D-9FA9-0A48-F745-573F555C23A2.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9582755/UploadedFiles/88C7A9E3-E8C4-68BF-125F-BA446E3BC27B.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9583354/UploadedFiles/59FC4EE0-5BDC-12EC-2900-899A425022A6.pdf