1000 and One--The Blue Book of Non-Theatrical Films
T#e Boctk of Iljoh-Thtefnoaf Pihis. e/., Scanned from the collections of The Library of Congress AUDIO-VISUAL CONSERVATION at The LIBRARY sf CONGRESS Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation www.loc.gov/avconservation Motion Picture and Television Reading Room www.loc.gov/rr/mopic Recorded Sound Reference Center www.loc.gov/rr/record 100(W0NE (FOURTH EDITION) IheBlueBook Tbndkatrical THE EDUCATIONAL SCREEN CHICAGO NEW YORK. The Educational Screen, Inc. DIRECTORATE Herbert E. Slaught, President, The Dudley Grant Hats, Chicago Schools. University of Chicago. Frank R. Greene, New York City. Frederick J. Lane, Treasurer, Chicago Schools. William R. Duftet, Marquette University. Joseph J. Weber, University of Ar- Nelson L. Greene, Secretary and Editor, kansas. Chicago, EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD A. W. Abrams, N. Y. State Department Dudley Grant Hats, Assistant Sup't. of of Education. Schools, Chicago. Richard Burton, University of Minnesota. F. Dean McCluskt, Purdue University. Carlos E. Cummincs, Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Rowland Rocers, Columbia University. Frank N. Freeman, The University of H. B. Wilson, Superintendent of Schools, Chicago. Berkeley, Calif. STAFF Nelson L. Greene, Editor-in-Chief. Geneva Holmes Huston Marie E. Goodenouch, Associate Editor. Rev. Frank E. Jensen Robert E. Clark, Circulation Manager. Marion F. Lanphier George H. Hill, Eastern Representative. Carlos E. Cummincs Stella Evelyn Myers Josephine F. Hoffman Marguerite Orndorfv Publications of The Educational Screen The Educational Screen, (including Moving Picture Age and Visual Education), now the only magazine in the field of visual education. Published every month except July and August. Subscription price, $1.50 a year ($2.00 for two years).
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