Georgia 2014 – 2020
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia 2014 – 2020 Tbilisi, 2014 Foreword The process of the preparation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) involved a number of nongovernmental and governmental organisations, research and academic institutions, international organizations and foreign and Georgian experts. The Georgian Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection is grateful to the German International Cooperation (GIZ) for its support in the preparation of this document and to all who participated in the process. The process of the development of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) was initiated and coordinated by the Biodiversity Protection Service of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection. The following persons participated in the development process and the determination of main aspects, thematic areas and document structure: Ioseb kartsivadze, Ana Rukhadze, Tamar Kvantaliani, Christine Straub, Natia Iordanashvili, Khatuna Tsiklauri, Frank Flasche, Natia Kobakhidze, Paata Shanshiashvili, Darejan Kapanadze, Khatuna Gogaladze, Nugzar Zazanashvili, Malkhaz Dzneladze, Davit Tarkhnishvili, Irakli Shavgulidze, Ramaz Goklhelashvili, Ekaterine Kakabadze, Irakli Macharashvili, Mariam Jorjadze, Tornike Pulariani, Levan Butkhuzi. The following persons worked on the compilation and editing of the entire text: Christian Prip, Mike Garforth, Christian Goenner, Hans Bilger, Irakli Shavgulidze, Ioseb Kartsivadze, Nona Khelaia, Mariam Urdia, Teona
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