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Posted on December 5, 2012 by Peter PK Personal Blogs about Glider accident: Fatal. Flying at WSC Structural failure. Glider Accident Location: see attached area map. Region is known for strong convective currents being located in the middle Winter Seminar #2 of the best of all soaring areas. VSA Letter – October 2012 The crash site was in the open and both the open sea and the nearby island were named in honor of the Flights in late October dead pilot. 2012 The pilot had apparently traveled over 150 miles, northerly from the launch site, indicating that soaring Montague on June 29, conditions were very good, but neither fatigue nor the weather were considered to be contributing factors. 2012 Valley Day – May 4th Preliminary report is a failure of the bonding material that had been used during the construction, however it is likely that pilot error will be recorded as the primary cause of this accident. The pilot failed to comply with the limitations that were stated by the manufacturer. The pilot exceeded operating limitations of the aircraft.

Investigation also documents that the Manufacturer performed the necessary test flight before the second aircraft was delivered. Select Month

The human factors that were contributing factors to the accident was the apparent lack of self-discipline by the pilot and his desire to indulge himself. The pilot reportedly was soaring in a curious manner and was apparently giddy.

The following is the original report, as released by the government: Select Category

Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son. tried his wings first, but before taking off from the island, warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea, but to follow his path of flight. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus

soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Search Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms, and so Icarus fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea near , an island southwest of

It is the place, in myth, into which Icarus made his fatal fall from the sky during his flight from with his 2005 May – Mostly Gliders father Daedalus. It is either directly from this legend that it gets its name, or from the island of Icaria. About copied from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus Bits from our previous home page The term Mediterranean derives from the Latin word mediterraneus, meaning “in the middle of ” or By-Laws “between lands”. Evolution of VSA on the Crash site was east of , west of Turkey and north of Crete. internet Samples of old postings – before the term “Blog” became commonplace List of Soaring Diaries News 2003 News 1998-1999

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