WHO’S WHERE IN CAPE ARCHITECTURE A directory of people and places Compiled from Hans Fransen’s The Old Buildings of the Cape with additional material from De Villiers and Pama’s genealogies, The Dictionary of South African Biography and other sources STEWART HARRIS
[email protected] Vernacular Architecture Society of South Africa 2006 Important notes People do not invariably own the places mentioned. Number is page number, letter is column number. Includes property owners, architects, artists, surveyors, people associated with the place, some businesses and social movements. Additional information in brackets includes birth and death dates if known, key family details and, to indicate the time period, property transfer or other dates. People are not recorded if they are street or place names; but building or house names of special interest are intermittently captured. Authors of Fransen’s source documents are captured if mentioned in his main text but not from his acknowledgements paragraphs. Complex families, eg Eksteen, are numbered as de Villiers and Pama, eg a1b2c3. Their numbering system has been extended to include the stamvader as a1; where there are several stamvaders of the same name I have numbered them a2 etc in the order printed in de Villiers and Pama. Additional data is welcome. There are also some people of the same name and period who may be identical – clarification is welcome. Standard spelling of people’s names has been adopted to allow meaningful indexing, even though some branches of the family prefer a variant. For example, Mijburgh is indexed as Myburgh, Loubscher as Loubser – they are part of the same genealogical tree.