


17th Meeting, 2013 (Session 4)

Tuesday 28 May 2013


Jayne Baxter (Committee Substitute) Bob Doris (Deputy Convener) Richard Lyle Aileen McLeod Duncan McNeil (Convener) Nanette Milne Gil Paterson

David Torrance

Also present: Jackie Baillie

Apologies were received from Dr Richard Simpson.

The meeting opened at 10.00 am.

1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee agreed to take item 6 in private.

2. NHS waiting lists: The Committee took evidence from—

Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Well-being, Derek Feeley, Director General Health and Social Care and Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, and John Connaghan, Director of Health Workforce and Performance and Support, Scottish Government.

3. Community transport: The Committee took evidence from—

Heather Kenney, Director of Strategic Planning and Quality Improvement, Scottish Ambulance Service;

Tom Robson, Senior Service Manager, Health and Social Care, East Scotland, British Red Cross;

Anne Harkness, Director of Emergency Care and Medical Services, NHS HS/S4/13/17/M

Greater Glasgow and Clyde;

Margaret Paterson, Head of Operations in Scotland, and Peter McColl, Public Affairs Manager for Scotland, Royal Voluntary Service;

Calum Irving, Chief Executive, Voluntary Action Scotland.

4. Annual report: The Committee considered and agreed a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2012 to 11 May 2013.

5. Inquiry into teenage pregnancy (in private): The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this item.

6. Work programme: The Committee considered and agreed its work programme.

The meeting closed at 1.07 pm.

Eugene Windsor Clerk to the Health and Sport Committee Room T3.60 The Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5410 Email: [email protected]