HS/S4/13/17/M HEALTH AND SPORT COMMITTEE MINUTES 17th Meeting, 2013 (Session 4) Tuesday 28 May 2013 Present: Jayne Baxter (Committee Substitute) Bob Doris (Deputy Convener) Richard Lyle Aileen McLeod Duncan McNeil (Convener) Nanette Milne Gil Paterson Drew Smith David Torrance Also present: Jackie Baillie Apologies were received from Dr Richard Simpson. The meeting opened at 10.00 am. 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee agreed to take item 6 in private. 2. NHS waiting lists: The Committee took evidence from— Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Well-being, Derek Feeley, Director General Health and Social Care and Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, and John Connaghan, Director of Health Workforce and Performance and Support, Scottish Government. 3. Community transport: The Committee took evidence from— Heather Kenney, Director of Strategic Planning and Quality Improvement, Scottish Ambulance Service; Tom Robson, Senior Service Manager, Health and Social Care, East Scotland, British Red Cross; Anne Harkness, Director of Emergency Care and Medical Services, NHS HS/S4/13/17/M Greater Glasgow and Clyde; Margaret Paterson, Head of Operations in Scotland, and Peter McColl, Public Affairs Manager for Scotland, Royal Voluntary Service; Calum Irving, Chief Executive, Voluntary Action Scotland. 4. Annual report: The Committee considered and agreed a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2012 to 11 May 2013. 5. Inquiry into teenage pregnancy (in private): The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this item. 6. Work programme: The Committee considered and agreed its work programme. The meeting closed at 1.07 pm. Eugene Windsor Clerk to the Health and Sport Committee Room T3.60 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5410 Email:
[email protected].