The Cost of Sovereign Default: The Impact of the Eurozone Debt Crisis on Domestic Markets An Event study 

ROSECARMEN PIERRE LOUIS Student Nr: s1965646 February 2013

ABSTRACT This paper documents the possible sovereign default costs associated with the Eurozone countries confronting sovereign debt crises. Stock market data of 219 companies from Portugal, Ireland, , Greece and Spain (Acronym PIIGS) are analyzed to determine the impact of bail-out announcements on stock returns and liquidity measurements. The findings show that stock markets are mostly affected in the first 20 days following bail-out announcements. They indicate that Greece’s first bail-out announcement might have caused strong anticipation of default by the remaining four countries. Furthermore, the results confirm the Collateral view of market illiquidity during crises. Overall, this paper also documents that countries with relatively better fiscal or economic conditions are more negatively affected by the crisis than countries with relatively worse fiscal or economic conditions.

Keywords: sovereign default cost, abnormal returns, liquidity JEL-classification: G0, G1

1. Introduction

Throughout history many governments have defaulted on their domestic and external debts, leading their countries into severe debt crises. These types of crises, the consequence of sovereign default, have been associated with a variety of costs. Macroeconomic studies have used a range of variables to identify the potential costs that defaulting governments might cause their countries to suffer. Some have used foreign direct investment (FDI) to look whether creditors’ countries shut their doors to defaulters’ investment abroad (Fuentes and Saravia, 2009). Other studies have analysed factors such as GDP, commodity prices, country -and -term interest rates, with the purpose to explore possible negative effects of sovereign default on these variables (Alfaro and Kanczuk, 2005; Boreinszten and Panizza, 2009; De Paoli et. al, 2006;  UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN, FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The author would like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to the supervisors: A.van der Made and A.J. Meesters

1 Reinhart and Roggof, 2008). From a microeconomic perspective, the impact on variables such as sovereign risk premium in credit default swaps, returns on asset prices, volume on assets traded, bid-ask spread on assets traded and the price reaction to trading, have been researched, to test the potential cost of sovereign default (Boreinsztren and Panizza, 2009; Chordia et. Al, 2005; Forbes, 2004; Hameed et. al 2010; Noy, 2008; Van Horen et. Al, 2008). However, despite all of the studies conducted, the cost of sovereign default on defaulters’ countries is still difficult to quantify. Specifically, the cost of sovereign default on defaulters’ stock markets has not been given much attention. Sovereign default can be defined as: “The failure of governments to meet a principal or interest payment on domestic or external debt on the due date (or within a specified grace period), or the rescheduling/restructuring of debt into terms less favorable to the lender than those in the original contract” (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2008). In May 2010, the Greek government was officially bailed-out on its external and domestic debts with an 110bn rescue package. This bail-out acceptance followed an extended denial process of financial need by the Greek government. The high increase in the country’s debt level made it difficult for the government to service its loan. In March 2012, a second bailout package of 130bn euros was granted by the European partner states and the IMF to Greece. On top of these loans, the majority of Greece’s creditors agreed to write off more than half of the debts owed to them by 1 Athens . In addition, they agreed to replace existing loans with new loans at a lower interest rate. Following Greece’s first bail-out, other financially distressed countries in the Eurozone–Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain (acronym IIPS), have also been acknowledging their own need for monetary aid. In this paper, based on the given definition for sovereign default, a bail-out is also considered a debt default. The abovementioned observations have motivated further investigation regarding the possible costs that sovereign default can impose on the secondary of defaulting countries. Recently a number of studies have shared the view that sovereign default can be costly to defaulters’ financial systems. Some papers look at the impact of sovereign default on banks (Yeyati and Panizza, 2011). The premise is that sovereign default may weaken domestic banks, weakening their role as providers of liquidity and credit to the economy. Others have elaborated on contagion

1 Eurozone crisis explained 2012, retrieved from October 1, 2012 2 effects, emphasizing how default caused elsewhere might affect firms around the world (Forbes (2004). However, the majority focuses only on emerging markets. Thus it is still not completely apparent how sovereign default may be costly to developed countries’ financial systems. More importantly, the magnitude of the possible cost of sovereign default on the aforementioned Eurozone countries’ stock markets has not been investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the cost of sovereign default on the stock markets of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain (acronym PIIGS). This is done by specifically analyzing ’ reaction to sovereign bail-out announcements. Different scenarios are considered to analyze investors’ reaction. Firstly, I study whether Greece’s bail-out announcement might have caused possible default anticipation by IIPS investors as suggested in other studies (Boreinszten and Panizza, 2009; Levy-Yeyati and Panizza, 2011). This is because a Greek bail-out acceptance may have caused IIPS’ investors to anticipate a default by IIPS’ governments. Since a bail-out announcement is news, it is assumed to reflect symmetric information. This implies that investors’ reactions to such news might be related. It also suggests that due to the anticipation of default, IIPS’ investors might have taken speculative positions, causing them to start selling their assets, putting the stock market under severe stress. Throughout this paper, I refer to this anticipation process as “the anticipation effect”. Two consecutive scenarios are considered to analyze investors’ reaction. A second scenario analyzes the specific public bail-out announcement dates for PIIGS separately. Here I look at the specific dates on which a bail-out package has been publicly announced to each country. A third approach consists of attempting to observe whether countries’ macroeconomic or fiscal conditions determine how these countries’ stock markets are affected by the crisis. To carry out the analyses, the particular definition of a liquid market must be designated. From Amihud (2002), Bank for International Settlements (1999) and Chordia et. al (2005), a liquid market can be defined as a market where participants can rapidly execute large-volume transactions at low cost. To identify the cost of sovereign default on the stock markets of PIIGS, I employ the insights from the overall literature discussed in this paper and fundamentals regarding negative shocks to the economy. In this paper, a public bail-out announcement is considered to be news and administers a negative shock to the economy (Amihud, 2002; Chordia et. al, 2005; Forbes, 2004; Van Horen et. al, 2008).3 This negative shock is likely to have a negative impact on asset prices (The first cost to be analyzed in this paper). This loss in asset value might be due to an asset recomposition effect. This effect originates from the foundational work of Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) and is referred to as the Collateral view. It is used by several authors to relate liquidity with market returns. According to the Collateral view theory, market participants obtain funding by pledging assets as collateral. During bad economic times, the liquidation value of the collateral can decrease, as potential buyers also confront difficult times. Because of the decrease in collateral value, debt capacity also decreases. This in turn, reinforces the fall of the collateral price as potential buyers become even more cash constrained. During crises periods, market participants can hit their constraints (Since asset prices decrease and investors are demanded to deposit more cash or securities to cover losses) and might be forced to liquidate. This, as stated by Van Horen et. al (2008), can induce a wider cost of trading. This cost will make it difficult to provide liquidity exactly when the market needs it. According to Van Horen et. al (2008), net withdrawals are a function of intermediaries’ performance and market liquidity is closely related to intermediaries’ funding needs. A drop in asset value will cause a decrease in short term inflow of funds. This effect forces financial intermediaries to sell, which adds to the price downturn and also generates a spiral fall in some liquidity measures. The liquidity impact is the second cost I disclose in this paper. Liquidity and price impact are determined by using the famous model of Brown and Warner (1980), which allows for measuring the impact of events on securities. With this methodology, I try to empirically observe whether the sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone caused investors to reassess their trading behavior. The observed abnormal values are used to conduct simple regressions to analyze the co-movements of these variables during the crisis period. Besides these analyses, the application of this methodology helps to answer key questions: Did the Greece’s official acceptance of bail- out cause anticipation effect on IIPS’ stock markets? Does this impact differ from specific public bail-out announcement of PIIGS? If so, what is the magnitude of this effect and how long does it last? Another important question addressed is: Does the economic or fiscal condition of a country determine how this country is affected by a sovereign debt crisis? Based on the overall literature, which will follow in the second section, cost expectations are formed. First, an acceptance of bail-out package by Greece’s4 government is expected to cause an anticipation of default by IIPS’ government, since these are also in financial distress. This anticipation effect will be stronger (as captured by the negative impact on the abnormal values of the proxies) than official public bailout announcement effect. Also, abnormal returns are expected to be negative, with positive abnormal increases in the liquidity proxies. In addition, volume traded and costs of transacting are expected to be positively related, suggesting illiquidity. Furthermore, since crises mark departure from equilibrium, the expectation is that illiquidity is associated with lower returns. Daily stock market data of the five above-mentioned Eurozone countries are gathered from the period of March 2010 to June 2012. From Datastream, information on 219 companies is gathered, comprised of data on returns, volumes traded, bid-ask spreads and prices. The data is used to construct four measurements: Abnormal returns, abnormal volume traded and abnormal cost of trading (Two proxies are used for cost). Volume traded is used as measurement for trading activity. Bid-ask spread and the Amihud ratio are used as measurements for trading cost. The Amihud ratio measures the price response to trading (Further explained in the methodology section). Both trading activity and trading cost proxies are used as liquidity measurements as applied by Van Horen et. al (2008). In addition, macroeconomic data on total government debt, primary deficits, deficit ratios and growth rates are gathered from the period of 2007 to 2011. These are gathered from the World Bank database and the IMF database. Results show that the Greek’s bail-out announcement might have caused IIPS’ investors to reassess their portfolio. This is reported in significant negative abnormal returns and significant abnormal increase in volume traded and cost of trading. More strikingly, the abnormal values for anticipation effect reveal stronger values and test statistics than for public bail-out announcements. In general the result related to the anticipation effect is consistent with the statement of Panizza and Yeyati (2011) who suggest that default marks the recovery of a crisis. This confirms the view that policy makers delay default, leading to anticipation of default. Another implication is that the market indeed prices the risk of default as suggested by Ardagna (2005) and Reinhart et. al (2003). The findings also show that the impact of bail-out on the abnormal proxies is more pronounced in the first 20 days following announcement. Specifically the results display significant decrease in abnormal returns and significant increase in the bid-ask5 spread and the Amihud ratio in the first 20 days following announcement. The impact decreases drastically in the middle of the event. At the end of the event, the values are still significant, but less pronounced than in the beginning. This suggests that the impact of bail-out is short-lived. Furthermore the findings indicate that countries with relatively better economic or fiscal conditions, suffer a higher cost (in terms of higher negative impact on the abnormal values) than countries with worse economic or fiscal conditions. Results also indicate that markets are illiquid. An increase in volume traded is significantly related to an increase in cost of trading. This confirms the Collateral view and the expectation that investors, constrained by liquidity, liquidate their positions, thereby engaging in high volume of selling with high cost of transaction (Van Horen et. al, 2008). Furthermore, the findings report an ambiguous relationship between returns and illiquidity. For countries with relatively better fiscal or economic conditions, investors seem to be indifferent regarding the expectation of higher returns to compensate for illiquidity. This is however not true for countries with relatively poor economic conditions during the crisis. In these countries, the relationship between returns and illiquidity is significantly positive, confirming the theory of Amihud and Mendelson (1991b). This result is surprising, considering that Amihud and Mendelson predict this relationship to be present in equilibrium. Notwithstanding this contradictory finding, the overall results from this paper suggest that defaulters’ stock markets with relatively better economic conditions suffer a higher cost than countries with relatively worse economic conditions. The findings contribute to the existing literature that attempts to determine the cost of sovereign default on domestic financial systems. Specifically, the paper gives new insight into how sovereign bail-out in developed countries transmits to the stock market through its impact on returns and liquidity. In addition, the findings confirm the Collateral view, that during crises, investors reorganize their portfolios, because of liquidity need. Furthermore, they show the degree of crises’ impact under different macroeconomic conditions of each country. This is important, because how a crisis is transmitted in a country, might depend on the fiscal economic characteristics of that country. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 elaborates on the theory behind the cost of sovereign default. Section 3 follows with data, containing6 preliminary descriptive statistics of the findings. In section 4, the methodology is explained, followed by section 5 reporting the main event study results and regression analyses results. Section 6 presents conclusions and discussions. Section 7 proposes areas for further research.

2. Literature Review

The cost of sovereign default has been investigated for decades by many researchers in order to come up with acceptable evidence of its impact on the economy. Macro- economic studies have reported several ways in which countries can be penalized when sovereigns stop servicing their debt obligations. De Paoli et. al (2006), Tomz and Wright (2007) investigate the relationship between default and output performance. They find a negative relationship between the two. Specifically, De Paoli et. al (2006) shows that the fall in GDP is larger when combined with currency and banking crises. On the other hand, Panizza and Yeyati (2011), using quarterly data, find that growth rate in the post-default period is never significantly lower than in normal times and that output contractions precede default episodes. According to them, the indication of an association between output losses and sovereign defaults is based on annual observations and suffers from measurement and identification problems. This result highlights the need for more in depth data analyses by using more micro data. Default cost has also been related with the exclusion from future borrowing or with the exclusion from the financial market. Panizza and Yeyati (2011) argue that over the long run, default may exert its impact either through lower investments or reduced access to capital markets. In addition, Bulow and Rogoff (1989) reason that a country which defaults on its debt contract may no longer be able to borrow for domestic investment. According to De Paoli et. al (2006), exclusion from future borrowing could be considered as an incentive for debt repayment. However, she also argues that the empirical evidence suggests default is not necessarily related to a loss in market access, since other creditors are readily available to provide credit to defaulters. The costs discussed above are a few of the penalties defaulters might suffer. Yet, these costs are not completely empirically proven. This evidence might be due to Panizza and Yeyati’s (2011) views who state that default is a turning point of a crisis, rather than a trigger. With that, they imply that default marks the recovery of the 7 economy. They conclude that this might be a result of the non- trivial costs of avoiding default. They also reason that most of consequences of default are normally reflected in the market before policymakers’ formal decision to default. Panizza and Yeyati’s (2011) reasoning is that policymakers might avoid default since the post-default cost might not outweigh fiscal effort to service debt. Thus the formal decision to default does not bring any additional cost and policymakers will then delay default; there is no tradeoff and default is then optimal. They conclude that a negative effect on the country’s economy is likely to be driven by the anticipation of default. This anticipation is independent of the country’s eventual decision to validate default. As mentioned in the introduction of this paper, the anticipation of default might have an impact on the behavior of investors. An earlier research regarding the relationship between anticipation of default and GDP was conducted by Boreinszten and Panizza (2009). They split default into two dummy components to estimate proxies for anticipated and unanticipated default to measure their relationships with growth. They find that the anticipation of default carry higher cost than unanticipated default. Another paper by Bolton and Jane (2011) sheds insight on how anticipation of default might be manifested in other markets through investors’ perceptions. They analyze the co-movements of credit default swaps among the Eurozone countries in debt crisis. From their study, one can derive that the delaying of bail-out acceptance by Greece was already visible by drastic increase in Greek’s credit default swaps rate. This indicates that market participants might have anticipated the default of Greece. Later on when Greece posted a worse budget deficit, other Eurozone countries’ credit default swap rates also started to increase. When the official bail-out package was guaranteed to Greece, the equity market initially gave the impression that the effect on rates was abating. Nevertheless, the relief turned out to be temporary. Consistent with the findings of Ardagna (2005), Bolton and Jane (2011) and Backe and Gardo (2012), one can derive that anticipation effect can transmit to a country’s financial system through its impact on investors’ expectations, confidence and risk preferences. Ardagna (2005) shows in her study that agents’ perception regarding fiscal adjustment can have a positive or a negative influence on a country’s economy. Also Reinhart et al. (2003) suggest that citizens of financially distressed countries should be aware of the risk imposed on the market when their governments engage in heavy borrowings. Despite the fact that their study is based on emerging markets, it is this awareness, along with the anticipation effect, I attempt to disclose in this paper. A8 Greece’s bail-out acceptance can be seen as a wake-up call, in the sense that it can potentially wake up IIPS’s investors to reassess the risk that default might impose on their . Besides the aforementioned research on credit default swaps, other recent microeconomic related studies have attempted to shed light on the impact of sovereign default on the financial system (Chordia et. al, 2005; Forbes, 2004; Panizza and Borensztein, 2009; Van Horen et. al, 2008). According to Panizza and Borensztein (2009), default episodes may cause a collapse in confidence in the domestic financial system and may lead to bank runs. The effect of bank runs may be banking crises or at least credit crunch. To test the presumed relationship between default and bank runs, they use an index for bank crises to investigate the possible effect of sovereign default on banks. Although they show that debt default seems to cause banking crises, they conclude that the cost of default is difficult to quantify. They attribute this to the mixed findings; default seems to have a small effect on credit ratings and bond spreads. They also find that government turnovers increase following debt crises. Also, the relationship between default and its effect on international trade credit and bank lending seems to be doubtful. The most striking and robust result is that the effect of default is short-term. Panizza and Borensztein (2009) suggest that this effect can never be detected beyond one or two years. From a stock market perspective, Van Horen et. al (2008) apply event study methodology to analyze emerging market crises’ impact on liquidity. As liquidity measurements they apply volume traded, bid-ask spread and the price response to trading (as captured by the Amihud ratio for transaction cost) to test investors’ reactions during financial turmoil. They take different approaches to analyze liquidity impact. First, they typify crisis as sharp stock market downturns by using dummy variables to distinguish price decreases. These downturns typically include more than one event per country. Secondly, they regress each of the liquidity variables on a number of controls. A control variable includes a dummy variable that split prices into positive and negative changes to measure stock market downturns directly. Another control variable used is a separate dummy variable that split the data into early and late crisis dummy variables. This is to account for the fact that financial distress is often accompanied by intense but short-lived portfolio reallocation and fire sale. Their preliminary results show an increase in all liquidity proxies during crises. 9 The regression result of van Horen et. al (2008) with the control variables shows the following: Trading volume tends to remain stable at the beginning of crises. This however, declines later on, suggesting a drop in activity after reallocations have been completed. Price fluctuations are associated with an increase in volume traded. Thus, large price downturns seem to be associated with higher trading. The Amihud ratio remains stable in the beginning of the crisis, but decreases later on. However, they report an irregular pattern between price fluctuations and the Amihud ratio; price jumps are associated with lower Amihud ratio (greater liquidity) and price declines are associated with an increase in the ratio. This pattern is also confirmed in the behavior of the bid-ask spread. However the bid-ask spread barely reacts to price jumps. An earlier research using the same event study concept as Van Horen et. al (2008)and the impact of government default on the financial system is conducted by Forbes (2004). He uses microeconomic approaches to examine how different companies located around the world are affected by the Asian and Russian financial crises. Even though his research was not specifically related to default impact on domestic markets, it still illustrates how stock markets can be affected by sovereign crises. His findings indicate that in general affected firms have on average, significant lower abnormal returns during the crisis. Moreover he reports significantly lower returns for more liquid stocks during the latter part of the Asian crisis than the rest of the sample. He suggests that investors caused crises to spread through a forced- portfolio recomposition effect for global investors. He explains that due to large cash withdrawals and margin calls, might be forced to sell assets in markets not directly affected by the crisis. The theory of asset recomposition also drew the attention of Chordia et. al (2005), who investigated cross-market liquidity dynamics during the Asian and Russian crisis of 1998 and the bond market crises of 1994. Motivated by the concept of portfolio rebalancing needs of investors during crises, they conduct several analyses to shed light on more primitive liquidity drivers and to explore liquidity movements. Chordia et. al (2005) reasoned that systemic shocks that affect portfolio reallocation needs of investors and markets makers’ ability to provide liquidity, might be possible macro liquidity drivers. This is due to the idea that informational shocks could cause positive trading activity across securities, which in turn might cause co-movements across these markets. Regarding co-movement across markets, they imply that liquidity measurements can be driven by common influences and can exhibit co-movement10 across asset classes. On that logic, they analyze the impact of expansionary monetary policy on stock and bond markets to investigate whether this policy would cause a change in these assets’ liquidities. As liquidity proxy, Chordia et. al (2005) also used bid- ask spread to account for transaction cost. Their study reports lower stocks’ liquidity in down-markets. They attribute this to the possible strained market making capacities during periods of market decline. In addition they find that a loosening monetary policy is contemporaneously associated with increased equity market liquidity during crises. Motivated by the above-mentioned studies, the methodologies applied by several researchers are used to further analyze the cost of sovereign default. Van Horen et. al (2008) and Forbes (2004) identify default with dummy variables, implying that they only take special episodes during crises. This might cause ambiguity in the results, since not the entire default period is taken into consideration. This paper applies the definition used by Reinhart and Rogoff (2008) to account for default and takes the first two years as event window. In contrast to those who look at emerging markets under stress, this paper takes a new path by looking at the current Eurozone debt crisis; this has never been done before. With regards to the research of Chordia et. al (2005), I use a different technique by analyzing the relationship between returns and liquidity measurements in countries with different economic conditions. This is important in order to determine whether the impact of bail-out on a country depends on the country’s fiscal or economic condition. Also the statement that monetary policy can cause co-movements in liquidity sheds light on analyzing the impact of fiscal decision (in this paper bail-out acceptance) on the stock market. Most importantly, the view that the market is illiquid during crisis is adopted to analyze the cost of sovereign default on the stock market. o Based on the above, the following expectations are developed: There will be significant negative cumulative abnormal returns during bail- out episodes. This effect is expected to be stronger with the anticipation effect than with public bail-out announcement o

There will be significant cumulative abnormal increase in the liquidity variables. Specifically, trading activity and cost of trading are expected to increase

11 o

Market is expected to be illiquid: The relationship between volume traded and transaction cost is expected to be positive. Thus high volumes are traded at high cost o

Abnormal returns is not expected to be compensated for abnormal illiquidity. This means that an increase in abnormal volume traded is expected to be associated with a decrease in abnormal returns. Analogously, an increase in abnormal cost of trading is expected to be associated with a decrease in abnormal returns

3. Data

Financial data The micro data: Company total returns, volume traded, numbers of shares on issue, stock price, and bid-ask spread are gathered from Datastream. The data ranges from March 2010 to June 2012. To calculate abnormal returns, the Total Return Index (RI) of each market is taken from Datastream. The (RI) tracks the capital gains of equities and assumes that any cash distributions, such as , are reinvested in the underlying company. This gives a more precise illustration of the index’s performance, since it effectively accounts for stocks that do not issue dividends. The preliminary data consisted of: 75 companies for Greece, 70 for Ireland, 75 for Italy, 60 for Portugal and 72 for Spain. After evaluating and removing companies with too much missing data, the sample is reduced to 31 companies for Greece, 52 Ireland, 73 Italy, 10 for Portugal, and 53 for Spain. The macro data –taxes, GDP, public debt, deficits/surplus are gathered from the World Bank database and the IMF database.

News data Information on relevant news is gathered from the BBC UK website. It hosts a specific timeline illustrating on the events related to the crisis since its inception. Table I.A shows specific public bail-out announcement dates for each country from May 2010 to March 2012. Table I.B groups each country according to certain macroeconomic criteria.

12 Table I.A: Timeline of Specific Bail-out Announcement Dates for the 5 Countries From 2010 to 2011 Countries Default dates Specification announcement Greece May 2nd 2010 110bn bailout package

March 13th 2012 Second bailout package of 130bn euro

Ireland November 22nd2010 85bn euros bailout package th Portugal May 16 2011 78bn euros approved for bailout

Italy August 7th 2011 ECB announce purchase of Italian bonds (this is considered a bail-out since a purchase of a bond by the ECB implied that the ECB injects money in the system to prevent further distress)

Spain August 7th 2011 ECB announce purchase of Spanish bonds

Table I.B: Several Fiscal or Economic Conditions For the 5 Countries in Sovereign Debt Crisis Debt ratio Growth rate Primary deficit Deficit ratio preceding Preceding crisis during crisis Preceding crisis crisis Criteria >100%GDP <100%GDP <0 >0 ≥14%GDP <14%GDP ≥14%GDP <14%GDP Country Greece Ireland Greece Italy Greece Italy Greece Italy Italy Portugal Ireland Spain Ireland Portugal Ireland Portugal Spain Portugal Spain Spain

Descriptive statistics Table II depicts the descriptive statistics of the cumulative average abnormal values of 0 20 the variables in the event window D through day D . Panel A depicts the values since the first Greece bail-out announcement in May 2010. All countries are pooled to analyze a possible anticipation effect during the crisis period. The entire result of the descriptive statistic, which is included Appendix C of this paper shows that the impact was the highest during the first 20 days following the event and gradually decreased during the last days of the event window. Panel B depicts the results of specific public bail-out announcement dates for the countries. As was expected, the preliminary results show that anticipation impact is stronger than public announcement impact. This is apparent in the mean values of the proxies. Table II reports a mean of cumulative average abnormal returns of -0.0722 in 0 20 (D , D ) reflecting anticipation effect. Comparing this with the result of specific public 0 20 announcement, gives a much lower mean value in (D , D ): -0.0077. Also the 20 cumulative average abnormal result on D is given. Deeper examination of the liquidity variables reveals similar results, except for the AMR. Overall, the result shows higher liquidity values for anticipation effect than for official public bail-out announcements. 13 Figure A plots the time series for anticipation effect and specific bail-out announcements. As can be seen from figure A. 1, CAAR was never positive in the first 20 days following announcement, indicating a loss in asset value during crises. It also shows that all liquidity measures are constantly positive during the first 20 days. Looking at the specific public bail-out announcements, gives the impression that CAAR only decreases in the first days following announcement and starts increasing from day 2 to day 6. It also shows increasing positive values for the liquidity proxies from day 2. Afterward the liquidity proxies fluctuate throughout the event window, though they remain positive. On the other hand, figure A.2 shows that the impact is less severe in the first 20 days for specific bail-out than for anticipation effect.

0, 20 Table II Descriptive Statistics Using Event Window (D D ) The results provided account to the cumulative average abnormal variables. Anticipation Effect illustrates default expectation by the countries. Specific Bail-out illustrates actual bail-out reaction. P is the expected abnormal value in the estimation window. Amihud Bid-Ask Statistics Return Ratio Volume Spread Panel A Anticipation Effect 0, 20 (D D ) Mean -0,0722 0,0362 0,0152 0,0327 Sample Variance 0,0060 0,0058 0,0017 0,0141 Minimum -0,3547 -0,2324 -0,0387 -0,3160 D20 Maximum 0,2904 0,5005 0,3184 0,9718 Mean -0.0682 0.0553 0.0220 0.0583 P 0.4729 0.3379 0.3077 0.3783 count 219 Panel B Specific Bail-out 0, 20 (D D ) Mean -0,0077 0,0383 -0,0019 0.0037 Sample Variance 0,0130 0,0315 0,0023 0,0933 Minimum -0,5232 -0,4638 -0,2375 -1,6715 D 20 Maximum 0,6033 1,5326 0,4221 0,7215 Mean -0.0160 0.0580 -0.0031 0.0024 P 0.4656 0.3417 0.3052 0.3793 count 249

Table III depicts descriptive macroeconomic statistics for the 5 countries. At first glance the statistics demonstrate an increase in debt ratio for all countries prior to Greece’s bail-out in 2010. Focusing on each country individually, the table shows that out of the 5 countries, Greece and Italy have on average the highest debt levels. From 2007 to 2011, Greece and Italy have average debt ratios of 140% and 114% of GDP respectively. On average, Spain has the lowest average debt level. Ireland and Portugal14 followed with slight increase in the ratio, though both are below 100% of GDP. The results also show that since 2008 up to 2011, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal’s growth rates have each exhibited a decreasing pace. Italy and Spain have decreasing growth from 2008 to 2009. However for Italy, growth rate shows a slight increase in 2010 and 2011. Spain’s growth rate shows only a slight increase in 2011. The results also show that Ireland, Portugal and Spain have the highest deficit ratios. Regarding primary deficit level, on average Greece and Ireland have the highest deficits. Overall, the macro statistics show that Greece and Ireland are the most distressed countries based on their fiscal or economic conditions.

Figure A: Trend of the Cumulative Average Abnormal Variables (CAAX) Over Event 0 20. Days D Through D Here the CAAR, CAAAMR, CAASVOL and CAAPBAS reflect Cumulative Average Abnormal values for Returns, Amihud Ratio, Volume Traded, and Bid-Ask Spread respectively. Anticipation Effect illustrates default expectation by the countries. Specific Bail-out illustrates actual bail-out reaction A. 1 Trend of the CAAX: Anticipation Effect 0.1


0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20





A.2 Trend of the CAAX: Specific Bail-out Dates 0.1


-1.7E-16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -0.05




15 Table III Fiscal or Economic Conditions Prior2 and During Bail-out Episodes as Percentage of GDP

Greece 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Averages

Sovereign debt(b) 125.2820 126.7240 141.9699 142.757 163.343 140.01518

Growth rate(∆y) 2.9962 -0.1569 -3.2506 -3.5167 -6.9072 -2.1670

Primary Deficit(g-t) 6.7450 9.6806 15.5529 10.6595

Deficit ratio(∆b) -2.7808 1.4421 15.2459 0.7871 20.5860 7.0560


Sovereign debt(b) 28.3722 49.0498 70.4825 92.4850 104.95 69.0679

Growth rate(∆y) 5.1823 -2.9721 -6.9945 -0.4294 -0.7000 -1.1827

Primary Deficit(g-t) -0.2425 7.0332 14.1464 6.97033

Deficit ratio(∆ b) -0.2852 20.6777 21.4326 22.0025 12.4660 15.2588


Sovereign debt(b) 104.2962 107.1373 118.4371 118.6520 120.1060 113.7257

Growth rate(∆y) 1.6830 -1.15623 -5.4944 1.8044 0.4311 -0.5464

Primary Deficit(g-t) 1.3239 2.3397 4.8620 2.8419

Deficit ratio(∆ b) -4.7903 2.8411 11.3000 0.2149 1.4540 2.2039


Sovereign debt(b) 67.5100 72.4622 83.9667 93.4430 106.7850 84.8334

Growth rate(∆y) 2.3653 -0.0085 -2.9084 1.4013 -1.6096 -0.7599

Primary Deficit(g-t) 2.5669 2.6291 8.6743 4.6234

Deficit ratio(∆b) -1.8487 4.9522 11.5045 9.4763 13.3420 7.4853


Sovereign debt(b) 30.0803 34.1938 46.4292 47.8129 68.4710 45.3974

Growth rate(∆y) 3.4792 0.8887 -3.7408 -0.0695 0.7080 -0.0301

Primary Deficit(g-t) -2.4510 2.3272 8.5296 5.1699 3.5256

Deficit ratio(∆ b) -3.9690 4.1135 12.2354 1.3838 20.6581 6.8843


The primary information was retrieved on March 2012 from the IMF database and on May 2012 from the world bank database 4. Methodology

In this paper the three proxies used by van Horen et. al (2008) as measurement for liquidity will be applied – the Amihud ratio, bid-ask spread and volume traded. The Amihud ratio and bid-ask spread are proxies for trading cost and the volume represents trading activity. The Amihud ratio represents a measure of price impact as it can be interpreted as the daily price response associated with one dollar (in this paper euro) of trading volume. Amihud (2002) refers to the proxy as illiquidity, since he perceives liquidity as an elusive concept. He reasons that it is a measurement that cannot be directly observed but rather has a number of aspects that cannot be captured in a single measure. He further clarifies that illiquidity reflects the discount that a seller accepts or the premium that a buyer pays when executing a market order. However, Amihud acknowledges that the bid-ask spread is a finer measurement for illiquidity. Also according to Amihud (2002), the Amihud ratio is coarser and less accurate. Nevertheless, unlike the bid-ask spread, it is a measurement that is calculated from data that are readily available for long periods of times for most markets. Amihud’s (2002) findings show that across stocks and over time, expected stock returns are an increasing function of expected illiquidity. This implies that in equilibrium, an increase in the cost of transacting and volume traded should be associated with an increase in expected returns. This is analogous to the capital asset pricing theory, which states that investors should be promised higher returns for more risky stocks. In that sense, Amihud argues that in equilibrium, stocks’ excess returns should also reflect compensation for market illiquidity. In a previous paper, Amihud and Mendelson (1991b) imply that since investors prefer to promise capital to liquid investments, in equilibrium, the expected returns on capital assets are an increasing function of illiquidity.

The proxies are determined as follows

= − (1)

= (2)

17 ( ) = (3)

| (4) ( ) |∆ = (5) In equation (1), represents bid-ask spread in Euro unit for company i on day . The

it is calculatedBAS by taking the average of the bid-ask . t it it it MIIDQUOTErepresents the ratio for company i on day in (3) is(BID measured+ASK as)/2 thePBAS daily it volume traded in share divided by share, on issuet. SVOL Equations (1)-(3) are adopted it from Frino et. al (2006). Equation (4) is a standard(SOI equation). for returns. Equation (5) represents the Amihud ratio (AMR), with s the absolute value of the daily price

it change during the day. |∆P | a

AbnormalTo determine Values the abnormal behavior of each proxy –(Abnormal , abnormal , Abnormal and Abnormal ), the mean(AX)-adjusted methodPBAS of Brown and SVOLWarner (1980) is applied.R AMR

The general abnormal value for each proxy is determined as follows:


, (6) where i t and i are the abnormal, actual, and expected values respectively for

t i companyAX ,in Xtime period t. In this study a 2 years period event window is applied leading to 540 days. Since a sovereign debt crisis can last up to 2 years, the paper takes this into consideration to analyze how the abnormal values fluctuate during this event window. This is due to the reasoning that a bail-out is more a macroeconomic event and might have a longer impact on the market. However, in this paper more focus is put on the first 20 days following an event. This is because generally, the impact of an event is more pronounced in the first days following an event. According to the BBC UK online news, it

18 was not until May 2nd, 2010 that the first tranche of an initial bail-out package of 110bn euro was allowed to Greece. In March 2012, a second bail-out package of 130bn euro was provided. For the other Eurozone members with similar problems, bail-out packages were provided during that same crisis period. From the first bail-out date on, different events took place which would affect investors’ confidence (see timeline in Table I.A). The timeline is used to track the specific dates of bail-out announcements during the event window. Two approaches are used to analyze the impact of a bail-out announcement on investors’ reactions. Firstly, Greece’s bail-out announcement on May 2010 is taken as the inception date. From May 2010 to June 2012, PIIGS stocks’ data are pooled to analyze the anticipation effect mentioned in the . Secondly, I separate the data for specific bail-out dates. These are thenliterature pooled toreview analyze the magnitude of the impact. Note that Greece’s two bail-outs dates are also included in this second analysis. The event date is indicated as day 0. Following the methodology of Cowan (1992), an estimation window of 100 days before the event date is applied. The estimation window is 100 days before May 2nd 2010. This same estimation window is also used to analyze specific bail-out announcement to avoid ambiguous results, since the 540 days are considered as a period of financial turmoil. The event date is the indicated day on the BBC timeline for the month of bail-out or rescheduling announcement. The event window starts from May 2nd 2010 up to June 30th 2012.

CumulativeTo determine Abnormal the cumulative Values abnormal value for each proxy (CAX) over an event window, days D0 through Dd, the Cowan (1992) method is used:

= ∑

CAX (7) The cumulative average abnormal value for each proxy (CAAX) for a sample of stocks over the event window D0 through Dd, is calculated as follows: n

, = ,( , )

(8) 19 Secondly, the Jarque Bera test for normality shows that the data is not normality distributed. Hence a non-parametric test –the generalized sign test applied by Cowan (1992), is conducted to test the significance of the proxies.

Following the Cowan notation, the number expected for each proxy is determined by:

= ∑ ∑ ,

(9) where for the abnormal returns (AR) 1 < 0 = 0

ℎ The objective is to test whether the abnormal are significantly negative compared to the number expected. This expectation is due to the result of several studies that report negative abnormal returns during crises (Chordia et. al 2005; Forbes 2004; Hameed et. al 2010; van Horen et al, 2008). For the liquidity proxies the opposite notation will be applied, since the expectation is that during crises the liquidity proxies increase (Amihud 2002, Chordia et. al, 2005; Hameed et. al 2010; van Horen et. al 2008). depicts results for equation (9).

Appendix A Based on the abovementioned considerations, the following notation for the liquidity proxies is applied:

1 > 0 = 0

ℎ The test statistic for the abnormal values is as follows:

= , ( ( )) (10)

20 where , is the number of stocks in the event window for which the cumulative abnormalw returns (CAR) is negative or the cumulative abnormal liquidity measures are positive. The values for in equation (10) are given in .(CAL) w Appendix B

RegressionSubsequently Analyses time series (eq 11) and cross-sectional regressions (eq 12) are performed with the abnormal values. Since the results for anticipation effect are more pronounced than the results for specific bail-out announcement, this analysis focusses only on the anticipation effect. The time series regression is related to the Collateral view and the liquidity theory. The objective is to test market liquidity during crises by regressing volume traded with cost of trading using the definition of Amihud (2002), Bank for International Settlements (1999) and Chordia et. al (2005). In the event window, cumulative average abnormal volume traded is regressed against cumulative average abnormal bid-ask spread and cumulative average abnormal Amihud ratio. The relationship between volume and cost is given as:

= + . + . +

(11) where is the cumulative average abnormal volume, , the coefficient proxies for the bid-ask spread and the Amihud ratio respectively in the event window. The and the represent the constant and the error term respectively. Two regressions are employed. The first one takes the entire event period of 540 days into account. The second one takes only the first 20 days following announcement into account. The last regression is a cross-sectional analysis to test the relationship of abnormal returns with liquidity. Amihud and Mendelson (1991b) state that in equilibrium investors should be promised higher . The relationship is given by the equation returns with less liquid stocks

= + . + . + . + ,


21 where is the average of the cumulative abnormal returns for the ith company in the eventCAR window days D0 through Dd. The same analogy applies to the other variables. On both time series and cross-sectional regressions different OLS checks are performed. First, the White test for heteroskedasticity is performed to check whether the standard errors have constant variances. In the event that the variances are not constant, the heteroskedasticity consistent coefficient test is used to correct for this. Also the Jarque Bera test of normality is conducted to test whether the error terms are normally distributed. In addition, the Ramsey test is conducted to see whether the correct functional form has been used, to account for possible misspecification of the model. Furthermore, to detect the possibility of simultaneity between the variables, the Hausman test for exogeneity is conducted. This is done because there might be a two way relationship between the exogenous and the endogenous variables. Some studies indicate that expected volume is a function of trading cost. However, expected cost might also be a function of volume traded. Regarding the cross-sectional analysis, according to Chordia et. al (2005), liquidity might influence returns. Nevertheless, Amihud and Mendelson (1986) argue that returns might influence liquidity as well. Thus a test of exogeneity helps to clarify the relationships between the variables. Nonetheless, in the event that this exogeneity is present, this effect is not further analysed in this paper.

MacroeconomicAdditional robustness robustn checksess checksare conducted by analyzing groups of countries with different macroeconomic conditions as categorized in Table I.B and Table III. In his recent paper, Mun (2012) argues that macroeconomic developments can affect the market’s expectation about the economic conditions of a country. He argues that these expectations are revealed in the financial system by their influence in the expected returns on all asset classes. According to Butt et. al (2009) financial information and macroeconomic variables could predict a notable portion of stock returns. In their research regarding the stock return variation to specific economic conditions, they find that stock returns of different industries behave differently to different macroeconomic conditions. Other researchers have also investigated stock returns variation caused by various economic factors (Chen et. al., 1986; Errunza and Hogan, 1998; Getler and

22 Grinols, 1982; Hu and Mei, 2000). Their findings also suggest that stock returns are sensitive to changes in macroeconomic factors. Conventional macroeconomic theory suggests that government running a primary deficit, with income growth falling short of interest rate can only stabilize by appropriate adjustment of the primary deficit ratio. Economic theory also implies that a country that grows and accumulates wealth may find a growing debt acceptable, as long as the debt ratio does not grow (Gartner, 2009, p 394). From Table III, one can notice that Greece’s growth rate has decreased extremely. Ireland and Portugal follows, though with less severe rates than Greece. Hosono and Sacuragawa (2011) use historical joint distributions of interest rates and growth rates to test the fiscal sustainability of Japan. They evaluate fiscal sustainability by looking whether the debt to GDP stabilizes or increases without bound. Their result indicates that Japan’s fiscal sustainability depends on its projected growth rate and fiscal policy rules. Their finding suggests that a government should react to their fiscal crisis in order to avoid an increase in the debt-to GDP ratio. Fiscal policy matters because a large deficit and high debt might force the central bank to inject money in the market. In the EU, the Maastricht Treaty specifies a debt to income ratio not exceeding 60% and a deficit ratio below 3%. These constraints are to ensure price stability. However as can be seen from Table III, only Spain complied with the debt ratio requirement and Italy with the deficit ratio. According to the European Central bank (2005), economies with high public debt ratios and slow fiscal adjustment, experience larger deviations of the price level from its trend after fiscal expansion. They suggest that different fiscal adjustment rules could be taken into account to analyze the response of the economy to fiscal expansion. Furthermore they imply that fiscal policies affect the equilibrium condition of the money market. In order to restore equilibrium, price level should be adjusted, which reflects the mechanism through which fiscal policy affects the price level. In a simulation analysis, they find that temporary fiscal expansion negatively affects price stability. Anncchiaricco and Marini (2003) show that high levels of debts and high deficits affect the money market equilibrium through their effect on wealth. This effect can be revealed through its impact on investors’ uncertainty. According to Acosta and Loza (2004) external debt level can represent the evolution of external credit and investment. Due to investor’s uncertainty on future policies, an increase in external debt

23 may signal over-indebtness and may negatively impact investors’ expectations. Their study confirms the results of previously made studies that external debt level together with other fiscal conditions of a country, are the main variables that guide investment decisions in the long run. Ardagna (2005) also provides empirical evidence on the impact of fiscal policy shock on financial variables. She argues that financial markets are forward looking and that agents’ perception can explain the effect of fiscal shocks on financial variables. Her findings suggest that financial markets react in anticipation of the future path of government debt-to-GDP. The finding predicts that a decline in public debt will lead to an increase in and its growth rate. Additionally she tested whether the effect of changes of the government budget on financial variables depends on the decrease of public debt in the future. She finds that stock markets react positively only when governments are successful in reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio. This sensitivy analysis is important because it sheds light on what type of macroeconomic variables would display a stronger association between asset returns and liquidity. Four economic conditions are used: debt ratio (b), deficit ratio (∆b), primary deficit/surplus (g-t) and growth rate (y). The economic notations that are used in the paper are as follows:

Primary deficit:

1)2) Deficit to income ratio/budget deficit: ∆B/Y=∆b Debt ratio:

3)4) Growth rateB/Y=b in GDP: ∆y= In 1), G represents all public spending on consumption and investment, plus transfer payment in the year that bail-out is announced. T is the total taxes collected. In 2), B and Y stand for total government debt and output as measured by GDP preceding bail- out year respectively. A country can run a deficit (g>t) or surplus (g

24 HypothesisThe first four formation hypotheses are derived from the abnormal performance of each proxy. For equations (7) and the statement that returns are negative during crises leads to the expectation that cumulative(8), abnormal returns will be negative during bail-out episodes. Following the Cowan (1992) method, the null and alternative hypotheses are

, : , ≥ 0

, : , < 0

The cumulative average abnormal illiquidity proxies are expected to increase. This implies that volume traded and costs of trading are expected to increase. These are given as

Trading activity (volume traded):

, : , ≤ 0

, : , > 0

Trading cost (Amihud ratio):

, : , ≤ 0

, : , > 0

Trading cost (Bid-Ask spread):

, : , ≤ 0

, : , > 0

The second group of hypotheses is related to market liquidity from equation (11). The definition of a liquid market is applied here to account for the expected relationship between volume traded and cost of trading. From the mentioned studies, it can be

25 derived that increased volume traded is expected to be associated with increased cost of transaction during crisis episodes.

The supposition concerning the relationship between abnormal volume traded and abnormal bid-ask spread is given as , : = 0

, : > 0

Analogously, the supposition regarding the relationship between abnormal volumes traded and abnormal Amihud ratio is given, : as = 0

, : > 0

The last groups of hypotheses test the relationship between returns and liquidity from equation (12). Taken from the analogy of Amihud and Mendelson (1991b), the following can be derived: Amihud uses the CAPM theory to develop an equilibrium expectation for stocks. He states that in equilibrium, an illiquid stock should be expected to gain higher returns. As already derived, a stock that trades at a high cost and high volume is considered to be illiquid. Since crises mark departures from equilibrium, the expectation is that abnormal returns are negatively associated with illiquidity. The hypotheses regarding this relation for the different proxies are as follows:

Abnormal returns and abnormal bid-ask spread: , : = 0

, : < 0

Abnormal returns and abnormal Amihud, :ratio: = 0

, : < 0

26 Abnormal returns and abnormal volume, :traded:= 0

, : < 0

5. Results

CumulativeFigure A.1, aTablebnormalII panelresults A and Table V display statistical results for the Generalized Sign Test classifying for possible anticipation effect by IIPS. From Table V, it can be noticed that CAAX show strong significant Z-values from D1 through D20. The entire result, which is included , shows that from D20 to D540 the Z-values fluctuate between positive and negativeAppendixZ-values.C However the values are significant at D540. The latter are smaller, suggesting that the impact is stronger only during the first days following announcement and decreases at later stages of the crisis. This is in line with the statement of Panizza and Borensztein (2009) who argue that default is short lived.

Combining Table II.A with Table V, one can notice that on D20, anticipation effect is significantly associated with CAAX of -0.0682, 0.0553, 0.0220 and 0.0583 for

and respectively. In view of theseR results,eturns, Amihud Rareatio, rejected Volume and Traded Bidcome-Ask into Spread effect. This conclusion is in line with the 1,0 4,1 1,1 4,4 Hresults-H of Chordia et. al (2005),H -HHameed et. al (2010) and van Horen et. al (2008), who found a decrease in returns and a decrease in liquidity during crises. I then explore the effect of specific public bail-out announcements dates. Figure

A.2, Table II panel B and Table V present these results. The proxies fluctuate from D0 to

D20 with positive and negative values and show that the impact is stronger in the first three days following bail-out. On D20, public bail-out announcement is significantly associated with CAAX of -0.0160, 0.0580, -0.0031 and 0.0024 for

and respectively. Except for theReturns, Amihud, theRatioZ-, Volumevalues are Traded still significantBid-Askon SpreadD20. Notably, the impact on all the variablesVolume Tradedis less strong for specific announcement. Particularly volume traded decreases sharply. The effect can be seen in the degree of impact on the cumulative average abnormal values and the test statistics. These values are less strong for public bail-out than for anticipation effect. This striking result leads to the conclusion that investors do price the risk of default, a realization also derived from Ardagna (2005) and Reinhart et. al (2003). This

27 result also implies that bail-out announcement might be perceived as a turning point and has a positive impact on investors’ expectation. This is consistent with the findings of Panizza and Yeyati (2011) who suggest that default marks the recovery of a crisis.

SensitivityTable VI shows Analysis results as a check of how companies in different countries with different fiscal or economic conditions are affected by bail-out episodes. This analysis takes only the anticipation effect into account. Countries are grouped according to economic conditions as reported in Table I. For all economic conditions, the result shows significant abnormal Z-values over the first three days following announcement. The Table also shows the first dates where CAAR started to be insignificant. This helps to have a clearer understanding of how the crisis developed throughout the 540 days event window. The table also depicts the dates where CAAR has the highest insignificant Z-value. As can be observed, the crisis’ impact on CAAR starts to be less pronounced from the third month following announcement. On the 9th month CAAR reaches the highest insignificant Z-value. Yet and overall, the majority of the variables are significant over the entire 2 year event window. Further, I conduct additional robustness analyses on the groups as listed in Table I. First I look at companies listed in Greece and Ireland, which are countries with debt levels >100% of GDP preceding bail-out. These are compared with Italy, Portugal and Spain, which are countries with debt levels <100% of GDP. The results show that Z- values for abnormal returns and liquidity proxies are higher for Greece and Ireland than for Italy, Portugal and Spain. Thus the result shows that Greece and Ireland have relatively high decrease in abnormal returns. The result also suggests that these two countries have relatively high increase in transaction cost and volume traded in comparison to the remaining three countries. I further look at the results presented in panels C and D for other groups with

∆y<0 and ∆y>0. Countries with negative growth rates such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal have relatively lower Z-values for abnormal returns and liquidity proxies than the countries Italy and Spain, which have growth rates higher than zero. This result shows that the crisis has a less negative impact on Greece’s, Ireland’s and Portugal’s stock markets relative to Italy’s and Spain’s stock markets.

28 At last, I analyze the results presented in panels E and F for countries with deficits ≥14% of GDP and 4.86 % of GDP < deficits<14% of GDP. The results yielded include both primary deficit and deficit ratios. I find that countries with deficits ≥14%, which include Greece and Ireland, report lower Z-values than countries with 4.86 %< deficits<14%, which are Italy, Portugal and Spain. This result leads to similar conclusion consistent with the above-mentioned finding for panels C and D. It shows that countries with a relatively better fiscal or economic conditions are negatively more affected than countries with a relatively worse fiscal or economic condition. In general the sensitivity analysis shows that bail-out impact is mostly felt in the first three days following announcement and decreases significantly in the middle of the event, with significant effect on returns and liquidity. The analysis also leads to the conclusion that countries stock’ markets with relatively better fiscal or economic conditions suffer higher costs than countries’ stock’ markets with relatively worse fiscal or economic conditions.

Least square results

TestThis foranalysis market is liquidityrelated to liquidity and the relationship between returns and liquidity for anticipation effect. In Table VII the results for the regression analyses are depicted. Panel A presents results for equation (11). It shows that volume traded is negatively related to cost of transaction during the entire 540 event period. This result is only significant for the AMR coefficient. Before drawing any conclusions, several checks on OLS are performed. Since there seems to be evidence of heteroskedasticity, the heteroskedasticity consistent coefficient covariance adjustment is conducted. This leads to insignificant negative coefficients for both exogenous variables. Due to that negligible result, no further analysis is performed on that group.

Panel A.2 shows result in a much shorter event window, namely (D0, D20). For that short event window, there seems to be no evidence of heteroskedasticity. The regression analysis shows that a 1% increase in and is associated with a respective increase of 0.0925CA andAPBAS 0.368520 inCAAAMR20 . Furthermore, the coefficients for both cost measures are significant, withCAASVOL20

CAAAMR2029 highly significant at the 95% confidence level and almost significant at the

90% confidence level. The R-square is 98%, whichCA impliesAPBAS20 that the data is very well explained by the variables. This leads to the conclusion that in the first 20 days following a Greece bail-out announcement, abnormal volume traded increases with an increase in abnormal transaction costs, suggesting illiquid market during sovereign debt crises. From these results, H5,0-H6,0 are rejected. Hence, H5,1-H6,1 come into effect. The Hausman test result suggests simultaneity between volumes traded and cost of transacting. With this result, one can conclude that there might be a two way relationship between volume traded and cost of trading. Overall, the findings are supported by the results of Chordia et. al (2005) and Van Horen et. al (2008) who found an increase in volume traded and cost of transaction during crises. This is in line with the Collateral view theory, which indicates a forced portfolio recomposition by market makers who hit their cash margins during difficult periods and liquidate their positions. Thus, this leads to the conclusion, that investors, constrained by liquidity, engage in high volumes of selling, which are traded at high costs. Hence, markets seem to be illiquid in the beginning of sovereign debt crises.

RelationshipTable VII, panel with Bexpected.I, reports returnthe crosss and- sectionalilliquidityresults for the entire data for equation (12) in the event window (D0, D20). There seems to be no evidence of heteroskedasticity. Here also the results show simultaneity, suggesting that liquidity might also be endogenous. As expected, except for the , cumulative abnormal returns are negatively related to cumulative abnormal PBAS20illiquidity. The findings show that a 1% increase in is associated with an increase of 0.0494 in . This result is not significant.PBAS20Further, a 1% increase in and is associatedCAR20 with a respective decrease of -0.1721 and -0.1625 inAMR20 . Thus,SVOL20prices decrease with increase in volume traded, and with widening of theCAR20 Amihud ratio. However, only the coefficient for AMR20 is significant with an R-square of only 3.6245%, implying that the data is not well explained. This mixed result leads to the doubtful rejection of only H8,0.

The other two hypotheses –H7,0 and H9,0, are not rejected. The negative coefficients for and suggests that following bail-out announcements, investors are indifferentAMR20 regardingSVOL20 higher returns to compensate for illiquidity. This result might be correct, since Amihud and Mendelson (1991b) only suggest the

30 expected relationship when market is in equilibrium, thus during tranquil times. Another point to be taken into consideration is that Amihud (2002) suggests that bid- ask spread is a finer measurement for cost. Thus, the observation of significant result for only the AMR leads to yet more reason to imply that the relationship between returns and illiquidity is not clear during crises episodes. This overall, the results indicate that during crises, expected returns are not associated with illiquidity.

SensitivityTo further Analyses test the robustness of the results from equation (12), the relationship between CAR and CAL measures are analyzed. This is done by using different fiscal or economic conditions of grouped countries as mentioned in Table I. Panel B.II of Table VII depicts the results. For majority of the mentioned macroeconomic conditions, the results indicate negative coefficients for and . In contrast to the previously results, the coefficientAmihuds for Ratio Volumeis Traded negative for most countries with better economic conditions. Yet, Bidthe -resultsAsk Spread are insignificant. However, for countries with relatively worse economic conditions, the coefficients are all positive and most of them significant. For the remainingBid -liquiAsk ditySpread measurements in these countries – and , the coefficients are negative most of the time, thoughAallmihud are Ratio insignificant.VolumeThus, Traded the positive coefficient for the found in the first analysis is accounted for the countries with a relatively weak economicPBAS20 structure. This means that for these countries an increase in cost of trading is accompanied by an increase in expected returns. This result is very difficult to interpret, since only is significant. Nonetheless, for this particular variable, it suggests that in countriesPBAS20with relatively worse economic conditions, investors require higher returns for illiquid markets. The negative coefficient for countries with relatively better economic conditions might havePBAS20 some implications. It suggests that in these countries investors might be uncertain regarding policymakers’ abilities to restore the economy as noticed by Loza (2004). Also the findings of Ardagna(2005) can be construed to add credence to this claim. Her findings suggest a positive reaction of the stock market only when agents expect the government to be successful in reducing debt-to-GDP ratio. Thus, the results imply that investors might not have a good prospect regarding the credibility of the economic recovery of countries with relatively better economic conditions.

31 However, since this negative coefficient is not significant, no definite conclusion can be derived from this finding.PBAS20 Overall the results show that during sovereign debt crises returns decrease with an increase in volume traded and cost of trading. However, since most of the results are insignificant with very low R-squares, H7,0, H8,0 and H9,0 are not rejected. Thus, one cannot conclude for certain that the cost of sovereign default can be found in the relation between cumulative abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal liquidity. The results seem to be ambiguous and difficult to interpret. Thus, regarding the cross- sectional regression analysis, the results are consistent with Panizza and Borensztein (2009) views who reason that default costs remain difficult to quantify.

32 The Z-Statistics account for the Cumulative Average Abnormal Variables (CAAX) for the countries in sovereign Tabledebt crisis. V Here,Generalized Amihud Sign Ratio, Test Volume Results Traded at the and 95% Bid- ConfidenceAsk Spread represent Interval illiquidity measurements. illustrates default expectation by the countries. illustrates actual bail-out reaction. Values in parenthesis reflect insignificance. Anticipation Effect Specific Bail-out

Event Amihud Volume Bid-Ask Window Returns Ration Traded* Spread 0 12.2408 9.5719 (-4.4480) (0.4403) Panel A (Count 219) 1 13.8649 14.0007 5.3616 6.7106 Anticipation effect 2 13.3235 13.8578 9.0219 6.5713 3 14.1356 15.2864 8.4363 8.3827 4 9.1278 18.0008 13.4143 11.7269 5 10.4813 18.0008 13.8536 11.7269 6 9.3985 18.1437 13.5607 11.8662 7 9.5338 18.2866 13.2679 11.0302 8 11.9701 17.7151 12.2430 10.7515 9 12.6468 17.5722 12.6823 10.6122 10 12.1054 17.1437 12.5358 9.9155 11 12.9175 17.1437 11.8038 9.7761 12 13.1882 17.0008 11.5110 9.4974 13 13.3235 17.0008 11.3645 9.9155 14 13.4589 17.1437 11.3645 9.4974 15 13.4589 17.1437 11.3645 9.3581 16 11.2933 17.5722 11.5110 9.7761 17 9.8045 17.7151 11.2181 10.0548 18 9.8045 17.5722 11.8038 9.3581 19 8.8571 17.4294 11.2181 9.7761 20 9.2631 17.4294 10.4861 9.3581

0 2.6760 3.0632 (-0.8252) 6.0798 Panel B (count 249) 1 8.5201 8.9425 (-0.2747) 6.2104 Specific Bail-out Dates 2 7.2496 9.3434 (0.9639) 7.6471 3 3.4382 10.1451 (0.9639) 7.9083 4 (0.6432) 10.8132 (1.2391) 9.0838 5 (-0.7543) 10.4124 (1.1015) 9.4756 6 (-0.8813) 11.2141 (1.1015) 9.4756 7 2.4219 12.4167 (1.9272) 8.5613 8 3.5653 12.1494 (1.5143) 8.8226 9 3.8194 12.6839 (1.2391) 8.5613 10 3.8194 12.5503 (1.3767) 7.9083 11 2.4219 12.2831 (1.6520) 8.1695 12 3.1842 12.9512 (1.6520) 8.1695 13 2.0407 12.6839 (1.5143) 8.5613 14 (1.6596) 12.4167 (1.1015) 8.8226 15 (0.7703) 12.5503 (0.8262) 8.6920 16 (-0.3731) 12.9512 (0.8262) 9.4756 17 (0.5162) 12.0158 (0.8262) 8.4307 18 2.2948 11.8822 (0.9639) 9.2144 19 3.1842 11.3477 (0.6886) 9.0838 20 3.0571 11.4813 (0.4134) 8.6920 The Z-statistics account for the Cumulative Average Abnormal Variables (CAAX). The macroeconomic TableconditionsVI ofRobustness the countriesGeneralized in sovereign Sign debt Test crisisResultsare usedat the to conduct 95% Confidence robustness check. Values in parenthesis reflect insignificance.

Event Amihud Volume Bid-Ask Window Return Ratio Traded Spread Panel A (count 103) (Greece(b>100% &Ireland of GDP)) 0 8.9305 10.1491 (-2.3727) 2.6154 1 10.5111 11.1881 2.5659 6.0513 2 9.5232 11.1881 5.5720 6.2535 3 10.3135 11.3959 5.1425 7.6683 First time is insignificant 165 (-0.3556) 4.7462 (1.0629) (0.5942)

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 265 (-2.7266) 4.1228 (1.2776) (-0.4164) 540 2.4104 7.4477 (1.9217) 3.2217

Panel B (count 116) (Italy(b<100%, Portugal of GDP) & Spain) 0 8.4955 3.8641 (-4.6176) (0.7996) 1 9.2391 9.0243 3.9407 6.7856 2 9.4250 8.8258 6.0803 6.3580 3 9.7968 10.6120 5.6913 7.6408 First time is insignificant 87 (-0.2417) 7.4366 (1.4121) 8.4959

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 243 (-3.0301) 7.0396 (1.0231) 4.6477 540 2.7327 6.6427 (0.0506) 10.2062

Panel C (count 94) (Greece,(∆y<0 during Ireland default) & Portugal) 0 6.4290 (0.7461) (-4.4918) (-1.4443) 1 8.2925 6.4688 (1.5531) 3.4409 2 8.0855 6.6889 3.8780 3.2285 3 9.1207 8.2296 2.9481 4.2905 First time is insignificant 64 (-0.4038) (1.4064) (-0.5394) 4.5029

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 243 (-2.2672) (-0.1343) (1.0881) 2.3789 540 (1.0456) (0.0858) 2.2506 (1.3169)

Panel D( count 12 ) (Italy(∆y>0 & duringSpain) default) 0 10.6289 11.9513 (-2.0936) (1.8388) 1 11.1658 12.8907 5.6675 5.9005 2 10.6289 12.5149 8.5069 5.9005 3 10.8078 13.0786 8.5069 7.3775 First time is insignificant 116 (-0.2881) 11.3876 (1.6923) (0.9157)

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 267 (-3.5095) 10.2603 2.0709 (-0.9305) 540 3.8281 12.7028 (0.7458) 8.1160 Table VI (Continued)

Event Amihud Volume Bid-Ask Window Return Ratio Traded Spread Panel E (count 83) (GreeceDfc ≥14% & Ireland) 0 7.7904 1.6076 -3.9676 -0.6965 1 9.7710 7.6917 2.5040 4.4877 2 9.5509 7.9257 4.9931 4.2623 3 10.6512 9.5638 3.9975 5.3893 First time is insignificant 93 -0.1320 -0.2644 -0.4829 3.5861

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 217 -1.6725 0.4376 1.5084 0.8813 540 0.9683 0.2036 2.2551 -0.0203

Panel F (count 136) (Italy,4.86

Highest insignificant“R” “R” 265 -4.1132 9.5863 1.7380 0.0443 540 3.7836 12.1123 0.8290 8.9092 Panel A represents a time series analysis to test liquidity using Volume Traded as endogenous variable and the cost TablevariablesVII Amihud Regression Ratio and Results Bid-Askfor Spread the 219 as exogenous Stocks at variables.5% LevelPanel For the B represent CAAX a cross-sectional analysis to test the relationship between return (as endogenous variable) and illiquidity using Amihud Ratio and Bid-Ask Spread as exogenous variables.

(time series) Variable Coefficient Statistics Test-stats. Prob. PanelEventA: eq window ( 11) (0-540) A.1 C -0.03747 0.0000 CAAPBAS -0.0002 0.9860 CAAAMR -0.0378 0.0468 R-squared 0.1114 White Test F-test 0.0000 Obs*R-square 0.0000 Scaled Explain SS 0.0000 Heteroskedasticity Consistent Coef. CAAAMR 0.0538 Test of Normality Jarque Bera 3.2248 Skewness -0.9340 Kurtosis 3.4429

Ramsey Test F-stats. 0.7695 Event window (0-20)

A.2 C -0.0011 0.0891 CAAPBAS20 0.0942 0.1212 CAAAMR20 0.3685 0.0000 R-squared 0.9830 White Test F-test 0.0832 Obs*R-square 0.0793 Scale Explan SS 0.0994 Test of Normality Jarque Bera 2.7412 Skewness -0.8520 Kurtosis 3.4794

Ramsey Test F-stats. 0.0001 Hausman Test CAAPBAS20 F-stats. 0.0118 CAAAMR20 0.0000 (Cross-sectional)

Panel(Event B eq window(12) 0-20) B.I(The Entire Sample)

36 Table VII(Continued) C -0.0651 0.0000 Variables Coefficient Statistics Test-stats. Prob. PBAS20 0.0494 0.2366 SVOL20 -0.1624 0.1824 R-squared 0.0362

White Test F-test 0.7943 Obs*R-square 0.7908 Scaled Explain SS 0.4600

Test of Normality Jarque Bera 98.6669 Skewness 0.3241 Kurtosis 6.1451

Ramsey Test F-stats. 0.0012 Hausman Test PBAS20 F-stats. 0.0168 AMR20 0.0000 SVOL20 0.0000

B.IIb>100% (Greece & Ireland) C -0.0642 0.0000 PBASGI 0.02233 0.6593 AMRGI -0.1829 0.1070 SVOLGI -0.2196 0.1491 R-squared 0.042617 b<100% (Italy, Portugal & Spain) C -0.0668 0.0000 PBASIPS 0.2843 0.0122 AMRIPS -0.1399 0.1199 SVOLIPS -0.07237 0.7624 R-squared 0.0785

∆y<0 (Greece, Ireland & Portugal)

37 Table VII(Continued) C -0.0588 0.0000 Variables Coefficient Statistics Test-stats. Prob. PBASGIP 0.4899 0.0001 AMRGIP -0.1960 0.0368 SVOLGIP 0.0442 0.9433 R-squared 0.1819

∆y>0 (Italy& Spain) C -0.0729 0.0000 PBASIS -0.0052 0.8932 AMRIS -0.1416 0.1987 SVOLIS -0.1340 0.2271 R-squared 0.02407 deficits ≥14% (Greece & Ireland) C -0.0591 0.0000 PBASGIR 0.4767 0.0008 AMRGIR -0.2078 0.0385 SVOLGI -0.6150 0.5537 R-squared 0.1743 F-statistic 5.5595 4.86%

38 6. Conclusions and Discussions The objective of this study was to investigate the possible cost of sovereign default on the stock markets of the Eurozone countries in debt crises –Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIIGS). The cost of sovereign default is analyzed by applying event study methodology and regression analyses. Based on previously done researches regarding possible loss during economic crises in general, the behavior of abnormal performances of the variables stock returns, volume traded, bid-ask spread and the Amihud ratio are observed. Most importantly, the observation of anticipation of default, as determined by analyzing the effect of Greece’s bail-out announcement on the remaining four countries, is compared with specific dates of bail-out announcements. Furthermore, the transmission of the debt crisis to countries with different fiscal or economic conditions is analyzed. The impact of bail-out seems to be stronger in the first 20 days following announcement. Z-values fluctuate during the crisis period and differ for different macroeconomic conditions. Bail-out’s impact for anticipation effect from D0 to D20 is stronger than for specific bail-out announcement. In general, the impact of bail-out on cumulative average abnormal returns starts being insignificant from D62 up to the highest insignificant Z-value on D267. Following D267, Z-values start reverting and reach significance on D540. Unexpectedly, the crisis seems to have a stronger negative effect in countries with relatively better economic conditions than countries with relatively worse economic conditions. Some analyses confirmed the liquidity theory. Nonetheless others lead to ambiguous results. As expected, volumes seem to be traded at high levels of cost of trading, indicating illiquid markets during the crisis. However, concerning the relationship of returns with illiquidity, investors seem to be indifferent regarding expected returns to compensate for illiquidity. However, specific robustness analyses based on countries’ macroeconomic conditions show that countries with relatively worse economic conditions require higher expected returns for illiquidity. The findings lead to several conclusions, many which confirm existing theories and previous research findings. Default seems to be short-lived as confirmed by Panizza and Borensztein (2009). Default might mark the recovery of the economy and governments might delay default since the cost associated to debt repayment is higher

39 than the cost associated to delayed default (Panizza and Yeyati, 2011). Markets do indeed price the risk related to sovereign default (Ardagna, 2005; Reinhart et. al, 2003). The Collateral view theory (Kiyotaki, 1997) and the findings of Amihud (2002), Chordia et. al (2005) and Van Horen et. al (2008), are confirmed. These prove the view that due to margin requirements, investors are forced to liquidate and reorganize their portfolios. The anticipated relationship between expected returns and illiquidity as suggested by Amihud and Mendelson (1991b) is only found in countries that are in relatively worse economic condition. This suggests that countries with better fiscal conditions might suffer a higher cost during sovereign debt crises. The results suggest that in these countries investors might have a bad prospect regarding the government’s ability to restore the economy. Overall, this study reveals the strong possibility that the Eurozone debt crisis has high impact on investors’ confidence. Specifically, it shows that investors in relatively wealthier countries impose a higher cost on these markets than investors in relatively less wealthy markets. The implication for policymakers is to be more conscious of the magnitude of cost that countries might suffer due to delayed default. The findings also shed light on the more micreconomic level cost of sovereign default on developed economies.

7. Further Research This paper has taken a more microeconomic finance approach regarding the cost related to the current Eurozone debt crisis. However, there are more fields to be analyzed. I urge other researchers to investigate other possible costs that defaulters’ countries might suffer. The bond market movement as performed by Chordia et. al (2005) and the movements of sovereign default swap spreads should be analyzed. Also researchers should further explore the possible exclusion from international market mentioned by most authors. This could be done by analyzing the reaction of creditors in other countries to bail-out announcements. In addition, possible contagion effects in other countries in the Eurozone should be explored, by analyzing the crisis’ impact on these countries stock market. The same analysis performed in this study could serve as foundation for such research. Studies

40 could also follow the precedent set here by looking at the impact on banks’ performances in these countries. Possible bank runs and bank crises as mentioned by De Paoli et. al (2006) and Panizza et al. (2011) could be analyzed as costs imposed on these countries due to sovereign debt crises. Another point to be taken further is that I draw overall conclusions for countries based on these countries’ stock markets’ movements. To conduct a more macroeconomic analysis, further research is needed. This can be done by exploring each country individually by analyzing variables such as unemployment rate, real inflation and interest rates. And finally, since the Eurozone debt crisis is a current issue, researchers could also conduct a post-crisis analysis to have a clearer view of the “turning point” or “recovery” of the economy as suggested by Panizza and Yeyati (2011).

The 8.valuesAppendices are used to determine the Z-statistics. R , AMR, SVOL and PBAS represent abnormal values for AppendixReturns, Amihud A Statistical Ratio, Volume Values Traded for and Each BidAbnormal-Ask Spread respectively.Variable S=1 if AR<0, S=1 if AAMR, ASVOL, APBAS>0. p̂ is the expected value in the estimation window of 100 days. STD is the standard deviation. illustrates default expectation by the countries. illustrates actual bail-out reaction. Anticipation Effect Specific Bail-out

R AMR SVOL PBAS 103.56 74 67.38 82.84 Anticipation Effect (count 219) 0.4729 0.3379 0.3077 0.3783 S 7.3884 6.9996 6.8300 7.1767 p̂ STD

115.93 85.08 76.00 94.45 Specific Default Dates (count 249) 0.4656 0.3417 0.3052 0.3793 S 7.8712 7.4838 7.2665 7.6566 p̂ STD

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