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10-1-1996 Montana Kaimin: Eye Spy, October 1-8, 1996 Associated Students of the University of Montana

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Toilet talk with Andy Page 3

First Wives Club Page 4

Fifteen reasons to love your pet Page 5

All-new calendar! Page 7

P a g e 4

music from ties CUypool and. Jllnda P etty P lu s a live set by TOAtsonvllle P atio 2 Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1, 1996 Baby, you can drive my car about driving to try and figure myself to my car. issoula is 25 miles out some rational solution to Tm even going to (gasp) sell surrounded by real- the problem. my bicycle. M Evidently, they forgot where See, I’m a fanatic. I froth. I have the gleam, the disheveled It’s extremely difficult to live they’re living. There are no rational solu­ clothing. in this town if you aren’t some lean kind o f frothing fanatic. Scoff if Column by cause trouble you want, at City but it’s true. M organ Sturges Council with Brian H urlbut I have the the best of Eye Spy Editor Eye Spy Writer meager col­ them. Time lection of The Wandering Eye to start Justin Grigg middle-of- printing out A ndy Smetanka the-road tions to anything in Missoula, flyers and having meetings. Eye Spy Writer Eye Spy Designer friends to especially when you’re talking Car drivers of Missoula prove it. unite! I know you’re out there. It’s damn near impossible to about cars.) Lee Douglas Ross Jeffcoat All those who advocate safe, make any friends in this place The way people act about On-line Guru efficient fast travel with mini­ Eye Spy Writer if you don’t have some kind of cars in this town provokes in mal exercise and absolutely no cause to use as a basis for seri­ me the kind of oppositional defiant fury that makes me pedaling, come ye unto me. Dave Steele ous bonding. I am the epicenter of the Photography Intern Tragically, I don’t have a want to trade in my catalytic New Wave. Venturing boldly cause. Eye am Nothing. converter-equipped fuel effi­ into the unknown, braving the But I want more friends. I cient foreign vehicle for one of elements (from inside my car), eye spy is a publication of the Montana Kaimin, also want to irritate all the peo­ those rusted-out diesel jobbies flying in the face o f eco-fanati- ple trying to solve Missoula’s that rivals Stone Container in and is distributed every Tuesday, except holidays cism as only the truly wingnut transportation problems by terms of sheer noxious-fume when we decide to put it out any time we want to. ran do. Call me. We’ll bond. banning all vehicular travel, output. We’ll make change in this crazy We’U gladly accept any letters, suggestions or com­ though, so I have decided to Barring that, though, Fve place. ments, although we reserve the right to do nothing knock off both objectives by decided to just plain drive They can’t hurt us if we with them. For further information contact us at becoming a fanatic about my everywhere. I mean every­ travel in packs. car. where. Room 206, School of Journalism, University of (The Wandering Eye would (For the not-so-up-to-date, Tm going to drive so much I Montana, Missoula, MT 59812. (406)243-4310. like to inform the general pub­ the general consensus in have to fill my tank every half Reach us on the internet at, lic that the letters TGV, as in Missoula is that we have a an hour. I’m going to drive so the supersonic French train, or check out our ultra-cool web page Traffic Problem that is soon much I start to get sores on my stand for three words that going to be out of hand. So all ass from sitting in my seat. Fm translate into “Really Fast the assorted car-haters and going to drive so m uch... hell, gadflies got together with all Fm going to flat-out chain Train.” Vive la France!) the folks who don’t have issues RUBES ™ By Leigh Rubin T h e D e e p Cedi by: Chad Strawderman

T h e D e e p E n d by: Chad Strawderman

Access us on the Net: Frequent on-the-job injuries continue to plague the banana wine industry. eye spy online Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1, 1996 3 Subliminal messages a sublime farce frat’s a tnto thetho 1 1 1 _ eye spy mailbag how lead to some sort o f psy American justice system chological trauma in small chil­ that no aging British Gentleman's I dren who think they are seeing rockers have ever been convict­ water closet digest the real thing. It gets pretty ed in the occasional deaths by hot in those outfits, and the suicide of suburban American by Andy Smetanka employees tend to pass out wastoids who pop their clogs from time to time and even BECAUSE ROCK AND ROLL vomit in their own meshy TOLD THEM TO. Remember breath-holes under extreme the Judas Priest trial, in which circumstances. For the sake of sagging castrate Rob Halford the characters who don’t make was alleged to have subliminal- it to a discreet back alley in The opinionated shouldn’t ly commanded two Nevada time, there are patrollers hired teens to shoot themselves? hide behind masks of to retrieve fallen Mickeys and Satanic lyrics, subliminal mes­ Minnies and bring them back anonymity sages, backwards A throneside almanac of all things arcane, mundane, and just for resuscitation. Anna goes on masking...can’t anyone take a Ah ... Bagels! plain inane. to say that once, during a JOKE anymore? In lawsuit Who is the wandering eye anyway? Is it an —------parade in which Chip and Dale after lawsuit, nobody has yet “insidious capitalist takeover” that’s threatened to were supposed to wave from a managed to conclusively prove take over the Kaimin? It was with mixed emotions motorized float, Disney officials that I read the latest installment (Sept. 17) of the that hidden messages cause anything more were terrified that Chip would pass out in the anonymous “The Wandering Eye.” grievous than the occasional urge to scratch. heat and plummet to his death. To rectify the sit­ “Why is it anonymous?” I asked one of the con­ That’s not to say they don’t exist, though. Pink uation, builders constructed wooden supports tributors and she informed me that she was not at Floyd, the B-52’s and the Artist Formerly Known inside the costume, anchoring Chip to the float, liberty to answer that question. That’s a new one As Prince have all included innocuous backwards so that even if he was out cold he’s at least on me. I think that if a publication has a policy of messages on their recordings, with no reported appear to be standing, Christlike, nailed to the ill effects (other than the nausea attendant to lis­ float. making opinion pieces anonymous then at least it tening to the B-52’s). Geek-pop casualties They has the responsibility to tell us why. veryone’s heard of Nostradamus. You But I digress from the original intent of this Might Be Giants utilized the Twin Peaks “dwarf- know, that addle-pated French swiz speech” technique on one o f their records. After letter. I am disappointed that the writer(s) chose E i artist whose “prophesies” get trundled to slam one of this small community’s successful learning to mimic their own speech played back­ out every 10 years or so to “predict” events that businesses by calling their expansion activities a wards, they then recorded the imitations and have already happened? This snail-eating bunco “capitalist takeover.” Huh? One of the biggest reversed them on one of the vocal tracks, result­ artist is getting more and more attention these pluses about the expansion is the fact that it cre­ ing in an eerie approximation o f human speech. days as the world wallows in millenialist hyste- a te s jobs for people||mostly college people. Too hip O f course, there are persistent rumors that ria, and it just goes to show you that there is a for you? Food for Thought, Second Thought and - : “Stairway to Heaven” will summon the Dark One way to turn a profit from anything, even the irra­ Headquarters are successful because they cater to if played backwards and suchlike, and this old tional human fear of round numbers. The thing students as well as the community at large. And chestnut: “Another One Bites the Dust,” by is, with a little license and imagination, you can Queen, subliminally commands you to smoke they are successful because they are very smart at divine almost ANYTHING from the garbled pot. Reversed, “Another one bites the dust” what they are doing. Too hip? Judging by the quatrains, which were originally written in a crowds at lunch and dinner, I’d venture to say sounds something like “S’fun to smoke marijua­ mishmash of French, Spanish, Latin and that you are in the minority. They are just hip na, but not close enough to get o ff on possession Hebrew. Examine quatrain II. 24: “Beasts wild enough without being too “gossamer” with their with intent to sell. Mark Mothersbaugh, brain- with hunger will cross the rivers/the greatest lattes. trust behind DEVO and founding member o f the part o f the field will be against Hister/ He will Your opinions by being anonymous do a disser- Church of the SubGenius, seems to be the only cause great men to be dragged in a cage o f iron/ artist with anything important to say on the vice to the business community at large. It is a When the son o f Germany obeys no laws.” Most symbiotic relationship that students and busi- issue: “Jesus loves you” played backwards comes people interpret this one as foretelling the rise of out like we smell sausage,” but “Bob loves you” nesses have in this and many other college com­ Hitler (an approximation of Hister), but I submit is ju st plain “w e smell Bob.” munities. You are here for an education and you that Nostradamus was actually talking about have needs and desires that we fill by being in ound this bit of apocrypha on my fridge, the scuffle at the Sigma Chi house last month! business. We pay many of your salaries and many poster and source unknown: “Assuming Obviously, there’s a river here that had to be of you will stay here in Missoula after graduation Fthat coffee is poured at 185 degrees and crossed at some point to get to the party. “The to work and become part of the community that that a safe drinking temperature is 143 degrees, field refers to our football team, of course, and provides services and goods to students. it takes.425 seconds for the beverage to cool suf­ “Hister” is actually a mutation o f the Sanskrit ficiently if cream or milk is added at once. But if Bagels will be bagels in many forms and tastes. word for “chapter president.” The “cages o f iron” I think it’s fair to criticize a business’ products if you wait just over 5 minutes, or 310 seconds, to are probably police cars, and the disobedient son add cream, the coffee will cool sufficiently to they don’t meet your satisfaction. It is quite o f Germany is likely named Schmidt, Pabst or drink in just another 30 seconds. That means another to. criticize a business because it is suc­ Heidelbrau. Not convinced? Let’s look at qua­ you wait 425 seconds for your coffee if you add cessful. Especially anonymously so that you can train I. 64: “A t night they will think they have cream or milk at once, or you wait a total o f 340 still walk into that business and order your latte seen the sun/ When they have seen the man who seconds if you add the cream after it has been and not worry that you will be recognized and is half pig/ Noise, shouts, battle seen in the sky/ sitting about five minutes.” Big deal, I say. Still, therefore held accountable for your opinions. The brute beasts will be heard to speak.” The it might come in handy if you’re ever a large Otherwise, keep up the good work. It is refresh- “sun,” here, must be a flashlight, shined in your multinational fast food chain facing a coffee- ing to see yet another weekly that attempts to eyes at close quarters by a police officer (the, related lawsuit... give an alternative spin on things in the Garden ahem, MAN who is h alf PIG.) “Sky” is obviously City. Good luck and happy learning. his next comes courtesy o f an old girl­ a truncated “Sigma Chi,” and at least a few of friend, who wrote me about it a few the brute beasts will be heard to speak at the Tdays ago: Apparently, the people at upcoming Grizgate court dates. By the way, Jace Laakso Disneyland who wear the stiff, fuzzy costumes Nostradamus also hipped me to playoff stats for Owner for Mickey, Minnie, Goofy etc. are not allowed to this season. Betting pools get in touch; large The Crystal Theatre remove their heads in public, as this might some­ unmarked bills only, please. P.S. I hope the reason you are anonymous has nothing to do with rejected employment. 4 Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1, 1996 ‘Warhol’ is all Taylor Lee Couglas______(Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto,” both preaching her Eye Spy theory on the biological inferi­ Holding an audience ority of men. We catch the gist through a recap o f history is o f these in some inventive the feat o f a good director. scenes. Parts o f “Up Your Ass” Hats off to M aiy Harron, for are seen in a diner re-enact­ keeping me in my seat until ment and a hotel-basement the very obvious conclusion of audition. “The S.C.U.M. “I Shot Andy WarhoL” Manifesto,” mostly heard in Historical fact: Andy black and white glimpses of a Warhol was shot by a lunatic spot-lighted Solanas, is once in the spring of 1968. “I Shot spoken into Andy Warhol’s Andy Warhol” has little room tape recorder and voiced over for speculation; Valerie a gun-and-bullef 8 love scene. Solanas turned herself in to Music is appropriately six­ police, confessing all, promptly ties. Sets and camera shots after committing the crime. are pretty standard, save for The film is based instead on the surreal set o f the Factory, illuminating the tin-foil Solanas’ Warhol hang­ motives and out. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures her connec­ Flick* One thing , and get makovers in . tion to the did not con­ Warhol gang. vince me: If Andy Warhol 'First wives' remarry their images With little I Shot A ndy W arhol room for was really as Gretchen Schwartz the same magnanimous mousiness. She’s com­ invention, plays nightly at the kind to fortable in her usual New York stomping the film Crystal Theatre at 5 Solanas as is Eye Spy ground. The film seems to rely on the notion relies chiefly and 9:30. Harron’s “The First Wives Club,” Hugh Wilson’s that we’ve taken a vested interest in Goldie on acting Warhol, Andy Hawn’s collagen war against crows feet, while Rated R adaptation o f ’s 1992 novel, j and charac­ Warhol was a maintaining the same perky, kittenish image- relies on the thesis that fyrst w if can be a ter develop­ saint. Jared an assumption that was no less subtle in lucrative position, but is emotionally irreconcil­ ment. Harris’ acting “Death BedDmeslHer.” Bette Midler is becom­ able without tapping into this profit potential. Lili Taylor is a hit as the is not a problem as a subtle, Alone, the three women indulge in self-destruc­ ing a comedy stock figure, a woman possessed man-hating-feminist Solanas. passive Warhol, but the script by her sardonic scowl and tive vices, but together they Sassy and idealistic, Solanas is. The idea that Warhol was wanton wit. collaborate on a cause that is prefers poverty and prostitu­ complimenting Solanas on her The wives decide to “go simplified and verbalized by tion to working-class employ­ makeup the day that she shot global” with their revengeful Ivana Trump, their cameo Flick* ment. She dresses in men’s him is a bit too much for me. cause, something in the style spokeswoman, thick in the clothes, wears a man’s cap and In fact, throughout most of of the way the director has plotting: boots, and has a rude, New their exchanges, Warhol treat­ gone categorical with his “Don’t get mad. Get even.” York accent to top off her ed Solanas like some kind of The First Wives casting. The culmination is a The plot equips each woman tomboy attire. A writer in her pet. (“Gee Valerie, you know, Club plays nightly party, an immaculate conces­ with a vice, plebeian enough to spare time, her work is notori­ why don’t you get a job?” “Aw, at the Village 6 the­ sion wedding o f sorts. The bank the film’s cost on the ous for its crass straightfor­ come on Andy, you know that s wives are decked out in solid hope that most women can ater at 7:10 and 9:20. wardness and vulgarity. She’s against my morals.”) Aw, white for the wallowing hus­ identify with at least one of Weekend matinees a loveable gal, right down to shucks. I would have liked one bands in near bankruptcy. these traits. Annie (Diane her armpit hair. scene of outright belligerence. are at 1:10 and 3:20. These parodies are not Keaton) falls into the depths o f Solanas drafts two works in Maybe two. Rated PG without their amusing submissive behavior. She is “I Shot...”; a play called “Up Overall, worth the time and charm. The three big actress­ incapable o f a “declarative sen­ Your Ass” and “The S.C.U.M. cash. tence” agrees the alcoholic es maintain an endearing, Elise (Goldie Hawn) and the overeating Brenda self-effacing humor, endorsing their well-worn, AN OSCAR for Lili Taylor? Find out for yourself in I Shot Andy Warhol (Bette Midler). They come together by the sui­ but still affable character traits. cide of their former (most likely to succeed, of The smaller parts and cameos also present a course) college chum Cynthia, who also has laughable patchwork o f parodies. These farces been deserted by a husband who opted for a take the form of the young women the hus­ younger, more blond-streaked woman. This bands choose, called “fetuses” by the first opening cameo is played by the always capti­ wives: Elizabeth Berkley (“Showgirls”) plays a vating Stockard Channing and I sit in the the­ bad actress, lying about her age and contem­ ater hoping she’ll reappear, if only in the form plating the proper h a ir streak for her next big of a looming, advisory head for the women who B-movie break. Sarah Jessica Parker plays an feel so bonded by her despair. ever-bubbly aspiring socialite. One of the problems is that the depth o f the Everyone seems to be larking in their like­ main characters seems to rely on a bit o f sim­ ness. Kathy Lee Gifford even plays an insin­ ple, recent Hollywood history. There is an cere-sounding TV journalist. assumption that we’ve watched these famous For all its assumptions and type casting, the women grow old; That we’ve watched Diane movie is still more interesting than the actual Keaton go from a young lovable Annie Hall to a novel’s formula, lest you think this is a case o f bespectacled, older and divorced Annie, com­ a Hollywood vulgar contortion of a 1992 J ' plete with a new psychiatrist but maintaining Bestseller classic. Copyright 1996 Orion Ptctor** Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1, 1996 5

Read it every week. S Is) 1

“^Xlssouffl's. Exhibit explores downside of complete laundromat and human— animal relationships (fr^ cleaning center" Morgan Sturges Eye Spy DWijeanin|» Laundromat • Wash. Dry. & FolcK-Mierations Creating a “circle o f compassion that includes all o f the animal kingdom” is the impetus Co m e C h eck o u t o u r : • Drive-thru service at Woodford behind Shannon Tipple-Leen’s photographs on • Comfortable Entertainment Lounge display now at the University Center Gallery. • Friendly and helpful full-time attendants Tipple-Leen’s pictures are a study o f the dif­ • Convenient Parking • Same day service ferent relationships between humans and ani­ mals - some not so appealing as others. One Two Convenient Locations to Serve You: photograph shows the grave of a beloved toy 146 Woodford St. 1001 E. Broadway poodle named “Pookie” complete with a concrete 728-1948 Easteate Mall - ...... ° 728-1919 replica o f the dog, while another features an ele­ phant foot garbage can in a second-hand shop. Most of the 15 black-and-white photos show the downside o f human-animal relationships L o u s y which, according to her artist’s statement, Tipple-Leen hopes will “help people see what is B o w l e r s really going on in the world.” o a p “If, after seeing my work, one person will N -T think twice before he or she goes to the circus, L e a g u e eats a fellow animal, pollutes our environment Knock down 9 pins on your first or breeds a dog, I have accomplished some­ thing,” she wrote. ball, it's a strike. Starts Tipple-Leen lives in Seattle and used much of Thursday, Oct. 3rd at 9:15 p.m. this work to complete her M.F A. at Central Short meeting Oct. 3rd at 8:30 Washington University, said Jennifer Jones, UC “Building a Circle of Compassion” will be on p.m. Runs 12 short weeks. Gallery coordinator. Tipple-Leen is one of five display until Oct. 11, when it will be replaced by 3 person teams artists featured this semester at the gallery. Tim Guthrie’s “Religious Icons” opening Oct. 14. WESTSIDE LANES 6 FUN CENTER 1615 WYOMING • MISSOULA • 721-5263 Witty talent mocks culture with humor

George Saunders, author of “Bpunty” and F j p f V T , , * “CivilWarLand in Bad D eclinew ill read next Friday at 8 p.m. in Gallagher 106 (The new, glossy business building). H R 4 S S . . . H Saunders is best known for his short story collec-1 i tion “CivilWarLand in Bad Decline,” a commentary • | | | H | on American “progress” and disposition. Saunders, a geophysical engineer in Rochester, N.Y., brings his expertise to this collection by mocking the “toxicity” f | | ^ v r ^ s r / of American culture. RostOT Due October 3 Off the wall-and-humorous, Saunders has a knack for person^ writing and for resolving his stories mid­ Pla^ becins O c ^ *; action. Worth t^e trip for those ^interested in sharp, new talents. NT 0 m i • I £ I • —L ee Douglas S^RIfflEM iaN 243-JiWj 6 Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1 1996 Van Gogh’s Ear Ratings

Buy me, now! Borrow me. Worth a listen. We dare you.

surf-thing, with the guitar sound taking center stage behind the bass. Neat. If you can listen to guest narrator Henry Rollins for over four minutes and not try to hurt somebody, “Delicate Tendrils” is a good listen, Dave Steele/Eye Spy Les Claypool and the Holy Mackerel with a WICKED riff and WATSONVILLE PATIO on stage in the UC Copper Commons Friday night. some fine off-beat drum­ Highball With the Devil ming. Overall, “Highball (Interscope) Watsonville Patio gets crowd dancing W ith the Devil” is damn fun, Brian Hurlbut unfinished originals. run through their entire set ooc especially with Claypool’s Eye Spy Again to their credit, all of again and nobody would have humorous take on things. Watsonville Patio’s songs ARE minded, and I truly believe the Fans of Primus will definite­ I thought there would be good. They played all of the band sold more than a few CDs ly appreciate this more than more people at this show, but I songs on their self-released, and T-shirts. Indeed they others, but anyone that gives guess too many Missoulians self-titled CD, highlighted by a made, and kept, some fans on it the oP college try might be were interested in heading perfect “Odessa” and a tight this evening. surprised. downtown to quaff large “Another Day.” The lead ------Opener Tarkio wanned up Perry turns in a rather amounts of this year’s below*-’ '' ■ Singer, who still remains the mostly-sitting crowd by Linda Perry interesting, and introspec­ average Oktoberfest brew. Just nameless to this fan, danced tive, solo debut. Again, she playing a nice mix of folk and In Flight for your information, the show about on stage seemingly drifts away from her former pop music. I must say, and the (Interscope) was over by 10:30, leaving unaware that few others were whisperings o f the women that band’s sound, but much fur­ plenty of time to get blotto dancing with her. At one point sat near me seemed to back me OG ther than Claypool. Where before the bars close. Trust me, she told everybody to get off up, singer Colin Meloy has one the 4 Non Blondes’ “Bigger, for I had no problem accom­ their “fat asses” and move fancy voice. The trio, featuring Two well-established Faster, Better, More,” is plishing that. SOMETHING! (this fat ass Gibson Hartwell on banjo/gui- musicians break out from amplified, “In Flight” is not, Anyway, the sparse crowd was standing, although moving tar/vocals and Aidan the chains that bind them. and it shows a more mature that did show up last Friday only slightly). After all, she Guthridge on violin, played Claypool, lead singer and Perry doing things a little night in the Copper Commons said, it was Friday. This some cover songs (including bassmaster of Primus, and different. Incorporating vio­ were treated to a delightful seemed to work, or people were ones by Liz Phair and Unde Perry, former vocalist/gui- lins, pianos, acoustic guitars, evening o f pop music, even if just waiting for the whiskey to Tupelo), some traditional tarist for the 4 Non Blondes, and varied percussion, “In the headlining Watsonville kick in, because by the end of songs, and their Revolution show us that they both have Flight” is a mellow journey Patio played every song they the show people couldn’t get Radio one-timer “If I Had More other things on their mind through Perry’s mind and know and left the faithful OFF the dance floor. W hen the Time.” I think most o f the than their respective bands. experiences of the last few wanting more. To their credit, band exhausted their set o f 14 crowd would agree that it Obviously, Claypool’s solo years. Sometimes it seems the band is touring on the songs, the crowd wanted more, would be nice to hear these effort, which draws largely she gets too deep, as on the amount of GOOD songs they wanted ANYTHING, and they guys, or some form thereof, from his collection of tapes appropriately-titled “Too have, spreading the word obliged by playing “Odessa” more often. I also think that made from impromptu jams Deep.” “Lost in a world that’s about their very impression­ once again. Judging by the most of the crowd would agree in his own household, should so arranged/common people able, catchy music, rather than amount of people surrounding that Watsonville Patio WILL be dominated by the bass, just a link in the chain/Stop, trudge along the road with a the band after the show, I truly be heard more often in the and it is. So is Primus, but so much anger touches me/if set list o f cover tunes and believe that they could have future. “Highball W ith the Devil” is I’m happy it won’t still set not a Primus record, nor me free,” she tells us. Not too does it try to be. Yes, that uplifting, but we appreciate — TORREY'S’” bass sound, that Primus the thought. Perry’s voice bass sound, is recognizable, takes a little to get used to, WitE cmm Favswz but there’s beauty in there if Silas has been here for 21 years preparing great meals for dining iu ur but the grooves Claypool lays oat. Come in and try our stir-fry with chicken, tofu or another tasty down with the Holy you look for it, and it goes iopping. Or try Grand Herts Turkey with fresh mashed potatoes, or eye well with the sound o f the Mackerel extend beyond Enchiladas with refried beam...what a treat! Nothing deep-fit-fried, album as a whole. Not what nothing instant and nothing you can't afford! Ask for a super that. Listen to “The dsaL..Complete-at-home meals! We also offer an exclusive line of Awakening,” which is down­ I expected, but I can live Tbrrcy's vitamins & Solaray herb blends in addition to a selective right funky, marked by clean with that. It seems that natural food Mom. Treat your body right «ft your pocket book tool bass lines and some pound­ Perry can too. 721-2510 ing drums. “Hendershot” 1916 Brooks, Holiday Village, Msla, MT • Mon. - Sat 11 i.m. - 8:30 p.m spy Brian Hurlbut finds Claypool doing the Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1 1996 7 Diversions


j a y > o lip CTA | p o Local bands, national tour- Oblio Joes, 10/1; Seattle’s Zeke, + Lopez & Humpy, 10/2; ing bands, nicest barkeeps in Badlander Sound 10/3; Buddleaddelly, Chistler, Spanker, 119 W. MAIN ST. 729-9915 town. 10/4; Wild Chickens, 10/5

p jQ p HAT Blues, bluegrass, rock, Pinegrass, 10/1; Psyclones 10/2; Nite Snackr, 10/3,4,5; Th’ some local and national acts. Spectacles w/ Tom Catmull, 10/6 134 W. FRONT ST. 728-9865 P*<*ed!

— |_j p- q |_d p q P U B Local music on the softer Tom Catmull 10/2; Raymond Lee Parker 10/4; Second side; great atmosphere and Wind readings with David Cates and Aaron Q. Long, 10/6 103 W. SPRUCE ST. 721-7399 food-

-| -| _| p p ITZ Local music, historic build- Call for show information ing. Remember, it ain’t 147 W. BROADWAY 721-3854 Maxwells.

THE RHINOCEROS ®0 beers on tap; the place Cory Heydon, solo acoustic guitar, 10/2 for pool; some local acoustic 158 RYMAN AVE. 721-6061 music-

BO JAN C I FS No alcohol, just coffee, tea, Open mic poetry, 10/2; Jeff Harding, 10/2; Raymond Lee and harmony. Light lunch Parker, 10/3; Jodi & Gary, 10/4; Sunday Study Day, 10/6; 103 E. MAIN ST. 5 43-0095 menu- Open mic music, 10/7

- j - p p UNION CLUB Home o f the Hob Nob; Moonlighters, 10/4 Blugrass downstairs, some 208 E. MAIN ST. 7 28-7980 punk shows up.

TWII IP HTB No alcohol dance club; DJs, Dance to party DJs‘til 4 a.m.! Bring Griz Card and get in . lasers & lights; open late after for $3, Ages 18 and over. 700 S.W. HIGGINS 7 2 8 -8 19 8 hours-

BUCK'S CLUB Burger & beer for a buck; Call for show information. u live music, classic and hard 1805 REGENT 543-7436 rock-

HAROLD'SCLUB ^ short drive out o f town; Karaoke 10/4; Wild Chickens, 10/6 ° lj live local music and karaoke. MAIN ST., MILLTOWN 258-6932 Otfay ei/entf tAif week

• Shannon Tipple-Leen’s photog­ titled “L’image de la femme dans la American Culture.” McNamer is the Friday artist opening reception from raphy exhibit, “Building a Circle o f bande dessinee,” (the representation author o f “Rima in the Weeds” and 5-8 p.m. at the A rt Museum o f Compassion,” continues at the UC of women in cartoons and comic “One Sweet Quarrel” and a Missoula, as part of the silver Gallery this week. Please see article books) this Wednesday, Oct. 2, in reknowned chronicler of Western life. anniversary art auction and exhibi­ on page 5 o f this issue. Room 11 of the Liberal Arts building. •In response to Dr. Hillman’s tion. Call 728-0447 for more informa­ •Medium Cool Records recording •Dr. James Hillman, one of the Thursday speech, Albert Borgmann tion. artist M arlee M a cle o d will be per­ most original and provocative psychol­ and Bill Chaloupka will present •Author/veterinarian Rib forming free on Tuesday, Oct. 1 in the ogists of the late 20th century, will “Home Place in Cyberspace?” on Gustafson will be at Barnes & Noble Library Mall on campus. speak in the Urey Lecture Hall on Friday, Oct. 4 at 4 p.m. in the Summit this Saturday, Oct. 5, from 2-3 p.m. •UM Professor M ich a e l P o w e r, Thursday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 pm. The Conference Center o f the Old He will be sharing tales from his author of “Lost Landscapes and speech is titled “Intoxicated by Milwaukee Station. Borgmann is a “Under the Chinook Arch” collection Failed Economies,” will hold a free Hermes: The No-Place of Cyberspace,” philosophy professor and Chaloupka about doctoring animals on the Rocky reading and signing at Freddy’s Feed and will tackle Western Civilization’s is an environmental studies professor, Mountain Front. and Read this Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7 current drunkenness with the power both at UM. •Pianist Ignat Solzhenitsyn will p.m. of Hermes, the ancient god of swift •Friday is Poetry Night at Barnes perform this Saturday and Sunday at •Missoula’s Dan Baum, author of communication. & Noble. Meet Martha Elizabeth, the Wilma Theatre. He will play “Smoke and Mirrors: The War on •Deidre McNamer gives a talk winner of the Montana Arts Council music from Beethoven, and the shows Drugs and the Politics of Failure,” will titled “W riting on the Margins” in the First Book Award and author of “The are at 7:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. respective­ be at the UC Bookstore on Wednesday conference room of the Missoula Return of Pleasure,” or sign up to ly* from 12-2 p.m. for a book signing. Public Library on Thursday, Oct. 3, at read your own poetry. It all starts at 7 • Th’ Spectacles play a free con­ •The Alliance Francais presents a 7 p.m. as part o f the library’s exhibi­ p.m. cert this Monday, Oct. 7, at noon on reading by Professor M ichel Pierre, tion and lecture series, “Frontier in •This Friday, Oct. 4, there’s a,First the Library Mall here on campus. 8 Eye Spy, Tuesday, October 1, 1996

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322 N. HIGGINS AVE. • 721-1315 ARMY NAVY M-F 9-5:30 • SAT 9:30-8 • SUN 9:30-5