


11 Membership-

The Permanent Headquartesu Committee was established as an --ad hoc Committee upon which each member of the General Assembly had the right to be represented by Resolution No, 26 (I), adopted at the eighteenth plenary meeting, 26 .

2, -.QfP1carEl The off1cors QF the Permanent Headquarters Committee during the first sa5slon wm33: Temporary Chairman at the opening of the fir& meeting, 2 February ~$46, Mr. Arthur David Kemp men (Secretariat); Chairman, ML Eduarde Zulsta Angel (Colombia), elected at the first meeting; v&y- Chairzaan, Mr. Laolyn Dana Wz&geas (), elected at the first meeting; end Rapporteur, Mr. Nasrollah Entezam (), elected at the first meeting.

3s SscretarZea Mr. Huntington GLlchrist was Secretary to the Permanent Headquarters p Cozmxtttse during the London part of the sess%on, and Mr. Glenn Edmund Bennett in N0w York. 4. Sub-CollIlxrdt%ees Sub-Comttss 1, to inspect and report on proposed sites, was appointed

at the seventeenth meeting, 14 , Tt was composed of the Ghatrman (Colombia), the Vice-ahabman (Canada) and the Rapportew (Iran) of

f;hs Cod’k’bee, and tie IUD%W?S for , Belgim, Bollvia, China, Culm,

EgypZ;, France, , the , Poland, 4the &ion of Soviet Socialist Republics, the ., the of America, , and

Yugo0lavta. At the first meeti=, 15 November 1946, the Chairman, b /Vice-Chaimm /)

&m/53 Page 2

Vice-Chair- and Rapporteur Of the Committee W3re CdJskd. to the cOmeE3pOnai~

Off iC8S in Sub-Committee 1, a, Enteza presented its report (A/SIQ$%xb J./j, a.nd Add& Add.2) to the eighteenth meeting of the Comittee~ 4 . ~02 the check list of the docments of ‘the Sub-Comittee, see &xc% B (2 >.

Sub-(&-&t-&e 2, to inspect and report on the Manhattan gast River site, qqas appointed at the twenty-fifth meeting, 11 $+6, It Was composed

of the nine members of the Headquarters Commission (Australia, China, France,

Iraq, the Netherlands, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kixdom, Uruguay, and Yugoslavia) and the representative of the United States of &nerica, assisted by the Chairman (Colombia) t Vice-Chairman

(Canada) ) and the Rapporteur (Iran) of the Committee, At its first meeting, 11 December 1346, Sub-Committee 2 elected as its chairman the Chairman of

the Committee. At its second meeting, 12 December 1946, the Sub-CommZttee

appointed a Drafting CommVttee consisting of the members for France, the

Union of Soviet SoclaUs% Republics, the United Kingdom, and the United States of’ America, to prepare a report in co-operation with

yr. Howard K. MenhinIck (Secretariat) y The draft report was presented to the thfrd meeting of the Sub-Committee, 12 December l$& Mr, Entezam

presented the Sub-Conrm-ittee t s report (A/SI’JIE/Sub .2/l) to the twenty-s,ixth ’ / meeting of the Committee, 12 December I.946. For the check list of the documents of the Sub-Committee, see Part B (3). ( j 5. The Interim Corr3nittee ‘Ihe Interim. Committee for the Selectio;n of a Site for the ,Perm~~~ent Headquarters of the was appo,inted by the Preparatory Commission I of the United Natfons wi.th the adoption at its fourth plenary meeting, / 23 December l.345, of the report of Comittee 8 (PC/CD/g). The TnterIrtx Corqrtittee was composed of representatives of Australia, China, Cuba, France, Iran, Iraq, the Netherlands, Poland, the Union of Sovjet SocialZst Republics,

the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Yugoslavia, At its first meeting, ’ 27 , the Interim Committee elected Mr. Roberto E. Ma&achen *) (Uruguay) as Chairman and Mr, Stoyan Gavrilovic’ (Yugoslavia) as Vice +=Chairrr-an “i” ;\yr$1 i’P /The Interim :

A/SIm/53 Page 3 8

The Interim Committee appointed an Inspection Group and a Juridical Sub-Committee. For the check list of documents of the Interim Committee and

,’ its sub-committees, see Part B '(4). , The, Inspection Group, to inspect and report on proposed sites in the United States of America, was appointed at the'first meeting of the Inter-L1 Committee, 27 December 1,945. It was composed of representatives of China, France, Iraq, the Union of*Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Yugoslavia. At its first meeting, 29 December 1945, the Inspection Group elected Mr. Stoyan Gavrilovic' (Yugoslavia) as Chairman an' Mr. Shuhsi Hsu (China) as Vice-Chairman, Mr. Gavrilovic' presented its rey (A/SITE/2, and Ad&l, Add.2, Add.3) to the fourth meeting of the Interim

Committee, 5 February 1346, when he was appointed Rapporteur, and to the E meeting of the Permanent Headquarters Committee, 6 February 1346. The Juridical Sub-Committee was appointed by the Interim Committee at second meeting, 27 December 1945, and was composed of representatives of Australia, China, Cuba, Poland (designated Chairman), the United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, The Chairman was Mr. E. Sobolewski (Pbland). Mr. WilliamEric Beckett (United Kingdom) was elected Acting Chairman at tl 3 ninth meeting, 25 January 1346. He also acted as Rapporteur to the Sub-Committee on Privileges and Immunities of the Sixth Committee of the

United Nations, to which the reports df. the Juridical Sub-Committee were referred by agreement with the Chairman of the Interim Committee. The rep consisted of suggested changes (PC/ICH/W.19) in the draft of the general convention on the privileges of the United Nations recommended by the Preparatory Commission (in PC/20, Chap, VII, Appendix B), and a revised ti convention (A/ICH/W.21/Rev,l) between the United Nations and the Governme of the United States of America based upon documents PC/G/24 and PC/G/31 the Preparatory Commission.

6. Other bodies reporting to the Permanent Headquarters Cormnittee The Headquarters Commission was established by Resolution No. 25 (I adopted by the General Assembly at its thirty-third plenary meeting, * /14 February 14 , upon the first report (A/@/Rev.L) of the Permanent Headquarters Committee o The Commission was composed of representatives of 1 / ,i Australia, China, France, Iraq, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the I, Unton of Soviet Socialist Republics, Uruguay, and. Yugoslavia. At fts f-frst meting, 7 &y 1946, the Commission elected Sir @US 3xnerKU.e Fletcher

(United. Hingdom) as cha-lrman. Sir Angus presented the report of the Commission, (A/63) and a note (A/104) on the fiti i3luatratl~ th$ report to the i fourteenth meetfng of the Committee, 7 November 1946, See forthcoming

document A/HQC/W.56 for the check list of Cornmi.~~ion d~~m@nt&., me Committee to assist the Secretary-General to negotiate ath the

competent authorit-Les of the United. States of America the arrangements , required as a result of the establishment of the seat of the UnIted. Nations

in the United States of America was established on the recoznmendation of the ’ ’ Sixth Committee, to which it reported, See document ~/c.6/132, Part B (7) for the check list of the documents of the negotiating committee, The Headquarters Advisory Committee was establlshed by Resolution No, 100 (I), adopted: by the General Assembly at its sixty-PIfth plenary

meeting, 14 December 1946, upon the second report of the Permanent , Headquarters Committee (A/277) IL The Headquarters Advisory Committee is

composed of representatives of Australia, Bel@um, Colombia, France, , , Norway, Poland, Syria, the Union of Soviet Socialist RepubLlcs, the ’ United Kingdom, the Untted States of America, and Yugoslavia. At its first j $meeting, 6 , the Comm-Lttae elected J4r. Warren Robinson A_ustln (United States of America) as Chair-, Mr, Herschel V Johnson l

7. (United States of America) has on occasion taken the chair in Mr. Austin1 s

stead, Working papers of this committee (series A/AC,‘// ) are not ~%l.uded in this check list,


------vu w.uu.L-u/J” ,’ lasembly which adopted the following resolution thereon Sk-acondReport (A/277).

Resolution No, 100 (I), adopted 14 Dece$xa 1946 (A/bk/Add.l, ) page s ~$5 -UT 1 II * I 0 0 # The check list of documents contains the following information: Left -hand column; Ser-Les symbol and document number In series.

Middle CO&XUUX Short title of document; number of pages (English or bilingual text); date of registration of basic text with Documents Control

Unit * In the case of summary records of meetings, issued as Supplements to f

the Jourruzl of the General Assembly (abbreviated JGA) or to the Journal of ’ the United Nations (abbreviated 2)) the numbers of Supplements and Journals l l are shown. Republication of documents in the Cff-LcTal Records of the First Past of the First Session of the General Assembly (abbreviated Official

Records) is indIcatea,

R&ht -hand column: Language of Issue I, Single-language texts are

Ukkxted as En&Tab (abbreviated E), French (F) t Chinese (C), Russian (R),

or Span-ltsh (X) * BilSngual texts are Indicated as EnglPsh and French together (E&J?) I

J3ocument No, Issued . 3.32 So~ias Short Title In A/STIIIE/ (1) Documents of the Permanent ffeadquarters Comm1ttse (a) General Documents and Summazy Records

1 Summery Record, 1st Meeting, 2 February E&4? 1946 (Suppl, No, 8 to JGA No. 22), 1 p. (4 February 1946) - Republished “In Permanent Eeadquarters E&F Committee Ctfficlal Records, pp. 3-4*

2 Report and Recommendatfons of the Inspection ‘E F Group on Selecting the Permanent Site and Interim Facllitfes for the Headquarters of the United Nations, 23 pp * (4 February ~46 1 Z/Add,1 Annexe s A-F. 32 pp a (4 February 1346) EF . 2/.Aaa,2 Maps 1 p,, (4 February ~$46) E dAad* 3 Supplement to Annex 38. 18 pp. (4 February 1946) E F Republished in Permanent Headquarters Committee Offi.cZal Rewords, pp. 31-90 Agenda, 2nd Meeting, 6 February 1946. E 1 p. (6 February 1946) 4 summa~llyRecord, 2nd Meeting, 6 February 1346 E@? (suppl. IYO, 8 to JGA, No. 26). 3 PP. s (8 February 1946)~ % Republished in Permanent Headquarter%- Commi.ttee Cffic-Lsl Records, pp. 4-6.

(1) ( a 1 Propulsed Ammdmmt to the D R~SO~U~~U~ EF Submitted by the Frencih D Lion * ~u~~tt~a by the Delagation of Ilhi%q* 3. p * (12 Fsbruaxy 1946)

(Suppl. Ha, 8 (14 Ff3bxuaxy 1 Republished in Cmittee Qfficihl Rmmrdq pps

Sumaxy Recoxd, 12th ~~~t~ (Suppl. No. 8 to c?%ANo, (15 Februaxy LgSr Republish& in Pemn-t;

Smaxy Rmoxd, 13th Mseti (Suppl. Na b 8 z;o JGA”No* (15 February L94fSJ-


Agenda, 15th Meetfng, 13, Novsmbsr 19 I p. (9 November 1946) 'summary Record, 15th Meatin$, 3.X ~~v~~x 19 (Suppl. No, 8 to JUN &IO, 30). 4 -pp, (12 November 194r sting, 13 November 1946, 1 p* (12 November 1946) lzl43ttsra~ansm.ttlne: cmia to the Permanwt Hsadg_uartsrs co3mi (12 Novf3mbsr 19461 ee2 pp” 28 5 y Record J&& Meet-lng, J-3 November ~46 (SuppLNo. Is to JmJNo* 321, 5 pp* (x4 NovEmbsr1946T-

Raso3.utI~~1 on ths Report by the Headquarters CommTss%onto the Hoadquartsrs CommIttee (Docent A/69), Draft Proposal by the Delatgatiion of the Un-Lon of Soviet Socialist RepubZZcs, 3. p, (13 .346) summaryRecorcZ, X‘i'th M~~qtlng, 14 November 1946 (Suppl, No. 8 to JUNJQO, 34). 6 pp. (16 Novembsr 19467--

Sub-Cmittas 2, ij?~r tie study and, ILnspection of altsrnatlva S-Ms_,/ 2 pp. u (16 Novembetr 1946) 33 s-q Record 18th &e-tiw, 4 December 1946 (suppz. No,, 6 Lo d’u.N No. 51). 6 pp, (6 December 1946)

34 Agenda, l@h Mestkq, 4 December 1946. 1 p. (2 Dacembsr ~9463 33% ~&&tar from Robert W, %XIJJ~, Attorney-General of California, to Dr, Ivan Ewno, Assistant Seoretary-General for Legal Affairs, concerning Arrangements resulti% from the EstablPs&nt of %he United Nations in the United. States of America. 1 pm (3 December ~46) Summary Racord. l$)th &wtw+g, 4 December 1946 (suppl, No. 6 to mN No, 33) 4 pp+ (6 December 1346)~ 37

38 s-7 Record 20th &et%ng, 5 December 1~46 (Suppl, NCL 6 to JurvNo. 52) 4 PP, (7 December 1946)

/33 ;*r I / I i Issued /

! A/SITE/ (I) Documents of the Permanent Headquarters Committee (a) General Documents and Sum~lmaryRecords - 6- continued 39 SIJIIIDWY Record. 21s-t Meeting, 5 December 1.346 E&4? (Suppl. No r 6 to No* 53) 7 PP. (8 .946)~ Agenda, 22nd Meetfng; 6 December 1.946. E&F 1 p e ( 5 December 1.946) Agenda, 23rd Meeting, 3 December 1346. E&F 1 p. (7 December ~946) Summary Record, 22nd tieoting, 6 December 1946 (Suppl. No, 8 to JXN No. 53) 7 ppo (6 December ~346)“l Resoluti&. Proposed by the Delegation of E Ff the United States of America, 3. p. (10 December 194.6) Summary Record, 23rd Meeting, 9 December 1946 E&S (Suppl. Nb. 8 to JUN No, 57) 5 pp. 4 (12 December 1946)

Agenda, 25th Meeting, 1X December 1-946. E&F 1 p. (10 December 1.~46)

’ summary Record, 24th Meeting, 9 December 1946 E&F (Suppl. No. 8 to JUH No. 57) 5 pp. - (12 +6T

~urtn~~myRecord, 23th Meeting, 13 Decegb~ ~46 E8&? @L~;;;~~;~“~~~cI~J+JJ Noe 58) 5. PP.

Draft Resolution regardI% IYew York Site E Proposed as Amendment to Report of Sub-Committee 1, (A/SILlY/Sub J/3) a Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America,, 2 pp,, (12 December 1946) Revised text’; 2 pp, (12 Dscemk,er 1946) EF Resolution LFoncer.n%ng Manhattan East River EF - Silt& Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of AmerSica, 2 pp , . (12 December 1~346) Revised Text e 2 pp. (16 December 1946) EF Text of Letter from Mr. John 14, RtDckefeller EF Jr W to Dr. Eduardo Zuleta Angel, Chairman’ of the Rermanent Headquarters Coxmuittee, 3 pp e (13 December 1946) i S~mnary Record, 26th Meeting, 12 Deoember 1946 (su.ppl. No. 8 “ca XJN No. 64) 12 pp. (2O*December 1.346r” “. A/SITE/y3 “, Page 11

Document No, ISS in S0ries / Short Title I A/SDE/ 3.) Documents of the Permanent Headquarters Committee’ (a) General Documents and Summary Records --continued 52 Summary Record, 27th Meeting, 13 December E& 1946, (suppl, No, 8 to Jx No, 64) 6 pp. (20 December 1946) , 53 Check List of Documents of the ‘Permanent E Headquarters Committee, Its Sub-CommIttees, and the Interim CommitLee for the Selection of a Site for the Pepmarient Headquarters of the United Nations, 16 pp. (27 ) 1

. . . Issued Short Title ---z-i- . . A/SZl!E/Sub.l/ (2) Documents of Sub-Cotittee 1

W,l* Draft ReporJ;* 22 ppe (1 ljacamber 1946) EF w.2* Summary Record, 1st Meeting, 15 November 1946, EF 7 pp. (7 December 1946) w*3* Summary Record, 2nd Meeting, 16 November 1946. EF 6 pp* (7 December 1946) * . W.4% Swmnary Record; 3rd Meeting, 18 November 1g46a EF 2 pp@ (7 December 1946) w,5* Summary Record, 4th Meeting, Eg IVovetier 1~946, EF 2 pp* (7.December 1946) w,6* Summary Record, 5th Meeting, 21 November 1946, E 4 pp. (7 December 1946) w.7* Summary Record, 6th Meeting, 21 November ly46* EF 3 ppe (7 December 1946) 3* Su@wry Record, 7th Meeting, 24 November 1946, Et F 3 pp. (7 December 1946)

3* Surtxnary Record, 8th Meeting, 25 November 1.946. 3 pp, (7 December ~946) EF I

* Summary Record, g$h Meeting, 26 November 1946. EF 2 pp. (7 Decetier 1946)

L* . * Summary Record, 10th Meeting, 29 November ~946. EF 3 pg. (7 December 1946)1.

Kl+ I Summary Record, llth kkwting, 30 November 1946, EF 8 pp* (7 Dsceniber 1946) r-3* Summary Record, 12th Meeting, 30 November 1~46. EF 9 pg. (7 December 1946) .3/corr. 1* km?ig8ndurOo French text, 1 p, * (13 January 1947) F .j/Corr,2* Corrigendum to English text, 1 p, E (13‘ January 1947) I Suulmaq Record, 13th Meeting, 1 Deceniber 1946. 5 pp. (7 December 1946) EF Summary Record, l$th Meeting, 2 Decetier 1946, 5 pp. (7 Dacanber 1946) EF Syry Record, 15th Meeting, 2 December 1946. p& (7 December 1946) EF

tricted distribution, 0~0~~~ ~~b~ttad by ths &QpCWt8W of ha ~ubnco~tt~~ concern%ng the Study 0~Gt~Un of i3i&xma$e Sites which Available withaut Cost in the an FrancQ3oa Bay, and ia &eas_?T:! pp* (16 November 1946) 1 nuxIfber, 1 p, EF EF E EF

~~~r~~~ by tha Xtonorabls Warren R, Austin I F bsforo the ~~adgaartsrs Sub-Commission, 2 D~~~rn~~r1946, Am.pLWy~ng the Situation Ln re@zrd to ths Bffer of the Presidio, 2 pp (2 December 1946) (3) Documant8 OP Sub-Commit;tee 2 Gsnsrgl Sex%e,s Rsgart on bkknhattan East River Site: 6 BP" (22 Decembar 1946)

Spry Rec0rd, 2nd Mereting, 31 December 1946, 6 ppc (a7 ~ecembes 1946) s ry Record, 3rd Meeting, 12 Decsmbsr 1946 8 P-Q, (16 Decctmbcr"lg46) Page 14

sument No. Issued Series Short Title In >Hf (4) Documents of the linterim Committee on Headquarters (a) General Series ! . Inspection Group - Terms of Reference. El? 2 pp. (28 December 1945) LI Rev.1 Revised text, 2 pp@ (31 Bcmtmr 1945) EF Qualifications and Standards. 3 pp. EF (28 December 194~) (b) Working Papers of the Interim Committee~and Its Sub-Committees* W,l"A @bxnmary Record 1st Meeting, E 22 December 194 5. 7 pp. (27 December 1945) Republished in Permanent Headquarters Committee Official Records, pp* 91-9~. E&F w,2* Main Points for Decision and/or Report E by the Interim Committee. 147 pp. (27 December 1945) L2/Rev,l* . Inspection Group - Terms of Reference E 2 pp. (28 December 1945) Republished as PC/ICH/l,

3* Notes for the Chairman for the /?nq E Meeting, 27 December 1945. 1 pm (27 December l$Vj) .* Draft Agenda for the &!!ng Meeting, E 27 December l&L 1 p* (27 December 1945) Report by the Executive Committee, Chapter X, E Section 2, 2 ppO (27 ) ; The Headquarters of the United Nations' E Considered in Relation to Existing Cities, Memorandumby the Delegation of Australia, 5 pp.' (27 December 1945) Areas'ana Cities in the East of the U&A. E from Which Offers Have Been Received Grouped on a Geographical Basis. 2 pp. (27 December l$Vj) Rev3 Revised list,, 1 p. (28 December 1945) E Rev,2* Revised list, 1 p@ (4 January 1946) E Qualifications and Standards. 6 pp E (27 December 1945) ?ev* 1* Revised text. 3 pp. (28 December 1946) E Republished as PC/ICH/2, Agenda, 3rd Meeting, 28 December Z&j, 1 p. E (28 December 1945) " Inspection Group: Agenda, 1st Meeting, E 29 Dwember l&j. 1 p. (29 December 1943) Issued A

--table far Insgsct.on Group, E Ta‘B ~anuax~ 1yk6)

YNmes of &nibers.of the In~peotion Group, z p# (2 January 1946) JuxidicaL $u”b-Com~Lttee: Rsc’kaft of Convent&m between the United Natione and the Government r>f the United States. 13 PP* (7 Januaxy 1946) Juxidlcal Sub-Cammittee: /j%niuaxy RecordJ anuaxy ILg46. 1 p.

&.xidkal Sub&m&ttee:: @m~Wy+ RecordJ 9th Meeting, 4 January 1946, 2 pp (7 ~anuaxy 1946)

Reviaed text, 2 spa (9 January 1946)

Juridical SubmCotittee s Annex II LTo Canventbm bst~een the United Nations and the Govermnt of the,yni$Bd StatefI of AaexioaJ: /jXed2afJ L ’ General Convention Len the YrWLleges ana Xmm++itM~ of the Unitad Nation& 9 pp. (9 Januaxy 1946)

dSat j Document No. Issued i Short Title I f (4) Documents of the kterti Committee on Headquarter8 (b) Iforking Papers of the Interim Committee and Its Sub-Cotittees* 1

> “o,:, i ',", ’ w.21* Juridical Sub-Coxrrmittee: Redraft of *lf"$?, Convention between the United Nations i ', 3 ' a'< s and the Government of the United States 1i<... of America, 19 pp+ (10 January lg46) 0 '.21/Add,l/Corr.l* Addenda and corrigenda. 3 pp.. E (21 January 1946) I 21/Rev.l* - Revision of text, 21 pp; (25 January 1946) EF , w,22+, Juridical SubpComxnittee: L%mmry ReoordJ E 7th Meeting, 9 January 1946, 2 pp. i' (10 January 1946)

w 23* Juridical Sub-Committee: fiote concernid E 8th Meeting, 11 January 1946, 1 p. (12 January 1946)

W,24* Juridical Sub-kmmittee: cs;aun&rry RecordJ E 9th Meeting, 25 January 1946. 2 pp. (26 January 1946)

4th Meeting, E 2 pp. (5 February 1946) Republished in Pemanent Headquarters E&F ,I Committee Official Records, pp. 103-104.


3estricted Distribution.