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Apoorv Verma Resume 26-A, Goyal Vihar Avenue Khajrana, Indore, Madhya Pradesh APOORV VERMA +91 93408 58955 [email protected] FRONT - END DEVELOPER GitHub, LinkedIn www.apoorvverma.com PROFILE Versatile Developer with hands-on experience on modern development tools & technologies. An active team player having an acquintance with leading talented developers for multiple projects. Consistent participator & organizer in college events like hackathons & competitions. Actively managed various college clubs. Passionate about collaborative web development. PROJECTS EDUCATION E-TRIBAL MARKETPLACE B.TECH (CSE) - (2017-2021) MINOR PROJECT – MAR 2020 SHRI VAISHNAV VIDYAPEETH Purpose: To bridge the increasing gap between Tribals & Civilians by VISHWAVIDYALAYA – Indore, India introducing a marketplace to exchange goods of both parties. Student Coordinator of Microsoft Made Using MERN stack, consising of customer & shopkeeper portals. Campus Club since 2019. Designing Head of the core technical PERSONAL PORTFOLIO WEBSITE team of Spandan 2020. PERSONAL PROJECT – APR 2020 Personal website built to showcase my portfolio & projects. Made with ReactJS Higher Secondary (CBSE) - (2015-2017) & custom animations using SCSS. Made use of GitHub & Instagram APIs for VIDYASAGAR SCHOOL – Indore, India displaying repositories & images. SKILLS SPANDAN 2020’s WEBSITE Frameworks & tools: WEBSITE FOR OUR COLLEGE’S ANNUAL CULTURAL FESTIVAL – FEB 2020 ReactJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Designed, built & deployed the website in a span of 8 days displaying all the Material UI, Ant Design, SCSS main attractions & events. Programming/Scripting Languages: HTML 5, Javascript, C, C++ EXPERIENCE Design/Productivity Tools: WEB DEVELOPER INTERN - (JUL 2020 - PRESENT) Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, DIGITAL PROJEKT - Indore, India Adobe XD, Figma, VirtualBox, Worked on projects incorporating ReactJS & NextJS for front-end Canva development. OS: Designed project wireframes in Adobe XD & Figma. Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Kali, Collaborative development using Github on a product website with significant Manjaro, Deepin) code contribution. Other: Managed company’s Blog page using Ghost CMS & contributed 30% of the Git, DNS management, total curated content. Wordpress, Elementor, Lead a team of 5 developers through a project development lifecycle, tested & Content curation, Ghost CMS, deployed it flawlessly. Team handling & management Communicated & worked with various clients to understand product Languages known: requirements. English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu (partial), Marathi (partial) WORDPRESS DEVELOPER – JAN 2021 FREELANCE CLIENT - Indore, India REFERENCES Developed two wordpress websites meeting all the client’s requirements. Indranil Tiwary Followed Agile methology & provided client assistance at no extra cost. (Full Stack Developer - PeopleGrove) +91 82258 58887 .
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