Application Integration Interoperability by design

Executive Summary ’s Approach to Application Getting Applications to Work Together Over the years, IT environments have become more complex  With better application integration, customers can and more heterogeneous due to diverse customer needs and Integration capitalize on existing application resources and source rapid innovation in the IT industry. Integrating applications For customers who have heterogeneous IT environments, code, integrate complex and highly-customized business and business processes across the enterprise is critical for Microsoft delivers application integration four ways: and organizational processes, and reduce total cost of increasing productivity, improving organizational efficiencies,  Products: Providing innovative tools for developers, ownership. and reducing costs. messaging protocols, and Web services technologies that  Microsoft contributes to and supports messaging To address this issue, Microsoft delivers interoperability by broadly enable interoperability. protocols that enable interoperability between Microsoft design.  Community: Working together with customers, partners, applications and other technology platforms such as IBM and competitors to enable a broad range of integration Microsoft’s approach to interoperability increases the value of WebSphere, Oracle Fusion, SAP mySAP, and Sun One. scenarios such as business process integration, Microsoft IT solutions by giving customers more control of their data  The Visual Studio development system gives developers .NET/Java interoperability, and Web services integration. and enabling bridging technologies that can translate a comprehensive tools platform, reduced development  Access: Licensing technologies to and from other between different data formats, protocols, and technologies. complexity, improved team communication, and a companies and promising not to assert patents for 38 vibrant third-party ecosystem for creating interoperable What is Application Integration? Web services standards including SOAP, WSDL, and WS-I software solutions. It’s about getting different software applications to work Basic Profile under the Open Specification Promise.  The Microsoft .NET Framework is used to build and run better together. Application integration is:  Standards: Supporting industry and technical standards all kinds of software, including mobile solutions,  Bringing people together through accessibility for messaging protocols, networking, and Web services Windows applications, Web sites, and Web services— technologies, bridging technologies, and broad support and actively participating with leading standards-setting components that facilitate integration by sharing data for industry and technical standards. organizations to promote technology adoption. and functionality over a network through standard,  Integrating diverse systems using a wide range of Microsoft Supports Standards platform-independent protocols such as XML, SOAP, and methods including messaging protocols, Web services, HTTP.  Microsoft products and technologies support hundreds of and developer tools. technical standards such as FTP, HTTP, IMAP, IP, IPSec,  Improving business efficiencies with products like For More Information, Visit Kerberos protocol, POP3, LU 6.2 protocol, MIME, SNA, Microsoft® BizTalk® Server, ™,  Microsoft BizTalk Server SOAP, SSL, SNMP, TCP, TLS, UDP, WSDL, WS-*, and XML. , SharePoint® Server, Visual Studio®, and  Microsoft is actively engaged with more than 100 ™.  Microsoft .NET Framework standards-setting organizations and workgroups such as  Providing opportunities for developers to build ECMA, ETSI, OASIS, OMA, IEEE, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC1, ITU, innovative products and technologies for the Windows®  Developer Studio and W3C. operating system through initiatives like MSDN®, TechNet, CodePlex, and the .   Microsoft engineers have authored or co-authored dozens of industry specifications and standards such as  Learn more .NET CLI, C# CLI, XML, SOAP, WSDL, MTOM, UDDI, WS- Addressing, WS-AtomicTransaction, WS-Management, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-I Basic Profile.  Microsoft is working with industry to define a new generation of software and Web services based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

The information contained in this document relates to pre-release software product, which may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately Microsoft Corporation • One Microsoft Way • Redmond, WA 98052-6399 • USA describe or reflect the software product when first commercially released. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

Use Case Scenario Microsoft Solutions Standards Supported in For More Information, Visit Microsoft Products Integrate complex and highly- BizTalk Server offers more than 30 pre-built adapters for integration with HL7, JD Edwards, mySAP, Oracle, EDI, flat files, FTP, HTTP, IP, 1) customized business PeopleSoft, RosettaNet, SAP, Siebel, TIBCO, and other line of business applications. Developers can write their MIME, POP3, SMTP, SOAP, SQL, evaluation/adapter processes and workflows own custom adapters with the BizTalk Server Adapter Framework to connect with other Web services TCP, UDP, WS-*, XML, XSD 2) applications. learning/adapt Integrate Microsoft Office With Duet™ for Microsoft Office and SAP, users can access SAP business processes and data via the familiar HTTP, IP, SOAP, TCP, UDP, WS-*, 1) applications with SAP ERP Microsoft Office environment. In the second half of 2006, SAP and Microsoft will offer two value packs for Duet XML, XSD press/2006/may06/05-02DuetPR.mspx solutions that provide additional business scenario support, enhanced platform capabilities, and language support. 2) Integrate business process Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Integration Framework (AIF) enables companies to integrate and EPC, EPI, file system, HTTP, 1) management workflows communicate with other business processes and partners electronically. As the replacement for the Microsoft MTOM, PML, SOAP, UDP, us/library/aa834363.aspx across different application Business Solutions–Axapta 3.0 Commerce Gateway, it helps enable more secure B2B and A2A integration Unicode, WSDL, WS-*, XBRL, XML platforms scenarios. It also greatly reduces the cost to develop and customize documents based on industry-standard XML. Integrate customer Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector Templates enable Microsoft CRM to integrate with a broad range of third- file system, HTTP, MTOM, PDF, 1) relationship management party ERP applications via BizTalk Server, including SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and other applications. It also forms SOAP, UDP, WS-I Profiles, WSDL, press/2006/mar06/03-27 processes and workflows the basis of BizTalk Server–based adapters between Microsoft CRM and custom or legacy applications. WS-*, XML Convergence2006CRMPR.mspx Integrate Office SharePoint Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 introduces a new enterprise integration feature called Business Data HTTP, IP, MTOM, SOAP, TCP, 1) Server with SAP and Siebel Catalog that integrates business data from backend applications, such as SAP or Siebel, with corporate portals to WSDL, WS-*, XML us/library/ms563661.aspx line of business applications provide rich solutions for end users. Improve .NET/Java Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are working together to design and develop interoperable solutions for HTTP, IP, MTOM, SOAP, TCP, 1) interoperability .NET/Java integration using Web services, bridging technologies, and asynchronous technologies for IBM WSDL, WS-*, XML partner/sun.mspx WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JDBC databases, and all the leading Java EE application servers. Enable interoperability Microsoft .NET Remoting provides a rich and extensible framework for objects in different application domains, HTTP, IP, MTOM, SOAP, TCP, 1) between applications running processes, and machines to seamlessly communicate with each other. With Internet Information Services (IIS), WSDL, WS-*, XML services/remoting different processes on .NET Remoting objects can be exposed as a Web Service. Any client that can consume a WSDL file can make different machines SOAP calls to the remote object according to the contract specified in the WSDL file. Integrate message queues The Microsoft .NET Framework provides a managed code class of COM+ services called Enterprise Services (ES), HTTP, IP, MTOM, SOAP, TCP, 1) and run distributed which offers programmatic ways to utilize IIS and Microsoft Message Queuing services together with legacy WSDL, WS-*, XML services/enterpriseservices transactions applications. Integrate IBM host Microsoft Host Integration Server provides a wide variety of technologies and solutions that integrate IBM CICS, FTP, HTTP, IP, LU 6.2 protocol, 1) applications with Windows IMS, AS/400, and WebSphere MQ programs with Microsoft .NET, Microsoft Message Queuing, and COM SNA, SOAP, TCP, UDP, WSDL, WS- evaluation/overview applications. *, XML Provide a rich platform for The Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 provides a common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET .NET CLI, C++, CSS, C# CLI, DNS, 1) application development and Framework class library which developers can use to write object code that can be stored and executed locally, FTP, HTML, HTTP, iDNS, IP, us/netframework integration executed locally but Internet-distributed, or executed remotely. Code based on the .NET Framework can MTOM, SOAP, SSL, TCP, TLS, 2) integrate with any other code whose compiler conforms to the common language specification (CLS). UDDI, WSDL, WS-*, XML us/library/hfa3fa08(VS.80).aspx Port applications written in Visual Studio supports more than 30 different programming languages and can convert COBOL, RPG, Fortran, C++, C# CLI, CSS, DNS, FTP, HTML, 1) other programming and Java to C, C++, Microsoft Visual C#®, or Visual J#® with tools such as the Java Language to C# Conversion HTTP, iDNS, IP, JScript®, TCP, TLS, 2) languages to the Windows Assistant (JLCA 3.0). SOAP, SSL, WS-*, XML downloads/tools/jlca/ platform Enable assistive technology to Microsoft UI Automation is a new accessibility and automation model designed to address the needs of assistive W3C Web Content Accessibility 1) help individuals successfully technology products and automated testing frameworks by providing programmatic access to the graphical user Guidelines (WCAG); US. at/uia.aspx use the Windows platform interface. Microsoft offers a cross-platform, royalty- for UI Automation to enhance innovation across Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 2) the industry and to encourage adoption of a consistent accessibility and testing model across all operating (Section 508) features/2006/jun06/06-05Vista systems. Accessibility.mspx Integrate Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Exchange Server provides a wide range of connectors and extensions that enable messaging, DDNS, DHCP, HTML, HTTP, iCalendar, 1) Server and Microsoft Office calendaring, address book, and task list interoperability with IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino applications. In IMF, IP, IMAP, IMAP4, IPSec, IRC, evaluation/overview Outlook® with IBM Lotus addition, Exchange Server 2003 also supports Internet Protocol security (IPSec) between front-end servers and Kerberos protocol, LDAP, MIME, 2) , NNTP, POP3, S/MIME, SIP, Notes and Lotus Domino clustered back-end servers running Exchange Server. prodtechnol/exchange SMTP, SNMP, SSL, TKEY RR, TLS, UTF- applications 8, vCard MIME Directory Profile, VPIM v2, WebDAV, X.400, X.500

The information contained in this document relates to pre-release software product, which may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately Microsoft Corporation • One Microsoft Way • Redmond, WA 98052-6399 • USA describe or reflect the software product when first commercially released. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.