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Humorous Situation Created from the Meaning Implied in Sofia Vergara’S and Ellen Degeneres’ Utterances in the Ellen Show Season 13, Episode 58

Humorous Situation Created from the Meaning Implied in Sofia Vergara’S and Ellen Degeneres’ Utterances in the Ellen Show Season 13, Episode 58




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MADE ADELIA DESINTHA DEWI Student Number: 154214056





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By MADE ADELIA DESINTHA DEWI Student Number: 154214056




(Ya Tuhan, dalam wujud Parama Acintya Yang Maha Gaib dan Maha Karya, hanya atas Anugerahmulah maka pekerjaan ini berhasil dengan baik. Semoga damai, damai di hati, damai di dunia, damai selamanya.)


Dedicated to the memory of my father, Ir. PutuSudarsana, who always believed in me even though he cannot see this thesis completed I miss you, Papa.



I would like to express my grateful for his never ending blessings Ida Sang

Hyang Widhi Wasa. Through His favor, I can complete this undergraduate thesis successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to countless gorgeous and wonderful people. I thank Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum. for her kindness, encouragement, and her valuable guidance so I can finally finish this undergraduate thesis. I would also like to thank Fransisca Kristanti, S.Pd, M.Hum. for her suggestion towards my undergraduate thesis so that I pay more attention to the details, grammar, and tenses.

My beloved Mama and my two beautiful sisters, Kak Gita and Tom, have given their endless support and prayers for completing my undergraduate thesis.

There is no word I could describe to express my gratitude towards them. Another person I would like to thank is Kevin. I thank him for always supporting, listening, caring, and understanding me throughout my undergraduate thesis writing process.

My gratefulness also goes to my , Sekar Langit, Eduardine, Deany,

Ogek, Gung Siwa, Vidhya, Luna, Icak, Dyah, and Cawe who have been accompanying and supporting me in any situation. The last but not least, I would like to thank every person in Hindu‘s Community in Universitas Sanata Dharma for being a part of me for these past 4 years.

Made Adelia Desintha Dewi



TITLE PAGE ...... ii APPROVAL PAGE ...... iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...... iv STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ...... v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH .. vi MOTTO PAGE ...... vii DEDICATION PAGE ...... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... x ABSTRACT ...... xi ABSTRAK ...... xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 3 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 5 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 5 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 7 1. Theory of Pragmatics ...... 7 2. Reference ...... 9 a. Anaphora...... 9 b. Cataphora ...... 10 3. Inference ...... 10 4. Implicature ...... 11 a. Generalized Conversational Implicature ...... 12 b. Particularized Conversational Implicature ...... 12 5. Theory of Humour ...... 13 a. Incongruity Theory ...... 13 b. Superiority Theory ...... 14


c. Release Theory ...... 15 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 16 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 17 A. Object of the Study ...... 17 B. Approach of the Study ...... 18 C. Method of the Study ...... 18 1. Data Collection ...... 18 2. Data Analysis ...... 19 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...... 21 A. Meaning Implied in Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s Utterances ...... 21 1. Meaning Implied in Sofia‘s Utterances ...... 21 2. Meaning Implied in Ellen‘s Utterances ...... 29 B. Humorous Situation Created by Implied Meaning ...... 36 1. Incongruity ...... 36 2. Superiority ...... 37 3. Release ...... 43 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...... 46 REFERENCES ...... 47 APPENDIX ...... 48



DEWI, MADE ADELIA DESINTHA. (2019). Humorous Situation Created from The Meaning Implied in Sofia’s Vergara and Ellen DeGeneres’ Utterances in The Ellen Show, Season 13, Episode 58. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

The Ellen Show is a popular American hosted by Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen usually inserts humour in every conversation with her guests. One of her guests is Sofia Vergara. The writer chose this specific episode because there are a lot of humorous moments between Ellen and Sofia. Thus, the writer is interested in analysing the implied meaning which creates a humorous situation. There are two questions in this study. The first question is about the implied meaning in Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances in The Ellen Show, season 13, episode 58. The second question is about the humorous situation created from the implied meaning of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances. In this study, the writer used pragmatics approach to analyze the problem. The data were collected from a fan site named gloublog.net to get the full version of The Ellen Show, season 13, episode 58. Then, the theories that the writer used were theory of pragmatics, reference, inference, implicature, and theory of humour. The study reveals that there are 14 data of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances which show various implied meaning. In Sofia‘s utterances, the expressions are anger, pride, victory, confusion, disagreement, rebel, and embarrassment. Meanwhile, in Ellen‘s utterances, the expressions are frustration, clumsiness, victory, annoyance, and happiness. Based on the implied meaning, Ellen‘s clumsiness is categorized as incongruity. Then, Sofia‘s victory, rebel, pride, confusion, embarrassment, and Ellen‘s victory, happiness are categorized as superiority. Last, Ellen‘s frustration, annoyance, and Sofia‘s disagreement are categorized as release.

Keywords: pragmatics, humour, implied meaning, utterances



DEWI, MADE ADELIA DESINTHA. (2019). Humorous Situation Created from The Implied Meaning in Sofia Vergara’s and Ellen DeGeneres’ Utterances in The Ellen Show, Season 13, Episode 58. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma

The Ellen Show adalah sebuah gelar wicara terkenal di Amerika yang dipandu oleh Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen biasanya menyisipkan humor di setiap percakapan bersama para bintang tamunya. Salah satu tamunya adalah Sofia Vergara. Penulis memilih episode spesifik episode ini karena terdapat banyak momen lucu antara Ellen dan Sofia. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik dalam menganalisis makna yang dapat menciptakan situasi humoris. Terdapat dua pertanyaan dalam studi ini. Pertanyaan pertama mengenai makna dalam ucapan Sofia dan Ellen di The Ellen Show, seri ke 13, episode 58. Pertanyaan kedua mengenai situasi humoris yang tercipta dari makna ucapan Sofia dan Ellen Dalam studi ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan pragmatic untuk menganalisis rumusan masalah. Data didapatkan dari situs penggemar bernama gloublog.net untuk mendapatkan versi lengkap dari The Ellen Show, seri ke 13, episode 58. Kemudian, teori yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah teori pragmatik, referensi, inferensi, implikasi, dan teori humor. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat 14 data percakapan antara Sofia dan Ellen yang menunjukkan berbagai makna. Dalam ucapan Sofia, ungkapan itu adalah kemarahan, kesombongan, kemenangan, kebingungan, ketidaksetujuan, pemberontakan, dan rasa malu. Sementara itu, dalam ucapan Ellen, ungkapan itu adalah sukacita, kecerobohan, gangguan, dan kebahagian. Berdasarkan makna, kecerobohan Ellen termasuk ke dalam kategori ketidakseusaian. Kemudian, kemenangan, kebanggaan, kebingungan, pemberontakan, rasa malu Sofia, dan kemenangan, kebahagiaan Ellen termasuk ke dalam kategori keunggulan. Terakhir, rasa frustrasi, kejengkelan Ellen, dan ketidaksetujuan Sofia termasuk ke dalam kategori pembebasan.

Keywords: pragmatics, humour, implied meaning, utterances




A. Background of the Study

In creating a conversation, people use language as their medium to communicate. The conversation happens because there are two or more people are involved in it. Sometimes, in the middle of the conversation, humor can occur.

"Humor, a pervasive element of social interaction, expresses and elicits a variety of emotional states from joy and surprise to sarcasm and hostility." (Vaid, 2006)

The explanation above shows that the element of humour starts from joy which can be concluded as the giving end of humour and leads to sarcasm where both can bring laughter as the receiving end of humour to the speakers and hearers.

Other than social interaction, humour can be found in TV shows, for example, is a talk show. There is a similarity and dissimilarity between humour in daily conversation and the conversation in show. In both conversations, humour is unintentionally created by the speakers. However, in the talk show, there is a script to determine where the conversation goes while in the daily conversation, there is no script to lead where the conversation goes.

One of the talk shows that is very popular in America is The Ellen Show.

The Ellen Show is a program which combines comedy, celebrity, musical guests and human – interest stories. The program often features audience participation games where prizes are award. Guests in this talk show are various. It is started




not only for celebrities but also intelligent children, small business owners, etcetera. In her show, Ellen usually inserts humour not only during the game section, but also she puts the humour in the middle of the conversation with her guests as well. Due to that fact, there are many famous celebrities are eager to be invited by Ellen DeGeneres. One of the guests that really likes to be invited is

Sofia Vergara.

Sofia Vergara is a Colombian - American actress and model. Besides being an actress and a model, she is also a comedian. Her famous work related to her comedian career is in a situation comedy called "." She often appears in TV shows, such as The Ellen Show, Tonight Show Starring Jimmy

Fallon, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, etcetera. However, the episode that the writer chose related to this study is the humour found in Sofia's and Ellen's part in The Ellen Show, Season 13, Episode 58. In every episode of The Ellen

Show, both Sofia and Ellen completed each other jokes. Sofia's funny personalities make Ellen invites her for a couple of times.

In one segment of Ellen's favourite ladies, she stated that every time Sofia

Vergara stopped by, there were two things happening. First, Ellen said that both

Sofia and Ellen always had a lot of fun. Second, because of Sofia's accent, Ellen did not understand a word about what Sofia said. Therefore, Ellen made Sofia become one of her favourite ladies and was also the reason why Sofia was being invited several times.

The writer chose this topic because Sofia‘s accent along with her personality and Ellen‘s personality match each other. The humour always appears



when Sofia is invited in The Ellen Show. The writer is interested to analyze

Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s implied meaning in their utterances which create a humorous situation.

B. Problem Formulation

In this study, there are two problems that the writer intends to analyze. The problems which are formulated as follows:

1. What meaning is implied in Sofia's and Ellen's humorous utterances in The

Ellen Show, season 13, episode 58?

2. What type of humor is created from the implied meaning?

C. Objectives of the Study

The study aims to find out the humorous situation found in Sofia's and

Ellen's utterances in The Ellen Show. There are two objectives of this study. The first objective is to find out the implied meaning in Sofia's and Ellen's utterances in The Ellen Show about Sofia's wedding and work. The second objective is to identify the humorous situation created from the implied meaning. Furthermore, through the implied meaning in Sofia's and Ellen's utterances, the readers can determine the humorous situation created from the implied meaning.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding and wrong interpretation, the writer provides an explanation related to a term that is discussed in the study. The terms that are used in the study are humor and implicature.



Humor, there are broad definition of humor. Some experts say that humor is something that attracts people to create laughter. Humor triggers people to have an enjoyment in it.

―Evident that humor is a broad term that refers to anything that people say or do that is perceived as funny and tends to make others laugh as well as the mental processes that go into both creating and perceiving such an amusing stimulus, and also the affective response involved in the enjoyment of it.‖ (Martin, The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach, 2019, p. 5)

It is explained that what felt as humorous and inclined to make others laugh is called as humor. Not only that, when the people‘s feeling stimulate themselves to have such an amusing and enjoyment. It can be described as humor as well.

Implicature, it is an action of interpreting a meaning beyond the literal sense of what is explicitly stated. A speaker utters his or her meaning to the hearer so that his or her can interpret the meaning.

"The process of communication is a process whereby the speaker conveys his or her meaning to the addressee. In other words, implicature is a meaning imposed by the speaker on the literal meaning of the sentence." (Valeika & Verikaitė, An Introductory Course in Linguistic Pragmatics, 2010, p. 69)

As stated above, the process of communicating is through the speaker who conveys his or her meaning to the receiver. Then, the receiver who accepts the meaning from the speaker should interpret the meaning based on the speaker‘s intended meaning.




This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is a review of related studies that explains some studies which have been conducted related to the humorous situation, implicature, and reference and inference. The second is review of related theories which explain about theories used in this research. The third is a theoretical framework which discusses the reason why the theories are needed and how they are applied in the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The studies related to this research have been conducted by some people.

The first study is a journal article conducted by Amianna & Putranti (2017) entitled Humorous Situation Created by Violations and Flouting of

Conversational Maxims in a Situations Comedy Entitled How I Met Your Mother.

In their study, they use a pragmatic approach to analyze two problems found in their article: the types of conversational maxims appear and how do the violation and flouting of conversational maxims found create a humorous situation in a situation comedy How I Met Your Mother, season 2, episode 1 to 5.For the first result, there are 14 violations maxim of quantity, 1 violation maxim of quality, 2 violations maxim of relation, and 2 violations maxim of manner while the flouting occurred because the characters in the situation comedy do not intentionally mislead and deceive the interlocutors. For the second result, there are 3 different ways to show how the violation and the flouting of conversational maxims create




a humorous situation. The humorous situations are created because some of the violation and the flouting of conversational maxims contain incongruent idea between people‘s expectation and what actually occurs in the conversation between the interlocutors, another thing is because some of the violation and the flouting of conversational maxims contain the acts being hostile to someone else especially by mocking or humiliating other‘s inferiority, and the last one is because some of the violation and the flouting of conversational maxims contain particular released emotions of the characters which elicit laughter.

The second study is a journal article conducted by Martini (2018) entitled

Conversational Implicature of Indonesian Students in Daily Conversation. In her study, she chose a topic based on a problem in which people who frequently produce utterances which were not informative or provide less or more information as required in their daily conversation. Furthermore, in answering her question, she uses qualitative research by collecting through observation and recording which involved 16 English Department students. As a result of her study, she finds 80 utterances indicating conversation implicature which consists of 32 utterances (40%) belonging to generalized conversation implicature and 48 utterances (60%) belonging to particularized implicature.

The third study is a journal article conducted by Dewirsyah (2018) entitled

Reference and Inference of Song Lyric in the Album Monochrome Written by

Tulus. Her study aims to determine the use of references and inferences in the lyrics of existing songs in the album Monochrome. She uses descriptive method through observation technique followed by documentation study. Based on the



results of the research, it can be seen that the use of references in the lyrics of songs in the album Monochrome, in general, amounted to 11 data, 8 pertained personal references (3 personal reference data anaphora and 5 personal reference data cataphora), 2 data including comparative reference which all include comparative reference cataphora, and the last one is anaphoric demonstrative reference data. While the inference that she found, some words are implied in the lyrics of the song in the album Monochrome which makes the results of the inference that she found may be different from other readers.

Based on three previous studies, there is a similarity and dissimilarity aspect. The similarities between this study and those three studies are the theories and the approach or method. This study analyses the problem using implicature, reference and inference, and also the theory of humour. This study uses the same method by observing the data through listening and reading methods as well. The dissimilarity of this study is in the data source. The three previous studies use a situational comedy, a daily conversation, and song lyrics in a specific album as their data while this study uses a talk show to be analysed.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this study, the theories to support the writer's answers are necessarily needed. The theories will be shown, as follows:

1. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is commonly similar to semantics which discusses meanings.

However, the difference between pragmatics and semantics is in the area of what both subjects studied.



"Pragmatics is concerned with the meaning of language in discourse, that is, when it is used in an appropriate context to achieve particular aims"(Verdonk, 2002).

It is said that pragmatics handles the language used in a context. It analyzes an utterance in a context and their inferred meanings.

As stated by Yule (1996, p. 3), there are four areas that pragmatics is concerned with. First, pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). It studies what the speaker wants to say. Not the lexical meaning but the other meaning. Second, pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. This is the study which learns utterance in the context, not the sentence. Third, pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said. This approach necessarily explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker's intended meaning. Fourth, pragmatics is the study of the expression of relatives distance. On the assumption of how close or distant the listener is, speakers determine how much need to be said.

Example 1 Daughter : Uhm it's OK. Oh God you don't - First of all you don't score so much, and secondly you only get rid of two letters and you make your chances of picking up anything Mother : Uhm Daughter : That much more reduced by not, you know, getting rid of as many as Mother : Uhm Daughter : You can. Two four six - seven twenty - four is eleven. I mean you could do so much better than that if you'd only Mother : Yeah, I'm busy eating as a matter of fact

The International Corpus of English (ICE-GB) in Cutting (2002:67)



In the example above, a mother and daughter are at house, eating, chatting and playing Scrabble. the daughter takes the turn from her mother, with "Uhm it's

OK. Oh God you don't - First of all you don't score so much.." and she holds the floor arguing with her 'lesson' on Scrabble tactics until the mother interrupts and takes the turn back, with her "Yeah, I'm busy eating as matter of fact', and thus does not allow her daughter to extend her 'lesson' any further.

2. Reference

Reference is an act in which a speaker or writer uses linguistic forms to enable a listener or a reader to identify something. Those linguistic forms of reference are divided into two, which are anaphora and cataphora. a. Anaphora

Anaphora is used to avoid a repetition in a sentence. In other words, anaphora is used to replace the word used earlier in the beginning.

―In technical terms, the second or subsequent expression is the anaphor and the initial expression is the antecedent. Anaphoric reference as a process of continuing to identify exactly the same entity as denoted by the antecedent. The word that gets its meaning from a preceding word or phrase is called an anaphor." (Yule, 1996, p. 23)

The word that receives its meaning from a preceding word or phrase is called an anaphora. As stated above, the second expression replaces the word used in the first expression is the anaphora while in initial expression is the antecedent.

Example 2 Peel and slice six potatoes. Put them in cold salted water.

(Yule, 1996, p. 23)



In the example above, from a recipe, the initial referring expression 'six potatoes' identifies something different from the anaphoric pronoun 'them' which must be interpreted as the 'six peeled and sliced potatoes.' b. Cataphora

Cataphora is the opposite of the anaphora. It is the use of a word or phrase that refers for a later word. It means that the second expression is the key to interpret the whole meaning in a sentence.

―Cataphora is often understood as an expression 'referring' forward to another expression. It is difficult to interpret the meaning until the full noun phrase is presented in the next line." (Yule, 1996, p. 23)

As explained above, cataphora cannot be understood fully until the full noun phrase is provided in the next line. Cataphora is usually refer to another expression.

Example 3 I turned the corner and almost stepped on it. There was a large snake in the middle of the path. (Yule, 1996, p. 23)

In the example above, the pronoun 'it' as the cataphor appears earlier than the noun 'snake' as the postcedent that it refers to. The example above cannot be understood fully if there is no sentence followed. This is the reverse of the pattern anaphora where a referring expression appears before any pronouns that reference it.

3. Inference

For the successful reference to occur, we also recognize the role of inference. The listeners‘ task is to infer correctly which entity the speaker intends to identify by using a particular referring expression. According to Yule,



Inference is the act of arriving at a logical conclusion without witnessing or having direct knowledge of a particular event.

Example 4 A: Mister Aftershave is late today (Yule, 1996, p. 18)

In order to infer the meaning correctly, both speaker and listener should share the same idea. The speaker uses the reference ‗Mister Aftershave‘ in which probably refers to their boss. The listener then infers the meaning of what the speaker says is about their boss who is being late.

4. Implicature

Grice said ―The hearers assume that the speakers observe the cooperative principle and that is the knowledge of the four maxims that allows hearers to draw inferences about the speakers; intentions and implied meaning. The meaning conveyed by speakers and recovered as a result of the hearers‘ inferences is known as a conversational implicature.‖ stated in (Cutting, 2002, p. 36),

Example 5 A: I am out of petrol. B: There is a garage round the corner. (Clark & Bly, 1995, p. 377)

All B has said that there is a garage, a gas station, around the corner. A can suppose B was trying to offer information relevant to the situation, that A is helpless and just remarked that A is out of gasoline. Here, what B tries to imply is that the garage, a gas station, might be open and selling petrol.

According to Yule (199, pp. 40-44), conversational implicature is divided into two types. The first type is known as a generalized conversational



implicature. The second type is known as a particularized conversational implicature. a. Generalized Conversational Implicature

In generalized conversational implicature, no special knowledge is required to figure out the additional meaning. As stated by Levinson, generalized conversational implicature means that it does not depend on certain features of the context, but is instead associated with the proposition expressed.

Example 6 I walked into a house (Levinson, 1983, p. 6)

The article 'a' in a house shows that the house which has been mentioned does not belong to the pronoun 'I.' If the house has any relation with the pronoun

'I' it means that it is owned by her or him. The pronoun 'I' must have said 'I walked into my house.' This reveals the generalized conversational implicature which the hearer has zero or minimum difficulty in interpreting the utterance above. b. Particularized Conversational Implicature

A particularized conversational implicature is one that depends on particular features of the context. This takes place in a very specific context in which locally recognized inferences are assumed.

Example 7 A: What on earth has happened to the roast beef? B: The dog is looking very happy (Levinson, 1983, p. 126)

In the above exchange, A will likely derive the implicature 'the dog ate the roast beef' from B's statement. This is due to A's belief that B is observing the



conversational maxim of relation or relevance in the specific context of A's question.

5. Theories of Humour

People laugh at different things and they may have a different background so that sometimes humour may be perceived differently. Cultural background can be the most influential context in determining humour.

"Humour is defined as anything that makes people laugh or is amusing, or the capacity to recognize what is funny about a situation or person. Anything that invites laugh can be considered as humour." (Hadiati, 2018, p. 2)

In the explanation above, humour is a term that can trigger people laugh.

Humour can be found through people's misfortune or a funny situation in surroundings. As long as it is funny which can invite laughter, it can be categorized as humour. The theory of humour can be divided into three types, which are incongruity, superiority, and release. a. Incongruity

Humour arises because of the changes from something that is expected to be a thing become completely unexpected or out of place. As cited by Attardo

(1994, p.48), Immanuel Kant defines laughter as "an affection arising from sudden transformation of a strained expectation into nothing."

It can be seen that the incongruity theory is that humour occurs when there are differences between what is expected and what latter occurs. This means that the incongruity created by two conflicting meanings.

Example 8 Ted : Uh, hey. Where are you guys?



Barney : We're at fundraiser helping young women raise money for college Ted : Strip-club. Nice. Is Marshall OK?

How I Met Your Mother (2006) in Amianna & Putranti (2017: 102)

The example above shows that Barney's answer creates two conflicting meanings. The first conflicting meaning is the audiences' expectation of Barney's answer to Ted. The second conflicting meaning is the actual answer Ted gets in the conversation. b. Superiority

Humour is created when there is a sudden glory as the expression when someone is being superior among others. The feeling of superiority appears when someone laughs, mocks, or humiliates at others' inferiority, stupidity or misfortunes.

"People often laugh at people because they have some flaws or because they have some bad experiences which lead to their disadvantage of being suffered for that small misfortune. Such a joke sets up a scenario whereby one group is in a position of superiority over another, and the listener is invited to celebrate it by laughing"(Lippitt, 1991, p. 55).

It explains that every humour takes a victim to be blamed or to be laughed at. People are sometimes laughing at someone else‘s mistakes or weaknesses.

They feel superior towards the people who are being laughed at or in other words, are laughing at people's inferiority.

Example 9 Ted : How was your day? Robin :Good. Ted : Wow, you're great interviewer. Aren't you gonna ask how my day was? Robin : No, I know how it was. It was awful.

How I Met Your Mother (2006) in Amianna & Putranti (2017: 103)



The example above shows that Robin is being superior towards Ted. In fact, Robin has no idea how Ted's job is. Robin mocks Ted's job as an awful job.

Here, Ted is seen as the form of humiliation based on Robin's answer. c. Release

As it called as ‗release‘ which means ‗relief‘. In this theory, it explains that humour works as a reliever from a tension. This theory is used when the speaker tries to let free their emotion whether they are angry, frustrated, sad or happy.

―Release theories maintain the humour ‗release‘ tensions, psychic energy, or that humour releases one from inhibitions, conventions and laws.‖ (Attardo, 1994, p. 50)

The function of this releases tension, emotion that had been buried inside.

Therefore, the people around them who have been feeling strain or stress sometimes burst into laughter easily when humour happened around them.

Example 10 Lily : Just admit it. You came here trying to seduce me. Marshall : Seduce you? You seduced me. Lily : You sat down next to me and took most of your pants off. Marshall : You went to San Francisco for three months. Lily : How is that seducing you? Marshall : Well, it's not but I'm still mad about it.

How I Met Your Mother (2006) in Amianna & Putranti (2017: 105)

In example above Marshall changes the topic of discussion by mentioning

Lily's journey in San Francisco. That statement represents Marshall's anger towards Lily who just gets back in town. Marshall's action can be seen as an attempt to release the pain he carries in his mind.



C. Theoretical Framework

This study has two questions in the problem formulation. The first question reveals what the meaning is implied in Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances in

The Ellen Show, season 13, episode 58, and the last question shows the humorous situation created from the implied meaning. To help with the analysis, the writer chooses some theories which are the theory of pragmatics, reference and inference, implicature, and theory of humour.

The first question is answered by using the theory of pragmatics in order to know the utterances of both Sofia and Ellen. This theory of pragmatics meets the role of reference and inference, and also implicature to identify the meaning of

Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances.

The second question is answered by using the theory of humour. This theory helps the writer to analyse where the humour is placed based on the result of the first question. This theory is divided into three types, theory of incongruity, theory of superiority, and theory of release, which will determine what humour is found in the meaning that has been mentioned in the first problem.




In this chapter, there are three parts that are discussed by the writer. First is the object of the study. It describes the object and the data of the study. Second is the approach of the study. It explains the description of the approach and why the approach was used. Third is the method of the study. This last part is divided into two. The first is data collection, which specifies how the data were collected or treated for the purpose of the study. The second is data analysis, which clarified the steps of analysis for finding the answer to the problem.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is conversations between Sofia and Ellen in a talk show named The Ellen Show. The writer analyses the conversation to discover the implied meaning of the utterances and to relate where the humour is placed. The data that the writer chooses is the December 3rd, 2015, season 13, episode 58 where Ellen talks about Sofia‘s wedding and work.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show is an American television variety comedy talk show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, debuting on September 8th, 2003. The show has won numerous times. DeGeneres has won the Genesis Award for ―Best Talk

Show‖ and also the People‘s Choice Award for ―Favourite Daytime TV Host‖ 14 times, making her the most awarded person in the People‘s Choice Award‘s history.




Due to the commercial break, The Ellen Show, season 13, episode 58 is divided into three parts. Each part discusses about one topic. The first part is about

Sofia‘s wedding, the second part is about Sofia‘s work and for the third part is both Sofia and Ellen play a game hosted by a man, named tWitch.

B. Approach of the Study

Since the writer analyses the meaning in utterance, the suitable approach for this study is pragmatics. Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory (Levinson, 1983, p. 12). This approach necessarily explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker‘s intended meaning. This means that listeners interpret the meaning of what the speaker meant in delivering their utterances. Thus, pragmatics approach is suitable to be used in order to analyze implied meaning in Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

The data that the writer chose was from a fan site named gloublog.net to get a full version of The Ellen Show video of Ellen and Sofia‘s episode. Due to the commercial break, the full version of The Ellen Show is divided into three parts.

First, the utterances of their conversation were found on YouTube along with the transcription for part 2 and part 3 only. Then, the writer wrote the transcription for part 1 by listening to their conversation in the video. All utterances that had been collected were transcribed into one script. Second, the script was read again while watching the video. The writer chose each part in orderly to be analyzed. The



writer identified Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances. In order to be read easily, the writer classified the utterances whether it contained the humour or not through laughter of the audience. In analyzing where the humour was placed, the writer took a look at the script while listening to the audience reactions of their conversation and made a distinction of where their humour was placed.

2. Data Analysis

In answering the first question, the writer separated Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances. After that, each utterance that has been classified will be analyzed using the theories that the writer has mentioned above. To analyse the implied meaning, the writer used the theory of pragmatics. The utterances which contained the theory of reference and inference were applied as well. The function is to know what meaning was implied too. The other theory is implicature. The theory of implicature helped the writer to make a deeper analysis of the meaning of the utterances.

The second question is related to the result of the first question. After the result of the first question has been identified, then the utterances were classified into which humour the utterances were placed. In this second problem formulation, the writer used the last theory which is the theory of humour. The implied meanings of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances were placed into three parts of the theory of humour whether it is an incongruity, superiority or release. The distinction of their humour based on the implied meaning related to the definition of the theory of humour. The result which showed the conflicting meanings was classified into incongruity. Other implied meanings that revealed the feeling of



being superiority were classified into superiority. Last but not least, the expressions that showed the function to release an emotion were categorized as release.




This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter discusses the implied meaning of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances in The Ellen

Show, season 13, episode 58. The second subchapter, discusses the humorous situation created from the implied meaning.

A. Meaning Implied in Sofia’s and Ellen’s Utterances

In analyzing the first problem, the writer found that there are 13 utterances of both Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s speeches. Those utterances that the writer found have an implied meaning or intended meaning that both Sofia and Ellen wanted to share.

1. Meaning Implied in Sofia’s Utterances

There were several intended meanings revealed through Sofia‘s utterances.

The intended meanings are described as Sofia‘s expression, which are her confusion, anger, pride, disagreement, victory, and embarrassment. a. Sofia’s Confusion

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I‘m sorry I couldn‘t make the wedding. Sofia You are not really sorry. Ellen No, I am. Sofia Why didn‘t make a little more effort to go? Is not like 2. they not holding the production for you for one day. Ellen They can‘t hold – I have to do a show every single day and you had it – if you would‘ve had it in town but you had it in Florida. Sofia She’s talking really fast. I don’t – Ellen We – would have gone – if you would – had it – here –




In the dialog above, Ellen was sorry for not coming to Sofia‘s wedding and

Sofia felt upset by saying that Ellen could have made a little more effort if she had wanted to come. Then, Ellen tried to explain to Sofia about it in a fast tone. Then,

Sofia commented that she did not understand owing to the fact that Ellen was talking really fast. There is a strip mark to show that the sentence was cut by other party and it indicated that Sofia did not understand what Ellen has said. It was proved by Sofia says ―I don‘t‖ which meaning is that she did not get what Ellen was talking about when she talked in a fast tone. Furthermore, Ellen explained it back with a strip mark which shows that she repeated in a slower tone.

In this dialog, Sofia shows her weaknesses by saying that she could not understand what Ellen was talking about because of the speed of Ellen‘s speech made her confused. Sofia said that Ellen was talking really fast so that Sofia could not understand her. Sofia‘s statement indicates her confusion towards Ellen‘s speech. The first thing is that Ellen said her speech in a fast tone. This actually is

Ellen‘s habitual speech when she is speaking with someone else. However, since

Sofia comes from which mostly speaks Spanish, she asked Ellen to slow it down and eventually Ellen repeated her speech in a slower tone. This means that Sofia is lacking of English knowledge, so that she cannot understand

Ellen‘s speech in a fast tone. b. Sofia’s Anger

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia I was going to bring you your gift bag. 3. Ellen Why didn‘t you? People had gift bags?



Sofia Yeah, the people that went. But it’s okay, I gave it somebody else in my house.

This conversation above is talking about souvenirs. Sofia wanted to give

Ellen some kind like a souvenir as a wedding souvenir to Ellen if she came but it turned out that Ellen did not come. Due to that fact, Sofia gave the wedding gift which supposedly belongs to Ellen to someone else in Sofia‘s house.

Sofia showed her anger to Ellen because she did not attend Sofia‘s wedding party. There is a hidden meaning in Sofia‘s last utterance. Sofia answered ―Yeah, the people that went. But it‘s okay, I gave it somebody else in my house.‖ Her statement means that the people who went to her wedding got a wedding gift from her which it was important to Sofia for giving the wedding a gift as an appreciation for coming to her wedding party. Seeing that Ellen did not come that reinforce Sofia‘s anger, Ellen did not get a wedding gift from Sofia and her wedding gift had been given to somebody else in Sofia‘s house. This means that Ellen is less important to Sofia due to a reason that Ellen did not attend

Sofia‘s wedding. Instead of giving the wedding gift to Ellen, Sofia rather gave

Ellen‘s wedding gift to somebody else in her house. c. Sofia’s Pride

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia I knew I wanted you to come but I guess I wasn‘t good enough for you. Were you intimidated because of the dancing that was gonnago on there? Ellen Yes, I was. 4. Sofia You do your little dancing here, but – you – I knew – I had a feeling you thought you were not going to be able to like measure up with the Latin people. But there were also American people there. I



married an American, so –

Ellen Right, and how long did the reception go to? Like what was the latest?

The situation above shows that Sofia is still talking about her disenchantment to Ellen. She uttered her disappointment because Ellen did not come to her wedding party. Then, she asked whether Ellen was intimidated by the dancing that was going on there. Ellen answered that indeed she was intimidated.

Sofia gave her protest by saying that Ellen did her little dancing in the show, but there had been also American people in Sofia‘s wedding party because Sofia had married an American.Sofia‘s last statement was interrupted by Ellen and she said that it was right.

Talking about implied meaning, Sofia‘s last utterance has a hidden meaning behind it. Implicature, stated by Grice in Cutting‘s book is included in interpreting the meaning. When Sofia says ―You do your little dancing here, but –

I knew – I had a feeling you thought you were not going to be able to like measure up with the Latin people, but there were also American people there. I married an

American, so –.‖ Here, Sofia thought that Ellen did not want to come because there would be dancing in Sofia‘s wedding. Since Ellen was scared of the dancing part that is going on there, Sofia showed her pride for being Latin people and she felt that Americans in dancing ability are lower than Latin people. d. Sofia’s Disagreement

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I don‘t know why they give her the hardest lines too.



We have to describe what‘s in ―Cover Girl‖ make up. She has such a hard time pronouncing any of the ingredients. Sofia I think because you are more famous than me and older than me, so they give you priority and read 6. the script first and then you are the one that makes me say those words because there’s no way – it’s like why would they – we do together commercial and they make her look pretty and me say the important information. You have something to do with it. Ellen No, I have nothing – alright, a lot of this gonna be cut out. We gonna take a break and none of what you say about me is in here. Come back and talk about you. We‘ll be back.

Sofia Vergara protested because she had to describe the ―Cover Girl‖ makeup while they knew that Sofia had a hard time pronouncing the difficult words in English and also because they made Ellen looked pretty and she said the important information. It looked unfair to Sofia. Eventually, Ellen was amused and stated ―A lot of this gonna be cut out. We gonna take a break and none of what you say about me is in here.‖ Ellen emphasized the word ―You‖ which means after the commercial break, Ellen will only talk about Sofia not about Ellen anymore.

The writer thickens Sofia‘s utterance because Sofia‘s background with

Ellen‘s background is different. As stated above, Sofia was having difficulties in pronouncing the English ingredients in Cover Girl makeup. Since Sofia was mostly using Spanish and still learning English, she protested about the duty that

Ellen and Sofia had given were not matching. Talking about meaning, Sofia‘s reference was the first line of her sentence. It is said ―I think because you are more famous than me and older than me, so they give you priority and read the script



first and then you are the one that makes me say those words because there‘s no way – it‘s like why would they -.‖ Sofia‘s last utterance means that it should be her to speak less since her background was not originally from America. She acknowledged her capability towards English was still bad. It is proved by her statement that there was no way, it was like why they would give her the words.

Due to that fact, it can be inferred that it should be Ellen who speaks the ingredients of the Cover Girl makeup instead of Sofia who still learns English. e. Sofia’s Victory

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Ellen, give us 3 different animal sounds. Ellen [imitates elephant], cock-a-doodle-doo! And quack- 11. quack. tWitch Before the buzzer? Ellen I didn't make it that time. Sofia Ah, poor you.

In this part, both Sofia and Ellen played a 5 Second Rule game hosted by tWitch. In the conversation above, Ellen was late for hitting the buzzer so that she lost and Sofia said ―Ah, poor you‖ with falling intonation. It sounded like Sofia teased Ellen and according to Verdonk, pragmatics discusses meaning in discourse, Sofia felt like she had won the game. Sofia‘s intonation also showed that she won over Ellen. She felt sorry for not making to hit the buzzer by saying sarcastically ―Ah, poor you.‖

In this situation, Sofia shares the same reference to Ellen, tWitch and also hearers. Ellen, tWitch, and hearers understood to whom she was talking about.

The one that she was talking about is Ellen. She mocked Ellen for not hitting the



buzzer before the time. By saying that statement, everyone was laughing due to the fact that Ellen did not make it and also the way Sofia said the utterance.

Sofia felt she had won over Ellen that this is the first time Ellen did not hit the buzzer before the time. This is the reason Sofia thought she had a victory towards Ellen even though the people around the set knew that Ellen still become the winner. f. Sofia’s Embarrassment

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sauce? Sofia The sauce is a muscle that is very understated. People don‘t really think about it when they have back pain. But it goes from down here, and it – Ellen Sciatic. Sofia No, it's called the sauce. The sciatic is a nerve. Ellen And this is a sauce? 13. Sofia The sciatic nerve. Ellen All right, so what is the sauce? Sofia The sauce goes from here, like down to your leg and attaches the way back here. tWitch Yeah, and also the psoas. All right, I was following you though – it‘s the sauce. Sofia You knew what I was talking about.

Sofia had to mention three muscles and one of those she mentioned was the word ―sauce.‖ However, she mentioned the word incorrectly. She said the word /so:s/ instead of the word /səʊəs/. This made both Ellen and tWitch confused about what she said. Sofia, Ellen, and tWitch were not sharing the same idea about Sofia‘s meaning. It means that Sofia, Ellen, and tWitch were not having the same reference so that three of them could not interpret the same meaning.



Looking at Sofia‘s background which she is still learning English language, her ability towards English is lower than Ellen and tWitch that originally come from America, it naturally happens when Sofia makes mistakes in pronouncing some English words. The way she kept insisting that she was the one who was correct, made the hearers laugh. Therefore, after tWitch made a correction about what Sofia‘s intended meaning, all people, including Ellen, finally share the same reference about the muscle that Sofia was talking about.

Sofia‘s last statement ―You knew what I was talking about‖ indicated her embarrassment for saying the muscle incorrectly. After tWitch made a correction about the muscle that Sofia‘s meant, Sofia threw her opinion that they had known what she meant even though it was incorrect. Her embarrassment can be shown through her attitude as well that she felt embarrassed. g. Sofia’s Rebel

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sofia, name 3 muscles. Sofia Like, the mussels? Ellen No, no, on the body. 12. Sofia Ah, okay. Ellen Time's up. Sofia You – shut up, your triceps, your quadriceps, and your sauce.

In this part, Sofia kept mentioning the muscles she asked by tWitch as the host of the game. Although, Ellen stated that the time had been finished, she was being rebelled. Sofia yelled at Ellen by saying ―You – shut up, your triceps, your quadriceps, and your sauce.‖



The situation above, Sofia shared the same reference to the audience. She referred the word ―You – shut up—‖ to Ellen. Sofia wanted Ellen to keep quiet and let Sofia finished the muscles she had to mention. Because of that, this all means that Sofia was a rebel.

2. Meaning Implied in Ellen’s Utterances

There were several expressions showing the implied meaning through

Ellen‘s utterances. The expressions of Ellen are her clumsiness, victory, joys, happiness, amusement, and frustration. a. Ellen’s Clumsiness

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia You always have the best crowd. Ellen I do have the best crowd. 1. Sofia Did you pay them a lot? Ellen Yes, I pay ‘em all to have good personality and be smart and funny. Thanks for being here pal. Sofia No, thank you for having me.

In the first part of the show, Ellen was welcoming Sofia Vergara to join her to the stage. In a talk show, every guest that comes to the stage must get applause from the audience and it happened to Sofia Vergara as well. She got applause from the audience rousingly.

Due to that fact, Sofia commented that Ellen always had the best crowd.

Ellen then replied by stating that she, indeed, had the best crowd. Ellen‘s answer triggered Sofia to ask more that Ellen paid the audience a lot. In Ellen‘s second answer, she said that she paid them all to have good personality and be smart and be funny.



According to the situation above, Ellen showed her clumsiness because the answers that she gave were different. From her first statement that said ―I do have the best crowd‖ showed that as if the audience were willingly to come and had good personality as well as be funny and smartto The Ellen Show while her second statement revealed the other meaning. Ellen said that she paid the audience to have good personality and be smart and be funny. b. Ellen’s Victory

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I did. But I got to say not too long ago, we did another ―Cover Girl‖ commercial and we saw each other – Sofia Can't wait to see it. Did you saw it already? Ellen No, I haven‘t seen it yet. I don‘t even know when it comes out and we‘re not supposed to take pictures on the set because it‘s a surprise and then I heard you took a selfie on the set. Someone said that – 5. Sofia But it was funny. You looked funny. Like, looked at yourself how that little circle – I had to. Ellen I wasn‘t looking at myself in the little circle. You know exactly what it was. Why you wanna be like that? Sofia I don‘t know. I can‘t help it. You know, I admitted you looked really funny. Like a ghost – like, I don‘t know, like something. Ellen Well, you looked like something too.

In the dialog above, Sofia was laughing at Ellen. There was a picture that was shown by The Ellen Show of a selfie from Sofia that recorded Ellen‘s weird pose. Sofia was laughing at Ellen because she thought that she did something funny and stupid at the same time. Sofia felt Ellen looked like a ghost because she stood near the little circle wearing full white clothes.



In Ellen‘s last utterance, she said ―Well, you looked like something too.‖

There is a hidden meaning in Ellen‘s last utterance. The picture was describe as

Sofia Vergara was standing beside where Ellen was standing. Sofia held the camera. Therefore, it looked like Sofia was doing a selfie because she stood in front of the camera. Behind Sofia, Ellen was standing in set wearing full white clothes with lamps around Ellen. When Ellen commented that Sofia looked like something too, it means that Sofia looked weird as well because she stood in front of the camera while smiling and the picture only showing Sofia‘s head with her big smile.

In the dialog above, Ellen refers the words ―Well, you looked like something too.‖ It means that the statement was addressed to Sofia who looks weird as well. Consequently, Ellen shows her victory by mocking back Sofia. c. Ellen’s Happiness

The expression of Ellen's Happiness was divided into three parts. Those three parts were about Ellen who liked to tease Sofia. However, each part discussed about different context.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen That‘s Sofia Vergara on Modern Family. You and Ed O‘Neill as a couple on that show. It‘s so perfect and the relationship now, cause it‘s season seven. Sofia Yeah, season seven, we‘re almost done and we have like two more months, three more months and we‘re done. 7. Ellen That's amazing. Sofia I love going to work. Ellen Yeah, I bet Ed loves going to work. I saw a picture of Ed.



There was a picture of Ed, Sofia‘s partner in Modern Family situational comedy, and Sofia which can make Ellen spit out a statement that Ed surely loved to go to work sarcastically. Ellen‘s intonation also affected the way she spoke out her sarcastic statement. There is an intended meaning when Ellen utters a statement ―Yeah, I bet Ed loves going to work. I saw a picture of Ed.‖

The picture shown by The Ellen Show was a photo of Sofia and Ed

O‘Neill. Ed was smiling on Sofia‘s lap while holding the camera and Sofia was sitting on the sofa. That photo exposed Sofia‘s breast and because of that, Ellen spilled out a statement that she bet Ed loves going to work. Her joy was seen through her last statement ―Yeah, I bet Ed loves going to work. I saw a picture of

Ed.‖ She loved to tease Sofia. Ellen‘s last statement means that Ed would like to collaborate and work with Sofia since Sofia is an interesting and a unique woman.

It was shown through the way Ed smiles to the camera and how excited he was when sleeping on Sofia‘s lap.

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sofia, give us 3 nicknames for breasts. 10. Sofia Boobs, boobies, um – chimichangas. Ellen Well, I guess we know what Joe calls ‘em.

The situation above shows that Sofia was being told to mention three nicknames for breasts and Sofia answered the three of them. After she said the last nickname for breast, everyone was burst into a laugh. Ellen said sarcastically towards the nicknames that Sofia mentioned in the game. Ellen said ―Well, I guess we know what Joe, Sofia‘s husband, calls ‗em.‖ This line shows an intended meaning to the hearers.



Ellen‘s last utterance shared the same idea to the people around so that the listeners could interpret correctly. The word ―‗em‖ that Ellen stated refers to the word ―Chimichangas.‖ Therefore, the people around The Ellen Show interpreted

Ellen‘s last statement as Joe calls Sofia‘s breast as chimichangas.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia That was a scene, actually. Ellen Was it? Sofia It was a scene, not a sin, like a sin from the devil, no. You‘re making my English bad. 8. Ellen Oh, I'm making your English bad. Sofia Yes, you. I meant that was a scene Ellen We knew what you meant. We all were with you. So, it was a sin and what else? Sofia But he was very happy -- it was good.

Sofia tried to explain about the picture that she had with Ed was actually a scene. However, since the pronunciation between the word ―scene‖ and ―sin‖ are almost alike, Sofia tried to explain it and it made her English look bad because

Ellen teased her. Ellen also said as if Sofia‘s statement was doubted by replaying

―Was it?‖ with sarcastic intonation stating that she barely believed it and in

Ellen‘s last line, she said ―We knew what you meant. We all were with you, so it was a sin and what else?‖ Ellen emphasized the word ―Sin‖ to tease Sofia.

Based on Verdonk (2002), related to Pragmatics, Ellen‘s last utterance which gave a questiom mark at the end of her speech showed that she teased Sofia because of her pronunciation towards those two words. Due to that fact, it can be interpreted how happy Sofia is by teasing Sofia.



d. Ellen’s Annoyance

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Name 3 things you do on your honeymoon. Sofia I mean – I knew you were behind this. Ellen Oh, the time is up. You can‘t – Sofia Let me concentrate! Ellen No, It's -- Sofia Eat shrimp, eat shrimp, shower, dance, and swim in the ocean. tWitch Now, you hit the bell. Ellen Okay, your first thing, what you do, is eat shrimp? Is 9. that what you said? Sofia I ate a lot of shrimp, so that‘s why it came into my mind. I was by the ocean. Ellen The point is, you need to do it within five seconds and it‘s not just – Sofia But I don‘t know when the five seconds – I can‘t look behind me. Is there like a clock in the back? Ellen Yes! And also – just – Can you imagine what five seconds is? it’s one, two, three, four, five. It’s the same in Columbia as it is here in the US.

In the situation above, Sofia was asked by tWitch to name three things she did on a honeymoon. Sofia did not answer it immediately but blaming Ellen that she was behind that question. Everyone was laughing at Sofia‘s stupidity about playing 5 Second Rule‘s game and Ellen‘s last utterance showed how annoyed she was toward Sofia. The first thing, Ellen said ―The point is, you need to do it within five seconds and it‘s not just -.‖ Before she finished her speech, Sofia interrupted by saying ―But I don‘t know when the five seconds – I can‘t look behind me. Is there like a clock in the back?‖ Sofia‘s statement shows her stupidity and Ellen‘ last utterance was completly showing her amusement ―Yes!

And also – just – can you imagine what five seconds is? It‘s one, two, three, four,



five. It‘s the same in Colombia as it is here in the US.‖ This last line shows her tone was rising in the word ―Yes‖ and then falling again in the rest of her speech.

According to Pragmatics, Ellen gave an exclamation mark after the word

―Yes‖ to show her annoyance to Sofia for not understanding it. After that, the intonation that Ellen used was falling after the word ―Yes.‖ People around the set were amused because before the game started, Ellen had explained the rule of the game and still Sofia did not get the rules. However, when it was Sofia‘s turn to answer the question, she violated the rule. When Ellen said that the time was up and she could not continue it, Sofia interrupted her by saying ―Let me concentrate!‖ and before Ellen completed her sentence ―No, it‘s —.‖ Sofia kept answering it even though the time was up. Because of that, it can be inferred that

Ellen gave up for telling Sofia the rule of the game. e. Ellen’s Frustration

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sofia, name 3 muscles. Sofia Like, the mussels? Ellen No, no, on the body. 12. Sofia Ah, okay. Ellen Time's up. Sofia You – shut up, your triceps, your quadriceps, and your sauce.

Sofia was still mentioning the muscles while the time was already up.

Ellen was telling her in falling intonation ―Time‘s up‖ to show her sarcastic side to Sofia that the time had been finished. However, Sofia continued it and it made people laughing. According to Pragmatics, the way Ellen pronounces the words make the hearers interpret that Ellen was totally giving up of Sofia for not



following the rule for the second time. Ellen felt helpless for telling Sofi that the rule of the game was not like that.

In this situation, the reference of the time had been finished refers to

Sofia‘s time for mentioning the muscles. It means that Sofia has to stop mentioning the muscles and moves to the next question.

B. Humorous Situation Created by Implied Meaning

In this second problem, the humorous situation is created through the implied meaning of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances. When Sofia and Ellen are talking there could be slipped a slight humor during the interview session.

1. Incongruity a. Ellen’s Clumsiness

In incongruity, a humorous situation occurs because there are two conflicting meanings that occur in the conversation. This happens with Ellen‘s last statement. Based on Lippitt, humor arises because the changes from something that is expected to be a thin become completely unexpected or out of place.

The first utterance that she said is that she did have the best crowd as if the audience were willingly to come without even being paid. However, in the second line or the second utterance, Ellen said contradictory to what Ellen has said before. Ellen‘s second utterance which stated ―Yes, I pay ‗em all to have good personality and be smart and funny‖ has different interpretation. This means that

Ellen admitted that she paid the audience in order to make The Ellen Show‘s studio was full of crowd. Those two utterances which Ellen had mentioned have



conflicting meanings. Because of that, the incongruity occurs and created what is called laughter.

2. Superiority a. Sofia’s Confusion

Sofia showed her confusion by stating that she could not understand what

Ellen was talking about due to the speed of Ellen‘s speech. Since Sofia was originally from Colombia and also she is currently becoming a new English learner, the speed of her English is not the same as Ellen. Based on the situation, it means that Sofia is lacking of English knowledge, so that she could not understand Ellen‘s speech at that fast speed.

In superiority, every humor takes a victim to be blamed or to be laughed at. People are sometimes laughing at someone else‘s mistakes or weaknesses.

They feel superior toward people who are being laughed at. The implied meaning that the writer highlighted in the dialog above showed that Sofia could not catch up nor understand what Ellen had said. Hence, the humor situation arises. Sofia is known for her unique accent. Due to that fact, every time Sofia speaks, people will laugh at her English accent. Sofia‘s utterance ―She‘s talking really fast. I don‘t –‖ meaning that she cannot catch up what Ellen had said because she was lacking of English knowledge. Since Sofia was lacking of English knowledge, people around the studio of The Ellen Show including Ellen were laughing on

Sofia‘s weaknesses.



b. Sofia’s Anger

There is a hidden meaning in Sofia‘s utterance ―Yeah, the people that went. But it‘s okay, I gave it to somebody else in my house.‖ It is only the people who attend Sofia‘s wedding got a gift bag. Because Ellen did not come, she did not get a wedding gift and so that Sofia gave Ellen‘s gift bag to someone else in her house. It means that Ellen was less important to Sofia. Instead of giving the gift bag to Ellen, Sofia rather gave the gift bag to somebody else in her house.

Based on Lippitt, such a joke sets up a scenario whereby one group is in a position of superiority over another, and the listener is invited to celebrate it by laughing. In the situation above, Sofia invited Ellen to her wedding party, but

Ellen did not come to Sofia‘s wedding. Therefore, Sofia felt superior toward Ellen because Sofia thought Ellen was not that too important to come to her wedding party by not giving Ellen a wedding gift. c. Sofia’s Pride

Sofia feels superior toward Ellen because Ellen admitted that she worried that she was not capable enough to dance with mostly Latin people that going to be held in Sofia‘s wedding party. Here, the hearers were laughing at Ellen‘s disadvantage that she cannot dance there. The humor arises when Sofia thought that the ability of Ellen‘s dance with the ability of Latin‘s dance was lower. d. Ellen’s Victory

In the dialog, Sofia was laughing at Ellen because Ellen looked ridiculous in the photo that had been shown in The Ellen Show. However, Ellen replied

Sofia's statement as well through her sarcasm tone. As stated in the theory of



superiority, the humor arises because the superiors are laughing at inferiors. The superiors think that the inferiors' disadvantages are the object of their laughter.

This happens on Ellen. Sofia was laughing because of the picture in The Ellen

Show, Ellen was looked standing behind Sofia wearing full white clothes so that

Ellen seen like a ghost. Sofia did not realize as well that she was eventually as the object of laughter by Ellen. Ellen said "Well, you looked like something too" to indicate that Sofia was looking weird with Sofia's smiling pose. Now, the object is changing because Ellen made Sofia as the object of laughter or known as inferior.

People's attention is in Sofia's pose. The photo shows how wide Sofia's smile was.

That is why Ellen offended Sofia's selfie photo back. e. Sofia’s Victory

In this part, Ellen was late for hitting the buzzer so that she lost and Sofia said ―Ah, poor you‖ with falling intonation. In that situation, Sofia, Ellen, tWitch, and the people around the set share the same reference which indicates that the statement "Ah, poor you" was to mock Ellen for not hitting the buzzer before the time. The humour then arises when Sofia teases Ellen by saying "Ah, poor you" by using that falling intonation. Due to that fact, Sofia feels Ellen is inferior than

Sofia. The stupidity of Ellen for being late hitting the buzz made Sofia attack

Ellen with her last statement stating that she felt sorry for Ellen. When people are laughing at someone or other parties' misfortune, than it is called as superiority.

The humour occurs when Sofia states her last statement and also the reaction that

Ellen made. Other than what Sofia has commented, Ellen's sad and disappointed reaction triggered people to laugh at her more and more. This becomes proof that



Sofia feels superior than Ellen because people were laughing at Ellen's misfortune. f. Sofia’s Embarrassment

In the theory of superiority, people feel superior toward others' inferior.

Sofia has to mention three muscles and one of those she mentioned is the word

―Sauce.‖ However, she mentioned the word incorrectly. She said the word /so:s/ instead of the word /səʊəs/. At first, both tWitch and Ellen did not understand what Sofia meant. After Sofia explained about it, all people around the set of The

Ellen Show were laughing. They were laughing because tWitch made a correction of what Sofia's intended meaning and also the way Sofia stated her last statement

"You knew what I was talking about" shows that she was embarrassed for being over pride for thinking that she was the one who was correct by stating her last utterance.

Other than that, Ellen's reaction also madethe people around the studio burst into a laugh. Ellen was shaking her head while laughing that showed how stupid Sofia was while Sofia still kept thinking that she was correct. This is proof that Ellen is being superior than Sofia because Ellen thought Sofia was being persistence although she knew that it might be wrong. g. Ellen’s Happiness

As explained above, the Ellen's Happiness was divided into three parts. In this part, Ellen discussed about the picture that shown by The Ellen Show related to Sofia and Ed.



According to the theory of superiority, humor takes a victim to be blamed or to be laughed at. It depends on the attitude of the person is concerned as well.

In implied meaning before, Ellen‘s intended meaning is that Ed loved to work because Ed was happy to collaborate with Sofia since they can see the photo of Ed smiling on Sofia‘s lap. However, Ellen‘s statement ―Yeah, I bet Ed loves going to work. I saw a picture of Ed‖ triggered the audience and the people surroundingwere laughing. The voice tone or known as the intonation of Ellen made the listeners burst into laughter.

The picture on The Ellen Show described as Ed sleeping on Sofia‘s lap while smiling and also he held the camera. Sofia poses was she sitting on the sofa while smiling as well and her breast was exposed in the photo. This photo makes

Ellen uttered a sarcastic statement showing that it must be lovely to work with

Sofia. The listeners were laughing and due to the fact, Sofia became the object of the laughter. Since there wasno Ed O‘Neill there, Sofia took place as the victim to be laughed at by the listeners.

In this second part, Ellen and Sofia were playing a game called 5 Second

Rule. In this section, Ellen felt joy after Sofia mentioned 3 nicknames of breast.

After that, Ellen teased Sofia that Ellen had understood what the nickname Sofia was gave by her husband, Joe.

The situation above shows that Sofia was being told to mention three nicknames for breast and Sofia answers the three of them. After she said the last nickname for breast, everyone burst into laughter. Ellen said sarcastically towards the nicknames that Sofia mentioned in the game. Ellen said ―Well, I guess we



know what Joe calls ‗em‖ this line shows an intended meaning to the hearers.

Based on the intended meaning, the listeners shared the same reference with what

Ellen had said and what Ellen meant by that is Joe calls Sofia‘s breast as chimichangas. Due to that fact, Ellen feels superior because the listeners have the same reference as she is. Ellen thinks Sofia as the object of her bullying target which it is in a good way which obviously not to offend anyone.

Ellen‘s intonation also affected the listeners to laugh more. It means Ellen has successfully been superior than Sofia who is the inferior. As stated by Lippitt, such a joke sets up a scenario whereby one group is in a position of superiority over another. This happens to this scene between Sofia and Ellen. Whether Ellen says it spontaneously or not, Ellen feels great because can she create such a joke that makes Sofia as the target.

In the third part, humour in superiority arises when people are laughing at other parties for making their attitude as an object of laughter. In the dialog above,

Sofia tried to explain about the picture that she had with Ed been actually a scene.

However, since the pronunciation between the words ―Scene‖ and ―Sin‖ were almost alike, Sofia tried to explain it and it made her English look bad because

Ellen teased her. Based on the theory of pragmatics, Ellen's last utterance "We knew what you meant. We all were with you. So, it was a sin and what else?" indicates how happy she was to tease Sofia for explaining both the word "Scene" and "Sin." Here, Ellen is being superior than Sofia because Sofia kept explaining what she meant between the word "Scene" and "Sin" which made Sofia, who is lacking of English knowledge, more visible.



Due to that fact, humour arises on both Sofia's answer and Ellen's response to Sofia's answer. In addition, Ellen emphasized the word "Sin" to tease Sofia.

Ellen's attitude here shows how superior she is toward Sofia. h. Sofia’s Rebel

Sofia‘s rebel is categorized as superiority. The feeling of superiority appears when someone laughs, mocks, or humiliates at others‘ inferiority or misfortune.

Here, Sofia referred the word ―You – shut up—‖ to Ellen. Sofia wanted

Ellen to keep quiet and let Sofia finished the muscles she had to mention. Because of that, it means that Sofia was a rebel. Here, Sofia‘s statement triggered the audience to laugh. The way Sofia yelled at Sofia and kept mentioning the muscles, made the audience or the people surroundings were laughing.

3. Release a. Sofia’s Disagreement

In release, humour is created when someone attempts to release particular emotions and feelings in his or her mind in order to be free from that emotion.

This theory is suitable for this situation. Sofia Vergara protested because she had to describe the ―Cover Girl‖ makeup while they knew Sofia had a hard time pronouncing the difficult words in English and also because they made Ellen looked pretty and she said the important information. It seemed unfair to Sofia.

Now, Ellen was annoyed by Sofia's protested. Because of that, Sofia was suspicious that Ellen had something to do relate to Sofia's scene.



Here, Sofia tried to release her emotion related to her scene with Ellen when they both were doing a Cover Girl makeup shoot. Sofia tried to release her tension because Sofia was being told to mention a hard line in Cover Girl makeup's ingredients while Ellen just had to speak less than Sofia. This is also happening to Ellen who tried to release her tension toward Sofia's protest. In

Ellen's last utterance, she said "No, I have nothing – alright, a lot of this gonna be cut out. We gonna take a break and none of what you say about me is in here.

Come back and talk about you. We‘ll be back" indicates that Ellen released her frustration of Sofia's protest by changing the subject of their conversation in a commercial break. She also emphasized the word "You" as well to indicate that after this commercial break, they would only talk about Sofia. b. Ellen’s Frustration

According to the first answer above, Ellen shares the same reference to

Sofia and the people around the set. What she meant by saying the time was up referred to Sofia who was being late to mention the three muscles that the host asked about. Ellen was amused and helpless at the same time since Sofia's attitude really affects Ellen's surroundings.

This reaction happens in Ellen's last utterance. She tried to release her tension and it became a joke by the hearers. She said "Time's up" in a lower tone and falling intonation. People who watched Ellen and Sofia were amused by

Sofia's attitude for not understanding the game for the second time. It also triggered the people around the set to laugh at Ellen's frustration in explaining the rules. Sofia was still mentioning the muscles that Sofia told to mention by tWitch



and it was annoying for Ellen because before the games started, Ellen has explained the rules of the game. c. Ellen’s Annoyance

According to (Attardo, 1994), ―The humoursituation in release works as reliever from a tension. Release theories maintain the humour 'release' tension, psychic energy, or that humour releases one from inhibitions, conventions and laws.‖ This theory is suitable for the situation above. Ellen's last statement shows that she tried to release her tension because Sofia does not understand the rule of the game. Taking a look at the implied meaning, based on the theory of pragmatics, Ellen gave an exclamation mark after the word "Yes" to show her annoyance to Sofia for not understanding the game again. In the theory of release, the exclamation mark reveals the tension when Ellen answered Sofia's question with rising intonation then it was falling again as in the word after the word

"Yes!" which indicates that after the exclamation mark, Ellen is releasing her tension in falling intonation.




In the first problem, there are 14 data of Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances.

The utterances show various implied meanings. It shows Ellen‘s frustration, annoyance, happiness, victorious, and clumsiness. For Sofia, she reveals her confusion, anger, disagreement, pride, victorious, rebel, and embarrassment.

Sometimes, both Ellen and Sofia were very happy to tease one another not only when they were playing games but also when they were having an interview in

The Ellen Show. This leads to Ellen‘s frustration when Sofia is not being cooperated while they are playing a game called as 5 Second Rule.

According to the implied meaning, the writer found that those 13 data of

Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances are separated into three types of humor, which are, incongruity, superiority, and release. In incongruity there is one data of Ellen‘s utterances, which is Ellen‘s clumsiness. The superiority is the common theory that appears in Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances of The Ellen Show. There are 10 implied meanings showing Sofia‘s and Ellen‘s utterances. For Sofia‘s utterances, it shows her victory, pride, confusion, rebel, embarrassment, and anger. For Ellen‘s utterances, it reveals her joy, happiness, and her victory. This is a common theory of humor to be used since the talk show is having a comedy concept. In release, there are 3 expressions used in this study. Since this theory is to release a tension or stress, Sofia‘s disagreement, Ellen‘s annoyance, and Ellen‘s frustration are included in this theory of release.




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Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia You always have the best crowd. Ellen I do have the best crowd. 1. Sofia Did you pay them a lot? Ellen Yes, I pay ‗em all to have good personality and be smart and funny. Thanks for being here pal. Sofia No, thank you for having me.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I‘m sorry I couldn‘t make the wedding. Sofia You are not really sorry. Ellen No, I am. Sofia Why didn‘t make a little more effort to go? Is not like 2. they not holding the production for you for one day. Ellen They can‘t hold – I have to do a show every single day and you had it – if you would‘ve had it in town but you had it in Florida. Sofia She‘s talking really fast. I don‘t – Ellen We – would have gone – if you would – had it – here –

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia I was going to bring you your gift bag. 3. Ellen Why didn‘t you? People had gift bags? Sofia Yeah, the people that went. But it‘s okay, I gave it somebody else in my house.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia I knew I wanted you to come but I guess I wasn‘t good enough for you. Were you intimidated because of the dancing that was gonnago on there? Ellen Yes, I was. 4. Sofia You do your little dancing here, but – you – I knew – I had a feeling you thought you were not going to be able to like measure up with the Latin people. But there were also American people there. I married an American, so – Ellen Right, and how long did the reception go to? Like what was the latest?




Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I did. But I got to say not too long ago, we did another ―Cover Girl‖ commercial and we saw each other – Sofia Can't wait to see it. Did you saw it already? Ellen No, I haven‘t seen it yet. I don‘t even know when it comes out and we‘re not supposed to take pictures on the set because it‘s a surprise and then I heard you took a selfie on the set. Someone said that – 5. Sofia But it was funny. You looked funny. Like, looked at yourself how that little circle – I had to. Ellen I wasn‘t looking at myself in the little circle. You know exactly what it was. Why you wanna be like that? Sofia I don‘t know. I can‘t help it. You know, I admitted you looked really funny. Like a ghost – like, I don‘t know, like something. Ellen Well, you looked like something too.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen I don‘t know why they give her the hardest lines too. We have to describe what‘s in ―Cover Girl‖ make up. She has such a hard time pronouncing any of the ingredients. Sofia I think because you are more famous than me and older than me, so they give you priority and read the 6. script first and then you are the one that makes me say those words because there‘s no way – it‘s like why would they – we do together commercial and they make her look pretty and me say the important information. You have something to do with it. Ellen No, I have nothing – alright, a lot of this gonna be cut out. We gonna take a break and none of what you say about me is in here. Come back and talk about you. We‘ll be back.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Ellen That‘s Sofia Vergara on Modern Family. You and Ed O‘Neill as a couple on that show. It‘s so perfect and the relationship now, cause it‘s season seven. Sofia Yeah, season seven, we‘re almost done and we have like two more months, three more months and we‘re



done. 7. Ellen That's amazing. Sofia I love going to work. Ellen Yeah, I bet Ed loves going to work. I saw a picture of Ed.

Data Speaker Utterances Number Sofia That was a scene, actually. Ellen Was it? Sofia It was a scene, not a sin, like a sin from the devil, no. You‘re making my English bad. 8. Ellen Oh, I'm making your English bad. Sofia Yes, you. I meant that was a scene Ellen We knew what you meant. We all were with you. So, it was a sin and what else? Sofia But he was very happy -- it was good.

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Name 3 things you do on your honeymoon. Sofia I mean – I knew you were behind this. Ellen Oh, the time is up. You can‘t – Sofia Let me concentrate! Ellen No, It's -- Sofia Eat shrimp, eat shrimp, shower, dance, and swim in the ocean. tWitch Now, you hit the bell. Ellen Okay, your first thing, what you do, is eat shrimp? Is 9. that what you said? Sofia I ate a lot of shrimp, so that‘s why it came into my mind. I was by the ocean. Ellen The point is, you need to do it within five seconds and it‘s not just – Sofia But I don‘t know when the five seconds – I can‘t look behind me. Is there like a clock in the back? Ellen Yes! And also – just – Can you imagine what five seconds is? it‘s one, two, three, four, five. It‘s the same in Columbia as it is here in the US.

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sofia, give us 3 nicknames for breasts. 10. Sofia Boobs, boobies, um – chimichangas. Ellen Well, I guess we know what Joe calls ‗em.



Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Ellen, give us 3 different animal sounds. Ellen [imitates elephant], cock-a-doodle-doo! And quack- 11. quack. tWitch Before the buzzer? Ellen I didn't make it that time. Sofia Ah, poor you.

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sofia, name 3 muscles. Sofia Like, the mussels? Ellen No, no, on the body. 12. Sofia Ah, okay. Ellen Time's up. Sofia You – shut up, your triceps, your quadriceps, and your sauce.

Data Speaker Utterances Number tWitch Sauce? Sofia The sauce is a muscle that is very understated. People don‘t really think about it when they have back pain. But it goes from down here, and it – Ellen Sciatic. Sofia No, it's called the sauce. The sciatic is a nerve. Ellen And this is a sauce? 13. Sofia The sciatic nerve. Ellen All right, so what is the sauce? Sofia The sauce goes from here, like down to your leg and attaches the way back here. tWitch Yeah, and also the psoas. All right, I was following you though – it‘s the sauce. Sofia You knew what I was talking about.