RS Feva EuroCup and Hungarian Champonships RS Aero and RS 500 Tihany Cup SAILING INSTRUCTONS Organizing Authority: Vitorlázó Gyermekekért Egyesület (VGYE) in association with the Hungarian RS Feva Class Association (HRSFCA) and Hungarian Sailing Federation (HSF). Date of event: July 9-12, 2020 Venue of event: RS Sailing Center, Tihany, 7 Klebelsberg Kúnó utca, 8237. GoogleMaps: Event website: Protest committee chair: Vilmos Náray, HUN (IJ) Principal Race Officer: Péter Sipos Organizing Committee: Richárd Náray Contact e-mail:
[email protected] Contact phone: +36 20 973 1633 [NP] denotes a rule that shall not be ground for protests by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a). [DP] denotes a rule for which the penalty is at the discretion of the protest committee. 1. Rules 1.1. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). 1.2. Class Rules apply. 1.3.RRS Appendix P applies. 1.4. The racing rules will be changed as follows. 1.4.1. RRS 40 is deleted and replaced with: „Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices at all times afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment.” 1.4.2. RRS 63.7 is changed so that in the event of a conflict between the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions shall prevail. 1.4.3. RRS 44.1 an P 2.1 is changed so that the two-turns penalty is replaced by the one-turn penalty. 1.4.4.