Executive CV summary

Max Aebi, MD, PhD, DHC, FRCSC, FMH Orthopaedic Surgery, spec. Spine Surgery

Born 1948, Swiss and Canadian citizen.

Medical School University of 1968 -1974

Surgical Internship St.Paul’s University Hospital for the Poors, Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) 1974/75 under the University of Bern.

Residency in General Surgery (Prof. Allgöwer) and Orthopedic Surgery (Prof. E. Morscher), University Hospital Basel,

Swiss National Foundation for Research Fellowship Stipend in Spine and Tumor Surgery (1982/1983): Princess Margareth Rose Hospital, Edinburgh (Scottland), MGH and Children’s Hospital Boston (Harvard University), Twin Cities Scoliosis Center, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota (USA),Toronto General and Children‘s Hospital, University Medical Center, Toronto() Board certified General Surgeon FMH and Orthopaedic Surgeon FMH 1982/83 in Switzerland, FRCSC Board certification 1993 in Canada.

AMP Diploma from INSEAD, Fontainebleau, Paris in 1999.

Founder and Chief Spine Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Associate Professor University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland (1983-1991)

Professor and Chair of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at McGill University and Orthopaedic Surgeon-in-Chief at McGill University Health Center (MUHC) in , Canada from 1991 to 2002.

Founder, Professor and Co-Director of the MEM Orthopaedic Research Center, University of Bern 2003 - 2011. Cofounder of the Orthopaedic Department, Salem Hospital, Bern and of the Spine Center, Salem Hospital, Bern (2003 – 2018)

Senior Consultant at “Das Rückenzentrum”, Hirslanden-Salem Hospital, Bern, Switzerland. (Since 2019)

SICOT Award 1987

Lifetime achievement award of the AO Foundation (Spine) 2014

ISSLS -Wiltse - Lifetime Achievement Award in Spine Sciences, 2016

Lifetime achievement Award of the International Musculoskeletal Society, Beirut, 2017

Member European Academy of Science (by invitation only)

Honorary Member of the Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgery, the Italian, Chilean and Columbian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.

Founding Editor (1991) and Editor-in-Chief of the European Spine Journal (ESJ) for 23 years.

Deputy Editor Web-based Education ESJ since 2014

Co-founder and past Chair AOSpine

Past President of Eurospine – the Spine Society of Europe (2005)

Past President of the Canadian Orthopedic Research Society

Co-founder of “Spine Tango”, the Spine Registry of Eurospine.

President SIRIS Foundation (Swiss Implant Registry)

Cofounder of the eccElearning® Postgraduate Education Program in Spine Surgery (2015) and the OOT Video Education Platform of the ESJ (2012)

Editorial Board of SPINE and several other Journals.

Director of Education and Senior Staff, Instituto Orthopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy (2016 - present)

Honorary Professor National University of Medical Sciences and Consulting spine surgeon CMS, Armed forced Medical School since 2007. (humanitarian project), Islamabad, .

Regular spinal surgery activities (Deformities and Tumors) in and Pakistan in the context of Humanitarian Projects.