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J Ö N K Ö P I N G I NTERNATIONAL B U S I N E S S S CHOOL JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY Key success factors The internationalisation of Swedish fashion companies Master thesis within Business Administration Author: Knudsen, Jerry Lind, Stefan Tutor: Melin, Leif Jönköping June, 2007 Master’s Thesis within Marketing Title: Key success factors – The internationalisation of Swedish fashion companies Author: Jerry Knudsen & Stefan Lind Tutor: Leif Melin Date: 2007-06-21 Subject terms: Marketing, Branding, Country of Origin, Uppsala model, Internationalisation, Psychic distance, Fashion, Icons, Made in Country / Brand Model, One- Person Decisions. Abstract Background: The Swedish fashion market today quickly becomes too small, even for the new companies, and they are quick to take the step abroad and launch their internationalisation process. With a focus on the four Swed- ish fashion companies Filippa K, Acne Jeans, Nudie Jeans and Whyred, we have analysed how these representatives of the industry have interna- tionalised themselves. The companies have chosen different ways to promote their brand and how to control the perceived image of the brand. As there is a lack of earlier in-depth studies into this particular question of the Swedish Fashion industry, we have set out to investigate how this is done. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to look at the internationalisation process of Swedish fashion companies, with a focus on the growth and the penetra- tion of the international markets in order to determine the key success factors for successful international expansion. We will also investigate to what extent branding, country of origin (COO) and psychic distance to geographical markets has an influence on the internationalisation process and its success.
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