DEPONENCY IN FINITE AND NONFINITE CONTEXTS Laura Grestenberger University of Vienna This article investigates the syntactic properties of deponents in finite and nonfinite contexts in several Indo-European languages (Vedic Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, Latin, Hittite, Modern Greek) and proposes a novel definition of deponency: deponents are morphologically nonactive verbs with noncanonical agent arguments that are merged below VoiceP. Since VoiceP is spelled out with nonactive morphology in those languages if it does not introduce an external argument itself, the result is a surface mismatch between morphological form and syntactic function. This proposal predicts that only certain nonfinite forms of deponents will surface with the syntax/morphology mismatch, namely, those that include VoiceP. Nominalizations without VoiceP will appear to sus - pend the voice mismatch. These predictions are shown to be correct with respect to the behavior of deponent participles in the languages under study.* Keywords : deponents, morphosyntactic mismatches, Voice, participles, Greek, Vedic, Sanskrit, Latin, Hittite 1. Introduction. This article discusses the morphosyntactic behavior of deponents and its interaction with finiteness. Deponents are verbs with the ‘wrong’ voice mor - phology: they are morphologically nonactive, but syntactically active. Consider, for ex - ample, the paradigm of the Latin nondeponent verb amō ‘love’ in Table 1, which can be inflected with active or passive morphology (= an alternating verb ) depending on the syntactic context, as opposed to the deponent verb hortor ‘encourage, incite’, which can only appear with passive morphology (there is no * hortō ), 1 but which is syn - tactically active and transitive, like amō , and never means *‘was encouraged’. present active present passive alternating am- ō ‘I love’ am- or ‘I am loved’ deponent hort- or ‘I encourage’ Table 1.
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