Southwater, , West , UK

A Village Extension: Reflecting Local Character is located south of the town Horsham and south-west of and . The village has a population of approximately 10,600 people and has seen significant growth in the past twenty years.

The application site occupies a 49 hectare site lies west of the village and is bounded by Road to the east. The western boundary is defined by existing field boundaries, mature hedgerows and areas of woodland. Church Lane and the bridleway pass through the site providing pedestrian and vehicular access to the centre of Southwater to the east and the open countryside to the west.

The site will consist of 500 residential dwellings, together with associated vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access, drainage and landscape works, as well as a provision of land for a new secondary school and sports/recreation facilities.

Project Delivery

• Deliver new and improved community assets including new cricket pitch and sports pavilion, new football pitches, site for a secondary school, new parish building, improvements to the village hall and expanded allotments.

• Structured network of green infrastructure, responding to the landscape character and topography, retaining existing woodlands, trees, hedgerows and natural features and incorporating a framework of ponds, sustainable urban drainage systems and surface water attenuation.

• Provide footway and cycle connections between the open countryside, local facilities and existing residential neighbourhoods as an alternative to the private car. Design streets to ensure low vehicle speeds and give priority to the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

• Create a new neighbourhood of varying house typology and residents compliant with HDC housing policy formed of small clusters with specific identity and character appropriate to their setting. The existing farmsteads will be retained and enhanced utilised to contribute to the neighbourhood character.

• Draw on the surrounding context of and Southwater to embed a distinctiveness created through open and staggered frontages, and variety of roofline house types and character and be consistent with the aims and ambitions of the Southwater Parish Design Statement.


Berkeley Homes (Southern)