St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 08234000 5 AN gritjet Kami AN gridtiet : SA Oni Vban KOVO be malaráο eruαεκ XXS De ST . BRIGID . ST . BRIGID patroness of Jreland “ . there was no desert , no spot , or hiding - place in the Island , however remote , which was not peopled with perfect monks and puns ; so that , throughout the world , Ireland was justly distinguished by the extraordinary title of the Island of Saints , . “ . in holy mortification of the flesh and renounce ment of self - will , rivalling the Monks of Egypt in merits and in numbers , and by word and example they were a light to foreign and distant lands . ” - JOCELYN , Acta SS . Mart . , xvii . - Permissu Superiorum BY REV . J . A . KNOWLES , O . S . ST . AUGUSTINE ' S , CORK : : : Dublin PRINTED BY BROWNE AND NOLAN , LIMITED 1 24 & 25 NASSAU STREET AND AT BELFAST AND CORK 1907 Nihil Obstat : FR . R . CONNOLLY , 0 . 8 . A . , S . T . M . Censor Deputatus , Imprimi Potest : FR . JACOBUS MURPHY , 0 . 8 . A . , S . T . M . Hiberniae , Angliae et Australiae Prior Provincialis . Nihil Obstat : THOMAS O 'DONNELL , C . M . Imprimi Potest : * GULIELMUS , Archiep . Dub . Hib . Primas . DEDICATION TO THE MOST REV . PATRICK FOLEY , D . D . , THE PRESENT ILLUSTRIOUS OCCUPANT OF THE UNITED SEES OF KILDARE AND LEIGHLIN FOUNDED BY CONLAETH AND LASERIAN THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY DEDICATED 28 Cage wisi PREFACE . BRAGANZA HOUSE , CARLOW , 8th May , 1907 .
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