Agenda Item No. 6

Otley Town Council

Community Development Committee

Date: 1st July 2013

Subject: Report on activities/services in the Core Resource Centre

Report by: Community Development Officer

1. Purpose of report

1.1 To inform members of activities/services to date and planned in the Core Resource Centre.

2. Background

2.1 Core Resource Centre, located in Unit 11 Orchard Gate, opened its doors to the general public on Monday April 29th, 2013.

2.2 Otley Town Council would like to thank the following companies for ensuring the works were completed on time and to specification: Basil Houldsworth and Sons Ltd; Wise Electricals; Alan Burgess Painter and Decorator; Chevin Cleaning; Altrigen Computers; Lund’s of Otley; Valley Signs; Airedale Fire Protection Services; and, Derek Housley of City Council.

2.3 Otley Core Resource Centre was officially opened by Town Mayor Cllr Pamela Gill on Saturday 8th June. The open day held after the official opening saw over 500 people visit the Centre over the four hour period. Otley Town Council would like to thank those local groups who exhibited during the day (Otley Action for Older People, Otley Salvation Army, Behind Closed Doors, Otley Carnival, Otley Walking Festival, Otley Sportive) and the staff and volunteers who made this a successful event.

2.4 The following provides a list of organisations, groups and services that have used the facilities at Otley Core since opening.

Otley Core Resource Centre Users (April-June, 2013)

Wharfedale Room . Dementia Awareness

. 4x Primary School Councils . Universal Services

. Police and Crime Commissioners Surgery*

. Otley Film Society

. Sainsbury’s presentation to Otley Action for Older People

. Former Wharfedale Hospital Consultation*

. Otley Museum AGM

. Dementia Training

. Leeds City Council Site Allocations Public Consultation*

. Do You Ride Strategy Meeting

. Tour de France Steering Group Meeting

. Neighbourhood Watch AGM

. Otley Word Feast AGM

Chevin Office . Job Centre

. Connexions

Exhibition Space . Dementia Awareness

. Police drop-in

. Road pre-planning application (Plans display)

. Otley Lions

. Voice Your Choice Again

. PCSO meets allotment reps

. Leeds City Council Site Allocations Public Consultation

. From field to Otley folk Launch

Community Window . Dementia Awareness

. Otley Walking Festival

. Prince Henry’s Community Fair

. Otley Carnival

. Voice Your Choice Again

*Room charges

2.5 The following identifies the confirmed bookings for the Otley Core which are coming up.

Otley Core Resource Centre Users (July-September, 2013)

Wharfedale Room . Otley Children’s Centre*

. Leeds Care and Repair Age Friendly Audit

. Friends of Gallows Hill AGM

. Tour de France Steering Group Meeting

. Finding Funding Workshop

. Awards for All Workshop

Chevin Office . Job Centre

. Connexions

Exhibition Space . West North West Homes – Money/Welfare Matters

. Action for Blind People

. West Yorkshire Police drop-in

Community Window . Otley Lions

. Voluntary Action Leeds

. Chevin Forest Wool Project

. Otley Yorkshire Month

3. Legal and financial implications

3.1 The Council is empowered by the 1972 Local Government Act to expend money on community projects of the nature suggested.

3.2 There are no financial implications flowing from this report.

4. Sustainability

4.1 This report is compliant with the Aalborg Commitments.

5. Recommendations

5.1 It is recommended that the committee note the contents of this report.