Miners Haggle Over Union Contract
'S id the ;uben jegan •iisim Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas Thursday, March 2, 1978 Vol. 76, No. 77 and." to his says ience ' •.The ; also Miners haggle over union contract Dale a 7-4 AP—Miners streamed by the hun- But the contract was meeting president Ray Marshall said says, « Under the union's constitution, But in 16.000-member District 6, is more or less lo talk for it." dreds into meetings throughout the resistance in some areas - with certain Earlier in the week, local presidents district officials must take the con- when 300 representives gathered near be a In Alabama, District 20 President nation's coal country Wednesday to regional and local leaders among the in District 6 voted 30-0 in an informal tract to the coalfields and explain it to Bellaire, Ohio, to be briefed for local . He Charles L. Fuller wouldn't predict how hear - and sometimes denounce - the most vocal opponents poll to recommend against the membership. meetings Thursday. Local 1601 staff members would vote. "They might details of a contract that could end Some miners, however, said they ratification Sixteen local presidents President Tom Van Horn declared: Three important explanatory like it," he said "The silent majority ' their 86-day strike. wanted to return to work. were absent for that vote. "I'm gonna tell them (local members) be a ' meetings were scheduled today Local of our union has not spoken, but they Over television and radio. United The pact, which covers 160,000 they're crazier than hell if they vote spot union leaders from southern Wesl will do that Sunday and I have no idea Mine Workers president Arnold Miller miners, provides fora 37 percent boost In District 17 in southern West Virginia's districts 17 and 29 — the two for it." what they'll say " and other leaders urged ratification in wages over three years.
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