University of International Business and Economics International Summer Sessions REL 110:Meeting People from the World’s Religions Term: July 4- August 4 2016 Instructor: Christian van Gorder Home Institution: Baylor University Email:
[email protected] Class Hours: Monday through Thursday, 120 minutes each day Office Hours: TBD Teaching Assistant: TBD Email: TBD Discussion session: TBD Total Contact Hours: 64 contact hours (45 minutes each, 48 hours in total) Credit: 4 units Course Description: This introduction to the World’s Religions course is intended to provide a survey of the major faith traditions lived and practiced by people throughout the world. The major Religions of India, China, Japan, Europe, Africa, and North America including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam will be introduced with historical context and reflection about religious beliefs and practices. New religious movements will also be introduced as well as the worldviews of people of non-faith or non-religious traditions. The relationships between religion and society will also be discussed. Students will be introduced to the major writings of the nine larges religious traditions. Adherents of various faith traditions will also visit the classes to share with students what they most cherish about their faiths. Our goal is to encourage students to become good listeners and to gain – as far as it is possible – a participants appreciation of a given faith. Required Text 1. Molloy, Michael. Experiencing the World Religions. 2. Novak, Philip, The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions, San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1995. 3. The Alchemist, by Paulo Cohelo.