CHANGES to IBPAOU20.DBF (FROM IBPAOU20.DBF) BASED on AOS (2021) This File Documents All Changes to Species Names and Codes to IB
CHANGES TO IBPAOU20.DBF (FROM IBPAOU20.DBF) BASED ON AOS (2021) This file documents all changes to species names and codes to IBPAOU21 (from IBPAOU20) performed in June 2021. These changes are based on changes to species and nomenclature as recorded in the 62nd Supplement to the AOS Checklist, made available online by the AOS in late June 2020. In all cases additions and changes were thoroughly cross-checked for new conflicts and for the release of old conflicts. Unless stated it can be assumed that no new conflicts occurred. NUMB, CAT, PNO, and ORD codes (species number, category, species status, and order) are internal codes used by IBP, in part to resolve conflicts (see Pyle and DeSante 2003, listed on IBP's alpha-code page for details). Changed: Falcipennis canadensis (Spruce Grouse) to Canachites canadensis, SPEC6 to CANCAN (from FALCAN). Inserted: Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbas) (after Rock Pigeon); NUMB=12513, CAT=2, SPEC=CWPI, ORD=1, SPEC6=COLPAL, ORD6=1. Re-arranged: 9 species among genus Chaetura as indicated. Changed: Calliphlox bryantae (Magenta-throated Woodstar) to Philodice bryantae, and C. mitchellii (Purple-throated Woodstar) to P. mitcheillii; SPEC6 to PHIBRY (from CALBRY) and PHIMIT (from CALMIT), respectively. Inserted: Amazilia Hummingbird (Amazilis amazilia) (after Mangrove Hummingbird); NUMB=08205, CAT=3, SPEC=AMHU, ORD=1, SPEC6=AMAAMZ, ORD6=2. ORD6 = 2 due to conflict of ORD6=1 code (AMAAMA) with that for Amandava amandava (see below). Inserted: Pallas's Gull (Icthyaetus icthyaetus) (after Franklin's Gull); NUMB=04605, CAT=2, SPEC=PAGU, ORD=1, SPEC6=ICHICH, ORD6=1. Changed: Mew Gull to Common Gull (Larus canus), NUMB to 04677 (from 04680), CAT to 2 (from 1), SPEC to COGU (from MEGU).
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