3056 Supplement to the London Gazette, 5 June, 1952
3056 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 JUNE, 1952 To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Eric Alexander FRANKLIN, Esq., Joint Secre- Division of the said Most Excellent Order:—• tary, Cabinet Secretariat. Major (temporary) Edward John GANGE- Walter Allen Scott LEWIS, Esq., O.B.E., lately HARRIS (331561), Royal Artillery. Provincial Transport Commissioner, East Bengal. To be Ordinary Officers of the Civil Division CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS of the said Most Excellent Order:— OF KNIGHTHOOD. Charles William AYTON, Esq., M.B.E., Chief St. James's Palace, S.W.I. Administrative Officer and Deputy Secretary, 5th June. 1952. Ministry of Defence. James William RUSSELL, Esq., lately Chief The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, Engineer and Secretary, Government of Sind. on the occasion of the Celebration of Her Stanley Merry JOHNSON, Esq., M.C., lately Majesty's Birthday, and on the advice of Her Deputy Chief Engineer (Bridges), North Majesty's Pakistan Ministers, to give orders Western Railway. for the following appointment to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:— To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:— To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order:— Maurice Rudolph PROBETT, Esq., Deputy Director, Central Engineering Authority. Squadron Leader Thomas Fenton FROST, Reginald Wallace THOM, Esq., lately Divisional Royal Air Force. Mechanical Engineer, State Railways. John LANGTON, Esq., Deputy Chief Adminis- trative Officer, Ministry of Defence. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Henry Richard ROE, Esq., lately Officer OF KNIGHTHOOD. Supervisor, General Headquarters. St. James's Palace, S.W.I.
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