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Sandspur, Vol. 87 No. 16, February 27, 1981

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 87 No. 16, February 27, 1981" (1981). The Rollins Sandspur. 1570. ROLLINS aSANDSPUR Florida's Oldest College Weekly

February 27, 198

This Week EPC's Work Culminates in Major Changes Doting Poll By Tom Baird transfer credits will be nterview with Judy more than two years. Dr. new policy students will not and more insights Pequeno believes that student accepted from a lower level have to duplicate During the past few months, apathy and the resulting lack of two-year institution for reinforcement courses that are Dating Scene at the Rollins Educational Policy urn to Page 6. input by constituents to their entering students. inherent to the English Committee has been in the respective senate Department. process of evaluating and Creator or representatives has hindered The final resolution that was finalizing several major policy the decision-making process to Final resolution passed by both the EPC and the Destroyer? changes which are of great a great extent. Senate abolishes the concept of significance to the Rollins abolishes concept the combined major and Df Firman Brown is bringing Community. According to Dr. of combined major optional minor. This means that Tsial change to the Pedro Pequeno, Chairman of The proposals that have been Theatre Department For the passed by both the EPC and the and optional minor. all students must now complete the Educational Policy a major from the approved list soke of argument, turn to Committee, some of the Senate will now become policy Pap 2. at Rollins. of majors in order to graduate. proposals that have just now The next resolution allows This program will take effect been approved date back to students majoring in English to in the 1982-83 academic year Inspired Union recommendations that were The first resolution deals fulfill the awareness and and will be optional for made by the old College with transfer students. Under understanding of literature students entering in 1981. Did you now that the Student Planning Committee and have the new guidelines, no more affective requirement within Union was solely a student been under consideration for than 90 quarter hours of • Continued on 2 project? For the first in a his­ their department. Under this tory series, turn to Pace 3. Rollins Professors Working Nine to Five ? By Aidebaran Cox But are Rollins' teachers "9- Inside 5?" Have you ever gone to an The overwhelming response re Changes... Page 2 afternoon student-faculty from faculty and students was ariums in S.fl... page 3 that the teachers are involved in | Trustees Approve Budget function psyched to see your Page 3 prof, in Bermuda shorts instead campus life after hours, {Student Center History of a tie, but he was not there? If especially considering their Page 3 this has happened to you then other responsibilities, but that al Page 4 you have experienced one of the there was room for more s Happening.. Page 5 drawbacks of having a "9-5 interaction. >auty of ITIcKean faculty." The term "9-5" Many faculty members who I Page 6 expresses the view of faculty have taught at larger I Tennis, Baseball, Soccer & members who feel their day and institutions before Rollins feel Page 8 Professors: Time on Their Minds? duty ends at 5 p.m. ^continued on 3

A special program for this year's event, said Dr. Duvall, is a f or-parents-only classroom Asunta D'Urso Crowned Parents experience on Saturday morning. Parents will be invited to "register" for any of iRollins 8 courses being especially Miss Winter Park By Melanie Tammen presented by Rollins College faculty. Parents will attend Being No. 2 can mean you're class, hear a lecture and have really No. 1 if you are Rollins' own senior Voice/Theater »W/c Affairs Services an opportunity for dialogue major Asunta Marie D'Urso. with members of the Faculty. Duvall indicated no exams te Rollins College Parents Asunta was contestant No. 2 were anticipated for these dvisory Committee has at the 1981 Miss Winter Park bounced plans for "Parent's classes. Subjects will range Pageant, Feb. 21, at the Annie eek-end" on the Rollins from history to literature to ainPus, March 6-8, 1981, Russell Theater. Now, as the foreign cultures. reigning Miss Winter Park, she tording to Rollins Vice will soon start preparing for the ^ident for Development and Parents attending the three- Miss Florida contest, to be held % Relations Dr. Robert day event will also be at the Bob Carr Auditorium in wall. scheduling individual June. Fifty-one other girls appointments with student representing various Florida "Kent's Week-end" will Clls academic advisors and visiting cities will compete for the Miss on special events classes with their sons and Florida title and the opportunity ^ding participation in the daughters. to represent Florida at the 1981 ^g of a new exhibit at the lr pageant.. Of the ^ll Fine Arts Center 52 city-wide competitions in Jturing "American Other campus events schedules for that week-end Florida for 1981, the Miss fakers of the 1930's", a Winter Park contest comes last. produced will be available to students •jtainment and coffee and their parents, including the Annie Russell Theatre Eight years had passed since **! a reception at the home the last Miss Winter Park %s President and Mrs. production of Moonchildren, 1(Ie the student center sponsored Pageant was presented. This us Seymour, classroom year, the judges were not J^ons and a unique movie, "All That Jazz," and a en amateurs nor was the t/parent choir rehearsal two-day waterski tournament competition as easy as may Performance at Sunday scheduled for Lake Virginia on lc have been expected. The judges *s in Knowles Memorial the Rollins campus. were all quite experienced in apel. one of the levels of Miss annual event includes Detailed schedules of events Asunta D'Urso, Miss Winter Park. America pageantry and °xunately 200-300 parents are available by contacting the traveled from such places as Rollins College Parent's Week-end Committee • Continued on 2 r§raduate students. at 646-2220. Page 2 Rollins College February 27, 1981 Changes to Independent Studies •continued Also beginning in the fall of independent studies into their Firman Brown: 1981, students will have the three main components — option of completing any one Tutorial projects, Research minor consisting of 6 to 8 projects, and internships. courses in a specified area. Guidelines have been Despot or Savior? Although a minor will not be developed in order to better required for graduation, those evaluate a student's work, both students who elect to choose a qualitatively and minor will have it noted in their quantitatively. Students will transcripts. now have to qualify for Specific requirements for the independent studies and this By Evan R. Press completion of a minor will be should help to insure that the necessary skills and knowledge drawn up by each department "I truly believe what Thaddeus and published in the Rollins needed to attempt an Catalog. Provisions in the new independent study have Seymour says about Rollins College. guidelines also state that already been acquired. We can be the best liberal arts Business Administration, In summation, the new institution in the South.'' Computer Science, and policies and proposals, Are these the words of a crazed, Communications will now only represent years of tyrannical individual? Maybe, maybe be offered as minors. deliberation, negotiation, and not. The conveyor of this concept is Dr. One of the most important hard work. The policies, briefly Firman Brown, the incumbent head of resolutions passed by the EPC, stated here, can in no way the Theatre Arts and Speech the proposal regarding reflect the amount of time and Communications department at independent studies, is now effort that was put into Rollins. pending Senate approval. The producing them, and the Dr. Brown has been at Rollins for 18 outcome on this key issue significance and impact that months. He says he feels "180 years should be known soon. they will have on academia at older." Dr. Brown is a man devout in The EPC proposal has Rollins in future years cannot his beliefs. "Bo", (as he is referred to guidelines by which to classify be underestimated. by those who have come to know him) in his many administrative moves and actions has created a mild pandimonium in the theatre Dr. Firman H. Bm department at Rollins. Miss Winter Park Dr. Brown has been called a despot, a Brown, who also holds the title •continued mentally impractical person, the most Chairman of the Expressive Arts, stubborn, obstinate creature ever to obtaining additional instructors Dallas, New York, Kentucky At the end of her interview, roam this land and many other, more match the intensity of the ne» and California to pick Miss Asunta was permitted to direct filthy terms by faculty and especially designed, determined and point Winter Park. The 16 a question of her own to the students. efforts to integrate all the arts contestants, from as far away panel of judges. She surprised Our theatrical leader's ultimate goal unite the departments, as DeLand and Port Orange, them by asking, "Do you all feel is to establish a general awareness of interdisciplinary approach to theat included a former Miss Apopka, that the Miss America program the arts, which he fanatically and Deanna Pitman, who was arts will ideally bring about a t is a worthwhile contribution to sincerely believes is central to our previously a second runner-up American society?" Their appreciation of the arts, a high sense to Miss Florida. Miss Pitman existence as inhabitants of this earth. taste and an effectively cuscriminati answer was that they believe This ultimate goal is, in Dr. Brown's moved up to first runner-up to the program is a valuable one. Miss D'Urso. own words, "A mammoth undertaking With the seemingly sudden influx means of self-evaluation for which can't be done." women. various cultural centers throughout Dr. Brown has referred to himself as Orlando area, a heavy load and buri Two Rollins students who being largely a "building has been gently eased from the strain competed with Asunta in the At the crowning ceremony, superintendent" since he has arrived. shoulders of Annie Russell. Now Miss Orlando Pageant last the runners-up and the winner Two hundred thousand dollars has can be more selective in November and again in the were announced only by their already gone into the new shop. The old educational choices. recent show were Ann Marie numbers and when Miss Winter shop has been relocated for storage Dr. Brown desires an atmosphere Portoghese and Muffet Baker. Park was declared as use. The Fred Stone theatre was exist where all can do, or attempt to The Orlando pageant was "contestant No. 2," Asunta extensively renovated. A new wing of their very best. This requires const! Asunta's first pageant remembers, "I was dazed and offices was implanted and has taken competition and she received energy and supervision, void stood there for a minute trying root. Honest to goodness dressing laxness, on Brown's part. the Talent Award with a perfect to remember what number I rooms were instituted. The make-up score. Muffet was fourth was!" Then, since she was room was refurbished and the locale runner-up for Miss Orlando and singing the night before for a of the costume house has been second runner-up for Miss patron that President Seymour conveniently changed while the old one "Dr. Brown has Winter Park. was honoring and missed the remains intact for storage. been called... the part of the rehearsal which High quality academics, in the Last Friday the contestants instructed what the crowned Rollins liberal arts concept, are a most stubborn, were in rehearsals from 1-10 queen was supposed to do, she 4 demanded priority of Brown's p.m. The next morning, the day took a good guess" and walked departments. Among the many moves obstinate creatur of the show, each girl was down the runway. Dr. Brown has implemented since privately interviewed by the entering the Rollins picture, two ever to roam this judges for 7 to 10 minutes. The Her guess was graceful and particularly well-thought out and land." afternoon was nearly full with graceful she remained, through detailed schemes have greatly altered more rehearsals. When the all the snapping of pictures until the expressive arts at our school. contestants were dismissed at she was whisked off to the 2:30 p.m. to rest before the First, the curriculum has been These are the clearly visible pageant ball at the Mount strengthened considerably. It has been pageant, Asunta stayed to work Vernon Motor Lodge. most generally known actions brou on her talent number with the revised and reorganized into a about by Dr. Brown since his explos spotlight "teenies" who were sequential pattern of learning intent arrival. But an endless number not there earlier. Wearing a At the ball, she was upon the educational enrichment of all changes that deal within the Rd black top hat and tails, she sang introduced to members of the participants. theatre company have incurred a Judy Garland medley that she Miss Florida pageant board and A second crucial but unfortunately clamorous wrath of the theatre majt and her accompanist, Rollins fellow contestants in that less viable attempt has been and is Time and time again, people h Music major John Kavanagh, pageant. Her Winter Park being made to engage more students in publicly harangued Dr. Brown for had arranged. pageant chaperones told her the theatrical aspects of Rollins. This is opinionated and often unorthd that she would be traveling to being accomplished by inviting and manuevers. The young rebels contii Dallas and Kentucky before the coaxing blocks of people to come to to grit their teeth while simultaneofl In the interviews, Asunta was Florida pageant to make performances at the Annie Russell and admitting that Dr. Brown has mad* asked her opinion of President appearances and that the Fred Stone theatres, by directly harsh mistakes. Reagan's policies and even signing of her contracts was involving students from intro courses what state George Bush is from. This saviour preaching scheduled for the next morning. with the activities of the theatre, by importance of the arts contifl Since she majors in Voice, she hitting upon appropriate classes was also asked some very plugging away, making the ri outside the theatre department when decisions, in his own, inimitable, $ specific questions about the opportunity to lure these students classical opera. "It was then that I knew," causing way. said Asunta, "that there is into involvement with the program In Rollins' most recent Said Asunta in retrospect, presents itself and is applicable, and by "These girls that win are no really going to be no time to production a line referred to MaW relax in getting ready for the producing a greater awareness of the The line read, "Should this man li* dummies! I used to make fun of arts campus-wide among faculty, them... I don't anymore!" Miss Florida Pageant." Firman Brown will continue to $ students, administration, and the with or without our permission. • • Winter Park community. he may do so gloriously. February 27. 1981 Rollins College Page 3 faculty Clock Watching •continued

one would have to Philosophy and Religion Club lriencethelifeatatrue"9- editor of Brushing. "Students Marcus and Dr. Duvall, echo Do any particular events get and the intramural sports choose a small college fjnstitution in order to many of the same feelings higher attendance from faculty activities, which require faculty expecting to be involved in Lreciate the amount of extra expressed by faculty and members? participation in order to college life with their jjjrs that teachers here continue. students. According to several athletic teachers." "What strikes me first about coaches, the sports events are contribute. Apparently, there does not J.B. Wood, the previous Rollins faculty is that they are not big drawing cards. j is virtually impossible to seem to be a problem with editor of the Sandspur, an extremely hard working "There are a few die-hard j working when their offices getting teachers to come back commented, "It's misleading to group of people and very athletic followers, about 10 or closed, exclaim many of the for club events. However, the publish that Rollins has a 13 to 1 available. Coming from a 12, who come to everything," lessors at Rollins. After 5 lectures and readings receive student to teacher ratio if the college where the teachers had said waterskiing coach Paul low attendance from students 0. they spend many hours faculty is not willing to take heavy professional Harris, "but there are hardly preparing for their next day of and teachers alike. advantage of the small responsibilities and extremely ever great numbers of faculty lasses and/or grading tests One proposed solution to the numbers." limited class and office hours, members at the competitions, id papers. One department problem concerning lectures is Other students felt that Rollins seems to have a very although basketball gets more estimated that for 50 to have speakers who discuss Rollins is usually chosen over devoted faculty. The feelings I spectators than the other in the class, 2 hours of narrower subjects. This would larger institutions because get from the faculty here is that events." Jde preparation is required, perhaps draw more intensely students want familiarity with their lives are overwhelmed by preparation time combined interested faculty members. the faculty. They went on to say their college activities and The prevailing comment rib timespen t on accreditation Is there a difference in that although some faculty responsibilities leaving very from students, administrators, committees for which teachers attendance from department to members attend extra little time to themselves," faculty and coaches is that, are expected to volunteer department? functions, there could be more stated Marcus. although all the teachers seem together with the fact that many Few of the teachers or involvement. According to Dr. Duvall, the to genuinely care about Rollins teachers have classes in the administrators consulted Opposing this view are overriding image that Rollins is and its students and although evening school, leaves very wished to pinpoint one students who feel that teachers trying to market is the "small higher education is a way of life time for additional department as being either are hired for a "9-5" job and it's college" environment. This as opposed to simply a job, professional responsibilities or active or inactive, saying selfish to expect them to take way, says Duvall, interraction there are still only about 9 or 10 family, much less time to come instead that different time away from their families would hopefully be encouraged. faculty members at any given {jack tocampu s for an extra department members have to give more to Rollins." He adds, the more involved extra curricular event. event. different interests — students "I think a teacher would stay teachers are with their students Rollins college presents the felt differently. here after 5 p.m. if I needed the better it is for the college's Could it be that these 9 or 10 oage of a family-oriented "I know in the departments help, but it's wrong for me to image. The development office are always the same teachers? lifestyle, making teacher I'm involved with, English and want him to come back if he's has no specific plans for trying If so, perhaps our next story involvement necessary to fulfill History, that my teachers are at not needed," remarked one to get teachers more involved should be on these infamous 9 or the college's reputation. There a lot of the functions I attend — student. other than pushing them to be 10 teachers and whether they department organizations, and I feel that that is important, The opinions of two new P.R. men/women with the have a social life other than such as the English club, the said Maryann Lester, current administrative members, Dr. public. Rollins. Debate Heavy On Honorariums Budget Increase

By Cindy Harper time. The following sums were participation by students who must presented: choose between getting a job or giving Approved Intense debate over the honorarium Sandspur Editor $1440 their time to a publication." By George Boyle icy of Student Association dominated Managing Editor- 1120 The issue was not resolved and will e Tuesday night meeting, February Business Editor 960 return to the committee structure and On Friday, February 20, the Board of Ad Manager 800 be re-proposed next Tuesday. Trustees met to review the proposed A proposal was passed several weeks Tomokan Editor 850 Another important issue is affecting 1981-82 Rollins budget. [o to freeze all honorariums until a Assistant Editor .400 Student Association currently. Elections committee could review them. The Managing Editor 400 are coming up for President and Vice All Student Association budgets were committee recommended to the Photography Editor 500 Presidents on March 17, for Standing submitted by Jim Massa (S.A. Assembly last week that honorariums Brushing Editor 250 Committees and Student Center. President) together with a request for e eliminated and that money be used R-Times Editor. .250 Applications are due March 9th and 13th an increase in student fees of $30 per or development. The motion was tabled While these sums seemed high to respectively and are available in the student. This passed without challenge. fit week to allow for futher evaluation. some S.A. members, it was noted that Student Association Office. At the February 25th meeting the this is a more than $12,000 decrease in Jesse Morgan, Rollins Comptroller, Plication's Union represented by Jeff honorariums and salaries paid currently Next year students can expect a $30 then presented the overall school budget Purvis, suggested an amendment to the and averages out to around $30 a week. increase in their Student Fees according and tuition increase proposal. Both were irarium Committee proposal. This The Publications Union's justification to President Jim Massa. Jim worked approved. These figures, which amendment would allow for payment of was that discontinuation of all with the Trustees in setting fees during represent only ballpark estimates, will Dp officials in compensation for their honorariums would "eliminate their recent Budget Meeting. not be finalized until late May. Once A Building both Useful and Beautiful

between classes "instead of wandering By April Gustetter what our Chapel is already doing for the Spanish-Mediterranean type of religious life and our theatre for the architecture characteristic of the then- aimlessly to town." This need had been voiced in a "bull * the 17th of April, 193ff a Mrs. dramatic life of the College." new buildings at Rollins. "The slope of session" at a Rollins fraternity one ^ties was hosting the Rollins College the Shore" the pamphlet reads, "running down to the lake lends itself to night. When discussing some of the Jinnni-Faculty Tea. Present were two an unusually attractive site for a things the students wanted but did not Wents, Bill Scheu and Marita Steuve, building that is at once beautiful and presently have, the ambition to build it ^ upperclassmen and both serious useful." A brief but predse description all into one center was born. According their plans: the construction of a of the predicted building reveals "a to the claasses of 1938,1939,1940,1941, and lent Union Building. The plans lscuss spacious lobby with the campus post 1942, the "conscious want" of a Student ed, the project was approved by office at the left and the bookstore and Union had long been aired, and it was ^present, and a three-year financial 3c 1 fountain room directly ahead." There time to do more than just "want." In e»had begun. was also to be a dance floor capable of their determined effort to raise the Bin Scheu, class of '38 and Chairman funds, they sought the support of the e withstanding the shuffle of 500 pairs of Student Union Building Fund, students, parents, alumni and friends. :e feet (or 250 couples). Outside was an ;ved a letter from President oval dance floor providing "an Seen as the "greatest single need," the dton Holt expressing his support in attractive setting where guests may Student Union of Rollins College was to Due to "other pressing financial j* Project, conceived and directed dance on warm evenings or where "be of direct benefit to every student, needs," the project could not be |% by students. "There is no students may dance during the daytime because it will be a building of and for officially funded by Rollins. This did not JJing," President Holt began, "more at their leisure." In the basement, there the students.'" stop President Holt and his *1 on this campus at this moment was to be a game room devised for card 11 administration from supporting toe an attractive, homelike structure games and reading at one end and ping- It was hoped that construction would e effort and, moreover, they went so far students can congregate for pong and billiards at the other. begin in February of 1939, and that the as to donate the land for the Union: a ation and for what is perhaps the building could be completed and fully beautiful site on the shore of Lake One of the most significant benefits of st intangible asset of any college, this building was the haven-like equipped before the opening of the ^ngthening of friendship's ties. . . College in the Fall of 1939. A building was designed by Kiehnel atmosphere it was intending to provide. H" he continued, "such a building There was a need for somewhere to go To be Continued 1 do for the human side of Rollins and Elliott of , following the Page 4 Rollins College February 27. 1981 Editorial Do Rollins Students 'Kick Ass'? This editorial comes to you from the fireplace roomof Rex Beach Dorm where a few theatre studente are holding a sleep-in. They are the cast of Moonchildren and the night is an experiment in ROLLINS SANDSPUR charaS want to understand how the college students they will portray actually lived SSS^Sffir^uction is college-sponsored, the idea of this night came from the students themselves —they are not required to be here. Other Rollins students today have voluntarily participated ma steggermg number of committee meetings, publications work, radio station operation, Greek and Independent functions, Student EDITOR: Phil Pyster Center activities and so on. Why are these students involved? Some would say that it is because they have "school spirit", because of the "honor" their work MANAGING EDITOR John Tarnow brings them, because of a "belief in the Rollins institution" ..«.-,,« BUSINESS MANAGER: Debbie Ortiz That contention is wrong. There is no real school spirit; there is only a desire m the minds of ADVERTISING MANAGER: Marc Strauss student and employed administrators for there to be a school spirit. Involvement can be manufactured. Belief in an institution can be forcibly inspired. Many scholars of recent history would point to the administrationof Harry S. Truman as a prime NEWS EDITOR: George Boyle example These scholars could charge that President Truman's policies used the American Assistant News Editor: TBA situation after World War II to create an ideology of Americanism versus Communism. Fostering images of this conflict in the minds of American voters allowed Truman to enlarge the United FEATURE EDITOR: Bill Jolicoeur States' sphere of influence. The rationale for expansionism was the encroaching spectre of world Assistant Feature Editor: TBA Communism. . ' • That spectre may or may not have actually existed; the fact remains that our national leaders SPORTS EDITOR: Chris Russo built a facade of patriotism to hide their real goal — an involvement of the American people in a Assistant Sports Editor: TBA grand quest for world influence. Ethics aside, the practical ramifications of the creation of false "spirit" cannot be ignored. The PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR: Nancy Donlan major consequence in our country was disillusionment with leadership accompanied by Assistant Photography Editor: Tala Brodie widespread apathy. • People in the U.S. are no longer motivated by the spirit of patriotism; the dream of Ronald CIRCULATION MANAGER: Cindy Andras' Reagan, to many of his followers, begins to evaporate when their economic situations are ART DIRECTOR: Frin Fitzpatrick adversely affected by his policies. Many of our campus student leaders, because they themselves believe in the Rollins institution, Comptroller: John Arciero delude themselves by thinking that the same motivation drives all students. It does not. Secretary: Marie Brown We are not in college because we are intellectuals disenchanted with our government and in

John Flynn revolt against it. We are in college to get a job and work within the system once we graduate. Photographers: ^nda Simpson Students run for elected positions and volunteer for others in order to pad their resumes and gain Melinda Pfifer David Leger experience for the "real world." We are not interested in using our influence to promote social causes to the point of personal sacrifice. COPY EDITOR: Cindy Andras Your obvious comeback might be to say, "Speak for yourself. I'm involved for the sheer pleasure and worth of my work." My return is that youmay either be in a lonely, frustrated minority or you Diana Chrissis Cindy Hahamovitch General Staff: may just not want to think of your motivations quite so honestly or cynically. Aldebaran Cox Dana Ballinger The sign of a good administrator is knowing exactly what motivates his/her human resource Scott Mrozek Melanie Tammen Kathy Kohl pool, and giving them what they need in order to accomplish the organization's tasks. A bad Beverly Gould Dan Payne Dean Kilbourne administrator will fool himself into believing that a motivation can be projected onto his people. Jennifer Cheeseman Evan Press Jennifer Keith This administrator, if he/she is a good leader, will succeed until his real goals are exposed. Then Kelly Oswald Bobby Davis Tracy Strickland his people will lose faith, not only in him, but in the system as a whole. Al Landsberger Cindy Harper Greg Moran The leaders of this college, student and employed, must seriously assess this problem of Pat Garner Michael Carrafiello Bruce Geise motivation. Because the "mercenary drive" of our age is basically repugnant to the noses of liberal-arts philosophers, our college suffers and will continue to suffer a lack of involvement. Contributing Writer: David McClure Do Rollins students "kick ass" about anything? Sure they do — but only for what motivates them. They only move for experiences that promise personal reward in a commercial society. The Rollins Sandspur, Florida's oldest college weekly, was We are in step with our times. established in 1894 with the following editorial: Phil Pyster "Unassuming yet mighty, sharp and pointed, well-rounded Editor yet many sided, assidiously tenacious, yet as gritty and tenacious as its name implies, victorious in single combat and Student Center A Mixed Experience therefore without peer, wonderfully attractive and extensive in By April Gustetter circulation, all these will be focused upon investigation to be optimism—many were the times we among the extraordinary qualities of the Sandspur." Publicity Chairman Student Center wondered if our efforts were merely in vain. The Rollins Sandspur is a weekly publication produced by the It is not an easy position to hold, being And then Thursday night would come students at Rollins College. Sandspur offices are located in the the new kid on the block in an around and the room would be filled Andrew Carnegie Building. Rollins College. The Rollins Sandspur is established neighborhood. Yet, Student with a manage of mixed emotions. . . produced at The Type People. 1524 Formosa Ave. Orlando. Center has six new kids and they are all half of us did not know whether to be Fla. and printed at the Oviedo Outlook, Oviedo. Fla. in rather precarious incumbencies. The disappointed because the crowd at a Student Union (the organizational body) certain event was small, or enthusiastic was brought into being in the early 60's because we knew the event was of In an effort to establish a continuing dialogue within the and it has taken as many leaps and quality caliber and therefore served a Rollins community, the Rollins Sandspur promotes discussion crashes as the building itself. It has grand purpose for the few who did show. indigenious to the scholastic environment. Hence, this paper gone through some of the most Such sources of overview began with encourages students to voice their opinions or concerns on successful and prosperous years at pertinent issues in the form of letters to the editor. Allison Zent when she held the Rollins, being an organization sought President's post, followed as Acting Letters will be printed on a space available basis. All letters after by top students of the school, must be signed and must be received on the Friday before the Chairman by Rich Ray, and includes a ranked as prestigious both in social and host of administrative and faculty paper appears. All letters should be addressed: Editor. Rollins governmental realms. Sandspur. Box 2742. Rollins College. advisors, such as Dean Pease, Dave Unfortunately for the 1980-81 term of Lord, Jack Lane, Alzo Riddick, and of office held by Cristel Haufe course, our evertrue and faithful (Coffeehouse), Mark Imhoof secretary, Marie Brown who has put an COL^ (Recreation and Special Projects), awful lot of time, as have we all, into Gerry Ladner (Dances and Social this organization. Events), Janette McClure (Educational In writing such an attributing article, mm. Development), Hung Nguyen (Films), I was not attempting to shed and myself, this has been a year of "limelight" on the Student Center's much trial and tribulation. crew, per se; yet, I feel that there should But we have done our best, be a show of recognition for a group of nontheless, to provide the population of individuals who entered their jobs this campus with entertaining and knowing virtually nothing of what was **AKK*V beneficial programs, without to follow, wondering, at times, if it was contributing to the typical means of worth it, and always, always coming out amusement. We have found this to be a with the final decision that, yes, it was true test of patience and worth it. February 27. 1981 Rollins College Page 5


Tars vs. Rowdies 9:00-1:00 Parents Reception Center, Casa Iberia (Pick up regis­ tration materials here) Darrah To Speak All Day Parent/Advisor Conferences (to be scheduled in advance) Career and Counseling Center Open House, Carnegie Hall On Friday, March 6th, the Rollins Tars 4:30-6:30 Reception and opening of "American Printmakers of the soccer team will play host to the Tampa Bay 1930's" exhibition, Cornell Fine Arts Center. Sunday at Morning Worship at 11 a.m. at Rowdies of the North American Soccer 5:00 President Seymour's Welcome (Cornell) Knowles Memorial Chapel, the guest preacher 5:30 Gallery Talk (Cornell) will be Dr. Theodore S. Darrah, who was Dean League at Sandspur Field. 10:00- Dessert and Coffee House with entertainment The 3:00 P.M. match-up, sponsored by Chi Midnight Rose Skillman Dining Hall (Included in registration fee) of the Chapel from 1948-1973. Dr. Darrah will Psi Fraternity, will be a benefit game. For a preach on the history of Congregationalism. SATURDAY, MARCH 7 The title of his sermon with be "The Hole of $1.00 per person donation at the gate, the 8:00-AllDayllth Annual Spring Intercollegiate Waterski Tournament patron will be entitled to free refreshments Lake Virginia the Pit." bupplied by the Schenck Company and Pepsi- 8:00-Noon Coffee and registration for special classes for parents ICola. (limited enrollment) Bush Science Center Lobby 9:00-9:50 Class of your choice All proceeds from the game will go to help 10:00-10:50 Class of your choice establish a fund which will enable Rollins 11:00-12:15 Town Meeting with parents, students, faculty, and ad­ Scholarship Game varsity soccer players to train at a highly ministrators Bush Auditorium 12:30 All CoUege Picnic with Bluegrass Festival (Included in competitive level overseas in Europe and registration fee) Lakefront South America. 5:00-7:00 President's Reception - Home of President and Mrs. Sey­ mour — 482 Lakewood Drive, Winter Park

SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Rollins College Baseball Team will play host 9:00-10:30 Breakfast Meeting of Parents Advisory Committee to the Minnesota Twins professional baseball Rogers Room, Keene Music Building 10:00-11:00 Coffee and Doughnuts with Dr. A. Arnold Wettstein, team at 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 5, at Blossey & Wilmot Dean of the Chapel, Chapel Garden Tinker Field. The game, which has become an 10:00-10:30 Chapel Choir Rehearsal with parents invited to sing annual event between the two teams, is played along Knowles Memorial Chapel to benefit the Rollins Scholarship Fund. Selected 11:00 Nondenominational Worship Service with parent parti­ cipation, Dr. A. Arnold Wettstein. Music by Parent and "We are grateful to the Twins for helping us Student Chapel Choir. support our scholarship fund," said Rollins 12:00-1:30 Brunch available at Rose Skillman Hall (parents and Head Coach Boyd Coffie. "We've always been students $2.50) competitive against the Twins and made a Officers of the American Chemical 1:30-2:00 Closing Presentation on Rollins: A Living History. Dr. Jack Lane, Professor of History and College Historian. good game out of it. I just hope the strike won't Society, Orlando area subsection, have Skillman Hall interfere with this game this year." been announced for 1981-82. They Rollins jumped off to a fine start with a include, Dr. John Gupton, Professor of Sullivan Service season opener victory over Washington & Lee, Chemistry at the University of Central 4-3. The following day, in their first double Florida; Chairman-Elect, Dr. Erich C. header of the season, the Tars thrashed Blossey, Head of the Chemistry Fr. Joe Calderone will celebrate Catholic Washington & Lee 15-0, and 10-1, before Department at Rollins and Secretary- Mass in Sullivan House each weekday at 4:45 defeating Florida Institute of Technology 4-0. Treasurer, Dr. D. Lary Wilmot, PM beginning Ash Wednesday, March 4. Rollins' record is now 4-0. Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Saturday and Sunday schedule remain the Tickets for the game are $2.00 for adults and Rollins. same — Sat. 5 PM (in Knowles Chapel) and $1.00 for students available at the gate the day The organization represents area Sun 8:30 PM (in Sullivan House). of the game. members of the American Chemical Applications for summer jobs as Camp A bus will leave the Student Center at 12:30. Society from Orlando, Winter Park, Counselors can be made through Sullivan Students can reserve a spot on the bus by Daytona Beach and Deland. House. A study-work project in New England signing up at the Sports Information Office on The Central Florida group is one of also has openings. the 2nd floor of the Field House no later than seven subsections of the Florida ROC & SULLIVAN HOUSE is sponsoring a Tuesday, March 3. At the time of sign-up, chapter of the national society. There trip to Ft. George Island (near Jacksonville) students will be asked to pay a $1.00 fee to are more than 130,000 chemists Mar 14-15. The island is a Bird Sanctuary and reserve bus space and which will be used to throughout the nation active in the is kept as a preserve by the state of Florida. cover the cost of a ticket. For more Society. Register at Sullivan House. information, call 2663.

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Store Hours ^ Mon-Sat: 10-9 Sun.: 12-5 Medallion Free Alterations Located in Pic 869-6085 Wi llClYv/1 ONSTASTAFFI : Village Shoppes 1 DOWNTOWN OFFICE ROLLINS ALUMNI 257 W. Hwy. 436 DON SCHOLL AND BETH HORTON, Altamonte Springs 849-6370 CLASS OF 80 (Between T.G.I Fridays & El Tonto) 71 E ROBINSON ST (FREE PARKING) Page 6 Rollins College February 27. 1981 McKean Halh An Ideal? "No Dating" A Myth? By Diana Chrissis are obligated to engage in casuals maintain the prevailing "sj Depression, studies, roommate attitude; some women feel that the problems, lack of motivation, and must play along with the given ri dating require counseling of a personal Some students choose not to nature which is the primary involved in the sexual pressures sii responsibility of Judy Provost, Rollins' by avoiding dating altogether and Personal Development Counselor. Her cultivating any type of relations secondary areas of concern include This points to a tendency of "al Residence Hall programs, RA training, nothing" relationships and les and career counseling. friendships in a minority. This year Judy has been doing more The first step in changing relationship counseling; working with situation is more initiative both partners here or with one who is motivation on the part of both m Mckean Hall: The only dorm on lake Virginia carrying on a long-distance romance. and females. Instead of the clichedt Concerning casual dating, the of a $4.00 movie and a $3.00 jam By Lauren Barbieri co-ed dorm next year. His goal is " question most frequently asked is: Micky D's, why not "Beat-the-Clo McKean Hall, which houses 205 to provide proper accomodation of "How do I get to know someone in a at Uncle Waldo's, or sailing, canoei students, has become increasingly living styles to fulfill the needs of the personal way?" Judy has found that or just "studying" by the pool? popular over the past two years. There students." He is concerned with Ward most individuals (both male and Judy maintains that the rigid so are two main reasons for this. The first and Elizabeth and would appreciate female) would like to spend time with roles that are present here can reason is its physical aspect (including any suggestions or ideas on the two members of the opposite sex in a casual changed so that the student bodyi location). The second is that it is co-ed. dorms and how to create a better way. form close relationships with memt Although there are other co-ed dorms rapport between men and women. According to developmental of their own and opposite sex. on campus McKean encompasses a Most students in McKean feel very psychology, during one's "college For those of you who are interest more diversified group of students positive about the dorm. Ted Williams years" one of the biggest tasks is student opinion concerning frequei from all classes and all interests. feels "it's more like living in an learning how to handle an intimate of dates on the Rollins campus, pie David Lord, the Acting Director of apartment building. I enjoy it." Kitty relationship. Sexuality plays a large take the time to fill out the follow Housing agrees that McKean is very Kaminski said, "I feel protected. Living part in this phase in that the ANON YMOUS survey: popular. On the subject of co-ed dorms here is more like everyday life." Bob relationship is between a male and he said, "Co-ed dorms are a more Sullivan, who holds the position of female. One must become comfortable Clip-out and send to campus I natural setting. Students have co-ed Director of Housing Staff, feels that with one's own sexuality. To develop number, 2742. Results will be publisl classes, dining, why not housing?" certain dorms attract certain types of the skills needed in this type of in the Sandspur in two weeks. People appear to be satisfied with people but when looking at McKean, relationship (which will affect one all McKean and certainly the women are and the students who requested housing through life) the proper environment pleased. Of ten opening for female there, it seems "generally speaking, and opportunities must be available. HOW OFTEN DO YOU DAI housing on campus, 9 are in Ward and 1 to be more diverse. Maybe that's why One does not necessarily have to have a DURING THE SCHOOL YEM is in Holt. There are none in McKean. It people like it." He also said that there is relationship in college; to some people 1. Once a week? has stayed that way pretty much all a very low percentage of transfer these skills develop later on. year. requests although there are requests to The atmosphere and opportunities to 2. More than once a week? But some girls are not interested in transfer from units. develop relationships (on many 3. Once or twice a month? co-ed housing. Mr. Lord called a The dorm is set up so that each floor different levels) are here at Rollins, but 4. Rarely meeting at Ward Hall to discuss the > has four units and each unit has a too many inhibiting factors are present. possibilities of changing to a co-ed lounge, a bathroom, and a phone. According to Judy, both men and Sex: M F dorm next fall. About 40 girls attended Anywhere from 9 to 15 students live in a women individually seem to be Where do you like to go on a date'i and none of them were in favor of the unit, thus establishing close, daily interested in dating, but the "no dating idea. contact. There are some at Rollins" myth has had a great effect their rights and privileges have to be problems with noise from the on them. What do you like to do? respected so Mr. Lord is still looking fraternities, but overall the merits of The sexual aspect of dating also plays into the possibility of having another McKean outweigh the disadvantages. a large role: some men feel that they Student Opportunities ARMIES We are looking for girls interest RESTAURANT FRANCAIS COFFEE & in being counselors — actiiil In Downtown Winter Park instructors in a private girls cafflj TEA CO. located in Hendersonville, Ki Gourmet Instructors needed especially i Coatfec Bulk Tea Grinders Swimming {SWIj, Horsebad Special 10% Discount to the Rollins & Mills Community with I.D. or this ad. riding, Tennis, Backpack^ Archery, Canoeing, Gymnast® Crafts. Also Basketball, Danti% Baton, Cheerleading, Drama, Ai Office work, Camp craft, Natw Gourmet Study. If your school offers i The Hubhards Coffee Beans Summer Internship program t will be glad to help. Inquiries- IN THE COLONY GARDENS Morgan Haynes, P. O. Box 40$ invite you to 329 PARK AVENUE SOUTH J^JJ|g^AgI^*62^0042 J Tryon, N.C. 28782. The SonRise Collection FINE IMPORTS from the FAR EAST Rollins Sandspur The sale of Oriental furnishings and accent pieces Florida's Oldest College Weekly Friday, February 27 - Noon to 8:00 PM Saturday, February 28 - 10:00AM to 7:00 PM Sunday, March 1 - 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM MASTER CHARGE • AMEX • DINERS CLUB 647-9111 in The Treasure Room The Langford Hotel RISTORAIMTE ITALIAN CUISINE AT ITS BEST, THE N. Y. WAY NEW ENGLAND AVENUE WINTER PARK FEATURING FINE WINES FROM TWO WORLDS 115 E. LYMAN AV. OFF PARK AVE. DOWNTOWN WINTER PARK Rollins College February 27, 1981 Costello Pulls No Punches in 'Trust' Rollins Colleg€

By Al Landsberger commercialized Top-40 Rock and Roll honest, open, and shows the continous However, some artists, sensitive to this Elvis Costello: Trust improvement of The Attractions. movement, used it as a catalyst for the Costello doesn't "pull any punches" jj! 1977 the "punk-rock" movement music that generated honest emotion ,03 well on its way: flaunting torn with his new LP. Trust contains 14 solid with fresh and vibrant orchestration E.C. cuts that do not differ from other jgans, leather jackets, and safety pins in Now in 1981, Elvis Costello has once {^streets of New York City and efforts except in minimal experimenta­ again picked up on and polished the tion. One is immediately drawn to London. Many, including myself, saw ideas initiated by the "punks" via "New this new wave as an alternative from the "From A Whisper To A Scream" in Wave." Trust, his new release, is which Costello demonstrates his willingness to test new ideas, with the assistance of "Squeeze's" Glen Tillbrook's flashy background vocals. Think Healthy "Different Finger" is also an experimental move for the artist. The By Jan Montgomery created/evolved to work for us. country and western piece pinpoints Continual and unnecessary abuse unique instrumentation by The In every country of the Western causes our systems to work overtime; Attractions while Costello wails World, supermarket shelves are filled aging takes place prematurely and mocking vocals. "Shot with His Own i commercially-processed foods. If susceptibility to disease and minor Gun" is a slow bar-room style ballad "Moonchildren," Michael Weller's u haven't already, take a few ailments increase. which allows Costello to solo over Steve biting comedy of failed relationships ninutes some time in a grocery to The curious thing about sugar is that Nieno's subtle new-classical piano. and confused lives during the turbulent wtice the extraordinary amount of it is actually addictive. The more you For more upbeat numbers, fans will 1960's plays at Rollins College Fred foods stocked that are sugar-laden. eat, the more you want. not be let down with Trust. "Clubland," Stone Theatre for a five-day run March Realizing that almost every wrapped Research shows that the body has a "Lover's Walk," and the brilliant 3-7. Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. jckage or canned product on the shelf natural "sweet tooth." This process is "Strick Time" besides being typical of " 'Moonchildren' is an epitaph for a contains some type of sugar be it directly related to the blood sugar level Costello are sensational dance tunes. time and centers on a fascinating sucrose, sorbitol, corn syrup or any in the body. Trust is simply a good Costello album. collection of college students sharing an other of the 73 sugars chemists have The hypoglycemic process (or low Together, once again, with producer apartment during their senior year," classifed, one can see why the health of blood sugar level) occurs where the Nick Lowe, Costello has formed one of according to director Van Ackerman, a Americans is plagued by symptoms of body goes without food for long periods the most consistent combos since 1977. senior in Theatre Arts at Rollins. "The tiredness and weight gain. of time and has its energy resupplied For those who respect Costello, his play is a timely, relevant, touching, The Food and Drug Administration with empty calorie foods. Since the latest effort is an honest one. . . trust funny, sometimes sad, but always (FDA) Consumer magazine, February body is in need of nutrients and energy, him. entertaining recreation of what is was I, states that we Americans receive high sugar-content foods or caffeine are (and is) like during a fateful, all-too- about one-fourth of our calories from often provided to give the body the lift it brief period," he said. sugar. needs. The cast includes Rollins students One of the most destructive uses of This cycle perpetuates a roller- Evan Press, Bill Leavengood, Morgan these sugars is that they are "hidden" coaster effect on the energy level, going Smith, Jason Opsahl, Chauncey Parker, in the processing of foods. There are from extreme fatigue to boundless Linda Simpson, James Bamberg, Susan only two cereals on the market that energy. Diggans, Chris Gasti, Karen Kluesener, couldn't safely be classifed as candy Taxing our system this way causes John Coliton, and Phil Pyster. Two rather than food because of their high unnecessary stress on the body and actors from the Orland community, sugar content. robs it of nutrients needed for Erin Miner and Kevin Boleman complete the cast. Many health enthusiasts have called maintenance and optimal performance. Symptoms include Tickets may be reserved at the Annie sugar the "empty food." It has adopted Russell Theatre box-office, phone 646- name because, unlike other foods, possible fatigue, dizziness, nervousness, and headache. 2145, between 1 and 5 p.m. beginning sucrose (granulated table sugar) March 2. Admission is free to all Rollins furnishes only energy. There are many "natural" snacks such as raw nuts and mixes, fruits, and students and Annie Russell Theatre Research shows that considerable season subscribers. quantities of B vitamins needed for desserts (made with honey) from the Elvis Costello energy and minerals such as mainline health food store which can satisfy our i), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), "sweet tooth." In fact, eating too much pyroxidine (B«), panthothenic acid, honey can create a hypoglycemic INTERNATIONAL phosphorus, and magnesium are reaction, even though it contains more PEARLE needed to metabolize sugar properly. vitamins and minerals than other vision center sugars. Q CAREER? Eating any food occasionally is not A SEARLE COMPANY D' harmful (unless you are allergic to it, of The key is to use all types of sugars course), but the person who frequently sparingly. ingests sugar and sugary foods is Where you cut back on your Now offers the Rollins Community risking vitamin deficiency, moodiness, consumption of sugar and add more 10% discount on allpurchases. hypoglycemia, obesity and tooth decay. wholesome foods to your diet, you'll Winter Park Matt Only Our bodies have a sensitive balance find you don't need it. You'll also find id are finely-tuned instruments yourself more amiable and energetic!

For Sale | AIRLINE JOBS i Five (5) four (4) feet black TYPING SERVICE I For Information — Write light bulbs with fixtures(NEW ) At home SE Orlando, A representative I AIRLINE PUBLISHING CO. $20.00 or best cash offer will be on the campus ALSO: Stereo System for sale to Reasonable, Experi­ WEDNESDAY J1516E.TROPICANA7A-110 serious buyers. I LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89109 BobO'Neil enced, Dependable. MARCH 4, 1981 Nnclude a self-addressed 20 N. Shine Ave. Call 277-2923 to discuss qualifications for stamped envelope. Orlando, FL 32801 advanced study at 898-2646 ANYTIME AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL and job opportunities PARK AVENUE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS in the field of HAIR DESIGNERS A chance to study and live in London INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT A wide range of subjects and courses is available in Central London for Ltd. students of the social sciences. Junior year Postgraduate Diplomas Interviews may be scheduled at HAIRCUTS $9.00 One-year Masters degrees Research CAREER PLANNING Subjects include Accounting and Finance. Actuarial Science, Anthropology. "ON-SAT 10-6 Business Studies. Econometrics. Economics, Economic History, Geography. PLACEMENT "2 S PARK AVE . WINTER PARK Government, Industrial Relations. International History. International Relations. or ' Appointment rati Law Management Science. Operational Research. Philosophy. Politics. Social 645-3665 Administration, Social Work. Sociology. Social Psychology and Statistical and AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL Mathematical Sciences. Application blanks from: OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Free Parking Admissions Secretary, L.S.E.. Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE. England. Thunderbird Campus Please state whether junior year or postgraduate. in rear Glendale, Arizona 85306 Rollins Sandspur SPORTS February 27. 1981 Page 8 Rollins Holds Perfect Tennis Season

By Greg Moran sophomore Craig Perry at the singles matches: Arciero and Speilman provided the Tars Arciero/Outlaw, and Ste\ number one position, Ray Outlaw won their doubles fourth point by defeating his Brandt/Terry O'Grady in tl The Rollins College Men's Green at the number three spot, match before rain halted play. opponent 6-2, 6-3. Rollins led 4-2 doubles matches. Tennis Team has continued John Arciero at number four, Rollins' next test came going into the doubles and Rollins record thus far is their thus far perfect season Glen Outlaw and Steve against Flagler on February 19, needed only one more victory to perfect 7-0 and the Tars t with victories over the Speilman at the number five and once again the Tars played close out the match. The Tars face their toughest oppositit University of South Florida, and six spots respectively. up to their potential winning 7-2. won all the doubles and were yet when they travel to tl Florida Southern, and Flagler. Perry's provided the most Perry again provided the days victorious 7-2 in the doubles. University of Florida < The Tars faced South Florida exciting match of the day as he most exciting match as he Perry and Green won at the February 23rd. Copeland fee on February 10 and coach Norm defeated Mike Minot in a third defeated John Moneypenny 2-6, number one position 6-4,2-6,6-4, that this match will be the "tn Copeland was a bit set tie-breaker after saving 6-4, 7-6. The last set's tie­ Outlaw and Arciero won at the test for the team." Last yej apprehensive before the match, three match points. In the breaker came down to the final number two spot, 6-2, 6-1, and Rollins won in the final doi "South Florida always has ai doubles matches, Outlaw and point before Perry hit a Sauer and Feher won at number matches and this year's matt tough team and it promises to Arciero won at the number two backhand return of serve that three 6-3,7-6. promises to be just as close. be a tight match," said position, and the team of Garry Moneypenny volleyed into the On February 20 Rollins faced Copeland. This match was Sauer/Dave Feher won at the net for Ray Green's match also the University of Mannheim, figured to be the Tars first real number three spot. went to a final set before the Germany in a practice match Other upcoming matches . Senior co-captain Steve in the singles matches, and of Technology. Baseball Starts Off with Victory Soccer Tan By Tom Ward over FIT- Collecting two hits for the Tars indicated by only three outs Gain Contm Pitching — some say it is 90% On opening day, the winning were Pete Duglenski, John coming by other than By Bruce Geise of the game of baseball. Well if pitcher was Chuck Overby and Cullen, Glenn Sherlock, Mike groundouts or strikeouts. this is the case, then the 1981 the hitting star was Glenn Lyster, and Dave Coach Coffie commented, "It Although the Tars sprinj team may be headed for an Sherlock. As to be expected, Shellenberger. In the second was the best game of Jack's outstanding season, since the record stands only at .500 (2-2) Washington and Lee got game of the day the bats life." The hitting star was John the team has shown signifies first four starting pitchers held pumped for their opener as exploded early and Tad Slowik Cullen as his two-out triple their opponents to just four runs improvement from the fall i Rollins needed a three hit day responded by pitching a strong keyed a four-run outburst in the generating a team ball contrc in four games. Granted, by Sherlock, which included the six hitter. Tony Shefstad once sixth. Washington and Lee and FIT game. The Tars sound! game winner in the seventh, to again led the offensive attack After facing FIT two more defeated Eckerd College 5-1 fl are not two of the strongest win 4-3. with a double and a triple, while times, the Tars play Furman at teams the Tars will face this February 14 as Garry Loettei The next two games were Mike Lyster had two hits, home on Saturday then travel to scored four goals and Jei season, but it was still a good quite different as Rollins swept including a double. Gainesville for a game with the sign to see all four starters have Rolland tallied one. Koetten the doubleheaders by a On a cool afternoon vs. FIT Division I power University of taking some of the power off i such good control early in the combined score of 25-1. Steve Jack Toffey was the story as he Florida on Sunday. As Coach season. As a result of this fine his shot and adding some touc MacDonald won the first game kept their bats "cold" by Coffie said, consistent pitching and finesse, was in the rigl pitching and timely hitting the and received hitting support pitching a four-hit shutout with will be the key, and that is team is 4-0, with wins by the place at the right time to finis from a bunch of Tars. Tony eleven strikeouts. The key was exactly what the Tars got as off some beautiful passin scores of 4-3,15-0, and 10-1 over Shefstad led the way with three Jack's ability to keep the ball Washington and Lee and 4-0 they completed their first week combinations put together b hits including a double. down and around the plate as of play — undefeated. the Rollin's midfield. The Tto thoroughly dominated th match with their short passin game which kept the Ecker Golf Needs Strong Spring defense guessing all afternoon. The Tars then took on a highl; After two disappointing starts impersonate students, spending touted Mackenzie College tean so far this year the golf team more and more time on from Brazil. Even in losing^ will continue their spring academics. Therefore, the the Tars still seemed t schedule with an overflow of hours devoted to golf are dominate much of the game talent. This year's squad is lacking." and came up with mor relatively young, with just one Nevertheless, the squad is dangerous scorini senior back from last year's loaded with natural ability. opportunities. An amazini nationally ranked fivesome. Returning starters Jim Van three of the four Mackenzii And that is the reason why Dyke, Mark Diamond, and gdals came on free kicks jus coach Joe Justice is optimistic Dave McBride have proven outside the Tar penalty area in predicting Rollins' their worth in the past, yet thus two of those coming with hel| performance for the remainder far they haven't played to their from the goal post. Leste of the season. "Many of our potential. Larry O'Toole, Bill Joseph broke a Mackenzii players saw the golf courses for Byrne, Craig Briggs, and Jim to the national finals. If and streak of no goals allowed fl the first time last semester. Our Guerra will be depended upon when Rollins gets there, they three games against Florid scores will undoubtedly get to provide depth, along with will have a distinct advantage colleges with a goal in the firs better with increased seniors George P. Wolfe and because of the location, near half, mostly as a result of hustli experience." Craig Hood, juniors Chris Hartford, Connecticut. The by Travis Williams. Travis wai The team started out with a Young and Al Andrews, and majority of the players have able to outrun the Mackenzii bang last fall, finishing third sophomore speedsters Grover been recruited from the North defense and past the goalie to n( and then second in the first two Pagano and Bob Affelder. East, thus giving them an ball, heading it against the fei tournaments. Since that high The next tournament is the obvious "home course" post where Lester was able ti point, however, the scores have GAC Intercollegiate at the advantage. But in order to knock it home. Garry Koettefi ballooned out of proportion. Poinciana Country Club in achieve this goal, lower scores added the other goal in tfe Long-hitting senior George P. March. A strong Spring season need to be posted through May, second half. Very physical plaJ Wolfe offers his explanation. is necessary for the team's starting at the GAC in three characterized the game # "Our golfers are trying to chance for a second straight bid weeks. tempers flared many times.