Statewide Interstate Corridor Plan Fiscal Years 2008-2030
Statewide Interstate Corridor Plan Fiscal Years 2008-2030 Summary of Needs The SCDOT currently maintains 829 centerline miles of interstate. This includes all mainline resurfacing, drainage, signing, pavement markings, guardrail replacement, lighting, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In addition to these maintenance activities, SCDOT is also responsible to address the interstate capacity needs in our state. This includes both the reconstruction of existing interstate interchanges, as well as providing additional travel lanes or alternative transportation options where the existing level of service has reached capacity. Currently, the interstate system in South Carolina has 45 centerline miles of capacity needs. By 2030, to maintain an acceptable of level of service, that number will grow to 445 miles. In addition, close to 50 interstate interchanges across the state are in need of reconstruction to allow for today’s traffic flow. The challenge we face is the cost to provide for the construction of these additional capacity and reconstruction projects. In 2008, providing an additional lane in each direction on an interstate mainline is estimated to cost almost $20 million per mile for design, right of way acquisition, and construction. The cost to design, purchase right of way, and reconstruct an urban interchange averages over $40 million. A rural interstate interchange would cost slightly lower, averaging close to $35 million to construct. Our current interstate funding levels projected to 2030 total 2.86 Billion. Based on the construction needs listed above, South Carolina’s unconstrained interstate funding needs to 2030 would need to be more than $11 Billion in today’s dollars. Inflation over the period will make this number grow dramatically.
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