Girtys Run, Millvale, Pennsylvania: Local Flood Protection Project
GIRTYS RUN MiLLVALE. PENNSYLVANIA iloCAL FLOOD'PROTECTION PROJECT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT. PITTSBURGH CORPS OF ENGINEERS PITTSBURGH. PA. FEBRUARY 1975 SUMMARY GIRTYS RUN MILLVALE, PENNSYLVANIA ( ) Draft (X) Final Environmental Statement Responsible Office: U.S. Army Engineer District, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, (Ul2)6I*U-6800 1. NAME OF ACTION: (X) Administrative ( ) legislative 2. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Local protection project consisting of lower ing the existing channel of Girtys Run an average of four feet within the Borough of Millvale, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Concrete underpin ning and repair of existing channel walls would be provided where neces sary. 3. a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: The Borough of Millvale would be protected against a 25 year frequency flood, enhancing the socio-economic conditions of the community. Aesthetic quality of stream would be improved by removal of debris from stream bed. New habitats for stream communities to develop would be provided. Possibly the population out-migration trend in Millvale would be reversed. b. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Construction activity would result in temporary increases in traffic, noise, dust, exhaust emissions, erosion, stream turbidity and sedimentation, and temporary removal of all stream life. Present negligible aquatic life in Girtys Run would be eliminated during construction. k. ALTERNATIVES: Channel lowering of greater design capacity, channel widening, flood walls or dikes, combination channel lowering and walls, diversion tunnels, a multiple purpose reservoir, a headwater reservoir system, flood forecasting and warning system, flood plain management, flood insurance, flood proofing, rehabilitation, relocation or no action. 5. COMMENTS RECEIVED: U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Forest Service U.S.
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