FREE COPY Fort Qu’Appelle & Area 2015 - 2016 Tourist Guide Your Guide To Information, Events and Attractions in the Qu’Appelle Valley and Surrounding Area 7KH)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV 2 2015 Visitors Guide 181A Broadway St. E., Fort Qu’Appelle, SK (next to Valley Bake Shop) Ken Hinton - BROKER Imagine (306) 332-7547 the What We’re About Providing professional, Possibilities! friendly real estate advice for residential, resort, agriculture and commercial properties. 7KH)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV 9LVLWRUV*XLGH 3 ,I\RXDUHORRNLQJIRU\HDUURXQG UHFUHDWLRQDOHQMR\PHQW WKHQ\RXPXVWYLVLWWKHEHDXWLIXO Town of Fort Qu’Appelle 160 Company Ave., S. P.O. Box 309 – S0G 1S0 Phone: 306-332-5266 Email:
[email protected] Website: 1HVWOHGLQWKH4X·$SSHOOH9DOOH\DGMDFHQWWRD FKDLQRIIRXUODNHVRXUPRGHUQFRPPXQLW\RIIHUV DOOWKHFRQYHQLHQFHVRIODUJHUFHQWUHVDQGPRUH )RUW4X·$SSHOOHLVDQDUHDULFKLQDUWVFXOWXUH DQGKLVWRU\:HERDVWRQHRIWKHROGHVW UHPDLQLQJ+XGVRQ·V%D\EXLOGLQJVLQWKHFRXQWU\ DVZHOODVWKHRULJLQDO$QJOLFDQ&KXUFK ZKLFKZDVEXLOWLQ 7KH9DOOH\RIIHUVDYDULHW\RIUHFUHDWLRQDORSWLRQV VXFKDVERDWLQJFDPSLQJILVKLQJJROILQJ VNLLQJFURVVFRXQWU\KLNLQJVNDWHSDUN VSODVKSDUNDQGORWVRIVXQVKLQH 2QEHKDOIRI7RZQ&RXQFLODQGDOOWKHFLWL]HQV Farmers market: Home grown and homemade RIRXUJUHDWFRPPXQLW\ZHZHOFRPH\RX products are on sale at the Fort Qu’Appelle Farm- WRHQMR\JUHDWKRVSLWDOLW\LQRXU ers Market. Vendors selling anything from produce XQLTXHKRPHWRZQDWPRVSKHUH to baking to preserves to woodcarving will station themselves across from the Co-op store in down- town Fort Qu’Appelle every Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The market closes Sept. 19. The market tends to be most popular in July and August. Fort Qu’Appelle May 9 to Your local source for all things Sept. 19 hand made and home grown across from Prairie Co-op Marketplace, downtown Fort Qu’Appelle 4 Lakes, Every Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 4 Seasons, May 9 to Sept.