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Tabulation of Bids Bid Due Date and Time: August 25th, 2010 3:00 pm Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson Diamond R Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company John Deere Landscapes PART# 1 - AQUATIC HERBICIDES Ft. Pierce, FL Dade City, Florida Cleveland, OH PREFERED ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICING PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT SIZE 1 2-4-D AMINE (AQUATIC LABEL) (4lb) 2.5 GAL GAL Weedar 64 2.5 GAL $10.98 Weedar 64 2.5 GAL $10.90 2 2-4-D AMINE (AQUATIC LABEL) (4lb) 30 GAL GAL Weedar 64 30 GAL $10.58 Weedar 64 30 GAL $10.90 3 2-4-D GRANULAR 50 LB BAG BAG Navigate 50 LB BAG $137.50 4 AQUASHADE 1 GAL GAL Aqua Shade 1 GAL $37.90 Aquashade 1 GAL $32.00 5 AQUATHOL GRANULAR SUPER K 10 LB LB 6 AQUATHOL GRANULAR SUPER K 25 LB LB Aquathol Super K 25 LB $15.58 7 AQUATHOL LIQUID 2.5 GAL GAL Aquathol Super K 2.5 GAL $60.66 8 ARSENAL POWER LINE 2.5 GAL GAL Arsenal Powerline 2.5 GAL $68.00 9 AVAST 1 GAL GAL White Cap GAL $1,414.27 Avast 1 GAL $1,019.90 10 CLEARCAST SEPRO -NO SUBSTITUTE-CASE ONLY 1 CS (2 X 1 GAL) GAL AGENCY Clearcast 1 GAL $200.00 11 CUTRINE PLUS-APPLIED BIOCHEMISTS 1 GAL GAL Cutrine Plus 1 GAL $21.00 12 CUTRINE PLUS-APPLIED BIOCHEMISTS 2.5 GAL GAL Cutrine Plus 2.5 GAL $14.75 13 D-LIMONENE 100% 2.5 GAL GAL ® Citri Wet 2.5 GAL $26.70 Kammo Plus 2.5 GAL $16.00 14 DEFOAMER 10% OR GREATER 1 PT PT Foambuster 1 PT $6.00 Recede 16 OZ $3.53 15 DEFOAMER 10% OR GREATER 1 QT QT Fome - Kil GAL $6.16 16 DESTINY HC-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 17 DLZ-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL DLZ 2.5 GAL $31.04 18 ESCORT 16 OZ OZ MS60 DF 16 OZ $3.80 19 GALLEON BY SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE QT QT AGENCY Galleon QT $475.00 20 GALLEON BY SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL AGENCY 21 GARLON 3A DOW-AGRO SCIENCES 2.5 GAL GAL Element 3A 2.5 GAL $58.30 Element 3A 2.5 GAL $34.20 22 GARLON 3A DOW-AGRO SCIENCES 30 GAL GAL Element 3A 30 GAL $34.20 23 GARLON 4 ULTRA DOW-AGRO SCIENCES 2.5 GAL GAL Element 4 2.5 GAL $51.98 Garlon 4 ultra 2.5 GAL $79.12 24 GARLON 4 ULTRA DOW-AGRO SCIENCES 30 GAL GAL Garlon 4 ultra 30 GAL $79.12 25 HABITAT BASF-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Habitat 2.5 GAL $58.90 26 HABITAT BASF-NO SUBSTITUTE 15 GAL GAL Habitat 15 GAL $62.00 27 HERBIMAX-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 28 HYDROTHOL 191 GRANULAR 40 LB LB Hydrothol 191G 40 LB $2.68 29 HYDROTHOL 191 LIQUID 2.5 GAL GAL Hydrothol 191G 2.5 GAL $63.02 30 HYDROTHOL 191 LIQUID 30 GAL GAL 31 INTERLOCK-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 32 INVERTING OIL 2.5 GAL GAL IVOD 2.5 GAL $15.77 33 INVERTING OIL 55 GAL GAL IVOD 55 GAL $15.15 34 IVM & BASAL OIL WITH DYE (SHORT FIL 11.25 GAL) 11.25 GAL GAL Impel Red 11.25 GAL $6.22 35 KRENITES 2.5 GAL GAL Krenite S 2.5 GAL $54.00 11-0801 Agricultural Chemicals Bid Due Date and Time: August 25th, 2010 3:00 pm Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson Diamond R Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company John Deere Landscapes PART# 1 - AQUATIC HERBICIDES Ft. Pierce, FL Dade City, Florida Cleveland, OH PREFERED ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICING PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT SIZE 36 LI-700 (AQUATIC ACODOFER)-NO SUBSTITUTE 1 GAL GAL 37 LEVEL 7-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 38 LIQUID COPPER ALGACIDE CHELATE (MIN 8%) 2.5 GAL GAL Symmetry 2.5 GAL $19.87 K-Tea 2.5 GAL $12.86 39 LIQUID COPPER HERBICIDE (MIN 9%) 2.5 GAL GAL Captain 2.5 GAL $12.60 40 LIQUID COPPER HERBICIDE (MIN 9%) 30 GAL GAL Captain 30 GAL $12.60 41 MILESTONE VM DOW-NO SUBSTITUTE QT QT Milestone QT $312.96 42 MILESTONE VM DOW-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Milestone 2.5 GAL $307.20 43 MAKAZE 2.5 GAL GAL 44 MILESTONE VM DOW PLUS-NO SUBSTITUTE QT QT 45 MILESTONE VM DOW PLUS-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Mileston Plus 2.5 GAL $34.56 46 MSO CONCENTRATE0-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL ® MSO 2.5 GAL $13.80 Agridex 2.5 GAL $11.00 PHASE (AQUATIC MSO-0SI 100% ACTIVE)-NO 47 SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 48 PLATEAU BASF 1 GAL GAL Plateau 1 GAL $129.00 49 PLATEAU BASF 15 GAL GAL Plateau 15 GAL $129.00 50 POLYMER 1% NON IONIC 2.5 GAL GAL 51 POLYMER-30% OR GREATER NON-IONIC (DRIFT) 1 QT QT Accuracy 1 QT $8.00 52 POLYMER-30% OR GREATER NON-IONIC (DRIFT) 1 GAL GAL Accuracy 1 GAL $22.00 53 POLYMER-30% OR GREATER NON-IONIC (SINKING) 1 GAL GAL Sinker 1 GAL $23.00 54 PREFERENCE-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL 55 REFUSE 2.5 GAL GAL Refuge 2.5 GAL $17.00 56 RENOVATE MAX G 40 LB CONT LB AGENCY Renovate Max G 40 LB $2.88 57 REWARD SYGENTA-NO SUBSTITUTE 1 GAL GAL Reward 1 GAL $89.00 58 REWARD SYGENTA-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL AGENCY Reward 2.5 GAL $89.00 59 RENOVATE-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL AGENCY Renovate 2.5 GAL $99.75 60 RODEO DOW AGRO SCIENCES-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Rodeo 2.5 GAL $12.80 61 RODEO DOW AGRO SCIENCES-NO SUBSTITUTE 30 GAL GAL Rodeo 30 GAL $12.80 62 GENERIC AQUATIC GLYPHOSATE 2.5 GAL GAL Aqua Star 2.5 GAL $14.30 Aqua Star 2.5 GAL $12.80 AquaNeat 2.5 GAL $21.02 63 GENERIC AQUATIC GLYPHOSATE 30 GAL GAL Aqua Star 30 GAL $13.75 Aqua Star 30 GAL $12.80 64 ROUND UP PRO CONCENTRATE-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Pro. Conc. 2.5 GAL $21.20 Rup Pro Conc. 2.5 GAL $13.90 65 ROUND UP PRO CONCENTRATE-NO SUBSTITUTE 30 GAL GAL Pro. Conc. 30 GAL $20.70 Rup Pro Conc. 30 GAL $13.90 66 ROUND-UP-PRO MONSANTO-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Ranger Pro 2.5 GAL $11.90 11-0801 Agricultural Chemicals Bid Due Date and Time: August 25th, 2010 3:00 pm Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson Diamond R Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company John Deere Landscapes PART# 1 - AQUATIC HERBICIDES Ft. Pierce, FL Dade City, Florida Cleveland, OH PREFERED ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICING PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT PRODUCT NAME BID SIZE BID PRICE PER UNIT SIZE 67 ROUND-UP-PRO MONSANTO-NO SUBSTITUTE 30 GAL GAL Ranger Pro 30 GAL $11.90 68 ROUND UP EQUIVALENT 14% SURFACTANT 2.5 GAL GAL Glystar Pro 2.5 GAL $11.55 Razor Pro 2.5 GAL $9.90 69 ROUND UP EQUIVALENT 14% SURFACTANT 30 GAL GAL Glystar Pro 30 GAL $10.84 Razor Pro 30 GAL $9.90 70 SAHARA 10 LB BAGS LB Sahara 10 LB BAGS $10.00 71 SCULPLIN G 40 LB CONT LB AGENCY Sculpling G 40 LB CONT $2.00 72 SINKERBALL-NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Sinkerball 2.5 GAL $32.45 73 SONAR AS SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE 1 QT QT AGENCY Sonar AS 1 QT $545.00 $916.54 74 SONAR AS SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE 1 GAL GAL AGENCY Sonar AS 1 GAL $1,694.18 75 SONAR SRP-SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE 40 LB LB AGENCY Sonar SRP 40 LB $24.89 76 SONAR ONE-SEPRO 20 LB PAIL LB AGENCY Sonar One 20 LB PAIL $24.50 77 SONAR PR SEPRO-NO SUBSTITUTE 30 LB LB AGENCY Sonar PR 30 LB $28.98 78 SONAR Q-NO SUBSTITUTE 30 LB LB AGENCY Sonar Q 40 LB $24.45 79 STINGRAY QT QT Stingray 1 QT $187.46 80 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 80-20 1 GAL GAL 81 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 80-20 2.5 GAL GAL Surfac 820 2.5 GAL $8.20 82 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 90-10 1 GAL GAL Inlet 1 GAL $12.00 83 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 90-10 2.5 GAL GAL Surfac 910 2.5 GAL $9.94 Inlet 2.5 GAL $11.75 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 99% (OSI) ACTIVE-MUST 84 HAVE AQUATIC LABEL 1 GAL GAL Siltrate 1 GAL $38.82 Kinetic 1 GAL $78.00 SURFACTANT ADJUVANT 99% (OSI) ACTIVE-MUST 85 HAVE AQUATIC LABEL 2.5 GAL GAL 86 TACTIC-NO SUBSTITUTE 1 GAL GAL 87 TOUCH DOWN PRO -NO SUBSTITUTE 2.5 GAL GAL Touchdown Pro 2.5 GAL $17.00 88 VANQUISH 2.5 GAL GAL Vanquish 2.5 GAL $58.00 89 VANQUISH 30 GAL GAL Vanquish 30 GAL $57.00 90 VELPAR ULW 50 LB LB Velpar ULW 50 LB $16.00 91 VISTA 2.5 GAL GAL Vista XRT 2.5 GAL $170.00 92 WATER CONDITIONING AGENT 2.5 GAL GAL Clarify 2.5 GAL $12.80 Quest 2.5 GAL $17.00 11-0801 Agricultural Chemicals Bid Due Date and Time: August 25th, 2010 3:00 pm Contracting Officer: Roseann Johnson Diamond R Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company John Deere Landscapes PART# 2 - TURF ORNAMENTAL Ft.
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    CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Secretary General: Dr. Peter Müller (EUBS/GTÜM) Secretary: P.Freitag (Public Relations Druckkammerzentren Rhein Main Taunus GmbH) Organising Committee: Michael Kemmerer (CEO Druckkammerzentren Rhein Main Taunus GmbH) Dr. Peter Germonpré (EUBS) Dr. Karin Hasmiller (GTÜM) Dr. Dirk Michaelis (Medical Director Druckkammerzentren Rhein Main Taunus GmbH) Scientific Committee: Prof. Costantino Balestra (EUBS) Dr. Lesley Blogg (EUBS) PD Dr. Björn Jüttner (EUBS/GTÜM) PD Dr. Claus-Martin Muth (EUBS/GTÜM) PD Dr. Lars Perlik (Asklepios Paulinen Klinik Wiesbaden) PD Dr. Tim Piepho (GTÜM) Prof. Dr. Christian Werner (University Hospital Mainz) EUBS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – SEPT 2014 Prof. Costantino Balestra (President of EUBS) Dr Jacek Kot (Vice President of EUBS) Dr Peter Germonpré (Immediate Past President) Prof Alf O. Brubakk (Past President) Dr Joerg Schmutz (Honorary Secretary) Dr Fiona Sharp (Member at Large) Dr Lesley Blogg (Member at Large) Dr Pierre Lafère (Member at Large) Dr Philip Bryson (Liaison Committee) Dr Peter Muller (DHM Journal, European Editor) Ms Patricia Wooding (Membership Secretary – Treasurer) 1 PARTNERS AND SPONSORS Organisation: Conference Support Grant: Druckkammerzentren Rhein Main Taunus GmbH USN Office of Naval Research Global London, UK Platinum Sponsor: GS Elektromedizinische Geräte G. Stemple GmbH Gold Sponsors: Druckkammerzentren Rhein Main Taunus German Society for Diving- and GmbH Hyperbaric Medicine Haux & Siare Silver Sponsors: Keller Medical GmbH IHC Hytech DAN Europe aqua med OxyHeal Health Group Hipertech Bronze Sponsor: VDD e.V. 2 CORPORATE MEMBERS OF EUBS SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 3 Time Author Title No. Page Tuesday, 23. September 2014 08:00 ‐ 17:00 Registration open & Set‐up Industry Exhibition 12:00 ‐ 17:00 Jacek Kot European Code of Practice in Hyperbaric Medicine, Meeting of the Editorial Task Force 17:00 ‐ 18:00 After Work Industry Exhibition Wednesday, 24.
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