
Nonprofit oig. 00 Bronx, Permit No. 7608

Court Byrne-ing Up The Ram The editorial board of Volume 69 of The Upholds Ram is pleased to announce that Diane Byrne, FC'89, will take over the reigns of The Ram as editor-in-chief of Volume 70. Impeachment The soft-spoken, reserved native of Westbury, Long Island was shocked at the announcement. "Oh, I'm just so surprised." ByNICKKATSORIS Byrne said, barely audible above the din of The Student Court ruled that the U2's "Where the Street's Have No Name," impeachment of Art Maluschat, CBA'88, a blasting in the print shop. "And Bono is just senior class president of the College of going to be so thrilled for me," said the pint- Business Administration, was valid by a sized Napoleanesque editor. vote of 5-4 on Monday night. The diminutive empress in chief vowed Matuschat, who was elected class that she would not re-name The Ram "Ms. president in the USG elections last Spring, Ram", treat the natives in the print shop to was served with three charges by Christina hours on end of WLIR, or stretch production D'Agostin, CBA'88, executive president of into a week-long affair, despite her usual CBA, These charges included failure to attend a meeting on September 29 at which pace. ammendments to the Constitution were Mary O'Neill, The Ram's newly- approved, failure to meet with D'Agostin on crowned Executive Editor, has taken on a September 30 to discuss his performance as rather boastful attitude since she got news of president and failure to meet with Dr. Joseph her appointment. Renouned for her grammar McGowan, vice president for student affairs and punctuation, O'Neill also prides herself and dean of students, on October 5 to discuss on spelling and lately she's been bragging Senior Week. about all the spelling bees she won in grammar school. In her application for the Matuschat was impeached on October position, Mary made several references to the 22 by a vote of 18-1 at a CBA government "O'Neill Dynasty," that era from third to meeting. sixth grade when nobody could match vowels "When it came to being a firm leader • and consonants with her. and taking initiative, he didn't follow "After I take over, there will never be through," D'Agostin said. "I feel justice was another typo in The Ram," O'Neill said done. This has taken a lot of time and effort proudly. to decide something that was decided a Newly appointed Co-Executive Editor, month ago at a CBA meeting.'' Amy Sivco, could not be reached for Matuschat, however, felt that the comment due to the fact that she was proceedings were unfair. kidnapped by a band of wild gypsies. When "They did not consider all the important last seen, Amy was wandering up Fordham points. We can't let this go. There's Road in search of a front-page story. definitely doubt here on all charges." According to suite-mate Mary For example, Matuschat contested that O'Neill,"These weird-looking people the meeting with D'Agostin on September 30 knocked her over the head, and threw her on was never specified as an.official meeting and the back of a camel as she cried, 'You can't therefore is not a valid charge. do this to me...I'm going to miss The Ram Matuschat said he is undecided as to banquet.'" , whether he will cany his impeachment any continued on page 6 further, but according to Joe Yannuzzi, FC'88, and member of the student court, "no administrator could reverse the outcome or findings." Interview With the Great Pumpkin It was somewhere in the traffic outside Boston's Logan Airport that my friend and 1 dreamed up the wild scheme of visiting our Inside: literary hero Stephen King. Looking back, I sincerely doubt, that Halloween a year ago, had a full moon, but we did go and wander throughout a cold, chilly Maine looking for his Aleksandrs Rozens

house. We eventually did find it, but the man wasn't home. This year, we pulled the same stunt and had the same bad luck. 1 was beginning to realize how Charlie Brown and Sally felt when, after an entire night of waiting, the Great Pum- pkin failed to show up. This year, however, I did bring a mini-tape recorder with a question- naire sheet and a request that Stephen King talk his answers into the recorder. The trip was not i altogether senseless, for two,weeks ago, I receiv- continucd on page 11 2/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM •*yCA ^^ ^s*r B^*s~ ^/ — ^^ CALENDA^v^— ^^--^ ^^-^ ^v^— ^— ^^/^ ^^ ^s>^ ^v^ R^» ^

)AY ATURDAY 1ECEMBER4 ^DECEMBER 5 8:00 Mimes & Mummers— 12 & 2:00 Lady Rams "Importance of Being Earnest B-Ball Tourney (H)7:30 8:00 Mimes & Mummers - "Importance of Being Earnest"

JUNDAY DECEMBER 6 [ONDAY No career plans yet? Stop by CP&P Dealy218. DECEMBER 4 & 6:00 Lady Rams B-Ball LAST DAY OF CLASSES^ Tourney (H) Concerts: Reggae Party with 3:00 Fordham Chorus Christmas TUESDAY MOJA NYA 9pm Ramskellar Concert: Amahl and the DECEMBER 8 $5 Admission Night Visitors READING DAY 5:00 Womens B-Ball vs. Yale (H) Fordham Christmas Tree Lighting £Mass-7:30 Church; -Ceremony 8:30 Keating Steps (WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9 THURSDAY READING DAY DECEMBER 10 7:30 B-Ball vs. St. John's (H) IftEADING DAY . CINEVENTS: "A Christmas Sto & "Scrooge" 8:30 Ktg 1st FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 Which do you use the most for activity information FINAL EXAMS BEGIN on campus? Creative Programming Night FINE ARTS: Dizzy Gillespie —The Ram calendar 8pm Ballroom $6 w/ID $7 without —McGinley Lobby Calendar —Biweekly handouts —Walsh calendar -FM Hall calendar —The Hotline

Return questionnaire to URDAY student activities center. DECEMBER 12 7:30 B-Ball vs. LaSalle (H) If you have an event you would Student Intercampus Winter like published in the CAB Wonderland Dance rONDAY Calendar $15 Tickets ^DECEMBER 14 Call 579-2341 FINAL EXAMS. A 'Wi '* T ' i •'> THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/3

Students Residential Life To Aid Keys Security

By AMY S1VCO Peterson said that students concern was make a change," Peterson said. Due to student concern about security in a priority in their decision. Students have conflicting views about Prphanage the dormitory the Office of Residential L.ile "Students felt uncomfortable with the the decision to take the master keys av?ay will assume the responsibility of handing out system...We have been more aware of our from the workers. master keys to Ogden-Allied cleaning security systems and on a continual basis workers, according to Lisa Peterson, analyzed them. At this point we are ready to continued on page 10 By MARYELLEN MILON assistant dean of students for residential life. In the past, Ogden-Allied supervisors v group of fifteen Fordham students have held the master keys and were responsible for jn selected by Campus Ministry to work at distributing them to the cleaning workers. < ncho San Juan Bosco orphanage in Tecate Under the new system, which will be v :xico January 5 through 15. These volunteers implemented December 11, the master keys <. il be raising money to finance their trip and will be signed out at the Office of Residential' i buy buildings, called Rancho Paloma, located Life each morning and returned when no • i their airfare to Mexico. Ray Brescia, coor- at the end of each day. i i'ator of the Community Garden Program, and "A more effective safety system for us is v.'i Maria Ferraro, coordinator of the Studen to keep the keys ourselves," Peterson .' > ilition Against Hunger, were selected as red- said,"It isn't anything specific but we really •Kiits of the awards. According to Waller tried to focus in on weak points in security in ii '• scia and Ferraro were chosen on the basis of the Residential Life System...I don't suspect icir leadership qualities and dedication to com- any cleaning or Ogden-Allied workers for the nunity service in the South Bronx. The dona- misuse of keys." ion comes from alms collected at the masses dur- In September two cleaning men sub- ng Parent's weekend. contracted by the Ogden-Allied Cleaning Service were suspected of burglary in New Hall, but neither has been convicted. ...the goal of the project is to have students gain a global Angels Fight Crime

perspective of the By LESLIE A. FISHER Four members of the New York City needs of the under- Chapter of the Guardian Angels visited the Rose Hill campus Tuesday, November 25, to privileged, whether address students about their organization. The lecture was sponsored by Academia they are in Hispana. According to Willie ("Swan"), the main or Mexico. speaker of the four, the principle issue the Guardian Angels confront is the paradox they present to the public at large. Despite The Fordham students will travel to Loi their record of 90 citizen's arrests and Angeles where they will be met by a group o: countless other crime prevention measures, -tudent volunteers from Loyola Marymou the public image of the members as K University in Los Angeles, . Loyola extortionists or vigilantes is a constant Marymount invited Fordham to participate in thi hindrance to the organization. Because they iroject in an effort to establish a campus ministry are active participants in crime control by ink between the two schools. Both groups will their own initiative, Willie said, they are the iogether proceed to Mexico where they will targets of hostility from individuals and pend 10 days working with the 40 orphans on groups who distrust their motives. San Juan Bosco. Willie responded to these criticisms The orphanage was established over four throughout much of his presentation. years ago by two Americans who realized the Individuals join for many reasons, ranging desperate need for a home that would accept pre- from desire for adventure to desire to be leensand teenagers. Traditional orphanages on- involved in the fight against crime, Willie ly accept children under seven years of age and explained, but they are all thoroughly lurn them out when they reach the age of twelve. screened and applications are kept on' file This is Fordham's first time participating in such with the police, who run security checks on a program but Loyola-Marymount has worked all applicants. with these orphans for four years. According to Willie, all members take According to Todd Waller, the goal of the an oath similar to a police officer's oath, projectis to have students gain a global perspec- promising to be alert for crimes against tive of the needs of the underprivileged, whethei individuals and always being ready to stop they are in the Bronx or Mexico. crimes in action whether officially on patrol immediate dismissal. United States citizens to make citizens's Bob Coogan, a member of the Campu or not. All members serve on a voluntary The Guardian Angels never enter a arrests, Willie explained, even when it Ministry team said the orphanage project is par- basis and must be students or able to support community without an invitation from involves the use of physical force. In the 90 ticularly special because it will take place dur themselves financially. community members, Willie said. It is a non- arrests made, the organization has never been ing the Christmas break. Before any member goes on patrol, they political, non-profit organization and relies sued for the use of excessive force. are searched for the possession of drugs and "The students are not going to Mexico with on private donations to support its activites. Willie said the Angels are sometimes the alcohol, and checked to see if they are under [the sobering sense of only being able to bring When a neighborhood requests their presence targets of physical and verbal abuse. The the influence of either. They are also jabout limited success. They are going joyfully, or services, that community covers expenses, standard rule for patrols is to accept verbal t is Christmastime. They are going to Mexicc searched for possession of weapons. such as transportation costs. to visit the child Jesus." . . •. • Violation ofany of these guidelines .results in- .•; ,... The.,Angela a.re •jvithiji;'th<|ir,-i;ig|itsi n>.' . ,,. ,. . epn,Unin.'d on pag

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: 'll'l I ,'hj •:!•.< THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/5 Journalist Calls Attention to Greed By AMANDA CUCCHIARELLA The phone call that Winans said would in- R. Foster Winans, who is facing a jail evitably change his life came in May of 1983. sentence for inside trading on the Stock Market, He was advised to do a story on millionaire Peter warned students about the power of greed in an Brant, a broker for Kidder, Peabody and Com- American Age lecture, which he termed' 'a kind pany, and the eighties' "Jay Gatsby" with 70 of yuppie morality tale" Monday, November 23, million under management and 20 million in per- in the McGinley Center Music Room. sonal assets. Winans characterizes Brant as "a Formerly a reporter for The Wall Street yuppie before his time, who wore Gucci shoes, Journal, Winans described himself as a monogrammed shirts from Brooks Brothers and "sixties liberal" who was "seduced" into played polo at posh country clubs." using his position to trade stock information. Brant rejected Winans proposal for a pro- He said there was a great deal of illegal file on him for the journal, fearing that he would trading on Wall Street and that he was unable end up looking like a "clown." Winans receiv- to resist the temptation. ed a call from Brant, however, in September of "It had occured to me that a whole lot of 1983, just two weeks after he lost seven to ten people were making money on Wall Street, and million dollars on Digital Switch stock. Accor- that I wasn't one of them," Winens said. ding to Winans, Brant told him during a meeting Winans characterized himself as coming at the New York Racquet Club, "You know, we from the typical middle class family, and, like could make a lot of money if I knew the day the rest of his generation, having a distrust before what was going to be in the column." big business. He grew up in a small town in "The half-smile dissolved into a mischievous , and after dropping out of McGill crooked grin that was conspiratorial and seduc- University, began pursuing his "one passion" tive," Winans said. — journalism. In 1981, he went to work for Dow Winans claimed to have felt "insecure and Jones, ipublisher of The Wall Street Journal, unappreciated at the journal" and said he was and he began writing reports on stock prices. struggling financially on a $30,000 a year salary, his partner David Clark were trading like "men became the star witness in the case against "All of a sudden Wall Street seemed really especially since his apartment had gone co-op. going down for the county" according to Winans. interesting to me," Winans said:' 'I had a velcro Although he knew what he was going was illegal, Winans, "and that is how the American Stock Claming that he was "destroyed by his own mind for this stuff." Winans said he was very attracted to the idea of Exchange noticed the incredible trading going on ambition," Winans said his reason for lecturing Winans began work for The Wall Street inside trading. around the column." at Fordham was to enlighten students to their Journal in 1983, co-writing the popular "Heard "I was mesmerized by the possibilities, and Winans was called to the office of the "vulnerabilities" and tell them that career goals it on the Street" column, read religiously by curious to learn more of the mystery of Peter managing editor of The Wall Street Journal on should not be centered on the dollar bill. thousands of brokers and investors each morn- Brant and the stock market," Winans said. March 1,1984. In a telephone interview with the Winans is the author of a book entitled ing. Winans explained that he started with the "His proposal triggered no ethical skirmish Securities Exchange Commission, Winans Trading Secrets: Seduction and Scandal at the journal at the beginning of the "Bull Market." in my mind; I knew it was wrong." answered questions regarding his relationship Wall Street Journal. He is currently facing an He said he first developed the "gold fever" of Brant advanced Winans $15,000 in exchange with Brant. Winans and his roommate, also in- 18 month prison sentence after losing an appeal Wall Street when he purchased stock in American for inside information on stocks. Winans re- volved in the Wall Street scandal, later confess- to the Supreme Court, which upheld by a vote Surgery Centers, investing $400.00 in stock at counted how he would slip out of his office every ed to the crimes. Persuaded by his lawyers that of eight to zero the convictions of Federal mail $4.00 per share, After writing a favorable col- day at 11:00 am to call Brant, with the informa- he had a strong case, Winans chose to plead not and wire fraud charges but was deadlocked in umn on the company, Winans saw the stock rise tion that would appear in his column. Brant and guilty. Brant pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and the charge of Securities fraud. « dramatically. '

Ceremony Rings^^n Holiday Spirit

By JOSEPH FLATTERY the exception of CSA, which donated $100. "The whole Christmas season seems to The entire cost of the tree and ceremonies is get lost here at Fordham, because of finals expected to be between $300 and $400, Reedy and other end of the semester said, with the tree costing just over $100. drudgeries....And by the time they (finals) Reedy said that Physical Plant workers are over it's too late to get into the season," will pick up the tree from an as of yet according to Ellen Grund, FC'89. undetermined location, erect it in the Keating But thanks to the brainstorm of Jerry Archway, and decorate the tree with lights O'Connor, a graduate student on the Rose before the official ceremonies. Reedy Hill campus, this year may be different. emphasized that he appreciates the efforts of Plans are now being finalized for Physical Plant and considers Physical Plant a Fordham's first annual Christmas Tree "major player" in the ceremonies. Lighting, to be held December 8th at 8:30 p.m. on Keating steps. • The evening is to include a mass of the The project is being sponsored by Immaculate Conception at 7:30 p.m. in the Fordham College, the College of Business University Chapel, followed by a candlelit Administration, the College of General processiorf to . The Christmas Studies, the Graduate School of Arts and tree will be lit by O'Connor while the chorus, Sciences, Resident Halls Association, faculty and students sing carols. After the Commuting Students Association, United lighting ceremony participants will be invited Student Government, Chorus and Campus into the Keating rotunda for refreshments, Ministries. Reedy said. Rev. Gerard Reedy, S.J., dean of Students are excited by the idea of the Fordham College, said O'Connor new tradition. approached him earlier in the semester and "We think it's a great way to kick off suggested that Fordham begin a new the season and reading days," Paul Mitchell, tradition of a New York-style Christmas tree FC'88, and Patricia Casey, FC'88, agreed. lighting. Reedy said he "got together all the Colleen Tyler, FC'88, said "It is a great divisions of the University 1 could think of in idea to get the many divisions of the an effort to make this project University- University working together on a project to wide." The decision to go ahead with the benefit Fordham as a whole. We need more idea was unanimous, he said. unity on this campus...and what better time Each department contributed $50 with than Christmas?" 6/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM

Editors continued from page 1 ' Media Speakers John Roussey, the incoming Managing subscriptions manager. has left The Ram to devote time to other Editor, has decided to leave the darkroom Meanwhile, the editors in exile of important projects he would like to after two years as Sports Photography Volume 69, will pursue various walks of life accomplish during his college career. He has Editor to take a higher post. "I want to in lieu of all this spare time. already begun to compile a survey comparing to Discuss manage," said the Rooster. As a CBA Editor-in-chief Phil Plourd has retired the number of students who read Thomas student and founding member of the Donald from the top spot on The Ram due to the Wolfe books to the number of students who Trump fan club, Roussey demands that The high stress and hair-loss attached to the job. wear leather pants. After surveying Ram be run by Generally Accepted And besides, the rest of the staff just thousands of students, the race is close with Politics Accounting Principles (GAAP). wouldn't put up with him for another year. both categories remaining in single digits. "I can turn this newspaper into a Plourd has recently enrolled in Bellevue's "I'm going to miss The Ram," said financial monster," he said. When asked special therapy program to help him deal Matt, an editor who has turned slicing and why he voted for Roussey, to take the with his departure. dicing articles into an art form, "but the Managing Editor's spot, outgoing Executive "I'll be fine," he screamed as they time has come where I must turn my scissors Editor, Matthew Browne said "I had to, he dragged him out of the print shop in a and tape to another." By MARY ELLEN MILON ate my shorts." straight jacket, "I always am. Oh, and tell Arts Editor Lisa Ludvik will also be The Graduate School of Business Ad- Also joining the new board are Laura Byrne, I will return!" leaving The Ram. After packing up her ministration is sponsoring a lecture entitled The Filice, FC'90, news editor; Maryellon Milon, Nick Katsoris, executive editor of The empty Tab cans, oversized hairbrush and Press and The Presidential Selection, December FC'90, assistant news editor; Amanda Ram, is vacating his post after leaving what mud packs, "The Lud" planned to market 7 at 8:00 pm in the Faculty Lounge on the twelfth Cucchiarella, FC'89, copy editor; Allison he finally feels is a sufficient trail of Hellenic fresh orange juice from her hometown of floor of the College at Lincoln Center's Leon Zisko, FC'90, features editor (content to Society flyers, notes, press releases, and Citrus Hills, California, under the slogan Lowenstein Building. retain her title), Aleks Rozens, FC'89 arts Greek staff members between the edit and " are alive with the taste of O.J." The panel of speakers will include Ray Cave, editor; Ray Boffardi, FC'89, arts editor, Eva advertising offices. Since her recent move, however, to New editorial director of Time-Life Publications and Poneros, FC'89 assistant arts editor (in a "We're all happy about this," said Lisa Jersey, home state of her idols Bruce former editor of Time Magazine; David Garth, dramatic turn of events for our former Ludvik. "It's about time we got junk in here Springsteen and Whitney Houston, she has leading political campaign manager and subscriptions manager who got tired of that we can read." decided to market a new and improved recognized national expert on the use of media licking stamps and battling the post office), Katsoris, who staged a coup last version of sea monkeys. in politics ; Gilbert Spencer, editor of the New Joe Cuozzo, FC'89 Senior Sports editor, semester to change the title of the newspaper "New Jersey is a lonely state," said the York Daily News, the largest single-city cir- Dawn Conry, FC'89, Sports editor, Henry to The Hellenic Ram, plans to become head California babe, "and sea monkeys area way culated newspaper in America and former editor Herberman, FC'89, assistant sports editor, of the Greek mafia and eventually marry to give enjoyment to all the lonely people in of the Philadelphia Daily News; and Mike Michael O'Neill, assistant sports editor and Whitney Houston; not neccessarily in that my area. They're veeeeeery nice." Wallace, commentator for the award-winning Tom Deutsch, FC'89, photography editor. order. Ram advertising managers Tina news program, Sixty Minutes. Leading the Business staff will be Toula Between chugging ouzo, and chanting Doufekias and Yolanda Ochoa are also According to Small, Felix Larkin, Doufekias, FC'89, senior business manager, Whitney Houston's name, Nick plans to vacating their spots after two years. "I've professor of Communications, the topics of John Andros, FC'89 business manager (After write a book about the trials and tribulations had enough of this behind-the-scenes discussion will include the role of the press in an entire semester John finally learned how of a Greek-American in today's society. creativity," said Tina. "For two years, I've the 1988 presidential race, press freezes on can- to work with, or is it for, Toula), Peter Fellow Greek, Toula Doufekias was heard to watched these self-centered editors get their didates, domestic and foreign economic policies, Keavey, CBA'90, business manager; Diedre say "It will, never sell. 1 mean really, who's names on articles, yet I never get my name the role of the presidential debate and the effect Mastrangelo, CBA'89, advertising manager, going to buy a book by an author named put on ads." of television on the election. Small, former presi- Michelle Galietta, CBA'89, advertising 'Katsoris.'" Tina added that she will now pursue a dent of the United Press International and NBC manager, and Despina Spithogianis, FC'89, Co-executive editor, Matthew Browne career as a singing mime. "I plan to hit News, is coordinating the hour-long lecture.


i Thursday - THE TOUCH

\ Friday - THE TREND \ Saturday - ALIVE 'N KICKIN' \


PUENT v E .ALEX COX ( tR fe DEBBIE DIAZ "'i RUDY WRLITZER R i LORENZO O'BRIENS ALEX COX Opens December 4th at Select Theatres. THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/7

Scoops! I scream, you scream, we all scream for I am an ice cream lover. I can eat ice cream anytime, anywhere, in any weather. While the only thoughts you may have on a cold day are of hot chocolate or scalding coffee, I personally have no qualms about ice cream, particularly if it's cookies 'n cream. Allison Zisko

If the thought of eating ice cream in sub-freezing weather sends shivers down your spine, perhaps you should consider Coheeni's "First Law of Ice-Cream-Eating- Dynamics", formulated by none other than Ben Cohen, of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. It is also known as the "Internal-External Temperature Differential and Equalization Theory", which is based on the fact that when the body feels cold it is due to the difference between the internal body temperature and the outside temperature. Eating cold things (namely, ice cream) else. While Jerry finished his courses and practicing. The results were not always ranged from poor to inconsistent, at its very lowers the internal temperature of the body graduated from college (though not getting consistent, but they were usually edible. best. Jerry wondered whether our popularity and makes you feel warmer because it is into med school), Ben bounced around, do- Later, they paid $5.00 for an ice cream- was due to the kindness of the Burlington closer to the outside temperature. Whether ing odd jobs and taking odd classes here and making correspondence course from Penn populace." this is true or not is practically irrelevant, there. After some soul-searching, the two, State. They got together all of the necessary For whatever reasons, (most likely the because Ben and Jerry set up their business who had remained friends during this time, ingredients (including ice right out of Lake delicious taste and the offbeat, friendly ser- in Vermont (a definite cold place) and one finally came to the conclusion that they Champlain), and started to really make ice vice), Ben and Jerry's ice cream became cannot argue with the taste of sweet success. weren 't satisfied with their lives . They both cream. well known. The "company" grew and From their world-famous "Health Bar wanted to do something "fun." After turn- grew, and after some trial and error, (and Crunch" to "Dastardly Mash," to plain old ing down their original idea of going into It seems that you can more borrowing), Ben and Jerry's was be- "French Vanilla," Ben and Jerry's Ice the bagel business (the bagel machine was ing served in restaurants and sold in super Cream is becoming increasingly popular, too expensive), Ben and Jerry decided to throw whatever you market chains. Soon they were producing and is fast moving up on the other two make ice cream. 100 gallons of ice cream a day, and as Ben premium brands ice cream lovers are The two first wanted to settle in a warm like in your ice cream put it, "It began to look like we were in the familiar with. college town with a lot of students who ice cream manufacturing business." In their book entitled "Ben and Jerry's would eat ice cream all year round. Where to make it taste good Today, Ben and Jerry's has its own Homemade Ice Cream and Dessert Book'' they ended up was Burlington, Vermont (at After fourteen weeks (and 100 percent place in the supermarket freezer. Ben Cohen (Workman Publishing Co.), Ben Cohen and the suggestion of a friend). It had plenty of on every open-book test), the two were of- theorizes that one of the reasons his ice Jerry Greenfield tell the story of how they students and no competing ice cream parlors, ficially qualified to make ice cream. They cream is so popular is because it is die "only happened to come into the ice cream-making but it wasn't exactly what you'd call warm. pooled their resources, renovated an old superpremium ice cream you can pro- business. It was then that Ben came up with his Law abandoned gas station, and began to make nounce." Perhaps that's true. Or perhaps The two entrepreneurs have known of Ice Cream Eating Dynamics (which ice cream. They opened their doors on May it's the odd flavors that attract attention. It each other since the seventh grade. They at- works for me.) 5, 1978, and in the words of Ben Cohen, seems you can throw whatever you like in tended high school together, and after Over the Christmas holidays, Ben and it "was a decidedly funky and original your ice cream to make it taste good, graduation went to pursue different in- Jerry bought a textbook entitled "Ice place....a friend our ours would come by m&m's, rolos, cookies, candies, even raw terests, Jerry, pre-med, and Ben, everything Cream," read it religiously, and started and play honky-tonk music to please the chocolate chip cookie dough (which is one crowd and pace our scoopers...the service I HAVE to try).

Inquiring Photographer Question: Lisa Ludvik Q: What is Number One on your Christmas list? Photos: Toula Doufekias

A: Peace on earth, good A: A Lamborghini. A: Another pair of A: Soccer balls. A: Lots of sleep. underwear from the women will towards man. ofC-4. John liekaert David Mooney Greg O'Bradovich Ann Russell Jennifer Flood FC'91 FC'90 FC'91 FC'90 FC'89 8/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM —Student Viewpoint- Will There serving campus & community since 1918 The week of November 9 was a week of "firsts" continued to listen, IL for me. I went to my first Jewish funeral, my first for his family; I learnd to tradition and valud PHIL PLOURD Editor-ln-Chkf black-tie affair at the Waldorf, and my first New York City soup kitchen. Although these three events appear hard work, and, most] NICK KA TSORIS. Executive Editor to be dramatically different from one another, when I had already jud MA TTHEW BROWNE.... Executive Editor placed together within a time span of six days, they my ascent of his driv DIANE BYRNE. News Editor JOE CVOZZO. Assistant Sports Editor deliver a clear and powerful message to me, one I feel only seen him in his MARYO'NEILL Assistant News Editor JOHNROUSSEY. Sports Photo Editor the need to now share. humanness. What hJ LISA LUDVIK. Arts Editor TOM DEUTSCH. News Photo Editor Norman Rosenblatt was the fantastically wealthy others. For him, wealfl ALEKS ROZENS..... Assistant Arts Editor YOLANDA OCHOA.. Advertising Manager uncle of my best friend Mike. He and his family — a rather, it was a means | AMYSIVCO. Copy Editor TINA DOUFEKIAS... Advertising Manager wife and two children — lived on an estate in Mount of those he loved easie ALLISON ZISKO. Features Editor TOULA DOUFEKIAS.... Business Manager Kisco, New York, relatively close to my hometown of Norman, I woull JOHN PARADISE. Sports Editor JOHN ANDROS. Business Manager condition that slowll kidneys to become inaf MIKE MYLLEK. Sports Editor EVA PONEROS..... Subscriptions Manager his short life would be. Tom DiLenge times a week for dialyl Tha Ram is the Unlverslty-wide newspaper of , serving the campus and the community since 1918. The Ram Is published each Wednesday and distributed Iree of charge every Thursday during the academic year Correspondence should be addressed to The Ram, body would reject a 1 Box B, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458. The Ram's editorial and business olfices are located at the Rose Hill campus In Faculty doing, would chose dl Memorial Hall, Rooms 428,429, and 443. The Editorial Office telephone number is (212) 579-2665, 295-0962. Copy Office, 579-2094,295-0962. Business and Advertising (212) 579-2082. The Ram Is represented nationally for advertising by CASS, American Passage and CMPS, Ad rates Yorktown Heights. During my teenage years, I visited means. I cannot help! are available on request from the advertising manager. Ad deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Letters-to-the-Editors are due on Tuesdays, 5 p.m. The Norman's home on numerous occasions — most of the shaped pool beside hisl opinions expressed In Ram editorials are those of the editorial board; those expressed in columns, letters or graphics are those of the In- dividual writers or artists. No part of The Ram including ted, photos, artwork and ads may be reproduced without the written consent of the them celebrations of one kind or another. There was this symbol of his wea| editor. The Ram Is composed on campus at Fordham Student Print and printed by offset lithography on recycled paper In a union printing Tanya's bat mitzvah, Jason's bar mitzvah, Tanya's to symbolize his weakn plant. '.6th birthday party, and a few informal — "We just could not separate wanted to stop by and see the place" — visits. Norman was 46 years c I clearly remember my first journey into this Three days after i\ magical mystery land of wealth, power and influence. at the Waldorf-Astc It was Tanya's bat mitzvah. As I drove up the long, President Joseph O'Hj winding road which served as a driveway, passing the the Year", according t tennis court, overlooking an open field spotted with Society, and practical!)! deer and rabbits, I could see at the tip of the hill my Wolf Tickets destination, even through the dense woods, notably by the peaks of the two yellow-and-white striped tents which were covering the lawns and seemingly hosting December brings term papers and finals, egg nog and presents, snow the party. Mike was already there, and I was stopping flurries and red noses. To The Ram it brings our semi-annual Wolf Tickets, by to pick him up for the party that we were going to our way of specially recognizing those individuals and events that we feel goto that evening. deserve a little something extra. So, without further ado, we present our As I walked through the voluminous crowd of awards to the wolves in sheep's clothing. guests who were talking and drinking, I felt The "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day Excuse" Wolf Ticket goes to the immediately humbled, noticing for the first time my Administration for their continual and innovative explanations as to why raggedy pair of Lee's and my weather-torn Docksiders. I cruised through the sea of unfamiliar Alumni Court is not fully completed. Early September comments promised faces, found Mike, and, if my memory serves me that everything would be taken care of in a month, but here we are in correctly, implored him to leave with me December and the damn things//// isn't all there. immediately. Not until I got a tour first, he insisted. And while we are on the subject of ancient Rome, the " 'This Is Not the He showed me the outdoor heated pool shaped like a Roman Empire' " Wolf Ticket goes to Art Matuschat, CBA'88, who threw kidney. It was set into gray, marble stone — the himself to the lions by turning the USG impeachment procedure into a mud- picture of naturalness, of permanence. slinging free-for-all that only drew more attention to his incompetence. He walked me through the wooden castle: the The "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Go to Paris" Wolf Ticket luxurious bedrooms, the playroom (no, not your goes to Rev. Denis Moran, S.J., former dean of students, who resigned last ordinary playroom cluttered with board games; this semester to finish his dissertation in Prance. The Fordham community misses one had all the state-of-the-art technology available his Clint Eastwood "clean up this town'' style of discipline. for today's kid, including its own video camera and recorder), down the sweeping white staircase, through The "Still Haven't Given Us What We're Looking For" Wolf Ticket goes the grand hallway to the museum-esque living room to the Administration for failing,to furnish a real student pub, not that feeble which did not live up to its name, on to the sun room excuse found in the Ramskellar. (all glass), and even to the dog's room (no joke), The "Modesty Is the Best Policy"Wolf Ticket goes to University complete with sofa and TV. Yet it was more elegant President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., for his humble remark concerning the than extravagant. There was a subtle simplicity of Gold Medal presented to him by the American Irish Historical Society. character which I could not explain. O'Hare told The Ram, "In all modesty, I consider the award richly deserved.'' Obviously I was impressed as Mike was proud, as Well, we won't go as far as saying he asked for it, but in all honesty the editors all I could bring myself to mutter during the 20-minute of The Ram feel this Wolf Ticket is richly deserved too. trip onto the set of "The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" was'This is incredible." And although first The "Sanford and Son Welcome to Fordhain"Wolf Ticket goes to impressions are usually overdramatic and quickly Residential Life, Physical Plant and whoever else was responsible for the subside, each time 1 went back to that house I felt the junkyard that was Fordham when the class of 1991 got its first taste of the same exact way. Rose Hill campus. An array of worn furniture-desks, couches, chairs, On a slightly less than conscious level, I noticed bedframes~f ormed unsightly messes outside the dormitories. Norman's lack of presence at these events, but I simply The "Apparent Inability to Identify Cause and Effect Relationships" attributed it to his quiet manner, and then, later, to his Wolf Ticket goes to Dr. Joseph Cammarosano, executive vice president, and increasing illness. But what 1 failed to notice, until his Lisa Peterson, assistant dean of students for residential life, who both failed to death, was Norman's conspicuous absence from my make obvious connections between news events on campus. Cammarosano memories of this house and these events. It was as if he said the Administration's decision to erect a fence behind Alumni Court had was an invisible benefactor - a spirit which made a tree blossom, yet did not partake of its fruits. It was nothing to do with the United Student Government security proposal, which not until his funeral that I realized that, although I called for a fence in that very area. Peterson, meanwhile, said that Residential could put my memories of his wife Norma, Tanya and Life's decision to take master keys away from cleaning workers was not at all Jason in a context, I did not have a context in which to influenced by burglaries in the residence halls. put Norman. In fact, the only context in which I could The "Don't Worry, the Students That Count Are the Ones With the put him was a coffin. Money" Wolf Ticket goes to the Budget Planning Committee, which has Here, his presence was overwhelming and eliminated Fordham's chance at remaining "affordable" for the average undemable. He loomed large in my mind's eye, and as e S tandll 8 Om only mem student by recommending a 10 percent increase in tuition and fees, the second afteJnonn . f ! T° " °"al chapel that double-digit increase in two years. ate noo n, I came to know Norman for the first time. And, finally, the "Model of Consistency" Wolf Ticket must go to The I listened, cr.t.cally at first, as each rabbi extolled his virtues, say.ng to myself that there was no way a man Ram, which fluctuated between late, incomplete and absent throughout the of his wealth and extravagance could ever squeeze his semester. way through the narrow gates of heaven But as I

1987 Wrap Up Hollywood's Highlights

By RAY BOFFARDI so much deceitfulness in common, Dreyfus With the onslaught of video cassette sales and Devito actually becme enemies, beginn- and new cable subscriptions, Hollywood has ing a vicious feuding cycle culminating in bashed on, regardless. Box office sales have Dreyfus' stealing of Devito's wife. Tin Men's reached all-time highs. Here are some of the full impact plays upon our unconcious, as reasons why... wallowing in deceit, Dreyfus and Devito pro- Though receiving a great deal of negative vide all the right chemistry and impress the media publicity over its original adult rating filmgoer to the point of envy. (X), , based on the novel Fallen An offbeat look at teenage life River's Edge Angel, is a film worthy of much praise. contrasts such typical teen films as Pretty In Together with Robert DeNiro, playing Louis Pink with forcefull imagery and blatent Cyphere (figure the name out yourself), and the dialogue. Following the lives of several Califor- ever-present , Angel Heart nia teenagers, director Tim Hunter brings us to brings the filmgoer to the stimulating setting a morbid and utterly depressing look at in New Orleans. Painted with mysticism, teenage life. Strangling his girlfriend, a teenager Angel Heart opens as Rourke (Johnny Angel, invites his "burnt out" friends to the scene of P.I.) winds up investigating a missing person's the crime. Atop a riverbank lay the unclad whereabouts. From the city streets of Harlem body of a teenage girl. Would the crime to the steamy bayous of Louisiana, forces of be reported to the authorities! Not if all kinds are summoned to curtail Angel. Crispin (M.J. Fox's father in Back to the Future) Chris Cooper stars in John Sayles' Matewan. Throughout the film, light and heavy dramatic Glover could help it. Hunter's script has Glover convincing his peers to stick together fathers care less about their offspring that get- obscure moment in American history: the West in a nihilistic attempt to one day take control' ting their next fix, as moral decadence runs Virginian Coal Miners Strike of 1928. Sayles' of their suburban community. Dennis Hopper rampant. River's Edge grants the filmgoer an Matewan brings to life the brutality of union is soon brought into the picture as a late-60's insightful and unstereotypical but necessary. squabbles and the unity necessary to overcome bikeresque fugitive. Portraying his part with perspective on teen life and society in general. seemingly insurmountable odds, as the tiny convincing accuracy, Hopper's interplay with Director John Sayles, who brought us such hamlet of Matewan, West Virginia is engulf- Hollywood has the young murderer is both comical and poig- avante gard classics as Brother From Another ed in a deluge of crisis, Chris Cooper and nant. In Hunter's California, mothers and Planet, has focused his attention on a relatively James Earl Jones lead a brilliant cast of miner bashed on, townsfolk, as the common man takes on the goliath of Stone Mountain Coal, Inc, Together regardless. Here with breathtaking cinematography, Sayles has captured the mindset of the American coal are some of miner, and vividly portrayed it in film.

the reasons why. If one word would describe the current trend in film and music "nostalgia" would be j in the running. Taking this into account, Radio 1 Days, written and directed by Woody Allen,! elements are tossed about, as in one scene takes us back to Rockaway, New York, of thef Rourke dons a "sure fit" nose visor amidst a mid-193O's. Allen narrates the life of a youngl voodoo ceremony in which Lisa (X-rating) boy (Seth Green) who idolizes the radio! Bonet, becomes one with both the spirit world personality, "The Masked Avenger." The fami-f slicing and dicing a chicken. Eventually turn- ly portrayed is typical in every sense of the j ing into a psychological drama Angel Heart word. Defying Hollywood stereotypes, Allen's j leads to a spell-binding conclusion in which characters are tasteless, obese, and ugly. Life : mysticism and the unexpected are united in a is seen as boring, as throughout the film even-; haunting tour de force, the sun refuses to shine. Seth's relative, Aunt | Protocol, for the most part, is often invisi- Bea's experience in the film typifies Allen's ; ble to those of us on the outside world look- overall theme. Upon meeting the man of her j ing in. Espionage has its own unwritten rules, dreams, the almost over the hill Aunt Bea is ijs own social networks, its own means, and awestruck upon hearing Orson Wells' famed its own ends. In The 4th Protocol, a film radio broadcast hysterically exiting her car in directed by John MacKensie, we are invited in- fear. Allen's Radio Days accurately serves not to this unseen world of spies and intrigue. It only as nostalgia, but delectable food for is in this world that we learn the essence of thought. protocol, diplomatic etiquette. MacKensie's Barfly, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, supersleuth, Michael Caine, works his way •released in late November, stars Mickey through networks in which mens' lives are ter- Rourke and Faye Dunaway. In Barfly, Rourke, minated at the drop of a hat. Bringing an the barfly, enjoys many a good blood V guts unaristocratic aire to his character, Caine barroom brawl and numerous liquids to detests the very bureaucracy that employs him. quench his incessant thirst. Dunaway, a Making matters more difficult, Pierce Brosnan, "serious" drinker, runs into the rowdy, run a methodical villain, attempts to detonate an down and ragged Rourke, in, of all places, a atomic bomb, and in turn destroy NATO. bar. Trying to impress Dunaway with his wit Though The 4th Protocol deteriorates into a and charm, Rourke mumbles, 'Whada ya do?" predictable chase sequence, a fine supporting to which Dunaway replies, "I drink". A match cast stabilizes the level of suspense until the made in heaven. Dunaway adopts this barf- film's explosive conclusion (no pun intended). ly/closet poet and philosopher as old time Emotions flare as Richard Dreyfus and drunkards and aged prostitutes look on. Barf- Danny Devito face off in Tin Men. With sub- ly chronicles their adventurous drinking affair's tle twists of derisive humor, this comedy/drama highs and lows. Coppola's underlying theme glorifies the much unsung profession of the becomes evident whena rich woman offers to aluminum siding salesman. From the smallest buy Rourke's poetry. Rourke, with subtle facets of their daily lives to their grand get-rich- anger, and saliva, babbles, "Your castle is just quick schemes, salesmen Dreyfus and Devito a cage with golden bars...the wrong kind of slither to new lows in underhanded salesman- bars!" While the woman had material ex- ship. In one memorable scene, Dreyfus plants cesses, her life was portrayed as shallow. a tripod upon the front lawn of a certain Mrs. While Rourke had nothing, save the shirt on Smith and begins to photograph her house. his back, all he needed was Dunaway and Jack Greeting the Mrs., Dreyfus exclaims "Hi, we're Daniel's. Coppola's Barfly is a classic, yet a taking pictures for Life magazine of homes dangerous film, a film powerful enough to before' being aluminum sided..." Sure. With create a whole new generation of drinkers. Cheers,

T RamARTS Movies

Favorite Movie All-time 1, Gone With the Wind 2. Casablanca 3. It's A Wonderful Life Favorite Actor 4. Star Wars 5. The Wizard of Oz 1. Jack Nicholson 2. Clint Eastwood 3. Al Pacino 4. Harrison Ford 5. Dustin Hoffman

Favorite Actress 1. Meryl Streep 2. Kathleen Turner 3. Diane Keaton 4. Glenn Close 5. Cher

Favorite Movie 1987 1. Fatal Attraction 2. The Untouchables 3. Platoon 4. Dirty Dancing 5. La Bamba 5. Stakeout

RamARTS 1987 Wrap Up

Favorite Album 1987 1, The Joshua Tree 2. Whitney 3. Dirty Dancing Soundtrack 4. Back in the High Life (1986) 5. Tunnel of Love 5. Slippery When Wet Music, Music, Music

By NICK KATSORIS anything less than that would make him even lins —all ran out the successes of their 1986 it rich like Whitesnake, Cinderella, and Europe, Looking back over 1987, it's amazing how more boring than he already is. albums. as did several groups of the seventies like Star- musical styles have evolved through the years, 1987 also saw a dance hit by, of all peo- On the band scene, The Bangles walked ship with their gem "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Thirty years ago, in 1957, the big hits were ple, Bob Seger with "Shakedown", an in- their way to the top "Like Egyptians", The Now", and Fleetwood Mac with its welcome "Wake Up Little Susie" by the Everly Brothers, strumental hit in Kenny G's "Songbird", and Beastie Boys fought for their right to party, and surprise album Tango Into the Night. These ar- "Chances Are", by Johnny Mathis, and Elvis' a controversial hit in George Michael's "I Want Bon Jovi did just about anything else as their tists proved that good acts dori't die, they just "Jailhouse Rock". By 1967, the Beatles were Your Sex". Otherwise, it was a quiet year for Slippery When Wet album was one of the big- get better. riding down "Penny Lane", Aretha Franklin male vocalists, as the three pillars of the in- gest of the year, We also saw many dance groups making was demanding "Respect", and Lulu sang "To dustry — Billy Joel, Lionel Richie, and Phil Col- 1987 also sasw several rock bands strike time on several radio formats this year, in- Sir With Love". In 1977, Debbie Boone lit up cluding the resounding success of Lisa Lisa and our lives, The Eagles checked in with "Hotel 1987 was the year U2 was looking for Cult Jam, which scored twice with "Head to California", and Rose Royce took us for a ride Toe" and "Lost In Emotion". Expose also pro- through the "Car Wash". And ten years from something they never found, the year vied its versatility in 1987, after floundering now, what will we remember about 1987? on the club scene for a few years, and The Jets 1987 was the year U2 was looking for Whitney Houston was looking for a dancing zoomed to the top with a hit ballad "You've something they never found, the year Whitney Got It All", and a charmer from the Beverly Houston was looking for a dancing partner, partner, and another year in which poor tittle Hills Cop II Soundtrack, and another year in which poor little Diana But what was the most successful group Ross was looking for a hit record. Diana Ross was looking for a hit record. of the year? It was the four-man band from This year will also be remembered as the Ireland whose succes has spanned several year the world discovered the answer to the years, yet in 1987, U2 exploded with a univer- question "Who's That Girl?" During 1987, sal success never experienced by them before. everyone's favorite material girl once and for Not only did their album The Joshua Tree all proved her consistency and Madonna saturate the airways by May of this year, but definitely caused a commotion as she racked the group has sold out stadiums across the up five big hits including two chart-toppers: country all year long. "Open Your Heart", and "Who's That Girl?" While many acts finally saw star's light in In fact, 1987 was probably Madonna's 1987, trie spotlight dimmed on others. Once year because while she saturated the music dominant forces in the industry, Duran Duran, charts, so did about 100 Madonna wanna-be's. Boy George, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, and 1987 saw acts like Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Ex- Donna Summer just didn't hit it with America's pose, The Cover Girls, Alisha, Lisa Lisa, Stacey ever-changing style of music. Q, and Samantha Fox all dance their way to Several hits of yesteryear, however, did the top of the music charts in step with resurface — like Kim Wilde's re-make of the Madonna's trademark of upbeat club music. • Supremes' classic "You Keep Me Hanging Madonna's reign of the female vocalist On", Club Noveau's cover of "Lean On Me", scene, however, was not unrivaled during The Communards' version of "Don't Leave Me 1987 as there were two princesses of pop. Last This Way," and Laura Branigan's beautiful June, Whitney Houston released her second recording of "The Power Of Love". The best album Whitney, and while Madonna has re-make of the year, however, was "La Bam- been consistent, Houston has been explosive. ba" by Los Lobos. This song was definitely out Not only did her album debut on Billboard of circulation for too long. Magazine's Top 200 album chart all the way up at number one (a feat accomplished only Los Lobos was instrumental in one of the three other times in music history), but she also year's most successful soundtracks as they scored two chart-topping singles, "I Wanna brilliantly updated the material of the late Dance With Somebody", and "Didn't We Richie Valens. Soundtracks in 1987, however, Have It All", thus adding to her streak of five bucked the growing trend as fewer were big • consecutive number one singles. hits with the exception of Dirty Dancing, La In the male vocalist department, 1987 Samba, Beverly Hills Cop II, and Who's That rightfully belonged to Bruce Springsteen, who G/'r/. Perhaps there are more soundtrack released two blockbuster albums including his albums on the horizon for 1988. phenomenally successful live set (released in What else does the coming year have in late 1986, but with an impact which carried store for us? Well, we can probably expect new into the new year), and his first studio album releases from Phil Collins, Tina Turner, Janet since Born in the USA, a more mellow, con- Jackson, and possibly even Madonna; but then servative album titled Tunnel of Love. again, this is the music industry, an unpredic- One might argue that the "Bad" Michael table business where today's stars could be Jackson also had'a banner year, yet Michael's tomorrow's duds. So instead of worrying about days of awe are over. At this point in his career, what will hit and what will miss, just turn up everyone expects him to record hit records — the radio and enjoy.

RamARTS Music

Favorite Group/Band

1. U2 2. The Beatles 3. Genesis 4. Squeeze 5. Bon Jovi

•fiW .

Favorite Song favorite Female All-time Singer 1. Stairway to Heaven 2. American Pie 1. Whitney Houston 3. Follow Me, Follow You 2. Madonna 4. You've Lost the Loving Feeling 3. Suzanne Vega 5. The Greatest Love of All 4. Barbara Streisand 5. Stevie Nicks

Favorite Male Singer 1. Bruce Springsteen 2. Billy Joel 3. Steve Win wood ' 4. Peter Gabriel 5. Bono . 5. Phil Collins

Favorite Radio Station Favorite Song 1987 1. The Time of My Life 1. WQHT 2. Still Haven't Found What I'm 2. WNEW Looking For 3. WUR 3. I Wanna' Dance With 4. K-ROCK Somebody 5. WNSR 4. Here I Go Again 5. La Bamba

RamARTS 19B7 Wrap Up What's on TV Tonight

By LISA. LUDVIK Well, another year of television has come and gone, and soon most of the new series will have been cancelled, some old series will have become boring, and the dreaded reruns will have begun. It wasn't until I reached college that I realized just how valuable reruns are. While these days it seems I never have time for television, by the time June rolls around I am craving even the most inane show. If you are like the average Ford ham student, nightime television watching is restricted to the bare essentials such as Monday Night Football, Family Ties, Moonlighting, and maybe David Letterman. Well, let's take a look anyway at what television looked like in 1987. As far as any of the new shows go, there were not any overnight blockbuster hits. Thi'rty-

The stars of LA. Law at work and at play.

On Family Ties, for instance, Alex David and Maddie have been emotionally and Vice, primarily. These three shows used to (Michael J. Fox) got a new girlfriend. This girl physically apart the entire season while the draw a commanding audience, yet today are had big shoes to fill, as his last girlfriend, Ellen, writers make up their minds who's the father never spoken about. Victoria Principal, who was so popular with dedicated viewers. While and what David and Maddie are going to do played Pamela Ewing for so many years on the jury is still out on Courtney Cox, now that they have finally gotten horizontal. Dallas, finally left the show. But, fear not! somehow the negative opinions are louder Disgruntled mumblings have been the Pamela was not killed off, she was merely in than the postitive ones, and personally, I think predominant response when I have asked a horrible car accident that destroyed her face Don Johnson married? there is zero chemistry between the two. Fami- about Moonlighting. It's too bad that a show so much that another actress can play her. And, Something, a show deliberately aimed at the ly Ties has also had to adjust to being on Sun- with such original themes had to decay into Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson) on Miami Vice yuppie audience seems to have garnered a day nights now, and while this hasn't been almost a parody of itself. Here is to hoping the got married to Sheena Easton. Since Sheena small audience, but this could be due to the detrimental to the ratings, somehow NBC's Dave and Maddie get it together in the New has only signed on for four episodes, I wonder popular Moonlighting tie in. Otherwise, minor disruption of the Thursday night lineup is more Year. how Sonny's bride will be disposed of. hits are, Hoopermanjake and the Fatman, and annoying than anything else. Then we come to the category: "Are these Miniseries are other things that seem to . Maybe the shows were all Speaking of annoying changes, has shows really still on and does anybody out have picked up interest again after hitting rock slow starters, and,people just haven't caught anyone watched Moonlighting this year? First there still watch them?" Shows that belong in bottom with Amerika earlier this year. So far, off, because of Cybill Shephard's pregnancy, this category are Dallas, Dynasty, and Miami The Billionaire Boys Club seems to be the hands-on favorite. The two-parter starred Judd Nelson as a young Beverly Hills tycoon who If you are like the lusted for money and power. Napoleon and losephine was another relatively successful average Fordham miniseries that starred Armand Assante and Jac- queline Bisset. student, nightime While many new series don't make it past that difficult first season, the few that do, Usual- television watching ly become big favorites. This year, Alf, and LA. Law are two shows that audiences seem to is restricted to the have latched on to. Alf is an Alien Life Form who looks kind of like a furry anteater and bare essentials. craves cats. He is no heart-warming alien like E.T., actually he is more selfish, sarcastic and on. (That is the only problem with watching obnoxious. However, he is also very funny, reruns. By the time summer rolls around, most both to kids and to adults. L.A. Law is the late of the new shows were cancelled by the time 80's answer to Hill Street Blues. Set in any college student has a chance to see them.) Southern California, this posh law firm looks Probably the most popular show isn't even on like a glossy, yuppie version of the Hill Street a network station: the independently carried Station. But, who cares? The acting, storyline, Star Trek: The New Generation. The new Trek and characters are all good, and L.A. Law won seems to be picking up faithful Trekkies as well Best Dramatic Show of 1986 for last year's Em- as younger fans. Somehow, it just doesn't seem my Awards. Let's hope it keeps up the stan- possible without Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and dards it began with. those funny uniforms that looked more like I probably didn't mention your favorite pajamas... show — there are so many on television it Well, if no new series is doing any good, is hard to keep them all straight, but the what are people watching? And how are some television of 1987 had some bright spots (LA. of those old series that have been on for years Law,Cagney and Lacey) as well as some real keeping their audiences from getting bored? dim ones (AmerikaJJ. Starbuck) but that is Change. The old standbys get by with making television. Hopefully next year will bring us small and not so small changes every year that 1 , < s more jeopardy!, David Letterman, and keep the intrigue. M*A*S*H reruns.

RamARTS Television

Favorite TV Show AN-time \ 1. M*A*S*H 2. I Love Lucy 3. Star Trek 4. The Honeymooners 5. The Odd Couple

Favorite TV Actress 1. Cybill Shepherd 2, Joan Collins 3. Shelly Long 4. Justine Bateman 5. Lisa Bonet

Favorite TV Show 1. Family Ties 2. 3. Moonlighting 4. L.A. Law 5. Cheers

Favorite TV Actor 1. Michael J. Fox Favorite Soap Opera 2. 1. General Hospital 3. Bruce Willis 2. Days of Our Lives 4. Alan Alda 3. All My Children 5. Tony Danza 4. One Life to Live 5. Young and the Restless

RamARTS •:•' v ii#!Wrap^UpT "V t -£/ &"~\^h^.* .«; • - '"* *' *V All Star Caroling

By BILL MCCARTHY Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Thanksgiving has passed, the city streets recorded "Merry Christmas Baby" live at are decorated, that big tree in midtown is glow- Nassau Coliseum in 1980 during The River ing brightly, and if you're smart you have tour, yet it was not first released until a year already started shopping. Yes, the holiday ago. Bruce performs it as a rousing arena piece season is in full swing and its non-stop from which, except for a little jingling here and now until the 25th. Now, what goes better with there, does not really sound very Christmas. all the preparation than good Christmas music? At the same time, it is good stuff because let's The problem is-tliat most of the holiday albums face it, Bruce cannot be beat when he is sing- available in record stores are oldies by Perry ing live. Como or Julie Andrews. In fact, up until now, Everyone is familiar with the whimsical "I about as recent as it gets is probably John Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus". But you Denver and the Muppets. will hardly recognize it as presented by John All that has changed this year with finally Cougar Mellencamp. By adding the famous In- a Christmas album for the eighties, A Very diana country twang that has spiced all of his Special Christmas is long overdue, but well best songs through the years, he turns "I Saw worth the wait. The 16-track album is pro- Mommy" inside and out into a true Mellen- duced by Jimmy lovine, who's original inten- camp Christmas song. Sting closes side one tion was only to make a rock and roll with "Gabriel's Message" featuring such a Christmas album. But in the true spirit of spiritual sound that it could just as easily be Christmas, he chose the role of the album to performed by a good church choir. The song benefit Special Olympics, a sports training and barely makes two minutes, way too short for competition program for mentally retarded it to be truly appreciated. children and adults. Holiday rap opens side two as Run DMC The all-star lineup featured on A Very chat their way through "Christmas in Hollis". Special Christmas reads like a who's who of Believe it or not, it is a sentimental tribute to the cream of the top 40 — U2, Bruce Springs- their Christmas memories growing up in that teen, Madonna, Sting, and Whitney Houston, Queens' town. I suppose it is enjoyable if rap just to name a few. And don't misunderstand, is your thing but I doubt you will hear this one on channel 11 's Yule Log this year. Departing from their usual dark and serious subject mat- All that has changed ter, super band U2 lightens things up as it remakes the old Phil Spector hit "Christmas this year with finally a (Baby Please Come Home)" Not only do Bono ' and the boys turn in one of the album's best Christmas album for performances, but they seem to be having a •'good time with the song as well. In fact, it is the eighties. A Very so good, that like Sting's song, you will wish it was a bit longer. Special Christmas is "The Little Drummer Boy" was last covered when Joan Jett nearly destroyed it back well worth the wait in 1982. Now Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band resurrect the classic with all the each artist performs his or her own song. This tenderness, feeling and passion that the song is not another "Do They Know It's Christmas". demands. Seger has always had a magical way Also, nearly all of the songs were recorded with a ballad. He is a natural choice to per- specifically for the album. Only two of the form one of the greatest Christmas ballads of tracks have ever been heard before. Springs- all time. Then there is Madonna's "Santa teen's "Merry Christmas Baby" appeared last Baby",, a sillies fifties hit that should have been Christmas as the flipside of his "War" single, forgotten. However, "Santa Baby" does score and Sting's "Gabriel's Message" was found on a few points for Madonna's sarcastically fun the B-side of "Russians" a couple of year's Betty Boop imitation. back. Included are both plenty of holiday Canadian rocker Bryan Adams races classics such as "Winter Wonderland" and through "Run Rudolph Run", an old Chuck "Silent Night" and brand new songs. Why cent disappointing outing Whitney. Perhaps never heard her before, gently performing the Berry hit, so rapidly that the song ultimately even Run DMC turns up for some Christmas the package's biggest surprise comes in the classic, displaying strong yet smooth vocals in gives you a headache and any sort of holiday rap. Pretenders' "Have Yourself A Merry Little what is a definite departure from usual sound attempted at winds up totally lost. As Everyone's favorite dance family, The Christmas". It is Chrissie Hynde as you have Pretenders' fare. for Bon Jovi's live recording of "Back Door Pointer Sisters, kick things off with a "so ex- Santa", well it is probably what one would ex- cited" cover of "Santa Claus is Comin' to pect from a Bon Jovi Christmas song, and Town" with all of their usual enthusiasm. With worse. In fact they might just as well have call- jingle bells ringing constantly throughout, the ed it "Santa Dead or Alive" or "You Give Pointers take this famous kiddie Christmas Claus a Bad Name". song that has been done dozens of times Don't worry, things shape up fast as the before and make it all their own, actually, even great Alison Moyet steps in with a powerful quite danceable. Next up are the Eurythmics performance of the timeless "Coventry Carol". with another holiday favorite, "Winter Her unforgettably spirited recording will re- Wonderland" uniquely performed as only the mind you of just how underrated Moyet is. incomparable Annie Lenox can. The duo han- What better piece to serve as the finale of this dily dip the standard into their trademark sultry great collection than everyone's favorite carol style of technopop. In addition, they add on "Silent Night" performed in its true spirit by their own clever lyrics to introduce the song Arts Editor - Lisa Ludvik the incomparable Stevie Nicks. She sounds like: "Over the ground lies a mantle of white. Assistant Arts Editor - Aleks Rozens teriffic and listen closely, that is Robbie ("C'est A heaven of diamonds shine through the La Vie") Nevil singing backup. night." A Very Special Christmas is a very special Whitney Houston turns in a wonderfully Contributors -Bill McCarthy, Ray Boffardi, Nick Katsoris, record, a gathering of the best talent in the soulful rendition of "Do You Hear What I business in support of a worthy cause perfor- Hear?" Once again, her strong vocals make a " Mary O'Neill, Diane Byrne, Jennifer Recarey ming holiday classics of yesterday as well as fine showing, yet fortunately she does not over- new favorites of tomorrow. So while you are do it. Actually, Houston performs the song in out shopping, why not pick up this bright red more of a gospel sound reminiscent of her Layout Design - Bob O'Keefe package to entertain you and your family childhood roots. It is comforting to know that Editor-in-Chief - Phil Plourd throughout the holidays. You will not regret the singer has still got it in the wake of her re- it. Have a very special Christmas everyone!!!

RamARTS THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/9 e An Answer? Letters If his loyalty to ana love Yorker of Irish descent was there to honor him. There (commitment to God and only given his permission for this extravagance, but I was, all duded up in my black tuxedo, in the Grand had also granted it to us as some type of reward — hed of his sacrifices, his Ballroom — with its sparkling chandeliers and equisite somehow, we deserved it. I felt uneasy at the time J his quiet philanthropy. architectural design — surrounded by thousands of about his use of the word "abundance", although it Iman before I completed important people, all dressed like me. "Look, there did not prevent me from downing the tipperary pie, |at very first day. I had goes Senator Moynihan." "Hey, isn't that Hugh the smoked salmon, the lemon sherbert, the roast Due Process? ce, not in his beautiful Carey?" pheasant (which the Society cleverly called "Rose Hill ... life he led, was for As I made my way to my table, I felt nervous and Pheasant"), the potato chips, the stuffing, the salad, ot a goal in and of itself; out of place. It was as if I had stepped onto a movie and the desserts, all within two hours... 'o the Editor: h he could make the lives set. This could not be my life, I thought. The level of Three days later, I volunteered to work down at I find it quite disheartening that a university that kppier. extravagance and richness far exceeded that of the Xavier Soup Kitchen on ,16th Street, between Fifth jrides itself on a strong academic environment, would put, was a diabetic — a Norman's estate, making this experience even more and Sixth avenues. The kitchen opens its doors at 2 Fail to promote the proper rules of procedure neccessary urely would cause his overwhelming. My upper-middle-class status never p.m. every Sunday, and the group of Fordham for organized debate, within its own student govern- , The last six months of seemed so middle class before. Although I was dressed students and I did not arrive until almost that time. We ment simulations. After attending an impeachment [visiting the hospital three for the part on the exterior, my heart felt as if it was had taken the Number 4 train down to Union Square hearing on Monday, November 30,1 can see that For- Irnent. But in the end, his still wearing those Lee's and docks. and then walked up Fifth Avenue to 16th Street, and lham University is one of those slackers. With all due anted kidney, and in so After several very expensive drinks — we paid then turned toward Sixth Avenue. We had only taken respect for our illustrious institution, faculty, students, .. a life lived by foreign $ 130 for a bottle of Dewars and a bottle of Smirnoff — maybe 30 steps off Fifth, when we reached the end of a administration, and student government representatives, Jink back to that kidney- I began to lighten up a bit, allowing my rationality to massive line of people waiting for the soup kitchen to find it embarassing that a certain number of our elected , and how ironic it is that be swept away by my excitement and feelings of self- open. As we continued to walk down 16th Street, past student representatives treat their posi tions as a 1 stature would also come importance, not to mention my growing drunkeness^ the line of 1,000 blank faces, I felt as if all 1,000 pairs humorous replication of ahigh school popularity contest. J death. For all his wealth It was all so intriguing, seeing how the other halt lived'. of eyes were staring right through me. We passed old Although most of us here rarely tend to look out- i his own humanity. I wondered what it must be like to enjoy this kind of people, young people, middle aged men and women; side into the realms of other universities, if we did, we U he died.,. luxury on a regular basis. I thought that, with a little black people, white people, Hispanics...I began to would probably find that most of the universities that |eral, I attended a banquet effort, I could probably get used to it. walk faster..,married couples, families, teenagers; we examined, even those with less of a reputation, honor of Fordham's Before we began to eat our $200-a-plate, seven- some were dressed up in old suits, some in ripped demonstrate a higher respect for the offices of theirstud- clothing, some carrying plastic bags full of aluminum I.J. He was "The Man of course meal, a priest rose from the dais to say grace. ent governments. For example, in states that are under cans...walking faster still...crazy people, hobos I American-Irish Historical He thanked the Lord for the "abundance of food and the commonwealth system of higher education, such as drinking from brown paper bags, a young, white ! influential and rich New drink" we were about to receive, as if God had not 'ennsylvania and Virginia, students take not only an active role in the government of their school activities, but of the policies of the university itself, up to, and including student body representation at the state level. So what has that got to do with Fordham? Much, since this university prided itself on liberal education, which I more importantly depends upon the organized instruc- I tion of plural ideas. The ground basis of our entire political system that allows for the constructive interaction of opposing view- mother feeding her child with a bottle, a black man points, is that such debate is structured by many for- reading a paperback version of A Catcher in the Rye. mal and informal rules of procedure. These rules of pro- By the time I reached the beginning of the line cedure are carefully fastened around all of our govern- where Father Gill was standing, I felt as if I had mental bodies. Without them, intellectual agreement undergone two hours of medical torture. I wanted to among debating parties would result in a shouting cry, but Father Gill's congenial, professional manner, match. The result—debate with organized rules of and the distinct sense of urgency in his voice, quelled procedure—' is usualy that of an agreement based on my emotions. Obviously, in this business, there was compromise. The result of debate that is unorganized little room for deep, emotional involvement — it and without rules of procedure, results in unresolved would probably cause more pain in the heart than a problems that will fester and grow. knife to the chest would. While I was present at the Impeachment hearing Two hours later, we had finished serving over I grew sicker to find that the hearing was implemented 1,000 people a full, hot, meal, which would, for most due an alleged violation of the plaintiffs due process of them, be the only meal of the day. I tried to imagine Shameful as it was, the appelate tribunal in charge of what it must be like to live in constant hunger, to have the hearing was violating the defendants due process by to listen to your children's cries for food without being not implementing the correct rules of procedure able to do anything for them. If the 2,000-person necessary to insure due process. Ironic as it was, the crowd at the Waldorf that night deserved their defendant, who had conducted two previous impeach- "abundance", surely these 1,000 people before me ment hearings using correct procedure and taking a ge deserved at least a minimum level of subsistence, What nuine interest in conecdy instituting sound government possible crime could these hungry children have was trying to be reprimanded by a plaintiff and an committed to deserve such suffering? Our two apellate tribunal that didn't seem to know what the terms Americas have never seemed so real to me as they did procedure and due process mean. Consequently, due that day. the lack of any trace of procedural process, the defen The poor I met that day were certainly a diverse dant's right to due process had been violated, resulting group. What binds these people together, however, is in not only the embarrassment of a governmental system their common desperation. Most have jobs and that did its job correctly, but also the embarrassment apartments, but rents which rise faster than the of those student government members who were doing unskilled and uneducated poor's wages are forcing their job correctly. these people to make a decision that no human should As for the tribunal that heard the case, each membe ever have to make: the choice between paying the rent might do better to reexamine the merits of why the case and feeding your children. came before them, and maybe, just maybe, they should Conservatives are quick to find the few, isolated think about taking control of the next hearing and cases of deceit and abuse — "Oh, they just come to get guarantee due process. For without a carefully controll- a meal which they don't have to work for" — and then ed hearing, the reasons for having an organized discus^ make some kind of generally applicable social theory sion becomes a mockery. out of them. Obviously, these people have never had As a student who pays just as much money as any the pleasure of witnessing a frail toddler, tugging at other member of the student body here at Fordham, her mother's sleeve, asking "When can we eat?", and the next time an election rolls around I intend to vote then having to watch the young mother look into her for those of my fellow students who are going to tak< hungry child's eyes and respond "Soon", while gently my concerns under consideration, and not just thei stroking her daughter's unwashed hair. resumes, Due process isn't a joke and neither is stu Liberals prefer to blast Government for failing to dent government. live up to its responsibility to provide the poor with an Kevin J. Hughes, FC '90 adequate safety net — one that is designed not to help them out of poverty, but rather to stave off mass- starvation and inner-city riots. I'm not sure which More letters: See Page 10 approach is worse: at least the Conservative is honest continued on page 12 10/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM Keys Angels continued from page 3 continued from page 3 All of the rooms in ihe residence halls participants in the fight against crime, the Alumni with the exceptions of Walsh Hall and Guardian Angels incite in most Americans Martyrs' Court are receiving new locks. the inbred distrust of anyone or any group Resdential Life is planning to have the new whose outward motives do not clearly Argument locks installed before the closing days of the indicate a desire for personal gain. The semesler because this is the period when niosl Guardian Angels ask those who doubt their thefts occur. The only keys lo he distributed intentions to look at their past record. To the Editor: to the cleaning persons will unlock the As evidenced by their seminars on drug I would like to comment on the United Student lounges, compact rooms, slop sinks and abuse, self-defense demonstsrations, Government Senate's passing of a resolution to draft entrance ways. None of the full-time cleaning participation in anti-KKK rallies, raids on a petition on behalf of USG, the RHA and the CSA to workers in Ihe dormitories will have master crack houses, and their high visibility patrols, support Fordham's effort to join the Colonial League. keys. The only people who will be allowed to the Guardian Angels take their role of Let us not be swept up by the recent success of the use master keys are the housekeepers in deterring street crime seriously. According to football team to support any upgrading but let us look Walsh Hall and Martyrs' Court, who have Willie, three Angels have lost lives in this at the situation carefully before we blindly act. This step access to suile rooms but not to students' pursuit. His father was shot nine times, so he up to Division I-AA will cost much money and will not rooms. and others know the reality of the crimes they generate enough revenue so (hat the school won't be "Not only is it a hassle for the workers, are fighting and offer practical tactics in the losing money. The University Budget Planning Com- bul it's insulting lo make them feel guilty for fight against them. mittee, in its most recent move to increase tuition, cited something they haven't done," said Gerry There are 67 chapters of the Guardian increased allocations to athletics as one of the reasons McGuire, FC'89. Angels across the country and in Canada, they feel they must increase tuition for next year (The "If it's going lo pui some people's Mexico, Puerto Rico and Guatemala, Ram, Thurs. Nov. 19, 1987, pg. 7). I believe that mov- minds at resl I don't see any harm in it as According to Willie, the Angels are seeking ing up to Division I-AA will spur further large tuition long as no one is being accused," said Kevin to extend and develop new ties all the time. increases that many, including alumni, are trying to Harrington, FC'88 avoid. Frank McLaughlin, in his push for the Colonial Ken Monzone of Ogden-Allied declined League, will tell you about increased alumni support comment on the issue. and donations, more publicity and the use of financial aid instead of scholarships as reasons why we should make this move. Well, let us all not fall victim to what I call' 'Frank McLaughlin Over-Hype." Does anyone realize that Field's size will have to be ex- panded, costing much money? In addition to that, we will have to pay for a larger staff and expand our recruiting—all costing more money. To top it off, the Merry Colonial League does not have a national television con- tract, nor does it get much coverage in the newspapers. Look at your Sunday papers from a few weeks ago and see if any of the Colonial games get more than a paragraph. The only reason the Colonial League has Christmas gotten any attention at all this year is because Holy Cross has a potential longshot Heisman Trophy candidate in Gordie Lockbaum. Other than that I doubt you would have heard much from Holy Cross this season. Does anyone really believe the alumni are going to greatly support or donate to the school if we finish last or in the middle of the pack of the Colonial League? No, of course not, and you could look at our team as a prime example. They play a step above football's Well fly your Division I-AA, in Division I, and you will only hear a lot about Fordham's basketball team if they win the MAAC andadvanceto the NCAA's 64 team tourney. . In addition, there are no playoffs in the Colonial League, meaning that all season long you will root for Fordham to finish in first place and then if Ihey do (he season is over. No post-season play against other good teams, no nothing. Can you imagine rooting for the Yankees or Mets to clinch their respective divisions and then not have an American or National League Championship S Series against their Western Division Counterparts, only a "goodbye, see you next year" statement from them? No, I think not. I think what we should be doing is look- for only 39. ing at the positive benefits of playing in Division II] It's the lowest one way airfare to Boston or continued on page 14 Washington—lower than the price of a couple of textbooks. Are You Interested In A Career And it doesn't come with a lot of prerequisites. 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Inc. nmplnyor mil THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/11 Interview with the Great Pumpkin continued from page 1 /vmfimipfl from nadp 1 \ "i \ ed the recorder in the mail, with answers and all. movie. It's the closest of all the films to the book You may have noticed that there is a new in terms of plot, but it's just not there. Part of Schwarzenneger movie out called The Running it was that David Keith didnt do it for me, and Man. A trifle violent. It was written by Stephen I supose part of it is where the movie does divert King when he used the pseudonym Richard from the book, The screenwriter has put a lot Bachman. King has also published another hor- of lies in the father's mouth. When the little girl ror book entitled The Tommy knockers, which is asks 'Will I be able to go to school like ordinary about the discovery of an alieri"spacecraft in the kids, Daddy?', and he says 'Sure you will Maine woods. honey.' And she says "Will this all be over soon?' THE RAM: According to some rumors, this 'Oh, yes honey everything's going to be OK' I is supposed to be your last horror book. Is it? don't believe in lying to children because the lies KING: No, I don't think so, but I don't real- always come back to haunt you. And, in a way, ly know. My answer to that question has been Charlie McGee is like any kid who has an in- widely misinterpreted and what I said was that curable condition like polio or cerebral palsy. I thought I'd come to the end of a lot of books You can't just say yes. You've got to live with it. that dealt with childhood and childhood monsters. THE RAM: Will there be anymore King Whether or not there are more monsters in the books adapted into films? future is up to the muse or God or whatever you KING: The Running Man is out now. Not want to call it. my idea of a really great film, but beyond that THE RAM: What's next as far as writing? there aren't any plans. Well, there are plans, but Films? Screenplays? there is nothing in production, Pet Sematary and KING: I'm not planning on any screenplays. The Stand are both still out, and things happen I'm working on a novel called The Dark Half, and then they don't happen. Sooner or later but when I work on a novel, that doesn't maybe something will. necessarily mean the novel is going to get done. THE RAM: Why write horror? Wherejdo It just means that I'm working on a book and ii you get the ideas for something like The Dead may come up and it may not. Right now, it looks Zone, The Shining, or for that matter where do like this one will, but I can't be sure. you get a character idea forsomeon e like Annie THE RAM: What is your favorite film Wilkes in Misery! adapted from your novels? KING: Oh, &987,1 don't know where I get KING: Cujo. my ideas. I really don't. I was trying to think THE RAM: What is your least favorite? where I got the idea for Annie Wilkes, and I don't KING: Firestarter, know where I got the idea for that. I guess THE RAM: Why? someplace I'd read about a nurse who had offed KING: Cujo holds on to the spirit of the a lot of children in the pre-mie ward someplace novel. It's just sort of go for broke, dumb hor- and that was sort of the nugget for it, but a lot ror. There's nothing there, but it just sort of hits of times, the situation dictates the character. If the viewer, which is what I try to do in the book. you can find a true character in that situation, are particularly important. Something just pops as a kid, one's that I like were / Married A Hit. Hit. Hit. And with Firestarter, the opposite the book works. And otherwise, it just doesn't. in your mind and if it keeps popping up, you use Monster From Outer Space, and The Invasion of is true. It doesn't have the spirit of the book, As far as the ideas in the other ones [books], they it. the Body Snatchers. I guess Invasion of the Body although everything that's in the book is in the come from all different places and none of them THE RAM: When did you start writing? Snatchers was my favorite. As a teenager, The KING: I was about six when I started to Night of the Living Dead, although I saw it as write things down. Starting by copying from a late teenager when I was in college. As for right comic books and later going on to write original now.. .probably The Hitcher. I like horror movies stuff. I started to write professionally, I think, that are relentless and that have at least some in- when I was 12, which is to say that's when I terior logic or else just present a situation that started to submit stuff. Trying to establish some doesn't have any explanation, but what people sort of pro career and I finally did sell something do in that situation has some interior logic, when I was 18 or 19 years old. THE RAM: What writer influenced you the most? THE RAM: How did you choose the hor- KING: Richard Matheson. THE RAM: Do you have any favorite KING: As I said before, I didn't. It chose writer?

"I was about six when I started to write things down...when I was 12...that is when

* * I started to submit stuff... I finally did sell something when I was 18 or 19 years old."

me. KING: I don't think there's any answer to THE RAM: What was your childhood like? the favorite writer question. There are a lot of KING: Oh, that question. It's people whose books I pick up. You know, at the always...there's a hidden assumption in there that bookstore, in hardcover, just as second nature. something very awful happened to you in your I'd pick them up in paperback if 1 didn't have childhood to warp you to this particular path, but any money or I'd be the first on the list at the nothing did that I can remember. It was just a library. I'd say Robert Parker, Evan Hunter who very ordinary childhood. is Ed McBain, Donald Westlake, Peter Straub. THE RAM: Did you spend a lot of time Oddly enough, there's one guy, F. Paul Wilson, > • watching grade B horror flicks? that I like very much too. That's just a short list. KING: Yeah, every Saturday, Thursday There are really a lot more. nights if I could. I've got Them on tape. I've got THE RAM: Is there any writer out in the 77ie 77img on tape. I liked all those old movies. market whose work you would recommend? THE RAM: What was your favorite then? KING: Sure. In the field [of horror] Clive And now? Barker I'd recommend. As far as mystery stories KING: I guess the answer would vary. I'm go, I'd say Jonathan Valin, the guy who writes i |l, 4*-»"# t * t %', \\ ••'. /iV'iV< V 12/Thursday, December 3, 1987/7HE RAM

continued from page 6 asked for a comment, she downed a chunk of Broadway later this week," she said. "Why a Swiss, raised her glass and said singing mime? Well, (his way when my "Sliniyasasas." moods sway from good to bad, 1 don't have John Paradise, sports editor, is passing Poverty to say anything at all." up on his last year of eligibility to embark on Tina, however, will leave her sister, a career as a rap musician. Known as "Love" continued from page 9 Toula, behind for another round as business to his friends, Paradise has inked a contract manager. with Fresh Records, and looks to cut his first in his ignorance. The Liberal, by passing the buck to "It got to the point where this place rap within weeks. an impersonal institution, such as government or wasn'l big enough for the both of us," Toula "I'm just a home-boy from the sticks, capitalism, is inherently hypocritical. I wonder when said, "How could I leave The Uam? Last I'm not gonna do rap just for kicks, I'm was the last time Teddy Kennedy worked in a soup year 1 couldn't even cash a check, but today I looking to grab me some dopey chicks," kitchen or tutored a poor Hispanic student in AM The Ram. If I left, they'd be messed up Paradisecliimed. mathematics. BIG TIME!!!" As Paradise sang his own tune, the rest And I guess this leads me to my point. I hope the Yolanda Ochoa has recently embarked of the editors triumphantly left the print shop message, now so compelling to me, is equally apparent on a new marketing campaign in which she early Thursday morning singing "Happy to the reader: the responsibility is ours, individually will sell wine and cheese together. When days are here again, the skies are...." and collectively. It's our fault that American society has become so polarized. We are the ones who have allowed the American ideal of individulism to be distorted into mass apathy and materialism; the ideal March6toApril23,1988* of social mobility to destroy our strong familial tradition; the ideal of freedom to turn into moral relativism and freedom from responsibility. We have permitted the deterioration of our neighborhoods and our schools. We've allowed our children to become less and less literate, our minority groups to become BERMUDA more and more culturally isolated, our children's teachers to not give a damn about our kids' education. It's our fault that 40 percent of New York City's children are presently living in poverty. If children are, indeed, the future, then the future COLLEGE WEEKS of America is a very precarious one. There is nothing more sad and disturbing than looking into the eyes of a hungry child — whether that child is white, black, or Hispanic, it makes no difference. In every child can be found the personification of hope, the promise of a beautiful life, the potential for success, the elements of our future. In every child can be found our greatest responsibility. So, where do we start? By acknowledging our common humanity. By breaking down this artificial barrier separating Us from Them. By realizing that distinctions based on wealth or class can never separate us from our humanness — the one ingredient which we all possess in equal amounts. Once we learn that the value of Norman's life, or that of Senator Moynihan's, is no greater than that of the welfare mother or her three children, everything else will flow naturally from there. Our love of humanity will thus enable us to put our individual wealth — including our talents — into the service of others. I believe that Norman understood this principle very well. It's Thanksgiving Day as I write this piece. In the background of my thoughts, 1 can hear the buzzing of the electric knife my Father uses to carve the turkey; the clinking of the dishes and glasses as my sister sets the table; my mother's voice rallying all the relatives to the dinner table. Today, of all days, I feel depressed and broken-hearted. My thoughts travel back to Monday night, when a group of students from the Hunger Coalition and I distributed Thanksgiving food baskets to about 20 families in the Bronx; rather I think about the thousands of families that we. did not reach that day, and how they, would be celebrating Thanksgiving today. John, living sure is easier with eyes closed... As the doors to the D-train slide shut and the train begins to exit the 34th Street station, 1 make my way up the stairs to the main terminal. Above, the piercing When you breakawa; noise of incoming and outgoing trains, I hear music, soft at first, but steadily growing louder. In the do it with style. distance, I see a young black man playing electric keyboards. Surrounding him is a vast crowd Your College Week in Bermuda is more than just (Do remember to keep left!) representing a typical cross-section of America: a few sun, sand and surf. It's jogging on quiet country roads—including men and women in business suits carrying brief cases, Right from the first outrageous "College Basil" an early morning 2-k "Fun Run" from Horseshoe a construction worker, a police officer, several at Elbow Beach, it's a week of unrelenting pleasure. Bay. It's exploring the treasures in our international mothers and their children — some in strollers, some Spectacular .seaside buffet luncheons. A calypso shops, playing golf on eight great courses, and running around freely — an elderly couple, some and limbo festival like none other. Smashing dance- tennis on over 100 island-wide courts. college students, a Vietnam vet in a wheelchair. til-you-drop beach parties, featuring Bermuda's top But most of all, it's the feeling you get on a tiny, Standing back and looking down onto this scene, rock, steel and calypso bands. Even a "Party Cruise." flower-bedecked island, separated from everywhere I see the promise of America. The young black man is All compliments of the Bermuda Department and everything by 600 miles of sea. singing: ofTourism. This year, break away with style. See your Cam- And when the broken hearted people Bermuda is all of this—and much, much more. pus Travel Representative or Travel Agent for details.' Living in the world agree, It's touring the island on our breezy mopeds. •College Weeks packages not available week of April 10-16. There will be an answer, Let it be. For though they may be parted REDMAN SPORT & TRAVEL There is still a chance that they will see 208 West 260th Street There will be an answer, P.O. Box 1322, Riverdale,NY 10471 Let it be. 1 (800) 237-7465 I think the answer Paul is looking for lies within In N.Y State call collect: each of us. (212) 796-6646 Tom DiLenge, USG Vice President for Communications, is a former executive editor of the Ram. ''THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/13

Slow Start for Lady Rams Football continued from page 16

By DAWN CONRY Fordham's foul trouble, shooting 19-for-27 Fordham's defense gave up 148 yards The Lady Rams tipped off their season for 70 percent from the line in the second on the ground to Wagner which was about on a high note with an exhibition victory over half. the same amount that the offense gained Canada's McGill, but they were quickly Bucknell, which returned all of its (150). Wagner committed only one turnover returned to reality in the Seton Hall starters from last year's 18-11 squad, was led which was Jerry Kehm's record breaking in- tournament, by Jennifer Walz' 26 points, which included terception, number 11, and a Fordham team Coach Lou Kern's squad turned in a 11 -of-12 from the line. The Lady Rams were record as well, but that was on the first play strong performance all around in soundly led by Jeanine Radice, who bounced back from scrimmage and had little effect on the defeating McGill — a team it had lost to by from her sub-par performance against Seton outcome. two points last year — by a score of 82-66. Hall with a career high 34 points, including 3- Another bright spot for the Rams was The Lady Rams did not fare so well, for-3 shooting from three-point range. These the running of junior fullback Rodney however, when they travelled to Seton Hall were Radice's first ever three-pointers, with Knight. The 5'11" 2051b back from over the Thanksgiving break. this being the first year of the new rule. Brooklyn, NY gained about 2/3 of For- Seton Hall, a tough Big East squad, gave Transfer Kathy Going also had a strong dham's rushing yards on the day (99). the Lady Rams little to be thankful for, game, scoring 13 points, as did Beth Kelly, "We're still learning. We're building, with 12 points and seven rebounds. crushing them, 63-49. The Pirates were led by They were a big awesome team. The holes the scoring of forward Debbie Hartnett, who Overall, Kern was disappointed with the were there. They were just stronger on the notched 22 points on 11-for-17 shooting. two losses, having gone into the tournament line. We're a young team." Knight Lady Rams coach Kern attributed the loss to expecting a split. He emphasized that he is explained. a lack of consistent offense. not discouraged, however, and that the team He is right — they are young. Finally, He noted: "We were just unable to is still far ahead of where it was last year at after three weeks of splendid play, quarter- move well with the ball." this time. Kern feels that the problems back Dave Olsakowski acted like what he As a whole, the team shot only 37 experienced over the weekend at Seton Hall is, a freshman. Put into a tough situation, percent from the floor. Standout guard have been ironed'out in practice, and is he managed only to complete nine passes on Jeanine Radice scored "only" 13 points, a looking forward to posting one in the "W" the afternoon. column against Columbia on Thursday. career low for her. A bright spot, however, "We knew they had a freshman was the performance of junior Lara Also on tap for the squad is this quarterback and we wanted to force them Matsalla, who scored 12 points while pulling weekend's Lady Ram Classic '87, the first to throw," Wagner coach Hameline said. down eight rebounds. Kern was also satisfied tournament hosted by any Fordham There is the biggest difference in the with the team's defensive performance, basketball team. The Lady Rams open on game. Fordham only passed for 83 yards especially in the second half, where it kept Saturday against Drexel, a team which posted while Wagner and Kovar passed for 212, the team to within one point of the Pirates. a 20-7 mark in winning the ECC last year, but and Olsakowski threw two more passes than fell to Fordham, 72-69. The tournament will In the consolation game against Kovar. Bucknell, the Fordham offense finally also include Georgia Tech and Virginia Commenwealth, two strong southern teams. ' 'I'm proud of my team. We're young clicked, but a second half defensive letdown and our youth showed up a little bit. We'll produced a 93-86 loss. The Lady Rams led It will be an opportunity to see good hoops for a good cause, as all profits will be be back," Glueck proclaimed. 44-38 at the half, but were unable to hold on Hameline, the six year head coach of and win as they allowed 55 second half donated to providing Christmas meals and gifts to New York's poor. Wagner, was impressed. points. Bucknell was able to capitalize on Beth Kelly "They're a young team. What they have accomplished as a young football team has been great."

Swimmers Kick Into Gear Basketball continued from page 16

By MICHAEL O'NEILL cond year here at Fordham, does not see a pro- Corborsario's hope for success lies in the but- efforts of Fordham in defeat. Fordham's men and women's swimming blem with this, however. terfly and freestyle events. For the women, "We didn't beat them, we survived team gained a stroke of confidence as they head "Because swimming is more individually freshman Rhonda O'Neal's presence has already them," an enthusiastic Cluesa said. "I am into the National Catholic Championships by out- oriented than most other sports, being young is been felt as she broke the school record for the going to be rooting for Fordham, and they distancing NYU in a meet held last Tuesday. The not necessarily a problem. Once the freshmen 200 meter breaststroke when she competed are going to end up in some tournament victory upped the women's mark to an impresive get some experience under their belts, they can against Army. somewhere." 4-1 while the men hope the " W " sets them back be just as good as the seniors." Returning once again this year for the men Chiesa and just about everyone in the on their winning ways as their record now stands and women are Kelly Connaghan and house was impressed with the play of at 2-3. Previously, on the 21st of November, both Peter Blunck. Connaghan, the cornerstone of the Fordham's 6-10 sophomore center, Dan the men and the women fell to Army at West women's program, was named last year's O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan took it to the Friars Point. Along with NYU, the women have Outstanding Swimmer at the MAAC champion- for 18 points and 11 rebounds. registered wins over Rutgers, Fairfield and "Winning isn't nec- ships. So far this season, she has been perform- "I wish I had him on my team," Chiesa Lehigh, with the men also having defeated ing up to her high standards and has been flir- said. MAAC rival, Fairfield. cessarily the aspect at ting with many school records. Most of which O'Sullivan's efforts were aided by those The National Catholic Championships, held are hers already. Blunck, voted Fordham's of Parrotta, who also grabbed 11 boards at Notre Dame from December 3-5 will pit For- this point. Building a Outstanding Swimmer last year as a freshman. while scoring 12 points. Greg Pedro had 17 dham against some of the nation's finest swim- is regarded as the mainstay of the team, Accor- points, with four three-pointers, while Joe ming schools, with institutions such as Villanova solid program is, ding to Galluzzi, it is important to the team that Paterno chipped in with 15 points and five and Notre Dame participating. The idea of a Na- his success last season be duplicated. Co-captain rebounds. tional Catholic Championship was the brainchild though Vm definitely Chuck Bruno and junior Jimmy Inglefield round Macarchuk was pleased with the play of of Fordham's own coach Don Galluzzi. Galluz- out the veterans and are expected to hold down his team, but acknowledged it was zi conceived the idea as a way of getting two not against winning. the sprint events. Providence's swarming press which hurt the seasons out of his athletes. Whatever Fordham may have in talent, it Rams. "With a competition such as the NCC's we We are only going does lack in depth. The men only have one diver "We shot well and we rebounded well," give the athletes a first semester focal point. In in their program and lack a backstroker. This has Macarchuk said. "Their pressure...for seven a sense, they actually have two seasons, the first to be improved as been a real problem in competing with other minutes it doesn't bother you, but then for 30 culminating with the NCC's and the second schools and might partly explain their mediocre seconds it is steal, basket, steal, basket, and semester finishing with the MAA.Cs and final- our freshmen are record. Because of this coach Galluzzi is quick then you have problems." ly the Eastern Championships," Galluzzi to point out the discrepancy between the men's Macarchuk also pointed to the team's commented. and women's record. lethargic foul shooting as a factor in the loss. good." In the second half, the Rams shot only 7-for- Galluzzi is hopeful in his outlook of the "The men are at least as good as the women. 12 from the line, and 64 percent for the team's chances. Our lack of depth, though, has really hurt us," game. "We are obviously going to try to finish as Galluzzi commented. "We lost the game because we didn't high as possible. It would be thrilling to come The chances of improving on last year' s shoot the ball from the foul line," he said. back as national champions but the importance Two freshman who look to have an im- record does not faze Galluzzi, "We missed critical free throws." is to build confidence in the swimmers, the pro- mediate 'impact on the team are Michael Balsano "Winning isn't necessarily the aspect at this Saturday night, Parrotta and Paterno gram and the school." and Mark Corborsio, both of whom were point. Building a solid program is, though I'm recruited out of Archbishop Molloy. Along with both scored 11 points, with Parrotta With the exception of a few, talented up- definitely not against winning. We lire only go- the individual medley, Balsano is expected to ex- grabbing nine rebounds against a rebuilding perclassmen, the Rams are primarily a very ing to be improved as our freshmen are good," cel in the 100 and 200 nieter brcaststroke while Northeastern squad. young, inexperienced team. Galluzzi, in his se- he concluded. 14/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM

they are also characterized by is a reputation for being staying in it. Lastly, here are just two more reasons for schools for the rich, elitist attitudes, high tuition and staying where we are: Sports Illustrated in September ridiculous admissions policies. Does Fordham really said that Div. I-AA schools are averaging $500,000 Football want to be known as this or as they are now—a school worth of yearly losses. Also, in his nationally syndicated where many people of diverse ethnic and socio- column of Friday, Nov. 20, well known sports writer continued from page 10 economic backgrounds can get a good education while Jerry Izenburg states, "Urban schools have a hell of not paying a high tuition costs as the or a time recruiting football players in large numbers...and football, First of all, we are getting much local media having to go through incredible (but not that easy) ad- if the city is New York, well, Fordham and St. John's coverage by having the great season that we are. For- missions competition. do not field Div I teams. NYU, once a national power, dham is getting good attention from both local TV and To sum up, I think paraphrasing Frank McLaughlin doesn't even play the game anymore." The column newspapers. In addition, our regular season games could will help me get across my points. He said that if the basically said that Division I (and Div I-AA because be seen on Long Island cable and our playoff game team remains Div. Ill that costs will only increase with the column was about Columbia U) football is a losing against Hofstra was shown on Sportschannel. Our Divi- the cost of living. He then said that if they move up proposition in New York City. And if we don't win sion III games are against big rivals of ours like Iona the budget will increase drastically. But, he said, this we won't get these donations or the exposure our AD and St. John's. The Colonial Leaguebecause the teams would increase Fordham's exposure, which would in- talked about. are all at least 4 hours away from each other, will not crease support and contributions. I disagree with this John O'ConneM be able to have these rivalries in which Fordham fans saying. We are achieving that exposure by winning in Fordham Alumnus can attend "away" games, and they will also create Division III and that this will not change much by go- additional travel expenditures due to these distances. ing up to Div I-AA. As for McLaughlin's other point Now, Coach Glueck has talked about a local game bet- that the Colonial League is based on integrity and ween Fordham and Columbia, but can anyone really honesty—isn't Fordham alreadyknown for that? And get excited about this? That is like asking Yankee fans as to his piont that we will be playing good schools, to get excited about a game with the Sealtle Mariners! aren't we already playing good schools with the likes Come on Coach, give us a break! Frank McLaughlin of Hofstra, Merchant Marine and Albany State? Also, talks about occasionally playing Ivy League teams in Mr. McLaughlin is the president of the Liberty non -league play as "enhancing" Fordham's reputa- Conference—how would our running away from these tion while associating with these schools. Now, the Ivy teams affect our relationships with these schools? Divi- League schools are all good academically, but what sion III is good and we are achieving many things by Call your mummy AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY8 Get a checkup. Life is worth it.


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ATTENTION: Behind trie walls, college student seeks correspondence from mature understanding Individuals. The world l» a lonely place without a (rlend. I'm Irish, 27,6T\ 180 lbs. I «n|oy motorcycl- ing, camping, awlmmlng, traveling and meeting new people. Ser- ving three yeara for Burglary. Due to be released in mid- AT&T November. Enjoy seeing people smile? Then drip me a line. Your photo gets mine. Write to: Chuck Nichols The right choice. 79-B-1610 Box 149 Attica, New York 14011 THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/15 Lady Harriers Finish Fast

By HENRY HERBERMAN 19:35. Fordharn's Women's Cross Country The girls' highly successful season squad wrapped up an outstanding fall season includes overall team victories in four wi *<• November 14, finishing 13 from a field of 55 championship meets: the MAAC, the teams at the Eastern College Championships. Metropolitan, the CTC, and the LaSalle This 5000 meter race (3.1 miles) was held at Invitational. Radice is clearly the top runner and involved all the top on the team individually winning three of the teams from the eastern part of the United championships and finishing second in the States, including perennial powerhouses other. Shea points out that team captain Villanova, Yale, and Penn State. The Lady Kelly Gallivan was also a big factor in the Rams placed 7 in the region II standings team success. "She has really been a leader made up of 35 teams. Their overall thirteenth on this team and she's proved to be very place finish in combined regions I and II was reliable. (Kelly) is a very important part of a big improvement from last year this team's success." twenty-sixth place. In their past two meets of the fall Although head coach . Sue Shea's goal season, the LaSalle Invitational and the was for her team to finish in the top 10 she Eastern College championships, Fordham's was still very pleased. "We established top five girls all finished in under 19 minutes. ourselves as one of the top teams in the east. The team has improved tremendously over its All the girls ran great. My goal was very high. last several seasons and this accomplishment Realistically we placed where we should appears to be an indication that it will have," she said. continue to do so. Junior Jeanine Radice was the top Fordham finisher in thirteenth overall place "I am really excited because recruits are with a time of 17:51. Radice, a tremendous looking more to come to Fordham than other athlete, who attends Fordham on a full schools," said Shea, admitting that the scholarship for basketball, missed qualifying team's recent success has also boosted her for the national tournament by three places. recruiting potential. Shea called this "a really big After what could hardly be considered accomplishment. She has run great all year." as time off the girls begin their indoor season Four other juniors finished in places 2 Saturday at Manhattan. Then on December through 5 for the Rams: Patti Nelson, 18:35; 11 they will host a tournament of 20 area Maureen Paonessa, 18:37; Kelly Gallivan, teams at the Lombardi Center. Although 18:45; and Erin O'Connell, 18:56. Although coach Susan Shea is attempting to upgrade only the top five girls score team points, two her team's schedule, considering that this other Fordham girls ran this race as well. squad's top five runners are all juniors, and Freshman Nancy Gunning finished with a at the present time running at some very fast time of 19:02, a personal best for her, and paces, the victories should continue to add senior Kelly Brown finished with a time of up. Rams Reach Full Stride

By HENRY HERBERMAN Junior Pat Lavery was the first Fordham After perhaps their best team race in runner to cross the finish line with a time of years, the Collegiate Track Conference 32:07. He finished 16 in district I and placed (CTC) Championships two weeks earlier, 34 in the combined districts I and II. Because Fordham's Men's Cross Country team ended the NCAA takes only the top 14 finishers their fall season finishing in the middle of a from district I, Lavery came in a highly competitive 1C4A tournament field on heartbreaking two places shy of individually November 14. The Rams finished ahead of 35 qualifying. Sophomore Sandy Sabatino, other schools but still failed to qualify for junior Juan Collado, sophomore Tim Condon, and Artie Ferreira, a senior, were the other four runners to score for the Rams, finishing in that order. In the CTC championships held at Van Cortland Park, Fordham took second place • behind LaSalle. Lavery won third place individually with a time of 25:24. As in the it IC4A, Collado, Sabatino, Condon, and During the summer it Ferreira rounded out Fordham's top five. Brad Kelly, a senior, and freshman Jeff didn't look like we Bohnsack are the only two other racers on this squad. In both the IC4A and the CTC would be strong at all. they were the 6 and 7 Ram finishers respectively. I think we surprised a This Fordham team had its best season in quite some time. Lavery who is a co- lot of people. It was a captain along with Artie Ferreira discussed his opinion of the team's success. "During very satisfying season the summer it didn't look like we would be strong at all. I think we surprised a lot of for me." people. It was a very satisfying season for me. Mr. Dewey (the coach) told us it was his best season ever and he has been coaching at Fordham for a long time."

The Rams expect to continue their success through the winter and spring seasons. Their indoor racing begins on advancement to the NCAA Regional Saturday at . On the Championships. Dartmouth was the overall following Friday they are involved in another ' winner of this 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) race. CTC meet at Fordham. Rams Ousted From Playoffs Wagner Rolls, 21-0; Fordham Finishes 10-2 By JOE CUOZZO Midnight finally struck tor Cinderella, DB Kenny Torres recorded &m «f F«r