Nonprofit oig. 00 Bronx, New York Permit No. 7608 Court Byrne-ing Up The Ram The editorial board of Volume 69 of The Upholds Ram is pleased to announce that Diane Byrne, FC'89, will take over the reigns of The Ram as editor-in-chief of Volume 70. Impeachment The soft-spoken, reserved native of Westbury, Long Island was shocked at the announcement. "Oh, I'm just so surprised." ByNICKKATSORIS Byrne said, barely audible above the din of The Student Court ruled that the U2's "Where the Street's Have No Name," impeachment of Art Maluschat, CBA'88, a blasting in the print shop. "And Bono is just senior class president of the College of going to be so thrilled for me," said the pint- Business Administration, was valid by a sized Napoleanesque editor. vote of 5-4 on Monday night. The diminutive empress in chief vowed Matuschat, who was elected class that she would not re-name The Ram "Ms. president in the USG elections last Spring, Ram", treat the natives in the print shop to was served with three charges by Christina hours on end of WLIR, or stretch production D'Agostin, CBA'88, executive president of into a week-long affair, despite her usual CBA, These charges included failure to attend a meeting on September 29 at which pace. ammendments to the Constitution were Mary O'Neill, The Ram's newly- approved, failure to meet with D'Agostin on crowned Executive Editor, has taken on a September 30 to discuss his performance as rather boastful attitude since she got news of president and failure to meet with Dr. Joseph her appointment. Renouned for her grammar McGowan, vice president for student affairs and punctuation, O'Neill also prides herself and dean of students, on October 5 to discuss on spelling and lately she's been bragging Senior Week. about all the spelling bees she won in grammar school. In her application for the Matuschat was impeached on October position, Mary made several references to the 22 by a vote of 18-1 at a CBA government "O'Neill Dynasty," that era from third to meeting. sixth grade when nobody could match vowels "When it came to being a firm leader • and consonants with her. and taking initiative, he didn't follow "After I take over, there will never be through," D'Agostin said. "I feel justice was another typo in The Ram," O'Neill said done. This has taken a lot of time and effort proudly. to decide something that was decided a Newly appointed Co-Executive Editor, month ago at a CBA meeting.'' Amy Sivco, could not be reached for Matuschat, however, felt that the comment due to the fact that she was proceedings were unfair. kidnapped by a band of wild gypsies. When "They did not consider all the important last seen, Amy was wandering up Fordham points. We can't let this go. There's Road in search of a front-page story. definitely doubt here on all charges." According to suite-mate Mary For example, Matuschat contested that O'Neill,"These weird-looking people the meeting with D'Agostin on September 30 knocked her over the head, and threw her on was never specified as an.official meeting and the back of a camel as she cried, 'You can't therefore is not a valid charge. do this to me...I'm going to miss The Ram Matuschat said he is undecided as to banquet.'" , whether he will cany his impeachment any continued on page 6 further, but according to Joe Yannuzzi, FC'88, and member of the student court, "no administrator could reverse the outcome or findings." Interview With the Great Pumpkin It was somewhere in the traffic outside Boston's Logan Airport that my friend and 1 dreamed up the wild scheme of visiting our Inside: literary hero Stephen King. Looking back, I sincerely doubt, that Halloween a year ago, had a full moon, but we did go and wander throughout a cold, chilly Maine looking for his Aleksandrs Rozens house. We eventually did find it, but the man wasn't home. This year, we pulled the same stunt and had the same bad luck. 1 was beginning to realize how Charlie Brown and Sally felt when, after an entire night of waiting, the Great Pum- pkin failed to show up. This year, however, I did bring a mini-tape recorder with a question- naire sheet and a request that Stephen King talk his answers into the recorder. The trip was not i altogether senseless, for two,weeks ago, I receiv- continucd on page 11 2/Thursday, December 3, 1987/THE RAM •*yCA ^^ ^s*r B^*s~ ^/ — ^^ CALENDA^v^— ^^--^ ^^-^ ^v^— ^— ^^/^ ^^ ^s>^ ^v^ R^» ^ )AY ATURDAY 1ECEMBER4 ^DECEMBER 5 8:00 Mimes & Mummers— 12 & 2:00 Lady Rams "Importance of Being Earnest B-Ball Tourney (H)7:30 8:00 Mimes & Mummers - "Importance of Being Earnest" JUNDAY DECEMBER 6 [ONDAY No career plans yet? Stop by CP&P Dealy218. DECEMBER 4 & 6:00 Lady Rams B-Ball LAST DAY OF CLASSES^ Tourney (H) Concerts: Reggae Party with 3:00 Fordham Chorus Christmas TUESDAY MOJA NYA 9pm Ramskellar Concert: Amahl and the DECEMBER 8 $5 Admission Night Visitors READING DAY 5:00 Womens B-Ball vs. Yale (H) Fordham Christmas Tree Lighting £Mass-7:30 Church; -Ceremony 8:30 Keating Steps (WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9 THURSDAY READING DAY DECEMBER 10 7:30 B-Ball vs. St. John's (H) IftEADING DAY . CINEVENTS: "A Christmas Sto & "Scrooge" 8:30 Ktg 1st FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 Which do you use the most for activity information FINAL EXAMS BEGIN on campus? Creative Programming Night FINE ARTS: Dizzy Gillespie —The Ram calendar 8pm Ballroom $6 w/ID $7 without —McGinley Lobby Calendar —Biweekly handouts —Walsh calendar -FM Hall calendar —The Hotline Return questionnaire to URDAY student activities center. DECEMBER 12 7:30 B-Ball vs. LaSalle (H) If you have an event you would Student Intercampus Winter like published in the CAB Wonderland Dance rONDAY Calendar $15 Tickets ^DECEMBER 14 Call 579-2341 FINAL EXAMS. A 'Wi '* T ' i •'> THE RAM/Thursday, December 3, 1987/3 Students Residential Life To Aid Keys Security By AMY S1VCO Peterson said that students concern was make a change," Peterson said. Due to student concern about security in a priority in their decision. Students have conflicting views about Prphanage the dormitory the Office of Residential L.ile "Students felt uncomfortable with the the decision to take the master keys av?ay will assume the responsibility of handing out system...We have been more aware of our from the workers. master keys to Ogden-Allied cleaning security systems and on a continual basis workers, according to Lisa Peterson, analyzed them. At this point we are ready to continued on page 10 By MARYELLEN MILON assistant dean of students for residential life. In the past, Ogden-Allied supervisors v group of fifteen Fordham students have held the master keys and were responsible for jn selected by Campus Ministry to work at distributing them to the cleaning workers. < ncho San Juan Bosco orphanage in Tecate Under the new system, which will be v :xico January 5 through 15. These volunteers implemented December 11, the master keys <. il be raising money to finance their trip and will be signed out at the Office of Residential' i buy buildings, called Rancho Paloma, located Life each morning and returned when no • <t to the orphanage. If enough money is rais- longer needed. Two supervisors of Ogden- . , Rancho Paloma will be renovated by the Allied will be the only ones with the authority 'dints to provide additional housing and to have these master keys, which will be held ! issroom facilities for the overcrowded in a safe in the Residential Life Office, This ' Dhanage. system forces a supervisor to be with the Director of Campus Ministry Paul Brant ap- cleaning person to unlock any student's •< inted Coordinator of Community Service Todd rooms, if necessary. Previously, the cleaning \ jller to choose two Fordham students to persons received master keys from their Y :eive $425 as a contribution toward the cosi Ogden-Allied supervisors and returned them >i their airfare to Mexico. Ray Brescia, coor- at the end of each day. i i'ator of the Community Garden Program, and "A more effective safety system for us is v.'i Maria Ferraro, coordinator of the Studen to keep the keys ourselves," Peterson .' > ilition Against Hunger, were selected as red- said,"It isn't anything specific but we really •Kiits of the awards. According to Waller tried to focus in on weak points in security in ii '• scia and Ferraro were chosen on the basis of the Residential Life System...I don't suspect icir leadership qualities and dedication to com- any cleaning or Ogden-Allied workers for the nunity service in the South Bronx. The dona- misuse of keys." ion comes from alms collected at the masses dur- In September two cleaning men sub- ng Parent's weekend. contracted by the Ogden-Allied Cleaning Service were suspected of burglary in New Hall, but neither has been convicted. ...the goal of the project is to have students gain a global Angels Fight Crime perspective of the By LESLIE A. FISHER Four members of the New York City needs of the under- Chapter of the Guardian Angels visited the Rose Hill campus Tuesday, November 25, to privileged, whether address students about their organization. The lecture was sponsored by Academia they are in the Bronx Hispana. According to Willie ("Swan"), the main or Mexico.
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